These typically only take around 30 seconds
Really? Project CARS took like 45 mins before I could play everything...
Oh well, will just have to wait and see tonight.
edit: Ah thanks people!
These typically only take around 30 seconds
But I think .. everytime you respec, you lose all your ability points you got from places of power. Dont know if we can get them again afterwards.
Thanks.I will definitely be looking for it.
Is there any other way to see the weak against besides the small icons in the bestiary I see the small bottle with some purple/blue stuff in am I suppose to know what that is...again,like the first 2 games,the inventory menu is awful.
I haveIn the end, he took her in and was going to take her to a healer. Seems like that was the end of it.
Any tips on fighting werewolves? I have no bestiary entry, and the one in dealing with right now constantly regens health.
How broken is this for the PS4 without the day 1 patch? My game arrived today and my internet has just gone kaput and EE are quoting 2 days before an engineer can come out and have a look :-(
Any tips on fighting werewolves? I have no bestiary entry, and the one in dealing with right now constantly regens health.
Comments after yesterday:
2. The guide is basically a necessity for me. They're nice enough to mark points of interest in the map but some quests don't appear until you're close enough in the map.
I was exploring when the message "you reached the world's end. Turn back." showed up. Now this is what i call an immersion breaker. They could've come up with a better idea.
You don't lose skillpoints gained from Places of Power;
It's cool, small, trip to past :b
How do I download the first pieces of free DLC?
I guess they had to do this
The only other way is stupid invisible walls or Skyrims method of insane and implausible mountains you cant cross
There arent really any other ways to stop people exploring outside the bounds of the map
I mean in Borderlands 1 and 2 if you leave the map perimeter massive laser towers instakill you
What platform?
They are only available on the xbox marketplace as of right now afaik.
How do I download the first pieces of free DLC?
3. Does exp for side missions get better? When my next mission is level 5 and the next is level 7 and I'm halfway through level 3 something is wrong. Side missions are giving me like 50 exp max on normal. I still need 1000 at a time to level up.
Pc players...using kbm or controller?
Went through tutorial section with kbm and it felt a little weird
Just got the game and was going to start it up but before i can start the game it asks me if i want to simulate a witcher 2 save.
I,ve never played a witcher game before so "no" seems the obvious answer but at the same time i do not want to miss out on any events.
Sooo can anyone help me make this decision? Will i miss alot if i choose no? Will i be confused if i pick Yes?
Help me out Gaf.
Just got the game and was going to start it up but before i can start the game it asks me if i want to simulate a witcher 2 save.
I,ve never played a witcher game before so "no" seems the obvious answer but at the same time i do not want to miss out on any events.
Sooo can anyone help me make this decision? Will i miss alot if i choose no? Will i be confused if i pick Yes?
Help me out Gaf.
Pc players...using kbm or controller?
Went through tutorial section with kbm and it felt a little weird
Just got the game and was going to start it up but before i can start the game it asks me if i want to simulate a witcher 2 save.
I,ve never played a witcher game before so "no" seems the obvious answer but at the same time i do not want to miss out on any events.
Sooo can anyone help me make this decision? Will i miss alot if i choose no? Will i be confused if i pick Yes?
Help me out Gaf.
Pc players...using kbm or controller?
Went through tutorial section with kbm and it felt a little weird
IT's 2:30 PM here, game still isn't unlocked on GOG Galaxy....
I thought I tried the game without Fraps running and the Steam overlay STILL didn't work.
Disabling the Steam overlay for Witcher 3 and running Fraps works fine together though, and allows shift-clicking properly for strong attacks.
I wish, but I don't know of a way.
Haven't found a way on PC at least. Several people have mentioned the small font sizes.
Lol @ repair costs.
Man, my gear is really ugly.
I have some yoga pants, Bill Cosby's sweater and a pair of metal oven mittens on right now.
Yeah, unfortunately, there's just no really good way to handle this stuff that doesn't break immersion. I'd rather the world look the way they want, rather than having to put mountains or deep ocean in the way, and just have a "turn around" message.
Man, my gear is really ugly.
I have some yoga pants, Bill Cosby's sweater and a pair of metal oven mittens on right now.
Why does Geralt sound like Solid Snake its kinda funny to me every time he talks.
Press and hold down middle mouse button to aim and release for fire.
Tap to quick fire and locked target.
Did peoplefind that hidden room in Palace?
Yep, you can. There is special potion for resetting skills.
Really good, at least in the beginning.