The underwater controls are game breaking in my opinion. Probably the worst I've ever experienced.
I agree - just horrible.
The underwater controls are game breaking in my opinion. Probably the worst I've ever experienced.
Damn, people beat the game already, and I've only left White Orchard today.
At this pace, I'm not sure if I can finish the game by the end of June.
Looking for a low spoiler answer.
Early Game spoiler question:
Just got the assignment to find ciri and several regions opened up. I just turned level 4 and did all white orchard quests I could find up until that point.
Where do I now go? Do I go back to white orchard, to velen (as I am prompted by the game) or somewhere else entirely? Is there low level content in all areas?
Probably seems obviously but some miss, colour code your mutations with what talents you have, you get a bonus.
What, you can do that? FUCK
The underwater controls are game breaking in my opinion. Probably the worst I've ever experienced.
Looking for a low spoiler answer.
Early Game spoiler question:
Just got the assignment to find ciri and several regions opened up. I just turned level 4 and did all white orchard quests I could find up until that point.
Where do I now go? Do I go back to white orchard, to velen (as I am prompted by the game) or somewhere else entirely? Is there low level content in all areas?
You go toyou will get destroyed everywhere else. There's plenty to do there, trust me.Velen
The progression is pretty well controlled by the main story missions. Just follow the main story missions and divert off them to do quests. But watch out for the 'Red Skull' icon. It means a mission or enemy is too high level for you.
The only three main areas are White Orchard, Velen and Skellige. Velen is gigantic. Once you reach Velen, you're free to go almost anywhere in the world. Even Skellige Isles if you want. But they are tough, like set for a level 24 character minimum.
Velen is the early game area. White Orchard is just the tutorial basically.
How do people miss all this stuff, though? You get a tutorial pop-up explaining exactly this right after you get your first mutagen. Unless you just mash through those or have turned them off, in which case you have only yourself to blame.
Yup! My conscience wouldn't allow me to walk away without talking to him first.
Question regarding the start of Velen
Did anybody else tell the Baron's men 'I am a witcher' and they backed off, only to draw their swords after I finished talking to the innkeep. It confused me, but I didn't refrain from chopping them up on the spot. Only to hear their buddies outside get curious and the innkeep being all afraid and ratting me out lol.
Ran around white orchard a bit until I got a warning that too strong enemies will destroy me.
A LOT of question asked in this thread is all answered in game. People just don't read tutorials it seems. It's fine, we're all here to help each other but I'm surprised how many asking basic questions.
The underwater controls are game breaking in my opinion. Probably the worst I've ever experienced.
Forever questing bffs
Novigrad is stunning. That this huge city exists, looks gorgeous, populated, with buildings and stores, the entire city and its interiors enterable seamlessly from the open world, is quite an achievement.
Early Novigrad question, post your first main quest there:where's Triss? She mentioned she has a place near the fishing port or something, but I cant find it.
just be really aggressive, she is slow to turn around, so if you manage to attack her from behind just keep pummelling her, of course dodging when she manages to turn back. then when she does her trick, just sweep her clones fast and repeat the process.. you should be able to outpace her healingIt's part of theLadies of the Wood Quest
What's killing me is it's regenerative abilities.
I can whittle it down, but it just keeps refilling it's life back up.
I was OCD with the Orchard. I went through every single possible thing available on the map and then went back around to make sure I didn't miss anything. Off to the next place.
Can anyone help me with
a person in distress? The cage is right next to the Redanian border post island and I can't find the keyThere's a couple of bandits on horseback around the cage, but none of those guys have the cage key.
did you getI was OCD with the Orchard. I went through every single possible thing available on the map and then went back around to make sure I didn't miss anything. Off to the next place.
I've heard there's a second major city in the gameOxenfurt
How is it ? Is it as big/comparable with Novigrad ?
Just look at the map, it's the 2nd largest one. Maybe 1/3 the size of Novigrad.
did you getthe chest under the waterfall and yes's crystal crow skull?![]()
I'm at work so I can't check
Does it feel decently big ? Or is it tiny ?
Can anyone help me with a person in distress? The cage is right next to the Redanian border post island and I can't find the keyThere's a couple of bandits on horseback around the cage, but none of those guys have the cage key.
Novigrad is stunning. That this huge city exists, looks gorgeous, populated, with buildings and stores, the entire city and its interiors enterable seamlessly from the open world, is quite an achievement.
Early Novigrad question, post your first main quest there:where's Triss? She mentioned she has a place near the fishing port or something, but I cant find it.
don't remember.. nothing unmissable though.. I think it was just some good smithing materialsI did get #2, but not #1. Anything good? Can always go back for it I suppose.
I ventured there a bit and was pretty stunned. That shit is crazy.Novigrad really is the BEST city in a game I have ever experienced. Has anyone managed to re-create this early screen/promo shot yet? (wondering if it is possible to get up on those roofs with the ladder and the guy repairing his roof tiles?):
Okay so I'm slowly coming round to understanding how to play the game properly.
Preparing before a battle and saving frequently being the two main takeaways.
Also just realised I had two unspent ability points, it wasn't very clear I hadn't used them until I realised what the icon stood for. And levelling up the magic definitely helps, as does using thing like oils and potions for temporary buffs.
Definitely finding the side quests more enjoyable still, easier to digest I think.
The controls are a constant struggle however in battle. One on one is fine, but when being attacked by a group of wraiths for example, it's difficult to roll away sometimes without taking some fatal hits.
keys are usually on a corpse or in a nearby chest, leave him locked in there and look around the camp
I did that yesterday and didnt find the key either.
although I am pretty sure there were more bandits there when I first went to that camp.
now 20 hours later they probably died of old age and the key is gone for good
Seems to be a glitch. Many are reporting the same issue. It affected me as well.I looked around and checked everything lootable without luck. No key and no other bandits to kill. Usually there's a leader around who carries the key, but not here. Crap![]()