The Inventor
Member my crossbow bugged? I switched for a better one and when pressing RB ( default button), nothing happens. Same if I switch back to the first one.
I have a few questions regarding hairstyles.
1. If I just choose a hairstyle and leave my beard alone, will it continue to grow?
2. Is there an option to shave my beard and have it re-grow? or only other beard options that don't change?
3. I'm assuming there is an option to go back to default?
No I'm on PS4 like I said but I imagine that the lag is coming from frames dropping at times. That would be rectified by the PC.
When I say responsiveness I mean the time between pressing the button on the controller to your character actually doing something. Its known as input lag
No I'm on PS4 like I said but I imagine that the lag is coming from frames dropping at times. That would be rectified by the PC.
When I say responsiveness I mean the time between pressing the button on the controller to your character actually doing something. Its known as input lag
with all the time and work you can tell that they put into the game, geralt's movement just often feels like jank to me.
it bugs me in games when there are animations that cant be interrupted. like i'll be running towards my horse and imagine myself gracefully hopping on and then riding towards the sunset. nope i need to wait for geralt to do his little intertia skid before i can press X to interact. they could probably easily fix this by only doing that if you're on a full on sprint. versus you currently having to move your stick like you're playing a stealth game to make sure that geralt isn't sliding around all over the place when you're just walking through a field picking up herbs.
do pc users have this issue and if so, does 1.03 help at all?
Are you talking about the
1) Lag from you pressing a button to Geralt starting to do something
2) Lag from you pressing a button to outcome of intended action
Yeah I know, input lag. I still didnt get what you meant by taking advantage of the Eviorement
I'm enjoying it quite a bit but it's not in the same stratosphere as Bloodborne in my eyes. Combat and movement are my biggest areas of contention, and it would be enough for me to swear off the game completely if it weren't for the phenomenal quests. Seriously, if the quests weren't so incredibly well written, I would have sworn off the game in the first two or three hours. Other problems I have are Geralt's awful VO, quests that focus on using Witcher senses, and the repetitive environments. Witcher 3 has the same problem most open world games have in that they try to cram so many features in that none of them have the polish they deserve and thus, none of them are all that fun.looks like everyone is enjoying this game. would you guys say this game is so far game of the year?
Is Normal difficulty the "Story and Sword" one?
Probably. Get used to rolling or dodging twice in a row, especially against bigger monsters. Not sure if there's any i-frames in dodging here.
The density of the forests is incredible.
Console or PC?
Anyone know how to get the doors with the yellow around it in witcher sense to open?
PS4Console or PC?
I really loved this quest, The Baron is such a great character. I managed to get the 'good' ending for it and he lived and took Anna to a healer to try and fix her mind as such. He was horrible towards her once upon a time but I think he genuinely had changed. He was good to Ciri too and I thought that showed he wasn't all bad.
Also, try changing up fast/Heavy attack.Reading through Twitter and the thread, seen a number of people say they're not enjoying the combat. For those who don't, just wanted to chime in on how I approach it and I've been having a lot of fun:
-Be patient
-Know each enemy's weaknesses
-Don't get greedy and spam sword attacks, hit one strike, two strikes then back away
-Remember that dodging doesn't use stamina while rolling does
-Dodge smaller enemies to get quick hits in, rolling moves you too far away
-Roll away from larger enemies that have a long reach or large AOE attacks
-Use signs liberally
-Don't be afraid to experiment with signs, axii is good for getting quick hits in then backing away
-Run from a battle if odds are stacked against you, nothing wrong with that
-Don't be afraid to liberally use consumables to regain health while fighting
This is pretty much how I've bee playing and I've been having a blast.
Played a bit today, I reached lv2 and trying all ? in White Orchard.
Looks like console.
Use the force push sign.
still look phenomenal!
Oh yeahI forgot about that scene, how odd was that?
Cdpr is working on a patch to fix the text sIze in the game. Not sure when's t will be released though.So I'm going to guess there is no way to make the item text easier to read?
I am at the point of picking choices from The Witcher 2. What choices are the best to use for The Witcher 3? It's been awhile since I played The Witcher 2, I only vaguely remember the game.
I have been killing drowners all day and still haven't seen any brains, what's going on? I need them for a side quest.
where can I rest on blood and bones difficulty? I don't want to keep eating food to heal if I'm not in battle.
I'm having a hard time not letting go of my safety blanket, Quen, to try out the other spells more regularly in combat.
where can I rest on blood and bones difficulty? I don't want to keep eating food to heal if I'm not in battle.
Your early in the game but later there are environmental things you can take advantage of.
Exploding barrels, Gas pockets.
To use them effectively means positioning yourself out of the blast radius while getting the enemy in that radius.
Because the general movement and targeting is so bad taking advantage of these "traps" is a huge pain.