act II, but you don't get to have a heart to heart with her until early Act III.
Also fyi when you reach Kaer Morhen (Late Act I/early Act II spoiler)it'll be mentioned that Yen did something. Inspect what she did to get an item you can give to Triss for an extra dialogue option
do you meanthe bed yen tossed out the window? is it out on the ground somewhere? how do you even get to Geralt's bedroom, or the room you started the game in?
Lambert questDid you guys kill Karadin or spare him? I felt like he was lying, Hammond talks about Geralt "interrupting their business", and his letter just says I don't want to do business with you, but it was signed Karadin and not his fake name.
Spared him. Even if he was lying, killing him wouldn't achieve anything.
Spared him. Even if he was lying, killing him wouldn't achieve anything.
Lambert questDid you guys kill Karadin or spare him? I felt like he was lying, Hammond talks about Geralt "interrupting their business", and his letter just says I don't want to do business with you, but it was signed Karadin and not his fake name.
Stopping his slave trade? :\
THINK OF THE CHILREN! I wasn't going to murder the dude in front of his family.
Also fyi when you reach Kaer Morhen (Late Act I/early Act II spoiler)it'll be mentioned that Yen did something. Inspect what she did to get an item you can give to Triss for an extra dialogue option
How the hell do you not fail? Cleaver's goons all just run in and die in 2 hits.Gangs of Novigrad
lol I totally forgot about that little detail.He seemed fishy but I believed him.
I did. At the first moment it was announced. Same with the base game.Soooo, who has gone and bought the season/expansion pass?
I think I might pull the trigger on it, first time doing something like that for me.
So, I'm still not that far in the game, but I've heard things.
Regarding the Witcher 2. Is there any reason in retrospect toAs it seems so far that Radovid had him killed no matter what?Spare Henselt? I let Roche kill his ass and was happy about it.
Also I read that the Roche path is seemingly considered to be the "canon" path, since supposedlyCharacters from the Iorveth path do not appear
That part is fine by me since I only played the Roche path and felt satisfied with how it played out.
DLC quest was cute. Short but sweet. Book callout too I think.
So, I'm still not that far in the game, but I've heard things.
Regarding the Witcher 2. Is there any reason in retrospect toAs it seems so far that Radovid had him killed no matter what?Spare Henselt? I let Roche kill his ass and was happy about it.
Also I read that the Roche path is seemingly considered to be the "canon" path, since supposedlyCharacters from the Iorveth path do not appear at all, and none of the events of that path are supposedly mentioned
That part is fine by me since I only played the Roche path and felt satisfied with how it played out.
Yeah, that's sort of why I stuck with Roche. His path was all about finding the killers of Foltest which led them to Kaedwen and Henselt/Dethmold who turned out to be less than helpful and then betrayed us. So I was more than happy to follow Roche to get his revenge, and then double it in Loc Muine.Roche's path felt more canon too because the story focuses on Foltest. Iorveth's path is more about Philipa and new plots other than what started the story.
Lambert questDid you guys kill Karadin or spare him? I felt like he was lying, Hammond talks about Geralt "interrupting their business", and his letter just says I don't want to do business with you, but it was signed Karadin and not his fake name.
Haha I remember that part. It is so strange to roam inside Kaer Morhen, it looks so familiar with the first game. I remember the cauldron where I brewed my first potion. Pretty much everything.Started up the first game and its kind of interesting seeing everything after finishing the trilogy
In case anyone is wondering why Yen threw out that perfectly goodbed
Finally beat the game at 199 hours
And the Wolven Glade is such a serene and lush area. Just stumbled on it as the sun was rising, and when the music stopped playing I thought something was about to happen, but then....nothing. Just the wind.
Village of Lurtch in VelenWhere is the Fool's Gold quest located?
Where is the Fool's Gold quest located?
Lambert questDid you guys kill Karadin or spare him? I felt like he was lying, Hammond talks about Geralt "interrupting their business", and his letter just says I don't want to do business with you, but it was signed Karadin and not his fake name.
Need help guys.
Count Reuven's Treeasure
I ran out of those antidotes Reuven gave me. How can I get some ?
Shoutouts to skillautopsn on twitch for this moment.
Count Reuven's Treasure spoilerDamn it felt satisfying razing that Witch Hunter place to the ground.
Village of Lurtch in Velen
Lurtch, in Velen.
I set that in motion within seconds of walking in lol.Witch Hunter slapped Triss and I was all, "You know what? I really don't care if literally every other person in this building dies. So fuck it."
I set that in motion within seconds of walking in lol.Witch Hunter slapped Triss and I was all, "You know what? I really don't care if literally every other person in this building dies. So fuck it."
Shoutouts to skillautopsn on twitch for this moment.