Jay Shadow
Yeah, it came out a day or two ago.Does anyone know if Xbox has gotten the 1.04 patch yet?
Yeah, it came out a day or two ago.Does anyone know if Xbox has gotten the 1.04 patch yet?
Does anyone know if Xbox has gotten the 1.04 patch yet?
I am addicted to Gwent help me guys.
I am addicted to Gwent help me guys.
After spending countless hours running around completing quests in Novigrad it feels so good to be back out in the wilderness.
I lost my interest in Gwent after the high stakes tournament in Novigrad. It's what happens when you crush your competitors and there's no one left to challenge you.
I thought you only get cards from buying it via merchants and playing special characters. 90 hours in and I just found out you'll also get cards from everyone you can play Gwent with. I only play the special characters and already won the. Now I'm fast travelling around trying to find anyone who plays Gwent :/High Stake tournament
So I am Geralt, bad ass Witcher, but a weakling.
And my biggest priority in existence is finding Yennifer, but I have no problem helping an old lady out with her pan.
Someone halp
1. Best place to sell trophies?
If you'd read my post again then you can tell that I am still early on in the game, I am sure this improves later but that will be more due to the fact that you've been playing the game longer and as is with every game you just horde stuff over time. My criticism is that the game seems to (atleast as of yet) expects you to go out of your way to spend a lot of time picking stuff. It should either lessen the amount of materials required, or just streamline the types of materials required. Sure preparation is a very important aspect of the Witcher games but there are few issues here:
1) You don't exactly know where to find what all the time, especially when it comes to things like flowers which you can identify when you look at them directly but apart from that there's no way to tell if you'd find say, Fool's Parsley around the area you are in and the only way to find it would be to just wander around aimlessly until you get it. In FC4 for example (which admittedly is very very streamlined compared to this and I don't want it to be that simple) the leaves are marked in colour so you know what's what and where.
2) There are just too many different kind of ingredients and materials to collect, in my opinion an ideal amount should be one where you can recall most of the ingredients by name or symbol. I've played Witcher games so much and till date I've never been able to remember half of the materials/ingredients used in the game. Slightly streamlining this aspect wouldn't be bad and it won't necessarily hurt the preparation aspect of the game in any way (if you think it will then I'd like to know how).
And I stress again that these are not really complaints but just nuisances, it would be better if there is less of a time sink in secondary mechanics. And these are based on my early impressions and it might change later.
There's a merchant (alchemist) who'll buy your trophies at high prices just outside Novigrad.
I want to visit Triss again but she isnt marked on the map. Where is she?
Lurch in VelenWhere is the new dlc quest? Thought it would be a notice board quest, but I don't see anything.
Where do you purchase the DLC armour? And is the Horse armour max stats in terms of encumbrance and stamina?
Thanks.Lurch in Velen
Just finished the (mid-ish game spoilers?)battle at Kaer Morhen. That was epic as hell. Loved seeing all the people I brought work together and do their things. So what does Dijkstra do/affect if you get him to help? Totally seemed like a missed opportunity to toss in Iorveth and Saskia though =P. Could've used a dragon.
Where is the new dlc quest? Thought it would be a notice board quest, but I don't see anything.
He can't fight. Hence he sends coin in his stead. Sizable amount too.
I've never been able to get him to join, is there a way of actuallyand getting him on-side?finding his gold
From the quatermaster in Crow's Perch. He's right across from the armorers. Don't know if the horse's stuff are max stats though. They were an improvement over what I had, but I forgot the numbers sorry.
You get Menge to tell you it's in a vault somewhere and get the key after you kill him. Then he does the rest.
stumbled on some quest that required her
My current saddles give me 160 total inventory, and 50 stamina. How does that compare?
I am addicted to Gwent help me guys.
The end of act 2 was a hell of a ride. Honestly felt like the end of the game already. Glad that it's not over yet though!
Considering my next mission is called "Final Preparations" I suppose I should go mop up the remaining few side quests I have left. How much main story do I have left at this point?
I think I'm the only one here who hasn't touched went outside of the 1st tutorial. And I'm on my second playthrough.
100? I thought 70 was the max. Both inventory and stamina.100 weight saddlebag is the max in this game I think.
And for racing, I currently have a 55 stamina master-crafted saddle. Probably the highest?
160 is way higher than any dlc saddlebag. Is that the upgraded 100 saddle?
100? I thought 70 was the max. Both inventory and stamina.
Yeah, for me the real meat of the game is Witcher contracts and treasure hunts.I haven't touched it either. Monsters to kill, nature to explore, horses to get stuck on nothing, etc.
I think I'm the only one here who hasn't touched went outside of the 1st tutorial. And I'm on my second playthrough.
(romance spoilers)Destroyed Yen's heart. No regrets.
When does the red head beauty come back into the fold?
100? I thought 70 was the max. Both inventory and stamina.
Yeap. Truth be told I've got it more than once in and around Novigrad.
Yeah, your weight total should be 130 right now. You can get up to 160 total.
It's 100 I think, haven't seen anything higher than that. 100 for inventory you can buy from. Haven't got the 100 stamina saddle. I guess it's in the racing quest, but meh.the merchant in the King of Beggars territory in Novigrad
Where did you get it? I have been stuck with the 70 for a while 30 extra pounds would make a big difference for me.
(romance spoilers)Destroyed Yen's heart. No regrets.
When does the red head beauty come back into the fold?
Cool, I found that item after, uh, inspecting said other item.act II, but you don't get to have a heart to heart with her until early Act III.
Also fyi when you reach Kaer Morhen (Late Act I/early Act II spoiler)it'll be mentioned that Yen did something. Inspect what she did to get an item you can give to Triss for an extra dialogue option
Cool, I found that item after, uh, inspecting said other item.
is great. Getting the need to just run through the story now. You can do all the side quests stuff after you beat the game right?Kaer Morhen