What platform did you guys experience this bug on?
What platform did you guys experience this bug on?
New Game+ may be announced today as the final DLC.
Man, why would you make the text bigger everywhere but the level up screen?
It's been in the referenced in the config files from the start. But they probably needed as much time as possible to tune it. I imagine if it still wasn't going to be ready they would have come up with some other DLC and held off to release it another time.What a tease. I have wondered if they originally planned the NG+ as a future patch and since all the expectation and feedback they decided to make it the final DLC hence the recent single DLC per week releases to extend development/testing.
I'm confused.
After putting over 70 hours into the game I still hadn't met Letho so I checked where he's supposed to be and it turns out the game isn't acknowledging he's alive.
I'm positive that he's alive in the TW2 save I imported.
I considered the possibility that the save import didn't work but Geralt has the tattoo from getting drunk with the blue stripes.
This is really weird. The way the game handles save importing is actually pretty shitty, it should give you info regarding the choices in the save you're using but there's no way to check. I'm sure Letho should be there though.
Unless you do a certain side quest you can miss him.
I completed the quest ages ago.
Just imagine how mush work this will take. They will basically have to do two different versions of the paid DLC as well.
I'm just worried about skills in new game plus now. The limit as of now is that you can only use 12 skills at a time, so more points means very little. You could do another 100 hour playthrough with zero changes to your build, so the sense of leveling up and getting stronger would be gone. Do you think they'd add more slots? 15? 18? I guess that could work if the difficulty is a good deal higher to balance that.
Yeah that's a good question, maybe if not more active skill slots, they could add changeable skill sets, like on the fly you can switch between a heavy build or a light build.
NG+ next and last free dlc on the way
Yeah that's a good question, maybe if not more active skill slots, they could add changeable skill sets, like on the fly you can switch between a heavy build or a light build.
Yeah that's a good question, maybe if not more active skill slots, they could add changeable skill sets, like on the fly you can switch between a heavy build or a light build.
This game is officially my Game of the year.
When you did that quest it gave you the wraiths? If it did, then as far as the game is concerned Letho is dead.
Nevermind. Seems you have to do them in succession; had to do a lot of fast traveling to White Orchard and back to Devil's Pit.Been trying to get the Enemy of my Enemy trophy. Haven't exactly been keeping count, but it feels like I'm well past 20 enemies now. Do you have to do them in succession? Does the count reset if you load up a prior save?
And is this the same for the Marksman trophy?
I've exhausted every point of interest in the game. I think the only place I haven't looked around in is the Berserker's lair in Skellige, and I doubt any of those diagrams are to be found there.Weird. Just about done with my second run through the game, and I still haven't gotten the diagrams for Superior Northern Wind, Superior Spectre, Draconid, Vampire, and Cursed Oils.
Not that I need them at this point, but I was trying to get everything this time around.
Question, is there as specific level differential for your actual level in regards to the Mission level/enemies level?, in other words if Im level 12, what is the highest leveled mission and enemy I can do without been 2 or 3 shot by the enemies in said mission? I have some side quests and contracts that Im leveled like 4 or 5 levels bellow that I would want to do.
If you are at most five levels under the recommended level and the mission is displayed in green, you should be good.
That quest is broken for everybody in 1.07.I have a bug in Skellige's Most Wanted... after defeating the enemy he gets stuck in an animation loop. The quest is never completed: :|
That quest is broken for everybody in 1.07.
Fuck the Master Marksman trophy.
I suppose you guys know to do it at Devil's Pit, making use of the invisible wall at the gate, and also that the screen shakes when you get a headshot, right? Axii (primary, NOT secondary obviously) and the skill that slows down time when you aim the crossbow are must haves.Yeah, I hear it's a pain. :/
I've got Lightning Reflexes and Axii upgraded, hope that helps.
I thought it was only the XBone version that saw a performance decrease with 1.07, and that the issue with the PS4 version was that there was zero improvement after they'd claimed that there would be. The main issues with 1.07 are broken quests and certain major trophies that no longer work.GAF I am on the fence here.... I am still in 1.05 (PS4) and havent updated to 1.07 due to the performance downgrade in terms of framerate, introduced with the latest patch.
Besides DF's face off, are there no other comparisons between 1.05 and 1.07 builds? DF was kinda disheartening about how significant the hit in framerate was. But I want to see more, because it might be rare, but DF have effed up in the past.
Would love to hear opinions from people who are sensitive to framerate issues as I am. Is it that bad with 1.07? Is stuttering increased? (was almost eliminated with 1.05).