
Welcome To The Official 2021 Microsoft Xbox + Bethesda E3 Showcase Thread!
Time: 10:00 AM PT / 1:00 PM ET / 6:00 PM BST
Length: 90 minutes

Now Live Streaming
Live Streams:
- Xbox Stream and Social Media links
- Official Xbox E3 Stream
- Official Xbox Twitch Stream
- E3 Official Twitch Stream
- IGN Stream
- Gamespot Stream
What's anticipated/rumored?
The Elder scrolls 6
New Banjo
Forza Motorsport 8
Updates for Fallout 76
Sega Exclusive
More info on Everwild
Forza Horizon 5
Perfect Dark
Killer Instinct sequel
New MechAssault
Indiana Jones
New Saints Row day one on gamepass
Battlefield 2042
Hellblade 2
Back4Blood day one on gamepass
New games added to Xbox backwards compatibility
And (rumored) a new acquisition or acquisitions announcement adding to Xbox's portfolio of studios.
Halo Infinite is expected to show off gameplay and notable improvements from the last live demo. It's one of the most highly anticipated games of the show!
Will it impress or disappoint? Vote here:

Predictions: Will Halo Infinite impress or disappoint at E3?
Microsoft will have multiple headliners at E3 but Halo Infinite is the game everyone's been waiting for that still believe in 343. There are no more delays, it will come out this year as it is shown at E3, so what you see is what you get. No more time to polish things up, no more time to refine...
(Poll closes when the show starts)
With the new Xbox Series X out, this is Microsoft's big chance to show off some exciting games and to build hype for the brand. It's also a big chance to show off games that take advantage of Xbox Series X's powerful hardware.
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