So I'm assuming that CP is purposely on short supply earlier on?
Swwwweeeeet. Free copy come to me!!!The first. It has a whole set of hundreds of collectible cards.
Is this game worth getting even if I know nothing about Final Fantasy? The only one I've played is the first one but I liked the demo and rhythm games like this in general, and I was wondering if I'll still enjoy this game even though all the songs will be new to me or whether it's heavily dependant on nostalgia for the series.
This kind of artwork needs to be used in more 2D Squaresoft RPGs. Much better than using faux-16 bit.
So you're saying you don't want stages based on Open Your Heart, Crisis City, or Ice Cap Zone.... :/Theatrhythm Megaten is the only other series that makes as much sense as Final Fantasy due to the vast number of musical genres they encompass. A Theatrhythm Dragon Quest, for example, would get boring real quick.
If you're really into the rhythm genre and are attuned to stuff like EBA, you can get into this rather easily. You just won't have the nostalgia factor to go with it, which is generally the game's biggest draw. The harder challenge stages are for people who are used to the rhythm genre, but you'll have to clear the series stages first (which are generally pretty easy).OMG Aero said:Is this game worth getting even if I know nothing about Final Fantasy? The only one I've played is the first one but I liked the demo and rhythm games like this in general, and I was wondering if I'll still enjoy this game even though all the songs will be new to me or whether it's heavily dependant on nostalgia for the series.
Theatrhythm Smash Bros. first.Theatrhythm Megaten is way enticing now. You know what to do, Atlus.
So you're saying you don't want stages based on Open Your Heart, Crisis City, or Ice Cap Zone.... :/
I don't see anything particularly innovative or fresh about this game. Even the RPG elements are clearly tacked on.This game is so, so good. Square-Enix can still whip out a fresh, new experience when they feel like it, which is not often these days.
A Megaten version would be godly, but what are the chances of it happening? I can see Atlus being open to the idea, but SE not so much.Theatrhythm Megaten is the only other series that makes as much sense as Final Fantasy due to the vast number of musical genres they encompass. A Theatrhythm Dragon Quest, for example, would get boring real quick.
This game is so, so good. Square-Enix can still whip out a fresh, new experience when they feel like it, which is not often these days.
I love FFXI's soundtrack, especially for the storyline sequences. I wish this game had more of XI's music.So FFXI has way better music than I thought. Very cool stuff.
Is this game worth getting even if I know nothing about Final Fantasy? The only one I've played is the first one but I liked the demo and rhythm games like this in general, and I was wondering if I'll still enjoy this game even though all the songs will be new to me or whether it's heavily dependant on nostalgia for the series.
No different than any Final Fantasy ever. :VEh, there is something specifically lifeless and samey about all of the faces.
indieszero made the game?
In terms of collectables or in a crossover kind of way?
If it's the first, I'll be playing it for a lllllooooooooooooong time.
I played FFXI for 5 or 6 years. The Vana'Diel march made me want to sign in again. Fucking great.
I'm pretty sure the creative mind(s) behind this game are still from Square Enix. The development was just outsourced to indiezero, but Square Enix people were still involved with the development. Kind of like with the Dragon Quest series.Well, that explains it. Way to kill my goodwill toward Square yet again.
Looks like I need to grind out this first Dark Note I got. And the BMS I need to beat is from FFXII. Killing a Judge gives me the shards needed for Locke. BRING IT!
The easiest way to unlock characters, that I can tell, is to play Dark Notes until you find one that drops the shard color you want, then just grind that same Dark Note out.
of course I had to buy a defective game the day I go on vacation
Sometimes this happens to me, I know it sounds silly, but did you blow into the cart slot?
Also, your screens look like ass, get some microfiber up in that joint.
Tried reseating cart, reseating sd card, restarting 3ds, turning wifi on and off, deleting stuff on SD card, blowing on card and slot.
Screen happens right after "now saving" on boot, icon shows up just fine on home menu
Tried reseating cart, reseating sd card, restarting 3ds, turning wifi on and off, deleting stuff on SD card, blowing on card and slot.
Screen happens right after "now saving" on boot, icon shows up just fine on home menu
RE:R boots fine, so not a console thing.
Oh damn you all for hyping me up. A crap ton of games in my backlog, but I just couldn't resist this afternoon when they had one left with a stylus...
After unequiping everything, I find it's better to go naked!
The songs aren't really that hard that you need your skills to beat them, and that bonus at the end is awesome!
still gotta wait to call on ebgames for that goddamn stylus...claw hand!!!
Skills are definitely useful for Dark Notes. With the right stuff equipped I can beat two bosses in the same battle scene (= two crystals).
What level are you that you're doing this?
I love FFXI's soundtrack, especially for the storyline sequences. I wish this game had more of XI's music.
Here's a great song from a pretty epic cutscene with Fenrir taking out some armies
Um like 45-50ish. I can't check right now.
Corrupt save file? Can it be erased?
Can't get to menu to check, tried holding ABXY and ABXYLR on boot. Same as always - "now saving" with chocobo -> error