Regulus Tera
Romanes Eunt Domus
I can do every swiping motion perfectly except the Up one. I keep flicking on that and it keeps on not registering and oh god why oh why did i chose to tackle dancing mad on ultimate my body is not ready yet
*13 Serah's my girl
*54 His rival is Bartz
I can do every swiping motion perfectly except the Up one. I keep flicking on that and it keeps on not registering and oh god why oh why did i chose to tackle dancing mad on ultimate my body is not ready yet
This one is "Serah's sister".
"Bartz's rival"
Yep, that works.27 is Son of Richard using that logic.
Two more
02 - Wild Rose
35 - Zantetsuken
*33 Old Man Thunder
*60 Annoying Octopus Guy
Judgment Bolt
80# is Earth Shaker.
Card #80 has two working passwords, weird.
Card #80 has two working passwords, weird.
I think the level means how many copies you have of the card. I have three #80s, and now it's Lv. 3. (I have two of some other cards, and now they are Lv. 2.)one of them is level 3, could be a password for each level.
Dark Knight*04 Light from Darkness
Junior Member?
Seriously, eff these swipes, they're worse than the hit detection on some Osu thingies
Currently at 9093rm. So far, 7 trophies.
Squall is level 40 and the other 3 are level 37.
Once you get 4 copies of a card, it becomes a Holofoil.
Yes, that's how I got it. I don't know if you can get multiples of the same card in-game.Does that apply with password input cards as well?
Yes, that's how I got it. I don't know if you can get multiples of the same card in-game.