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There are currently more than 25 games in development for PS5 at PlayStation Studios.


I gotta say.. i own a xss and ps4 pro, i prefer PlayStation I'm not gonna lie... But even as a PS fan i refuse to care about anything until it's announced and we're seeing gameplay videos.

Big reason why i don't care about any upcoming xbox games teehee (with obvious exceptions like infinite)
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I gotta say.. i own a xss and ps4 pro, i prefer PlayStation I'm not gonna lie... But even as a PS fan i refuse to care about anything until it's announced and we're seeing gameplay videos.

Big reason why i don't care about any upcoming xbox games teehee (with obvious exceptions like infinite)
I think Xbox is not necessary anymore. Their upcoming games are going to be awesome but playstation+Steam deck with Gamepass will be the best combo. Love couch gaming.


Schrier. Later confirmed by Sony who said bend is now working on a new IP.
I hear a time machine may have also been involved.
Also, I wouldn't be surprised if their next game is a new IP in the same way that Days Gone was considered as a new IP.
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Writes a lot, says very little
The lack of Japanese games and RPGs is kinda scary, Sony is slowly giving up on what made Playstation strong exciting and powerful.

I disagree greatly. You simply want that to be the fucking case, you don't have anything objective to support any of that. It would be like me wanting The Getaway 3 and saying some fucking shit like "giving up on what made Playstation STONG and POWERFUL" lol That series didn't do shit compared to other IP, yet I'm going to use that game as an example to illustrate several things.

The game moved less then 2 million (even that might be debatable as I haven't seen anything beyond the figure of 1.26 million), but for it to outsell SoTC and still rank number 7, sell bellow 2 million...with that many fucking delays, nahhhhhhh SSFOX, that isn't powerful, that isn't something that if no longer being made would some how make them weak vs strong etc.

Those simply are not strong or powerful numbers my guy, nothing that would be some requirement to stay afloat.

The Getaway in comparison moved 4 million units and this is 4 million PS2 days 4 million lol Yet the sequel moved less units and 3 was ultimately cancelled. This is business fox, this is how this works. They kept lots of those Japanese games alive LONGER then The Getaway series, they tried....thats all you can really ask and I'd argue they kept those concepts going longer then I feel they really needed to. Several publishers already move more units on PS with several IP, Yakuza, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Persona etc. It means they already have that user base buying PS primarily, thus making any game in those genres is sorta pointless, they already have a strong base there.

Dark Cloud, Rouge Galaxy, Wild Arms, White Knight Chronicles and many more might be classics and I don't disagree with that notion, but I disagree with the argument that they were "strong" or "powerful", i see no evidence of that and just the opposite.

So they have a good amount of games in the past to really show what the community really wants and I believe they are wise to invest more in Team Asobi as they are showing results. You are more so asking for a wish sir, you are not really giving anything valid to argue those are powerful or strong concepts that Sony needs or something, I don't see anything to support that.

I too want some old shit lol I want The Getaway 3. They already love open world design, have some solid teams that can do it wonders and can drive a dark narrative with drug trafficking, the concept has solid numbers to support it existing, but even then I get why Sony doesn't do a 3rd title.

The market is also saturated with those types of games, they already move the most of 3rd party games of that concept etc. I don't just go out and post shit like "strong and powerful" as if The Getaway made Playstation exist lol



Writes a lot, says very little
I hope one is a good RPG with interesting world and a game like Path of exile or Diablo, it's shame that we dont have more games from that genre.

I'm saying, so much room in the isometric RPG genre I'm surprised they have not done one.

Imho its low risk, its not something they have to really worry about flopping as I feel lots of gamers are open to those RPGs, I feel confident they can move enough units to justify it existing and then some. They have to know the moves MS has made in that market will take away from what once was 3rd party stuff. It might just be Pillars Of Eternity and Wasteland, but those were MASSIVE rpgs for that genre, granted we still have Diablo, Divinity Sin, Baldur's Gate etc, the chunk of isometric RPGs now that won't be 3rd party should be enough for Sony to consider making one to fill that void or something.

Such a underutilized genre.


Days Gone ... was ... a new IP.

Bend are making a new IP currently.
It was and it wasn’t. Days Gone is technically a sequel to Syphon Filter as it is all part of the same world and continues on from the events of the final game, while also being classed as a new IP. The new game they are making might also follow this route with the story that was setup at the end of Days Gone.
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kyliethicc kyliethicc
I gather you never played the game.
Spoilers within:
The virus that made the freakers has the codename: “Syphon Filter”, even the characters from the series are listed within classified documents found within Days Gone. Eg.



I'm prepared for all of the hateful messages I'm going to get but I am just not really excited for much of Sony'w current offerings at all because they are no longer a real publisher of AAA or AA Japanese games nor is the PS5 anything like the PS1/PS2 in terms of Japanese output from Sony or from 3rd parties.

It would be fantastic if they could become one again but I don't see that happening because the current executives just don't seem to care about that region very much I guess although I'd love to be wrong about that. It really sucks to be in the minority but at least I have the other Japanese 3rd party publishers games to look forward to.


Based on Nintendo's theorem of 1st party output...factor in the 4K requirements...carry the cinematics...cubed...carry the 1...

One can reasonably expect 8 first party games over the next five years.


I disagree greatly. You simply want that to be the fucking case, you don't have anything objective to support any of that. It would be like me wanting The Getaway 3 and saying some fucking shit like "giving up on what made Playstation STONG and POWERFUL" lol That series didn't do shit compared to other IP, yet I'm going to use that game as an example to illustrate several things.

The game moved less then 2 million (even that might be debatable as I haven't seen anything beyond the figure of 1.26 million), but for it to outsell SoTC and still rank number 7, sell bellow 2 million...with that many fucking delays, nahhhhhhh SSFOX, that isn't powerful, that isn't something that if no longer being made would some how make them weak vs strong etc.

Those simply are not strong or powerful numbers my guy, nothing that would be some requirement to stay afloat.

The Getaway in comparison moved 4 million units and this is 4 million PS2 days 4 million lol Yet the sequel moved less units and 3 was ultimately cancelled. This is business fox, this is how this works. They kept lots of those Japanese games alive LONGER then The Getaway series, they tried....thats all you can really ask and I'd argue they kept those concepts going longer then I feel they really needed to. Several publishers already move more units on PS with several IP, Yakuza, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Persona etc. It means they already have that user base buying PS primarily, thus making any game in those genres is sorta pointless, they already have a strong base there.

Dark Cloud, Rouge Galaxy, Wild Arms, White Knight Chronicles and many more might be classics and I don't disagree with that notion, but I disagree with the argument that they were "strong" or "powerful", i see no evidence of that and just the opposite.

So they have a good amount of games in the past to really show what the community really wants and I believe they are wise to invest more in Team Asobi as they are showing results. You are more so asking for a wish sir, you are not really giving anything valid to argue those are powerful or strong concepts that Sony needs or something, I don't see anything to support that.

I too want some old shit lol I want The Getaway 3. They already love open world design, have some solid teams that can do it wonders and can drive a dark narrative with drug trafficking, the concept has solid numbers to support it existing, but even then I get why Sony doesn't do a 3rd title.

The market is also saturated with those types of games, they already move the most of 3rd party games of that concept etc. I don't just go out and post shit like "strong and powerful" as if The Getaway made Playstation exist lol

Tekken, GT, MGS, FF, DQ, DMC, Ico, SOTC, Demon Souls, Haunting Ground, Project Zero and so on is what made Playstation. Not stuffs like Deathloop or some Marvel.

Of course there were also non japanese games like Tomb Raider, Crash or the legendary God Of War games that started on PS2, but for the most part Japanese games is what made me love Playstation over other plateforms like Xbox and Nintendo (Nintendo had a lot of japanese games, but those weren't the japanese games of my taste), i can't care less about some Shooters ala Deathloop or some Marvel sh1t, i mean i enjoyed Spiderman but it's not even in my top 10 games on PS4.
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Astral Dog

I'm prepared for all of the hateful messages I'm going to get but I am just not really excited for much of Sony'w current offerings at all because they are no longer a real publisher of AAA or AA Japanese games nor is the PS5 anything like the PS1/PS2 in terms of Japanese output from Sony or from 3rd parties.

It would be fantastic if they could become one again but I don't see that happening because the current executives just don't seem to care about that region very much I guess although I'd love to be wrong about that. It really sucks to be in the minority but at least I have the other Japanese 3rd party publishers games to look forward to.
They care, but only about a few, namely Final Fantasy,Resident Evil, Persona 5,FROM i guess.

those are not always associated with Sony but they put in the money to stay exclusive or pay for marketing, thats why fanboys still asking SEGA for Persona 5 Switch even if its clear by now PlayStation has the rights

The thing is Sony didn't had to do anything since last gen competition was so weak they had all japanese companies not Nintendo on their feet, now its different
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Writes a lot, says very little
Tekken, GT, MGS, FF, DQ, DMC, Ico, SOTC, Demon Souls, Haunting Ground, Project Zero and so on is what made Playstation. Not stuffs like Deathloop or some Marvel.

smh stop.

Why did you include a shit ton of 3rd party shit as if that is what we are talking about? The fucking article is about games SONY has under development and your original comment was about Sony's titles, not 3rd party titles.

Number 2, EVEN if we are to entertain 3rd party titles that have helped PS in terms of identity, Spiderman series even back in the PS1 days would be included sir.

Number 3, at 20 fucking million units, Spiderman on PS4 would be a thing that would make Playstation....Playstation lol Its a Spiderman title, a series that has been on PS since PS1, it moved monster units as in MANY fucking PS fans wanted it and bought it...I don't know what to tell you man. Its like you are trying to fucking argue ONLY what you like makes Playstation, Playstation and nothing objective in terms of anything measurable. I like the games you mention too, but this isn't about what you or I like, its about a real objective number that we can at least level with it see what is important to Playstation and its hard to argue 20 million units of Spiderman isn't important or something lol

20 million say otherwise Fox.

You going to need to get over that man....

but for the most part Japanese games is what made me love Playstation

and? When the majority disagree and don't buy PS for those reasons, this becomes a completely irrelevant topic. I can fucking state Frogger is what made me "love" PS..., its irrelevant to any of this, its why I even stated I keep my personal likes away from the topic at hand to allow for something more levelheaded to be addressed vs fanboying over some fucking IP, you don't think I like Wild Arms or Xenosaga or The Getaway or Ico? I fucking love many odd IP, but what I don't fucking do is go around and use that personal like as some argument that Sony MUST do this or that, even when I do, its based on a real factor that makes sense for both parties ie myself and the business in general.

I might love both Ico and The Getaway, but The Getaway makes more sense to revive as it sold more, the genre has a massive market (maybe saturated even which might make them question even doing this at all lol) and it would make sense to reboot, revive etc, but I'd say that even if I personally didn't like The Getaway.

I'm making that comment based on what I see moving units in the industry, not based on what I personally love 100% or something.

Be like "SIREN MAKES Playstation, I LOVE it" and or "Wild Arms MAKES PLayStaTion" lol Make it make sense first, I get you and I both love many IP, but for fuck sakes...make it actually logically make sense vs some wild fanfiction wish or something. We need a bit more then "is what made me love Playstation" as I don't think that shit is enough to disregard 20 million people buying Spiderman and making it fucking sound like THAT isn't Playstation because uuuuu maddd lol come on Fox, be fucking reasonable here man.

i enjoyed Spiderman but it's not even in my top 10 games on PS4

THIS, this is what I fucking mean. Stop trying to add that to any of this. I get its not in your top 10, we can talk about that all day and I have nothing against your view, you are free to feel that way......stop doing it in a topic talking about what is best for the business.... this isn't about what you or I like, its about what factually fucking moves units and works and what is needed, not "not even in my top 10" and its a fucking game that moved 20 million.

Why on earth would I EVER listen to that if I owned a business sir? Oh don't support the IP that moved 20 million, its not in Fox's top 10? Do you hear how odd that shit sounds? You are right to have such a view, leave it out of a business topic in terms of what can work for PS, its why you see me separate that from what i post often, its not like the games you listed I don't own or don't like or something, I own everything you listed, it doesn't mean I feel they fit in todays market for the publisher though, I need to go with what makes sense, not what is in my obsecure top 10 as shit even I can admit what I like, doesn't always mean top 5 best of all time...I like Xenosaga for fuck sakes lol (Where the fuck is dat remaster doe lol)
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