Disclaimer: I've never paid for any content of any women online (or offline), nor plan to do so because a)I'm a cheap guy, and b) I think it's wrong (I'll detail my reasons at the end).
Having that out of the way, to those of you who don't believe there's people like that, just go to cam sites or onlyfans and you'll get a VERY "disappointing" surprise: guys there are willing to pay for every single desire those women have.
Heck, in fact, I personally know 3 women who have onlyfans, subscription services and online stuff (one is a friend of my sister, and two are girls I met at uni). Two of those girls I know are female bodybuilders (not muscular, but the ones that look fiiiiiine) and they easily make around US$3000 per-month from simps and findoms. Both girls have their boyfriend and one of them even helps her with her videos.
I haven't talked with them in a while though (don't know how much they're making now), but last I talked with them, they told me most of their clients were lonely guys and sometimes they purchased videocalls just to feel like they have a "real" girlfriend in their lives.
Heck, both of them have even told me that there is market for fatsos like me on cams and that I would make waaaay more money there than what I make as a pharmacist. LoL.
You can believe me or not (I don't care), but I think that those girls aren't the problem and neither are those poor chaps. The sole existence of that bussiness model implies that our very society is sick and rotten to its core, and it's easier for people to get laid than to be truly loved, so lonely chaps pay to get the illusion of that.