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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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Seriously, fuck this.
This isn't a "right-wing" opinion.


But isn't "still loving", "not judging", "not condemning" and protecting from bullies that want to hurt you just because you're a homosexual an actual support? What does those people think we want from them other than just that? Be a wingman at parties or watch gay porn together?
But isn't "still loving", "not judging", "not condemning" and protecting from bullies that want to hurt you just because you're a homosexual an actual support? What does those people think we want from them other than just that? Be a wingman at parties or watch gay porn together?
LOL I'm starting to think so..



Oh, and there's this.
Remember what Jesus said: 'Goats on the left, sheep on the right' (Matthew 25:33).

Jesus also told Peter that if he wanted to catch fish do it from the right side of the boat. They did and filled the boat with fish.

John 21:6 (NIV) ... He said, "Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some." When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish."

Origin of the 'Left and Right'...

I have often wondered why it is that Conservatives are called the right" and Liberals are called the "left".

By chance I stumbled upon this verse in the Bible:
Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV) - "The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left."
Thus sayeth the Lord. Amen!

It surely can't get any simpler than that.


The Autumn Wind
Lol, like right wingers want to do anything for the homeless but spit on them or pay them to fight each other.
It's the same how they always bring up mental health issues to avoid gun control debate, but they could give a shit about that either.


Even though this one isn't overtly political, enough of these meld vocal Christianity with rightwing political messaging that even attempts at apolitical Christian memes seem otherwise.

This is just bizarre. In a certain light, it sounds like a police officer giving directions off a bridge or a cliff.


Did Ahmed ever say "invent"? It's so crazy to me that so many people (on both sides) have gotten in such a flurry that he didn't "invent" it.

Mike M

Nick N
Jesus, the response to this kid and his clock is fucking disgusting. I thought I was innoculated against all racist/islamophobic shit that's been flying around the past 10 years, but this is a whole new level.


This isn't directly related to the images in the last past few posts, but in general, what's up with all the random capitalization and overly long ellipses in many of these kinds of right-wing posts?
Did anyone actually support that kid getting suspended for a Pop-Tart? I'm all for stricter gun control, but that just seems like an overreach that even few liberals would support.

Mike M

Nick N
Did anyone actually support that kid getting suspended for a Pop-Tart? I'm all for stricter gun control, but that just seems like an overreach that even few liberals would support.
I had the same thought. Nobody (figuratively speaking) supports that.

A common thing I see in these pictures seems to be a thought process of "I am not a liberal and don't like X, therefore liberals must like X."
Did Ahmed ever say "invent"? It's so crazy to me that so many people (on both sides) have gotten in such a flurry that he didn't "invent" it.

Yes, he used the word invent.

To be fair, he is 14.

I don't understand why it's such a big deal he used "invent." I'm not really seeing anyone going "wow, you invented something, way to go."
I'm mostly seeing "you did not invent that, you are a fraud!"


The Autumn Wind
Yes, he used the word invent.

To be fair, he is 14.

I don't understand why it's such a big deal he used "invent." I'm not really seeing anyone going "wow, you invented something, way to go."
I'm mostly seeing "you did not invent that, you are a fraud!"
Because they need to obfuscate the issue by character assassinating him. Same reason any time an unarmed black male/kid is shot and killed by police, they'll immediately search for anything bad about them, whether it be a criminal record, if they smoked pot, or if they got suspended in high school that one time.
Facebook comments time!


Traditional Family Doritos is so unintentionally hilarious

Yes, he used the word invent.

To be fair, he is 14.

I don't understand why it's such a big deal he used "invent." I'm not really seeing anyone going "wow, you invented something, way to go."
I'm mostly seeing "you did not invent that, you are a fraud!"

Yep, exactly. He's a kid. He's probably a little cocky with his level of education too if he's like any of the other smart kids I knew.

I remember this exceptionally bright kid in my school who rubbed some people the wrong way, but she was just smarter and saw things a little differently. Sort of like Alex on Modern Family. Nothing wrong with that kind of confidence as a kid, and it's amazing that grown adults are trying to shit on him for it. It's so juvenile.

As for the pop tart, I am pretty sure that if any kid made that Clock-suitcase, they would raise some suspicion and scorn from no tolerance policy teachers. It just seems like common sense for a teacher to ask "what's that?...It looks like a bomb". The pop tart kid and Ahmed are both victims of stupid school rules that just go too far.

The twist here is that he's Muslim, and that one of the cops actually said "exactly who I expected", or something along those lines, if I'm not mistaken. And that he was arrested.

I also assume that putting that clock in a briefcase was just the most convenient thing to do. Not sure how else he could conveniently hold all that together anyway.
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