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Tinder is destroying men’s self-esteem (New York Post)

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Okay. I just finished my freelance work assignment that I've been working on all day while alt tabbing GAF and I'm going to bed but in the morning I expect to see pics of 10/10 hot guys and women from various races for me (I'm bi) and others to choose from and see which ones work for us. Try to prove yourself right through a social experiment!


Ok, since you are still bunkering down that that statement is acceptable...

1) One is a divide based on sex/gender, which is the case for the vast majority of humans. The other is a specifically racial barrier.

2) Why is it that when you describe caucasian features you dislike, you can list very specific elements, but when it comes to black women, you still remain very vague and elusive about what exactly you dislike (that they all share in common)?

1. But isn't race also a divide that is the case for the vast majority of humans?

I fail to see the difference. I am saying that I do not find black people attractive as a rule. Somehow this leads to the assumption that I'm racist so must dislike / look down on them in day to day life.

So by the same logic, if a lesbian doesn't find men attractive, she must dislike and look down on them in day to day life? That would make her sexist.

I don't see how one can be accepted as preference while the other is racist. In both cases all that's being stated is that the individual does not generally find this group attractive.

2. Again, I like Mediterranean looking women. I don't like fairer white women or black women because they don't have the features that I find attractive.

It's true that there's overlap. I find Cheryl Cole very attractive. Someone mentioned Beyoncé, same with her.


I don't think anyone is talking about pride. We're just talking about what works for us.

Real talk, most women will probably agree with me.


Or are most women racist now?

The idea that we all have to have to be attracted to every race on Earth is just such rubbish and often the result of men assuming that female sexuality works the same way as male sexuality.

The article you posted is exactly why we should be questioning racial preferences, in each other and ourselves. I mean look at how similar those numbers are. Why do you think asian men are 65% less likely to receive a yes from black, white and hispanic women. It's no coincidence that number is the same across all races. It's because our preferences, especially our racial ones, are heavily if not entirely influenced by culture. No one is born preferring one race over another, preferences aren't like someones sexuality. I mean, race is such a nebulous concept that it wouldn't even be possible for that to be hard-coded into someone. That's why it's so important to question our racial preferences and find out why we even have them. Because it wouldn't be all that weird if our preferences were heavily influenced by the still racist society we live in. Ultimately, everyone is entitled to their racial preferences of course but it would still be more helpful if we all tried to investigate and understand it instead of just reflexively going well fuck it my preference is my preference and that's how it's going to be.


From what i feel, if you don't fine my skin color (31 on that list) attractive, that's fine. Like it or not the color of my skin is a physical attribute and not everyone will be attracted to it. You're not racist for not finding it beautiful, you don't have to. However, if you say black and mean it in a way refuring to culture or personality (assuming i'm a specific way becaue of my skin color) then you're racist. Hope that helps.

Yea it does. Thanks.

I absolutely do not mean it in a culture or personality way. That's why I mentioned that I have black friends as I thought it would make it clear.

It's just a matter of surface level attraction and nothing deeper than that.


Haha, this guy is a lost cause.

No one gives two shits about your Tinder matches.

You're a real creep for posting their pictures and admitting to trolling them, though.

The reaction to the Tinder pics is absolutely laughable. I'm sure the last thing that these women expected was for "thirsty" men to be looking at their pictures.

The thing is, I didn't post them to be a dick, I was making a very specific point. A point which I'm yet to receive a satisfactory response to.

Sending joke poems makes you a creep? You need to loosen up.
I think my biggest problem with dating apps is its to easy to meet the next person. You got out one date and the girl says there's no connection, cause it's easier to just go back to the pool of people.
People need to understand that a relationship takes time, you don't fall in love in an hour.

Is this salt?
Because one has no control over being born with an aspect outside of their control. Weight, hair, even breast size can be changed. It really reeks of intolerance at best, and racism at worst.

This is one of the worst takes I've read in a while.

I'm attracted to women with lighter skin colors (white, asian, some hispanic). I am not attracted to women with darker skin colors (black, indian, some hispanic). I am not racist because of this.

I like short, petite women. I don't like tall, big women. I like long hair, modest breasts, and slim legs.

I don't have to fucking like everything. That doesn't make me intolerant.


Wait, after all those pages of reading posts and contributing to this thread, I finally realize that I got it all wrong....I thought Tinder was an "dating"-app...as in uncomplicated way to find sex partners the easy way?!?!?!?!?! At least that's what people told me some years ago. Some of my pals praised Tinder like it was some kind of cultural revolution especially for singles who are not interested in having a traditional relationship....

Oh god, I feel really stupid now :(
Yes, most women and men are racist. Most of the entire population on this planet has incredibly racist views, I'm not sure why this is even up for debate.

It's important to recognize that we're not always aware of racist thoughts and actions – a subconscious reflex as you referred it to – since every single one of us were brought up in a world where systemic racism is a reality. Ignorance does not excuse the act from being racist, however.

A lot of the distaste towards other races does not originate from the same innately personal preference of preferring Pantene over Head & Shoulders for your shampoo, but rather from influences that arise from the system of oppression that we live in. Saying you cannot date an entire race flat-out comes from a racist origin – whether you are aware of that or not.

That being said, you're not saying that:

It's unclear to me why you're choosing to jump in defence of the problematics who hold the opinion of never being attracted to another race as an acceptable "preference" to hold.

It's also important to note the vast difference in experiences between whites and people of colour. The latter of us have to deal with nasty shit like fetishization or flat-out ridicule for being of a different culture (which you've already addressed), and that breeds exhaustion and apprehension for dating outside our own races. That can filter into why we find people of our race more attractive as well – it's just less risk of being treated like an object. These cases of "preference" in people of colour also arise from the same system of oppression, but race starts to become less of an arbitrary trait and more of a safeguard; it's a sympathetic position to hold, to an extent. White people though, in their position of power and not having to fear the consequences that people of colour are subjected to? There's little explanation for "I'm not attracted to [X]" having anything other than racist undertones.

The article you posted is exactly why we should be questioning racial preferences, in each other and ourselves. I mean look at how similar those numbers are. Why do you think asian men are 65% less likely to receive a yes from black, white and hispanic women. It's no coincidence that number is the same across all races. It's because our preferences, especially our racial ones, are heavily if not entirely influenced by culture. No one is born preferring one race over another, preferences aren't like someones sexuality. I mean, race is such a nebulous concept that it wouldn't even be possible for that to be hard-coded into someone. That's why it's so important to question our racial preferences and find out why we even have them. Because it wouldn't be all that weird if our preferences were heavily influenced by the still racist society we live in. Ultimately, everyone is entitled to their racial preferences of course but it would still be more helpful if we all tried to investigate and understand it instead of just reflexively going well fuck it my preference is my preference and that's how it's going to be.

These are both excellent posts. And I would say a flaw in the study Cindy linked is that they didn't consider and control for whether their results depend on a history of racism and racial tension in the location the test subjects. I.e. would you have seen the same results if you did the same experiment in, say, my country Sweden, which doesn't have nearly as much of a history of poisonous racial relations? If you don't see the same results, that means this racial preference is likely induced by culture, rather than being a biological phenomenon
Female and Gay-GAF: What makes a male attractive on Tinder? Outside of the obviously attractive fit, 10/10 guys that make up a small percentage of the male population
The reaction to the Tinder pics is absolutely laughable. I'm sure the last thing that these women expected was for "thirsty" men to be looking at their pictures.

The thing is, I didn't post them to be a dick, I was making a very specific point. A point which I'm yet to receive a satisfactory response to.

Sending joke poems makes you a creep? You need to loosen up.

What was that point again? Oh yes, it was the point about how much more attractive your Tinder matches are than mine:

So you implied I was some kind of loner wanker but I bet the quality of those Tinder matches had you eating your words.

What's your response? To come back with another inaccurate / bitchy comment?

(Only attractive on the objective 1 to 10 scale though, not that you would ever be personally attracted to girls with that skin colour.)
I gotta say, comparing a lesbian not being attracted to men to this "black women are unattractive as a rule" mindset, in defense of it, is certainly one of the more special analogies I've seen.


Good discussion. I think there's a conflation of things going on that's resulting in the racism epithet being thrown around where maybe it doesn't need to. To me there's a distinction between personal preference (as the likes of Cindi and others have expressed) and intentional expressed exclusion based on those preferences.

The former is not racist or any other kind of -ist, it's part of being human. We all have preferences and nobody should be considered a bad person for holding such preferences. The latter, however, can very easily be interpreted as whatever -ist it refers to - as soon as you put out there that you wish to exclude members of a particular group with nothing more in common than a particular attribute, you're conveying that you unilaterally dislike all members of that group, and that's gone from personal preference to something reductionist (reducing a human being to a single attribute) and exclusionist (segregating an entire group of varied people due to a single attribute they share).

This is why yesterday I was saying that if someone were to post something about "musts" regarding race or height (or any other arbitrary attribute) on their profile, I wouldn't want to get to know them as a person as such a statement would tell me something about their character that I would find very unattractive.

Keeping that in mind, I'm not sure I've seen much I'd consider outright racist in this thread.


Female and Gay-GAF: What makes a male attractive on Tinder? Outside of the obviously attractive fit, 10/10 guys that make up a small percentage of the male population

There was a science paper on this.

Basically you don't want to cover your face with anything, you need to be smiling, the image needs to look relaxed (not staged) and has to be clear (well lit) so the people can accurately evaluate how you look.

What your physique is, is something you can't really change outside of grooming of course.
skimming this thread i feel like online dating is the worst thing for self conscious people; yikes. glad it didn't really exist when i was in my awkward early 20s phase. I'd probably still be single as i'd never be forced to break my personality.
Female and Gay-GAF: What makes a male attractive on Tinder? Outside of the obviously attractive fit, 10/10 guys that make up a small percentage of the male population
holding large quantities of cash in your tinder picture


Why don't black women find me attractive? I hit on black and mixed race girls all the time and get nowhere.

I think white women find my George Costanza personality charming. For some odd reason.


You'll find all kinds of people on dating apps amd sites but you can be guaranteed the hunt for the big fish overpowers any and all lesser connections made.
5'7" and since I moved from Germany to Singapore my online dating exploded.
Both with and without stating my height.

I don't even have time to pursue all those women so I guess I have to learn to become more selective.


Why don't black women find me attractive? I hit on black and mixed race girls all the time and get nowhere.

I think white women find my George Costanza personality charming. For some odd reason.

OKTrends noticed that black women were the least likely to date outside of their race. This was encompassing both genders and all races they have data for.


Okay. I just finished my freelance work assignment that I've been working on all day while alt tabbing GAF and I'm going to bed but in the morning I expect to see pics of 10/10 hot guys and women from various races for me (I'm bi) and others to choose from and see which ones work for us. Try to prove yourself right through a social experiment!

I never rate people in my head, I guess the only one I'd call 10/10 is the first woman but I'd put her over any other white girl so it's kind of irrelevant.

Some NSFW I guess





















Plenty of hot people of all ethniticies I'd say, but there's a huge societal bias towards white folk. For example, go on a subreddit for images of hot women and you'll literally see the top 1000 images being white with maybe an asian every 100 posts or so. It's a self perpetuating issue. To be completely honest the women of colour that I find most attractive tend to have facial features that are closer to those typically seen more in white women. I don't think I can change that about my own preferences but at the same it would be way too much of a coincidence to not be at least partially a result of the media I'm exposed to.


I never rate people in my head, I guess the only one I'd call 10/10 is the first woman but I'd put her over any other white girl so it's kind of irrelevant.

Some NSFW I guess

Plenty of hot people of all ethniticies I'd say, but there's a huge societal bias towards white folk. For example, go on a subreddit for images of hot women and you'll literally see the top 1000 images being white with maybe an asian every 100 posts or so. It's a self perpetuating issue. To be completely honest the women of colour that I find most attractive tend to have facial features that are closer to those typically seen more in white women. I don't think I can change that about my own preferences but at the same it would be way too much of a coincidence to not be at least partially a result of the media I'm exposed to.

It's funny seeing this kind of stuff because I can honestly say that while I recognise these woman as beautiful, I would also say non would necessarily be my type of 10/10.

But then again I also find that I generally have to see someone in person and communicate a bit before I can really decide.
I never rate people in my head, I guess the only one I'd call 10/10 is the first woman but I'd put her over any other white girl so it's kind of irrelevant.

Some NSFW I guessPlenty of hot people of all ethniticies I'd say, but there's a huge societal bias towards white folk. For example, go on a subreddit for images of hot women and you'll literally see the top 1000 images being white with maybe an asian every 100 posts or so. It's a self perpetuating issue. To be completely honest the women of colour that I find most attractive tend to have facial features that are closer to those typically seen more in white women. I don't think I can change that about my own preferences but at the same it would be way too much of a coincidence to not be at least partially a result of the media I'm exposed to.

Dude what the hell lol, quote these


Ubisoft Marketing
I'm attracted to women with lighter skin colors (white, asian, some hispanic). I am not attracted to women with darker skin colors (black, indian, some hispanic). I am not racist because of this.

Have you stopped, REALLY stopped, to consider WHY this is?

I'm genuinely curious.


Dude what the hell lol, quote these

Thought I did, fixed it now.

It's funny seeing this kind of stuff because I can honestly say that while I recognise these woman as beautiful, I would also say non would necessarily be my type of 10/10.

But then again I also find that I generally have to see someone in person and communicate a bit before I can really decide.

I agree for the most part. Pictures are not a good way to judge how someone looks.
First it was about being short or tall, then it was about cocksize, then it was about race, and now it's about being a bad person if you have any sexual preference.

Online dating - the sobering reality that maybe 1:200 attractive people want to would lower their standards enough to sleep with you. Bruised egos everywhere. You can't take any of this stuff personally. If by some chance you lucked into dates with all those shallow asses who excluded you for one physical reason or another, chances are you won't see eye to eye on politics, religion, sports, music, videogames, food, sex, marriage, kids, tipping, circumcision, reclining plane seats, or the dozens of other things people bin their most recent dates for in favor of the next fresh face.
I never rate people in my head, I guess the only one I'd call 10/10 is the first woman but I'd put her over any other white girl so it's kind of irrelevant.

Some NSFW I guess

Plenty of hot people of all ethniticies I'd say, but there's a huge societal bias towards white folk. For example, go on a subreddit for images of hot women and you'll literally see the top 1000 images being white with maybe an asian every 100 posts or so. It's a self perpetuating issue. To be completely honest the women of colour that I find most attractive tend to have facial features that are closer to those typically seen more in white women. I don't think I can change that about my own preferences but at the same it would be way too much of a coincidence to not be at least partially a result of the media I'm exposed to.

I never rate people in my head either. Those women you posted were beautiful, but thy don't work for me. I'm bi but have a stronger attraction to men. Female attraction comes and goes.

I just googled hottest guys in the world. Let's see what I think.


"25 most beautiful guys of all time." Quite a claim.

1. Paul Newman


Rating: Shrug

2. Johnny Depp


Rating: ZZZ

4. Ryan Gosling


Rating: that facial hair is awful and I don't like how thin his nose is. He seems like 5/10?

5. Idris Elbra


Rating: Swoon.

08. Dylan Rieder


Rating: He's okay?

10. Pharrel


Rating: No.

11. Jon Hamm


Rating: Lana Nope

Out of 26 men on that list, only one works for me and it's Idris Elba.

Some other guys I find hot.


That swagger. That hair. That eye gaze.


Every time I see him I have a fire in my pants. One of the hottest men I've ever seen.

Am I racist? Y/N. Out of a 100 guys maybe only 2-3 will men I find hot. But guys I find hot set me on fire. I'm highly selective. No idea why! You have tough competition, boys.
It's Friday guys. Just a reminder that tinder has the group feature. My group has already decided to meet with two other groups of girls at the bars.
Why don't black women find me attractive? I hit on black and mixed race girls all the time and get nowhere.

I think white women find my George Costanza personality charming. For some odd reason.

You gotta have some game and swag to successfully holla at black women, especially fine ass black chicks unless of course your looks can overcompensate for it and make your George Costanza personality "cute". LOL

OKTrends noticed that black women were the least likely to date outside of their race. This was encompassing both genders and all races they have data for.

I think Black women would be more open to dating outside their race, but how often are they approached by other men outside their race, compared to how many Black men approach other races of women?

Every time I see him I have a fire in my pants. One of the hottest men I've ever seen.

Am I racist? Y/N. Out of a 100 guys maybe only 2-3 will men I find hot. But guys I find hot set me on fire. I'm highly selective. No idea why! You have tough competition, boys.

rare footage of cindi looking at jason jordan

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