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Tinder is destroying men’s self-esteem (New York Post)

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This is the real crux of the issue. Every ugly motherfucker thinks he has a right to a pretty girlfriend. They've been jaded by movies and media.

It's actually the reverse. Womrn have much harsher cut-offs than men. Studies have shown that you basically have to be a 7 or 8 or women will find you unattractive. Men tend to rate women using a normal distribution. At least in online dating. If youre a guy and objectively a 6, you might as well be a 3 to most average or better looking women.


Saint Titanfall
Yeah, that's one of my biggest issues. So you both swipe right on each other, cool. Than when the conversation hits it becomes radio silent. I never message twice in a row, so I just take the L when it happens, but I do think a lot of people who participate in online dating do it to boost their ego. I've even had friends talk about swiping on someone to get in a convo, mess around and message and just stop for whatever reason. It's weird

Pretty sure that's often the case of loss of interest. Tinder by it's nature is incredibly shallow so even a swipe means they know fuck all about you.if they don't enjoy talking with you, then they simply don't enjoy talking with you. It's worse if your their only borderline attracted to you. Some of it will be ego boosting playing around but a lot won't.

It's actually the reverse. Womrn have much harsher cut-offs than men. Studies have shown that you basically have to be a 7 or 8 or women will find you unattractive. Men tend to rate women using a normal distribution. At least in online dating. If youre a guy and objectively a 6, you might as well be a 3 to most average or better looking women.

In that specific case it's because there's much, much more guys. If talking with someone better looking a few swipes away why bother. If women were in the majority and they were struggling to find attractive gives standards would drop.


Wow, haven't been reading this thread, but what the hell is happening here? I feel like people are arguing about the wrong thing here.

I feel like "oh no, he's not 6'2" is perfectly fair, honestly. I say that as a male who is shorter than 6'2".

I haven't been following the thread, but how is it not fair? How do guys have any standing to complain here? How fucking entitled can you be? Plus, why the fuck would you want to get with anyone who doesn't find you attractive anyway? The whole "fairness" argument is really missing the mark completely.

This isn't about fairness. Let me repeat that. This is NOT about fairness.

I have a male friend who will not date girls without a certain sized bust with a very slim waste. Very few girls are actually built this way. The situation is really no different. Considering how little he gets laid and how poor he is with women, he's only screwing himself. If he actually wants to maximize his happiness with the opposite sex, he needs to widen his dating pool more because his demographics are all off. He's quite frankly, not good looking enough to be so discerning about looks, and he never will be. He's valuing something completely shallow and I don't really think it's ever going to set him on a happy path.

The point is, if a girl has height requirements, she's the one who has to work within limitations. She's the one who is approaching dating with very exacting standards. She's the one who needs to be good looking enough to be able to be so discerning about looks. And if she is THAT good looking where she could have a pool of phenomenal 6'2" guys who are fantastic people to be around to choose from, why the fuck should she settle for anything less than what she wants?

Any guy or girl complaining about this sort of behavior sounds narrow minded and entitled. You aren't everyone's type so get over yourself if you get rejected. Find someone who will appreciate you for your good qualities and stop treating apps that focus on looks as a source of self esteem. If you do this, it's your own damn fault. If you are trying to get with girls who only like you for looks, it's your own damn fault. If you only like people who look a very specific and unrealistic way, it's your own damn fault.

I consider myself to be fortunate enough to have been very very successful in dating lots of women in my life who I personally consider to be very beautiful and cool. They may not be universally gorgeous to every man, and not all of them are the model - type. But I've found them all to be very very attractive and was 100% into most of them during the height of each relationship. And the reason why is because I am realistic about who I date, don't focus on discriminating based on impossible standards, and totally reject girls who I deem shallow as fuck, no matter how gorgeous they are. This allows me to maximize my happiness with the opposite sex ensures that my self esteem remains unfuckwithable.

If you don't want to have a low self esteem about your looks, I suggest you don't subject yourself to a forum (e.g. the apps) where you are being judged solely based on your looks. There are way better ways to meet people. And, personally, I get way hotter girls in person that would never talk to me on the apps because they can very clearly see things about me that the apps don't show: my personality (which is honestly the true source of anyone's sex appeal).

My advice to both sexes who feel like they are dealt an unfair hand is to be more discerning where it counts, get off the apps, and stop feeling so entitled.

I think it has less to do with being unfair as opposed to people putting more unrealistic standards online than they do with someone they meet in person.
Calling Cindi a bully for swiping left / rejecting guys she isn't interested in is a reach. Especially with context to the rest of the post.

I mean she literally admitted to taking out her frustrations with some guys on other random guys, regardless of what they've actually done. It's understandable, but kinda messed up
It's actually the reverse. Womrn have much harsher cut-offs than men. Studies have shown that you basically have to be a 7 or 8 or women will find you unattractive. Men tend to rate women using a normal distribution. At least in online dating. If youre a guy and objectively a 6, you might as well be a 3 to most average or better looking women.

I think on average women are more attractive than men, or at the very least they put more work into their looks creating this disparity.


Pretty sure that's often the case of loss of interest. Tinder by it's nature is incredibly shallow so even a swipe means they know fuck all about you.if they don't enjoy talking with you, then they simply don't enjoy talking with you. It's worse if your their only borderline attracted to you. Some of it will be ego boosting playing around but a lot won't.

Yeah, I can understand the loss of interest, but what confuses me is that if you weren't really that interested why would you swipe (mistakes not withstanding)? I guess it's easy to get caught up in a little frenzy and continuously swipe, but I find it weird that soem people swipe with no intention whatsoever to communicate (through boredom or some other reason). It's more puzzling me due to the fact that my experience in person with woman is literally the polar opposite. It's just frustrating!


Saint Titanfall
I think on average women are more attractive than men, or at the very least they put more work into their looks creating this disparity.

That's because women are objectified more than men, a conversation far more likely devolve into rating a womens looks online on otherwise when talking about a woman online or otherwise than it is a guy. You see it all the time on gaf lot alone anywhere else. It's how society is geared
That's because women are objectified more than men, a conversation far more likely devolve into rating a womens looks online on otherwise when talking about a woman online or otherwise than it is a guy. You see it all the time on gaf lot alone anywhere else. It's how society is geared

Ok, so now you have a reality where the men that women find attractive is a much, much smaller pool than the pool of women that men find attractive.


Ill wait like a week for a response before I send another one. Ill try 2 or maybe 3 times if they are super cute but then I just unmatch them if nothing. Whats the fucking point of swiping if you have no intention of talking to someone. Just an ego boost for some I suppose.
You look good but then I just get really bored, sorry.
That's because women are objectified more than men, a conversation far more likely devolve into rating a womens looks online on otherwise when talking about a woman online or otherwise than it is a guy. You see it all the time on gaf lot alone anywhere else. It's how society is geared

Which has little to do with them being objectified more and more to do with the vast majority of GAF being men. Go onto online communities with mostly women and it's the exact opposite. People should really stop trying to make these broad generalizations about each gender
Which has little to do with them being objectified more and more to do with the vast majority of GAF being men. Go onto online communities with mostly women and it's the exact opposite. People should really stop trying to make these broad generalizations about each gender

I think he means by society, which is why we have beauty pageants, swimsuit contests, video chicks, magazines focused entirely on female looks, etc...


Saint Titanfall
Yeah, I can understand the loss of interest, but what confuses me is that if you weren't really that interested why would you swipe (mistakes not withstanding)? I guess it's easy to get caught up in a little frenzy and continuously swipe, but I find it weird that soem people swipe with no intention whatsoever to communicate (through boredom or some other reason). It's more puzzling me due to the fact that my experience in person with woman is literally the polar opposite. It's just frustrating!

It takes two seconds and can be done on a whim, sometimes talking to noone is boring when on these apps and you want to talk to someone. Or said person does something to really turn you off them. There's a whole bunch of reasons.

I'm more surprised you haven't cut conversations with people, there's all sorts of crap and boring conservations various women/people can throw at you. I ain't got time for that.

Which has little to do with them being objectified more and more to do with the vast majority of GAF being men. Go onto online communities with mostly women and it's the exact opposite. People should really stop trying to make these broad generalizations about each gender

Yes and who exactly currently plays the dominant roles in society and has for thousands of years. Regardless of whether both are equally objectified by the other it affects one far more than the other.


Women objectified more than men? Nah. Not a chance. It's just more socially acceptable for women to objectify men, but not vice versa. Both genders are equally guilty of it, men are just more transparent about it.

This was a post in r/funny earlier, talking about double standards on The Huffington Post:

Ok, so now you have a reality where the men that women find attractive is a much, much smaller pool than the pool of women that men find attractive.

I had a discussion a few months ago about video games characters pandering towards straight men and then what it looks like for women.

The dark secret is that it takes more that washboard abs. There are tons of non-male models out there with women who are sexually attracted to them, and its not always obvious why on first glance. His personality, his interests, his bank account, his cooking skills, his sex game, his emotional vulnerability, his protective qualities, his soft features, the way he plays a guitar, his accent, his intelligence, etc. It can be so many things, its not as easy as a male equivalent of a nice pair of tits and ass. Men don't have anywhere near the beauty standards women go through on a daily basis, but women are attracted to them anyway for so many reasons.

Its one of the things you learn on dating apps like Tinder. The shirtless 6-pack ab pic is actually gotten more and more unpopular when women are asked about them. You know whats trending up? Men socializing with friends, showing they have a fun personality, they have it together financially and socially, this is a person I'm interested in. Men posing with dogs, or babies. Men who smile and look directly in the camera, and you're comfortable with their gaze.

But those shirtless pics are one of the few things so many men run to. And I think big difference in thinking is core to how different men and women's idea of sexy can be.

So, by and large, a lot of male "sexualization" can't be done in such a fast, shallow way. You risk looking like a male strip club, which are a LOT more popular with gay men then they are with heterosexual women. No, sexualized men for heterosexual women are probably gonna have to be closer to Garrus from Mass Effect. And what is women find sexy about Garrus, despite the fact that he's a giant fuckin' alien with a disfiguring scar on his face? His voice. The confidence he conveys in his combat abilities. His funny personality. His protective qualities as a man who will always have your back no matter what. The sneak peaks of emotional vulernablity he has in his conversations. His easy sense of camaraderie.

And making a bunch of Garruses is a LOT harder than making a flawless lookin' women with an amazing body. It requires something deeper than a visual shorthand that isn't common in most video games.


It takes two seconds and can be done on a whim, sometimes talking to noone is boring when on these apps and you want to talk to someone. Or said person does something to really turn you off them. There's a whole bunch of reasons.

I'm more surprised you haven't cut conversations with people, there's all sorts of crap and boring conservations various women/people can throw at you. I ain't got time for that.

Before I deleted it, I actually did start cutting off conversations withe people. Like if a girl wrote a one word reply or something that didn't have much thought into it. But when I started doing that it kind of made me feel weird. Like I don't usually cut people off in person (however I have learned it's important to find a way to remove yourself from the conversation if necessary), and I try to assume that if someone is on the app they're actively interested in engaging with people (this i've come to learn is a mistake to do). In the end it felt like way to much of a game of chance and because chatting online is really limited, you can't really make a good impression like you could online. That's how my "I ain't got time for that" moment came to me. So instead of keeping the app, I had so few novel experiences using it that I just trashed it. What you're saying is absolutely true though, but it felt so cynical to me and that led me to being frustrated. Perhaps my expectations for online dating were a bit higher than they should have been.


I know this is a (not very funny) comedy video, but most of the dudes here looks waaay above average IMO (better than both the women) and they swipe left on most of them.


I mean she literally admitted to taking out her frustrations with some guys on other random guys, regardless of what they've actually done. It's understandable, but kinda messed up

I don't think guys are ever quite that savage about it. The idea that a guy will only date a perfect 10 model is something that most dudes get over by the time they're like 25 or so. In the real world, those perfect 10 models aren't that common anyway, and you start to realize that being beautiful isn't all that if you have a crappy personality.

The only group of women that I know guys will categorically and almost universally shy away from is very obese woman. They legitimately have a bone to pick. But largely, every woman has a shot with most guys, to some extent. This is especially true online, where lots of otherwise perfectly average guys are getting zero attention from perfectly average girls, and will date down to compensate.

Moral of the story, online dating is fucking dumb for a lot of people. Actually... staying tied to your phone period is pretty dumb, but we're all in this thread probably part of the problem.

edit: Also, that video is terrible. I thought Amy Schumer is supposed to be funny?


I had a discussion a few months ago about video games characters pandering towards straight men and then what it looks like for women.

The dark secret is that it takes more that washboard abs. There are tons of non-male models out there with women who are sexually attracted to them, and its not always obvious why on first glance. His personality, his interests, his bank account, his cooking skills, his sex game, his emotional vulnerability, his protective qualities, his soft features, the way he plays a guitar, his accent, his intelligence, etc. It can be so many things, its not as easy as a male equivalent of a nice pair of tits and ass. Men don't have anywhere near the beauty standards women go through on a daily basis, but women are attracted to them anyway for so many reasons.

Its one of the things you learn on dating apps like Tinder. The shirtless 6-pack ab pic is actually gotten more and more unpopular when women are asked about them. You know whats trending up? Men socializing with friends, showing they have a fun personality, they have it together financially and socially, this is a person I'm interested in. Men posing with dogs, or babies. Men who smile and look directly in the camera, and you're comfortable with their gaze.

But those shirtless pics are one of the few things so many men run to. And I think big difference in thinking is core to how different men and women's idea of sexy can be.

So, by and large, a lot of male "sexualization" can't be done in such a fast, shallow way. You risk looking like a male strip club, which are a LOT more popular with gay men then they are with heterosexual women. No, sexualized men for heterosexual women are probably gonna have to be closer to Garrus from Mass Effect. And what is women find sexy about Garrus, despite the fact that he's a giant fuckin' alien with a disfiguring scar on his face? His voice. The confidence he conveys in his combat abilities. His funny personality. His protective qualities as a man who will always have your back no matter what. The sneak peaks of emotional vulernablity he has in his conversations. His easy sense of camaraderie.

And making a bunch of Garruses is a LOT harder than making a flawless lookin' women with an amazing body. It requires something deeper than a visual shorthand that isn't common in most video games.

Try being overweight for a long time and then in shape and then make the same post. Women are looking for all of the things you mentioned, but you have to be physically attractive for them to matter.


all good things
Aw fuck, I just had to write a poem about unicorns because a match was hot and her profile said she likes poetry and baby unicorns.

And my first message was I could totally write you a poem about unicorns super fast and she replied instantly. Dammit lol. I figured I'd have at least a few hours!


Sometimes telling a man no is scary. Even "I have a boyfriend" doesn't work. He'll think it's a lie or whatever or think he's in a movie and can win or whatever stupid bullshit. Even if you say no, some men are going to keep following you. At that point, I start rummaging in my purse for pepper spray and cracking my fingers in case things are gonna get busy. So turning down men on online dating sites/apps felt so good mwahahaha the power - the power in my hands! Mwahahaha! *swipes left*

So I agree with you but the way you're explaining your arguments earlier made no sense even to me. I think you could argue it in a better way. Seeing men have to realize they have to step it up in order to get it work online brings a smile to my face.

The great part is how so many average or below average looking men think they deserve to get with me. As soon as I say no thanks, I'm a bitch. Always, and forever. Being offered the opportunity to say no to some guy online feels so good. Of course if it's on OKC he might insult me and say something racist but at the end of the day, he's the one who caught the L.

I mean the premise of this thread is Tinder is harming men's self esteem. Good.
I think those men are far better off being rejected by you.


You're gonna take Ls, often based on nothing you can feasibly change or address. Just roll with the punches and move on. No sense dwelling on it, gotta live your life with the people who want to be in it.

Edit: Garrus is a fucking bro. Be a Garrus, brehs.
I had a discussion a few months ago about video games characters pandering towards straight men and then what it looks like for women.

The dark secret is that it takes more that washboard abs. There are tons of non-male models out there with women who are sexually attracted to them, and its not always obvious why on first glance. His personality, his interests, his bank account, his cooking skills, his sex game, his emotional vulnerability, his protective qualities, his soft features, the way he plays a guitar, his accent, his intelligence, etc. It can be so many things, its not as easy as a male equivalent of a nice pair of tits and ass. Men don't have anywhere near the beauty standards women go through on a daily basis, but women are attracted to them anyway for so many reasons.

Its one of the things you learn on dating apps like Tinder. The shirtless 6-pack ab pic is actually gotten more and more unpopular when women are asked about them. You know whats trending up? Men socializing with friends, showing they have a fun personality, they have it together financially and socially, this is a person I'm interested in. Men posing with dogs, or babies. Men who smile and look directly in the camera, and you're comfortable with their gaze.

But those shirtless pics are one of the few things so many men run to. And I think big difference in thinking is core to how different men and women's idea of sexy can be.

So, by and large, a lot of male "sexualization" can't be done in such a fast, shallow way. You risk looking like a male strip club, which are a LOT more popular with gay men then they are with heterosexual women. No, sexualized men for heterosexual women are probably gonna have to be closer to Garrus from Mass Effect. And what is women find sexy about Garrus, despite the fact that he's a giant fuckin' alien with a disfiguring scar on his face? His voice. The confidence he conveys in his combat abilities. His funny personality. His protective qualities as a man who will always have your back no matter what. The sneak peaks of emotional vulernablity he has in his conversations. His easy sense of camaraderie.

And making a bunch of Garruses is a LOT harder than making a flawless lookin' women with an amazing body. It requires something deeper than a visual shorthand that isn't common in most video games.

This maybe true, but I do think a major part of that has to do with societal conditioning. It wasn't that long ago, when the majority of women needed a man as a provider for their family so they had to look beyond just looks.
I've experimented with Bumble/Tinder.

It's not particularly fun. I dont have a lot of pictures of me nor am I entirely sure what to say in my profile.

I've connected a few times but nothing really has happened.
Try being overweight for a long time and then in shape and then make the same post. Women are looking for all of the things you mentioned, but you have to be physically attractive for them to matter.

On Tinder where the only thing people have to go by on looks and a short bio, yeah. But by and large, in the real world, that's demonstrably untrue. We live in a country where 3 out of 4 men are considered overweight or obese(some of that is because of weightlifting, but that's clearly a minority). Most men aren't anything like male models, or have perfectly flawless skin, or a detailed skin care routine, or wear fashionable clothes. And yet despite their physical deficiencies, they're still in relationships with women.

Which is what I said earlier about being "ugly" aint even an excuse. I personally know a LOT of not particularly handsome guys in relationships with physically attractive women right now. Clearly there's something else besides their looks they got going for 'em.
Would you be saying any of this and rushing to defend it if it was a male Gaffer talking about how great it is to mentally tear down women and that we need more of it? I don't think taking it to heart has anything to do with it. If you wanna air our your disturbing and unhealthy sexist thoughts, then we're beyond "who cares" and you deserve to be called out.

Considering we are talking about tinder, yeah I would. This is entirely harmless behaviour as it has been described. It's not nice but its not like even if the person was the complete opposite they would swipe right either so eh yeah. It is largely a who cares situation. It's also not bullying. There is no victim here.


Aw fuck, I just had to write a poem about unicorns because a match was hot and her profile said she likes poetry and baby unicorns.

And my first message was I could totally write you a poem about unicorns super fast and she replied instantly. Dammit lol. I figured I'd have at least a few hours!

Here's a haiku:

Baby unicorns
Do not exist; however
My horn for you's real.


Sometimes telling a man no is scary. Even "I have a boyfriend" doesn't work. He'll think it's a lie or whatever or think he's in a movie and can win or whatever stupid bullshit. Even if you say no, some men are going to keep following you. At that point, I start rummaging in my purse for pepper spray and cracking my fingers in case things are gonna get busy. So turning down men on online dating sites/apps felt so good mwahahaha the power - the power in my hands! Mwahahaha! *swipes left*

So I agree with you but the way you're explaining your arguments earlier made no sense even to me. I think you could argue it in a better way. Seeing men have to realize they have to step it up in order to get it work online brings a smile to my face.

The great part is how so many average or below average looking men think they deserve to get with me. As soon as I say no thanks, I'm a bitch. Always, and forever. Being offered the opportunity to say no to some guy online feels so good. Of course if it's on OKC he might insult me and say something racist but at the end of the day, he's the one who caught the L.

I mean the premise of this thread is Tinder is harming men's self esteem. Good.

Wow. This post. It sucks that you (feel you) have to reach for you pepper spray. But this post sounds so incredibly bitter and almost....entitled? Nobody should feel they deserve to 'get with you.' But this reads like: "How dare average or below average looking men talk to me!" That's not what you're saying, but euh...doesn't this also go for good looking men? Or is that different?

As for the quoted. Do you realise men are expected to take women home when we get out? We're supposed to be able to charm every girl we meet. Other guys wonder what the fuck is wrong with you if you just go out and dance and have fun, and don't get a number by the end of the night. Some guys can do all this, but there's a lot of men who have no clue what they're doing because it just doesn't come natural to them. And you're just supposed to figure that shit out. And if it doesn't work your self esteem already takes a huge hit. And you saying that their self esteem should be harmed even more is a pretty lousy thing to say.
One thing Bumble showed me is that women are just as unimaginative as a large amount of guys on opening text, though I suppose it makes sense since in most cases they usually don't reach out first. Additionally after the first text the ball goes back directly into the guy's court making bumble effectively tinder with delusions of grandeur.
On Tinder where the only thing people have to go by on looks and a short bio, yeah. But by and large, in the real world, that's demonstrably untrue. We live in a country where 3 out of 4 men are considered overweight or obese(some of that is because of weightlifting, but that's clearly a minority). Most men aren't anything like male models, or have perfectly flawless skin, or a detailed skin care routine, or wear fashionable clothes. And yet despite their physical deficiencies, they're still in relationships with women.

Which is what I said earlier about being "ugly" aint even an excuse. I personally know a LOT of not particularly handsome guys in relationships with physically attractive women right now. Clearly there's something else besides their looks they got going for 'em.

Now this is on point, and due to the imbalance in the male to female looks department; I see average looking dudes with attractive to beautiful looking women all the time. I go to a lot of industry events, parties, social gatherings; and I tell my friends, who don't go out and are unhappy with their dating status, that I see short, overweight, average to below average dudes hooking up with beautiful women all the time. Y'know why? Because they're there, and you're not. You're sitting at home complaining.
I give zero shits about the swiping left. I swipe left every day of my life. It's more the "Viewing men as a monolithic block of negativity and getting schadenfreude over the idea that something is 'bringing them down'" that i would consider pretty crummy. As you said, ultimately harmless, but crummy.

It's not bullying or anything but I still don't feel like it's healthy behaviour. It would be like me celebrating every white persons misery because of systemic racism. It doesn't harm anyone but it's certainly not helpful behaviour to me and more of an outward display of some deep seated hatred. Which is not something someone wants to carry around, especially when you interact with such people on a daily basis.

I aint particularly worried about whether the girl is displaying healthy behaviour honestly. In the grand scheme of what the thread is about I frankly don't care whether she's the happiest person ever or entirely shitty and miserable.

The main issue is she isn't harming anyone and she isn't bullying. Whether she meets any of our individual levels of morality is not really what the thread is about. But up until now she had largely been correct, online dating apps put power back in womens hands to choose and guys just gotta do better now.


all good things
Here's a haiku:

Baby unicorns
Do not exist; however
My horn for you is real.

I wrote this in 10 minutes lol

The last unicorn,
all that was left of his kind
A life lonely and sad,
until the day he did find
The piece of him that was missing
His sole purpose for existing
She was unmatched by all
But for him she did fall
It was love at first sight
Finally he felt he was right
Or maybe just whole
Did they share the same soul?
So they rode off together
No storm they could not whether
And lived happily ever after
A joyous life filled with laughter
The end!

She sent "that's great!!!!" But hasn't replied to my "haha do you really think so?" Yet.

Its probably like an "Aw so sweet" as she runs away as quickly as possible lol.


Women objectified more than men? Nah. Not a chance. It's just more socially acceptable for women to objectify men, but not vice versa. Both genders are equally guilty of it, men are just more transparent about it.

This was a post in r/funny earlier, talking about double standards on The Huffington Post:


the first response for any guy who is newly single is "hit the gym". people don't see dudes slamming protein powder in the same way as women buying makeup. people think they're
being healthy and not being vain. it's really obvious how much appearance matters to men. men are fervant in regards to the appearance of other men. they're fucking religious. i have long hair and the conflicts that i run into with other men regarding.. hair have really driven home how vain we are. i've never met anyone who cared about my hair that wasn't a man. it's only been met with positive responses from women.
In my profile it says I like to binge watch movies while eating chinese food and candy. I had a hot girl be like "OMG I love binge watching movies with chinese food! Lets do it!"

I'm like "Sounds good to me! When and where?"

That was 5 days ago. Fuck me.


Having a cool life and a cool personality is more important than looks generally, those things are harder to achieve than just new clothing. Then again that means average looks won't hold you back.


i have long hair and the conflicts that i run into with other men regarding.. hair have really driven home how vain we are. i've never met anyone who cared about my hair that wasn't a man. it's only been met with positive responses from women.

my experiences have kind of been the opposite. I have pretty long hair (halfway down my chest) and outside of one of my friends, most men have complimented me but most women strangers don't seem to like long hair. though to be fair, there really hasn't been a sample size large enough of either to say if one really prefers or dislikes. I just know on sites like tinder I've had more negative reactions to having long hair than positive. chicks in general don't seem to want a guy with longer hair, minus a couple that have a thing for it. but those certainly haven't been the norm

Having a cool life and a cool personality is more important than looks generally, those things are harder to achieve than just new clothing. Then again that means average looks won't hold you back.

I tend to agree with this because it's how I see women too.

problem is that shit doesn't come across in online or app dating. Never even getting an opportunity to have a real conversation means your cool life and personality means fuck all, haha. I just see it all as a filtering device.
Having a cool life and a cool personality is more important than looks generally, those things are harder to achieve than just new clothing. Then again that means average looks won't hold you back.

but it's sale season now bro, you can work on the personality stuff in the fall.


Now this is on point, and due to the imbalance in the male to female looks department; I see average looking dudes with attractive to beautiful looking women all the time. I go to a lot of industry events, parties, social gatherings; and I tell my friends, who don't go out and are unhappy with their dating status, that I see short, overweight, average to below average dudes hooking up with beautiful women all the time. Y'know why? Because they're there, and you're not. You're sitting at home complaining.

Then you get a bunch of dudes saying she's only with him cuz she's a gold digger or whatever.
Having a cool life and a cool personality is more important than looks generally, those things are harder to achieve than just new clothing. Then again that means average looks won't hold you back.

I'm not going to say are more important, but they can certainly overcompensate for a lot including looks. Having a good sense of humor is one of the most valuable assets a man can have.


Edit: lol at the notion that men going "Woe is me, why won't somebody date me" is because they feel "entitled" to women's bodies due to historical political trends, and not because they are individuals who are lonely and don't have a clue how to fix that. The modern ability to read absolutely everything through one-size-fits-all ideological lenses is... interesting, I guess is the way I'll put it.

It's both


all good things
my experiences have kind of been the opposite. I have pretty long hair (halfway down my chest) and outside of one of my friends, most men have complimented me but most women strangers don't seem to like long hair. though to be fair, there really hasn't been a sample size large enough of either to say if one really prefers or dislikes. I just know on sites like tinder I've had more negative reactions to having long hair than positive. chicks in general don't seem to want a guy with longer hair, minus a couple that have a thing for it. but those certainly haven't been the norm

I tend to agree with this because it's how I see women too.

problem is that shit doesn't come across in online or app dating. Never even getting an opportunity to have a real conversation means your cool life and personality means fuck all, haha. I just see it all as a filtering device.

My hair is past my shoulders but I always wear it in a bun unless someone is like let me see it down. It's not an issue at all for me.


I wrote this in 10 minutes lol

The last unicorn,
all that was left of his kind
A life lonely and sad,
until the day he did find
The piece of him that was missing
His sole purpose for existing
She was unmatched by all
But for him she did fall
It was love at first sight
Finally he felt he was right
Or maybe just whole
Did they share the same soul?
So they rode off together
No storm they could not whether
And lived happily ever after
A joyous life filled with laughter
The end!

She sent "that's great!!!!" But hasn't replied to my "haha do you really think so?" Yet.

Its probably like an "Aw so sweet" as she runs away as quickly as possible lol.

Now's your chance. Reply immediately with:

Why the fuck have you not replied?
I feel like I have died.


In my profile it says I like to binge watch movies while eating chinese food and candy. I had a hot girl be like "OMG I love binge watching movies with chinese food! Lets do it!"

I'm like "Sounds good to me! When and where?"

That was 5 days ago. Fuck me.
You should have planned it yourself, you're the man here. Suggest a day and place next time instead of asking her.

Congrats on the message though, seems like a good profile text.


Women objectified more than men? Nah. Not a chance. It's just more socially acceptable for women to objectify men, but not vice versa. Both genders are equally guilty of it, men are just more transparent about it.

Jesus fucking Christ. You're talking like I did when I was 18.

Men kill women at an incredibly higher ratio than vice versa. For that alone, asking for equal sympathy is ridiculous.
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