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Tinder is destroying men’s self-esteem (New York Post)

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Oh know, men get told they're too unattractive to date. Welcome to what women have been facing for decades on a much larger scale. This is the effects of men being dealt a similar hand and they just can't take it. The entitlement is coming crashing down and it's bringing many great stories like "pls respond".

No, "pls respond" is a byproduct of the way-more-common loneliness of the modern male, because their webs of social support tend to be much narrower and shallower. It leads to socially clueless and maladjusted folk without a semblance of a shred of how to read or interact with people, especially women, normally.

Edit: lol at the notion that men going "Woe is me, why won't somebody date me" is because they feel "entitled" to women's bodies due to historical political trends, and not because they are individuals who are lonely and don't have a clue how to fix that. The modern ability to read absolutely everything through one-size-fits-all ideological lenses is... interesting, I guess is the way I'll put it.


Oh know, men get told they're too unattractive to date. Welcome to what women have been facing for decades on a much larger scale. This is the effects of men being dealt a similar hand and they just can't take it. The entitlement is coming crashing down and it's bringing many great stories like "pls respond".

you make it sound like a very us vs. them situation and a zero sum game. but men can't live without women, or vice versa. not sure why you are hating so much? this isn't a competition, at a base level, aren't we all just looking for love?
Y'all ever tried bumble? Its like tinder but the woman has to message first.

It's an interesting idea.

I have my Tinder profile on there, just to increase my chances. Its nice to have the women make the first move for a change.

Although I hate the name because it reminds me of Buck Bumble.

edit: also, I find that women on Bumble have jobs/living comfortably on their own more than Tinder. Like on average there's a higher maturity level, and they're looking to actively hunt for men now.
Sometimes telling a man no is scary. Even "I have a boyfriend" doesn't work. He'll think it's a lie or whatever or think he's in a movie and can win or whatever stupid bullshit. Even if you say no, some men are going to keep following you. At that point, I start rummaging in my purse for pepper spray and cracking my fingers in case things are gonna get busy. So turning down men on online dating sites/apps felt so good mwahahaha the power - the power in my hands! Mwahahaha! *swipes left*

The great part is how so many average or below average looking men think they deserve to get with me. As soon as I say no thanks, I'm a bitch. Always, and forever. Being offered the opportunity to say no to some guy online feels so good. Of course if it's on OKC he might insult me and say something racist but at the end of the day, he's the one who caught the L.

I mean the premise of this thread is Tinder is harming men's self esteem. Good.

Girl has a rough day and it wasn't over because she realized she's going to have to probably deal with creeps on the bus on the way home. Who to avoid the most? The old man who keeps staring at your breasts? Or the dude that follows you off the bus? How about the men yelling from their cars "shake your ass for me, sweet thing?" "Have you ever been with a white man? I'll show you love feels like." So when she gets on her phone, she can finally wield power and turn a fuck nigga down without worrying whether or not his crazy ass will punch her in the mouth because he can't handle rejection.

Make those self esteems even lower, I say.

You sound like a bully


Calling Cindi a bully for swiping left / rejecting guys she isn't interested in is a reach. Especially with context to the rest of the post.


The great part is how so many average or below average looking men think they deserve to get with me. As soon as I say no thanks, I'm a bitch. Always, and forever. Being offered the opportunity to say no to some guy online feels so good. Of course if it's on OKC he might insult me and say something racist but at the end of the day, he's the one who caught the L.

I mean the premise of this thread is Tinder is harming men's self esteem. Good.
Good? Why are only focusing on assholes?

And how many men have rejected you?
Calling Cindi a bully for swiping left / rejecting guys she isn't interested in is a reach. Especially with context to the rest of the post.
When you actively take pleasure in making other people feel bad, especially a group as a whole, and hope that people will continue to make them feel bad you're kind of being a bully. Or at the very least you're taking pleasure in other peoples self depreciation which is pretty shitty too if its someone you don't know and has never done anything to you.

Rejection is rejection. Saying you're glad that people getting rejected makes them feel worse about themselves is malice.
You sound like a bully

It sounds more like you guys are being overly sensitive about this. Rejecting someone is not bullying, nor is appreciating the ability to reject someone without worrying about them yelling at you or getting in your face afterwards. I'm pretty sure if I got hit on by a bunch of creeps on a regular basis once I hit puberty, I would love the freedom of being able to reject someone without them getting in my face about it.

When you actively take pleasure in making other people feel bad, especially a group as a whole, and hope that people will continue to make them feel bad you're kind of being a bully.

Rejection is rejection. Saying you're glad that people getting rejected makes them feel worse about themselves is malice.

Except the people being rejected don't know Cindi's feelings, so calling it bullying is a stretch unless she flat out tells them. This is more like schadenfreude than anything.
Calling Cindi a bully for swiping left / rejecting guys she isn't interested in is a reach. Especially with context to the rest of the post.

The whole "fuck men's self-esteem, make it lower" thing comes off as pretty spiteful and ridiculous.

Granted, the entire premise of men's self-esteem being harmed by Tinder being some kind of problem that needs to be solved is silly, since these men are CHOOSING to partake of a private platform and accepting whatever kind of emotional burden flowers as a byproduct, but gleeful enjoyment of some losers on the internet feeling worse about themselves is hardly something to be proud of and is pretty much the embodiment of the stereotype that MRA/MGTOW types use to slander women and win new converts to their ranks.



Women wanting a strong or protective man doesn't equate to those women wanting a system in which they're oppressed or considered weak. That's such a bizarre way to take that.
How does that work, at the same time wanting men to protect you yet wanting to see yourself as strong/equal yourself? It's one of those contradicting things in modern western society that still need to be figured out.


No one cares about their troubles because they pale in comparison to what women face--which is conveniently the target of this article. You really don't want to understand this. We can be just and fair but even then there's still this huge fucking disparity between requirements that "oh no, he's not 6'2" doesn't become analogous to decades of social condition of constant shaving, make-up, diets, skin texture, hair, etc. If you believe this is a big deal you should probably focus that energy towards the gender that needs it more because one clearly is still very much ahead.

Wow, haven't been reading this thread, but what the hell is happening here? I feel like people are arguing about the wrong thing here.

I feel like "oh no, he's not 6'2" is perfectly fair, honestly. I say that as a male who is shorter than 6'2".

I haven't been following the thread, but how is it not fair? How do guys have any standing to complain here? How fucking entitled can you be? Plus, why the fuck would you want to get with anyone who doesn't find you attractive anyway? The whole "fairness" argument is really missing the mark completely.

This isn't about fairness. Let me repeat that. This is NOT about fairness.

I have a male friend who will not date girls without a certain sized bust with a very slim waste. Very few girls are actually built this way. The situation is really no different. Considering how little he gets laid and how poor he is with women, he's only screwing himself. If he actually wants to maximize his happiness with the opposite sex, he needs to widen his dating pool more because his demographics are all off. He's quite frankly, not good looking enough to be so discerning about looks, and he never will be. He's valuing something completely shallow and I don't really think it's ever going to set him on a happy path.

The point is, if a girl has height requirements, she's the one who has to work within limitations. She's the one who is approaching dating with very exacting standards. She's the one who needs to be good looking enough to be able to be so discerning about looks. And if she is THAT good looking where she could have a pool of phenomenal 6'2" guys who are fantastic people to be around to choose from, why the fuck should she settle for anything less than what she wants?

Any guy or girl complaining about this sort of behavior sounds narrow minded and entitled. You aren't everyone's type so get over yourself if you get rejected. Find someone who will appreciate you for your good qualities and stop treating apps that focus on looks as a source of self esteem. If you do this, it's your own damn fault. If you are trying to get with girls who only like you for looks, it's your own damn fault. If you only like people who look a very specific and unrealistic way, it's your own damn fault.

I consider myself to be fortunate enough to have been very very successful in dating lots of women in my life who I personally consider to be very beautiful and cool. They may not be universally gorgeous to every man, and not all of them are the model - type. But I've found them all to be very very attractive and was 100% into most of them during the height of each relationship. And the reason why is because I am realistic about who I date, don't focus on discriminating based on impossible standards, and totally reject girls who I deem shallow as fuck, no matter how gorgeous they are. This allows me to maximize my happiness with the opposite sex ensures that my self esteem remains unfuckwithable.

If you don't want to have a low self esteem about your looks, I suggest you don't subject yourself to a forum (e.g. the apps) where you are being judged solely based on your looks. There are way better ways to meet people. And, personally, I get way hotter girls in person that would never talk to me on the apps because they can very clearly see things about me that the apps don't show: my personality (which is honestly the true source of anyone's sex appeal).

My advice to both sexes who feel like they are dealt an unfair hand is to be more discerning where it counts, get off the apps, and stop feeling so entitled.
I, too, like to dismiss people's concerns and struggles with "others have it worse"

it works well for any topic

It becomes like a zero-sum game, where the only people who can truly feel bad are like, the blind poor diseased orphans living in a third world country. Till then, ya'll need to suck it up cuz *x group* has it worse.

Hell, I take great enjoyment in your emotional despair and disillusionment! Fuck em tbh
Make those self esteems even lower, I say.

When we feel that last little bit deplete from the gauge



I find it amusing when short men complain about being rejected cos of their height, a factor they can't control, they are told to suck it up, which I agree. However when an overweight woman is rejected, a factor they can control, or not promoted in media there are body-positivity campaigns launched over night as to what makes a woman a real woman and "everybody's ready"


It's a very hip thing to do here to be as progressive as you can

Somewhere the lines were drawn and being anti-men is now pro-women i guess

Yeah, I don't get it either. The men on Tinder are doing things right and exactly the same as the women on there. To assume that they're one and the same as the catcalling and stalkerish assholes on the street is crazy. Cindi sounds unnecessarily vindictive towards people who did nothing to her. This is equatable to the guy who becomes bitter at all women because he was previously rejected by a few, which none of us find acceptable. No one should stoop to this.
It sounds more like you guys are being overly sensitive about this. Rejecting someone is not bullying, nor is appreciating the ability to reject someone without worrying about them yelling at you or getting in your face afterwards. I'm pretty sure if I got hit on by a bunch of creeps on a regular basis once I hit puberty, I would love the freedom of being able to reject someone without them getting in my face about it.

Except the people being rejected don't know Cindi's feelings, so calling it bullying is a stretch unless she flat out tells them. This is more like schadenfreude than anything.
Fine, then like I said, she enjoys that people feel worse about themselves because of it. Which is a dick move if it's someone who has never done anything to you.

Either way, "Some people from Group A do things that are ignorant, so I'm glad that other people from Group A feel bad about themselves." is a shitty statement no matter what angle you look at it from. It just shows that Cindi is comfortable lumping all men together in the same group.


I, too, like to dismiss people's concerns and struggles with "others have it worse"

it works well for any topic
Yep this thread has turned into shit and these replies only deviate further from its original subject, open a new thread or something. Also, finding enjoyment into rejecting other men in general because a group of filthy creeps are making your life miserable strikes me as strange, but I guess I "just don't understand".
It's a very hip thing to do here to be as progressive as you can

Somewhere the lines were drawn and being anti-men is now pro-women i guess

I notice this happens with Black vs White on twitter. Every time a white person loses something to a black person, say Zendaya playing Mary Jane in the Spider-Man movie or Serena Williams beating Maria Sharpovova for the hundredth time, black twitter is aflood with "WHITE TEARS LOL MMM TASTE SO GOOD".

Its very much become a white vs black, man vs woman thing, and any time the more privileged group "loses", then the other team gets a big kick out their loss, and take a lot of enjoyment in them being brought down.
The great part is how so many average or below average looking men think they deserve to get with me. As soon as I say no thanks, I'm a bitch. Always, and forever. Being offered the opportunity to say no to some guy online feels so good. Of course if it's on OKC he might insult me and say something racist but at the end of the day, he's the one who caught the L.

I mean the premise of this thread is Tinder is harming men's self esteem. Good.
You sound like a bully

It's not really bullying. It's more self validation than anything which if she wasn't going to swipe right on those people anyway, who cares? The girl is harsh but unless she is out actually insulting these people through words and messages, it's a worst a harmless but shitty attitude.

There are tons of guys on these apps that see her and will also swipe left, and everyone's life will go on none the wiser.

Some of yall are really taking what she's saying to heart for no real reason. It's not like every dude's self esteem dropped at exactly the time some girl they don't know and may not even want personally enjoys swiping left in addition to not being attracted to you. Who cares?


all good things
The other day I had a great idea that women could just like not respond for a few days to a guys message on dating sites and she could weed out the keepers with the guys that take it normal and rationally.
It's not really bullying. It's more self validation than anything which if she wasn't going to swipe right on those people anyway, who cares? The girl is harsh but unless she is out actually insulting these people through words and messages, it's a worst a harmless but shitty attitude.

There are tons of guys on these apps that see her and will also swipe left, and everyone's life will go on none the wiser.

Some of yall are really taking what she's saying to heart for no real reason. It's not like every dude's self esteem dropped at exactly the time some girl they don't know and may not even want personally enjoys swiping left in addition to not being attracted to you. Who cares?

I give zero shits about the swiping left. I swipe left every day of my life. It's more the "Viewing men as a monolithic block of negativity and getting schadenfreude over the idea that something is 'bringing them down'" that i would consider pretty crummy. As you said, ultimately harmless, but crummy.


Yeah, I deleted tinder. I didn't really put much effort into my pictures but I got a lot of matches, but I felt the girls got bored fairly easily. I even showed my conversations to other girls and guy friends I know told me I didn't do anything wrong, and that's just how people are. I can understand that, but than I asked myself what's the point if the app doesn't do anything for you? I deleted my okcupid and bumble as well and have been much happier as a result. I tend to meet women as I go about my day and don't have any issue with striking up conversation so I think meeting woman and asking them out in person is more my style. If doing the online thing works for you, that's great, but I feel like if it doesn't it can really drag you down because all it would function as is a way to boost your self esteem when you get a match, but if that match doesn't go anywhere you're right back where you started which can hurt.


Saint Titanfall
It's not really bullying. It's more self validation than anything which if she wasn't going to swipe right on those people anyway, who cares? The girl is harsh but unless she is out actually insulting these people through words and messages, it's a worst a harmless but shitty attitude.

There are tons of guys on these apps that see her and will also swipe left, and everyone's life will go on none the wiser.

Some of yall are really taking what she's saying to heart for no real reason. It's not like every dude's self esteem dropped at exactly the time some girl they don't know and may not even want personally enjoys swiping left in addition to not being attracted to you. Who cares?

It's not bullying or anything but I still don't feel like it's healthy behaviour. It would be like me celebrating every white persons misery because of systemic racism. It doesn't harm anyone but it's certainly not helpful behaviour to me and more of an outward display of some deep seated hatred. Which is not something someone wants to carry around, especially when you interact with such people on a daily basis.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
The other day I had a great idea that women could just like not respond for a few days to a guys message on dating sites and she could weed out the keepers with the guys that take it normal and rationally.

wow i think you just solved online dating, congrats buddy
The other day I had a great idea that women could just like not respond for a few days to a guys message on dating sites and she could weed out the keepers with the guys that take it normal and rationally.

Happened to me a few times but it ends up in me being ghosted. Guess I respond wrong. :(


It's not really bullying. It's more self validation than anything which if she wasn't going to swipe right on those people anyway, who cares? The girl is harsh but unless she is out actually insulting these people through words and messages, it's a worst a harmless but shitty attitude.

There are tons of guys on these apps that see her and will also swipe left, and everyone's life will go on none the wiser.

Some of yall are really taking what she's saying to heart for no real reason. It's not like every dude's self esteem dropped at exactly the time some girl they don't know and may not even want personally enjoys swiping left in addition to not being attracted to you. Who cares?

Would you be saying any of this and rushing to defend it if it was a male Gaffer talking about how great it is to mentally tear down women and that we need more of it? I don't think taking it to heart has anything to do with it. If you wanna air our your disturbing and unhealthy sexist thoughts, then we're beyond "who cares" and you deserve to be called out.
You know, I think there's a difference in acknowledging that a prIvileged group has taken a loss, and being okay with it, and taking outright pleasure in that fact and provoking the group further.

If there isn't resentment in the provokation, then you're at the very least creating it in the reverse direction, but that's just how I feel.
Ill wait like a week for a response before I send another one. Ill try 2 or maybe 3 times if they are super cute but then I just unmatch them if nothing. Whats the fucking point of swiping if you have no intention of talking to someone. Just an ego boost for some I suppose.


Ill wait like a week for a response before I send another one. Ill try 2 or maybe 3 times if they are super cute but then I just unmatch them if nothing. Whats the fucking point of swiping if you have no intention of talking to someone. Just an ego boost for some I suppose.

Yeah, that's one of my biggest issues. So you both swipe right on each other, cool. Than when the conversation hits it becomes radio silent. I never message twice in a row, so I just take the L when it happens, but I do think a lot of people who participate in online dating do it to boost their ego. I've even had friends talk about swiping on someone to get in a convo, mess around and message and just stop for whatever reason. It's weird
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