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Tinder is destroying men’s self-esteem (New York Post)

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The fact that you actually think about this and feel the need to post it... toxic dude. Classic "nice guy" stuff.
You don't even really know me well enough to make that assessment.
You sure can but you have to gauge the situation. I myself would either let them approach me or they start the convo and then go from there. I don't like to bother people at the gym. Unless of course, there is obvious and constant eye contact and smiling. Then I see nothing wrong with that.
I really don't bother people as well. I honestly just put on my headphones and just keep to myself.
A "This guy really cares about me, he's been such a good friend to me, we should hang out more." I treat her like a friend and I've done nothing but give her respect and be there when she's needed me. I Haven't seen her in about 3 years.
Well when you befriend somebody they usually dont put out to return the favor. Usually friendship is reciprocated with more friendship. If sex is what you were after you prolly went aboot it the wrong way.
A "This guy really cares about me, he's been such a good friend to me, we should hang out more." I treat her like a friend and I've done nothing but give her respect and be there when she's needed me. I Haven't seen her in about 3 years.

Are/were you at any point hoping it would/will eventually lead to sex?


The logical conclusion to this argument is "people are dying in Syria, so why are we talking about Tinder?"

No, it's "women are being honor-killed with no ramifications in dozens of countries, but women won't swipe right for me because they all hate short men."


Saint Titanfall
A "This guy really cares about me, he's been such a good friend to me, we should hang out more." I treat her like a friend and I've done nothing but give her respect and be there when she's needed me. I Haven't seen her in about 3 years.

Don't do that you end up the dreaded friendzone and start having expectations of a relationship when you really shouldn't be having any. Best case work on your appearances go to gymn, work on your communication skills by talking and conversing with as many people as you can and relax don't be desperate (never an attractive trait) but be proactive (and I don't mean harrassing women or the same women). You won't get a yes to a date without a number of no's so don't think about them, they're meaningless we all have are preferences you just weren't there's, everyone has their own, think of it less of a rejection and more of a journey. The yes' come hand in hand with the no's, when you accept them as a part and parcel your less likely to become that obsessive creep this thread tells horror stories about.


The fact that you actually think about this and feel the need to post it... toxic dude. Classic "nice guy" stuff.
I guess it's the attitude that's the problem? I mean, if I wanted someone to like me and to give me a chance, I'd presumably try to do nice things. But I assume the problem is that it seems like he wasn't hoping, but rather expecting? So the correct course of action is to move on.
Well when you befriend somebody they usually dont put out to return the favor. Usually friendship is reciprocated with more friendship. If sex is what you were after you prolly went aboot it the wrong way.
I've never really tried to make a move on her. I cooked cause she's my friend and I care about her a lot. She couldn't cook and she bought a bunch of food, that she couldn't cook and it probably would've just been rude to cook for myself. I kind of sort of know where I stand with her it just would be nice if I actually got to do something with her instead of just chatting her up on facebook messenger.
Are/were you at any point hoping it would/will eventually lead to sex?
Did I want to have sex with her? Yes. Have I ever tried to have sex with her without her consent? No. Did I ever think I had a chance? No. I'm nice to her cause I care about her. I already know my feelings are never going to be reciprocated by her. I already know that even if we did get together, it would never be a long term thing, we're just two different people.
99.9% of my sex and dating life has come from meeting people at the bar or a party. I only ever dated one person who I met through a friend. I dont even know how you go about striking up a conversation in any other type of setting.


I guess it's the attitude that's the problem? I mean, if I wanted someone to like me and to give me a chance, I'd presumably try to do nice things. But I assume the problem is that it seems like he wasn't hoping, but rather expecting? So the correct course of action is to move on.

Life isn't a Bioware RPG. You can't just invest enough affection points or give x gifts/coins to make people like you more. This applies to both friends and romantic interests. If you do nice deeds because you're a decent guy, you just do them because, you don't do them and then get angry because you got nothing in return. That reaction betrays an ulterior motive.


Cretinously credulous
More importantly in your neck of the woods though is how fair is your skin brother?

LOL haha sorry for the late reply.
Its a question that, while a little uncomfortable, is really a sad truth about India (or any South Asian country). The fairer you are, the better you would be perceived in looks (and many other things). The answer to your question is that I am extremely fair (maybe like .01% of India?), I pass for a foreigner a lot of times.
And the sad thing is, despite me knowing that this is bullshit, I kinda do feel great when people comment on my color (or maybe even writing this answer?). We all suck here in this regard.
I've never really tried to make a move on her. I cooked cause she's my friend and I care about her a lot. She couldn't cook and she bought a bunch of food, that she couldn't cook and it probably would've just been rude to cook for myself. I kind of sort of know where I stand with her it just would be nice if I actually got to do something with her instead of just chatting her up on facebook messenger.
Ever think aboot just putting yourself out there and telling her how you feel? Rejection sucks but at least you would know where you stand. Making a move physically once the friendship is in place can go pretty badly so IMO, I would do it verbally. But if friendship is all you want and time together then just tell her that.
I'm a bit touch apprehensive for starters. I've gotten better over the years though in that regard. Secondly I honestly just try to give it a little time so the woman I'm with doesn't think I'm with her just to attempt to fuck her.

There's nothing wrong with making any type of physical moves in order to create or maintain sexual tension that may lead to sex one day. That doesn't mean that's all you want from her. By virtue of the date, should let her know that you want to fuck her. I have a "kiss on a first date" policy I normally adhere to where I go for it every time. LOL

Hah; interesting thread.. thank you for the entertaining hour or 2. Especially Cindi's post.

I can honestly say that I've never accidentally rubbed against a woman. Didn't even think of the concept until I heard a guy say "if you have to squeeze past a woman, crotch first.. if you have to squeeze past a man, butt first." After hearing that disgusting thought I realized this must be a "Thing" for women and decided I'd always try to purposefully go butt first past a woman unless it's just not feasible or incredibly awkward to do so. But I say "excuse me need to slip past you" before doing so.

My wife and I talk about this sort of topic a lot; have always enjoyed engaging MRA's on the internet.

Their argument is essentially that "most men aren't successful with women, and I blame women for this." All kinds of pseudo-science to back them up (and awful literature; their favorite book was written by a female author in the 70s, can't remember the title.)

Even if it is partially true (most men aren't successful with women, a minority of men monopolize most dating scenes)... the correct attitude should be to improve yourself.. become competitive. Instead they do this hero-worshipping shit for MRA author's and pick-up-artist crap. You can tell the majority of them don't even have the balls to try all this "neg" crap, but instead sit around hi-fiving losers who do (or at least pretend to on the internet.)

The accidentally rubbing against somebody happens a lot at packed clubs.


Dating as a man is generally an absolute nightmare. You have to jump through so many hoops just to be even considered.

Only money seems to be the solution to all though.


You don't even really know me well enough to make that assessment.

I don't have to know you to assess a few posts. I wasn't judging you as a whole I was judging a few of your posts. Those posts are classic "nice guy" complaints.

This is a thread about Tinder; you felt the need to bring up a bad friend and how you made her several meals. Why are you even bringing up a bad friend in a dating thread?
Ever think aboot just putting yourself out there and telling her how you feel? Rejection sucks but at least you would know where you stand. Making a move physically once the friendship is in place can go pretty badly so IMO, I would do it verbally. But if friendship is all you want and time together then just tell her that.
I'm quite sure she knows I have a thing for her. I just don't discuss it with her too much cause I know where I stand with her except for the moments where I'm stupid as fuck and just desperate where I subtly bring it up like an idiot and she tells me it's never going to happen. I've known her for years, it's been well conversed already.
I don't have to know you to assess a few posts. I wasn't judging you as a whole I was judging a few of your posts. Those posts are classic "nice guy" complaints.

This is a thread about Tinder; you felt the need to bring up a bad friend and how you made her several meals. Why are you even bringing up a bad friend in a dating thread?
I don't even really consider her a "bad friend" to be honest she's a woman I should emotionally move on from and just continue living my life. There's just some sort of mental blockage keeping me from doing that. She might actually be the most normal woman I've liked over the years. The rest have more or less been stunted socially, more so than me cause they don't seem to want to date anybody for either emotional or psychological reasons.


personally I feel like I destroy my own self esteem well enough lol

online dating doesn't really impact me negatively I think, on the contrary I've gotten a lot of compliments. I wish I was in a better place right now to date.


Saint Titanfall
I've never really tried to make a move on her. I cooked cause she's my friend and I care about her a lot. She couldn't cook and she bought a bunch of food, that she couldn't cook and it probably would've just been rude to cook for myself. I kind of sort of know where I stand with her it just would be nice if I actually got to do something with her instead of just chatting her up on facebook messenger.

Did I want to have sex with her? Yes. Have I ever tried to have sex with her without her consent? No. Did I ever think I had a chance? No. I'm nice to her cause I care about her. I already know my feelings are never going to be reciprocated by her. I already know that even if we did get together, it would never be a long term thing, we're just two different people.

I assume she's keeping you at arms length because she figured you may have other intensions and don't want to lead you one. I gets very messy tryining to be friends with someone that you would try to have more than just friendship if you or they had the chance so it's better for some people to have friends and just friends or the opposite. My only advice would be to move on she likely acting this way for a reason.
I'm quite sure she knows I have a thing for her. I just don't discuss it with her too much cause I know where I stand with her except for the moments where I'm stupid as fuck and just desperate where I subtly bring it up like an idiot and she tells me it's never going to happen. I've known her for years, it's been well conversed already.
Well that sucks. Prolly best to move on.
I'm quite sure she knows I have a thing for her. I just don't discuss it with her too much cause I know where I stand with her except for the moments where I'm stupid as fuck and just desperate where I subtly bring it up like an idiot and she tells me it's never going to happen. I've known her for years, it's been well conversed already.

Then stop.

Either be her friend and get over the wanting to fuck her part (which you blatantly are not) or move on....


I don't have to know you to assess a few posts. I wasn't judging you as a whole I was judging a few of your posts. Those posts are classic "nice guy" complaints.

This is a thread about Tinder; you felt the need to bring up a bad friend and how you made her several meals. Why are you even bringing up a bad friend in a dating thread?

You're right, but to be fair a lot of other things not pertaining to the subject of dating has been brought up here.

Edit: And boy did this thread take turn for the "real".


Dating as a man is generally an absolute nightmare. You have to jump through so many hoops just to be even considered.

Only money seems to be the solution to all though.

I'm quite sure she knows I have a thing for her. I just don't discuss it with her too much cause I know where I stand with her except for the moments where I'm stupid as fuck and just desperate where I subtly bring it up like an idiot and she tells me it's never going to happen. I've known her for years, it's been well conversed already.

You need to move on from her, because I've seen these types of relationships turn "nice guys" to real bitter men. Regardless of what you say it is, you still have a tiny bit of hope it'll happen between ya'll, and when it doesn't all those nice things that you did, and she did very little is going to end up with you feeling used. And you probably were.
Dating as a man is generally an absolute nightmare. You have to jump through so many hoops just to be even considered.

Only money seems to be the solution to all though.

I don't care about a girls money but I feel like that's because I have none

"Let's be poor together"
Then stop.

Either be her friend and get over the wanting to fuck her part (which you blatantly are not) or move on....
I think I am for the most part. I'm not as clingy or obsessed with her as I was a couple of years ago. I'm just a person she speaks to when she's bored out of her mind. It honestly just depends on how depressed I am. I already know I have no chance with her. I'm just in one of my moods where I don't think anybody is going to be with me so I'm most likely just a tad bitter when it comes to dating conversations.
you noticed his name is "JadedWriter" and he's been chasing this girl for years

its too late b
I'm not exactly chasing her anymore. I don't ask her to do shit with me randomly. I did have a 14 month relationship recently and I'm probably more bitter about that failing than I am about not fucking that Chinese woman.
You need to move on from her, because I've seen these types of relationships turn "nice guys" to real bitter men. Regardless of what you say it is, you still have a tiny bit of hope it'll happen between ya'll, and when it doesn't all those nice things that you did, and she did very little is going to end up with you feeling used. And you probably were.
It's like people forget that I brought up having an ex that isn't this woman several times. I am capable of moving on from her quite well.


I'm quite sure she knows I have a thing for her. I just don't discuss it with her too much cause I know where I stand with her except for the moments where I'm stupid as fuck and just desperate where I subtly bring it up like an idiot and she tells me it's never going to happen. I've known her for years, it's been well conversed already.

You either need to be straight up and ask her out on a proper date, or move on.


Life isn't a Bioware RPG. You can't just invest enough affection points or give x gifts/coins to make people like you more. This applies to both friends and romantic interests. If you do nice deeds because you're a decent guy, you just do them because, you don't do them and then get angry because you got nothing in return. That reaction betrays an ulterior motive.
But what if you do have an ulterior motive, as in, you're interested in them? What do you do? That's what I never figured out how to do, Get a girl to be interested in me. Like you said, that isn't something that happens by choosing the correct conversation path in a Bioware RPG. But obviously people become interested in other people somehow. I mean, I'm living proof of it. My parents, like other normal people, got together somehow.

I guess the obvious thing is to be upfront, since otherwise like you said I'd have an ulterior motive, but it's harder with people you already know and are friends with. I did ask some out back in high school, but got rejected. I guess in college I hoped I would meet someone and something would evolve naturally, but it never did. Probably because I had a tendency to act awkward and stupid when I have a crush on someone, and was slow to move on. And I think I became equally nervous of them saying yes as them saying no, because then I'd have to figure out what to do next.


Saint Titanfall
arranged marriages

That or straight up forced marriages with no say on the woman's part. Really gruesome stuff

I think I am for the most part. I'm not as clingy or obsessed with her as I was a couple of years ago. I'm just a person she speaks to when she's bored out of her mind. It honestly just depends on how depressed I am. I already know I have no chance with her. I'm just in one of my moods where I don't think anybody is going to be with me so I'm most likely just a tad bitter when it comes to dating conversations.

I'd honestly recommend moving on, unless your getting some genuine friendship out of this and your not some pass time it'd be better for you spend that time on self improvement meeting new people, rather than that small hope she may change her mind.
You need to move on from her, because I've seen these types of relationships turn "nice guys" to real bitter men. Regardless of what you say it is, you still have a tiny bit of hope it'll happen between ya'll, and when it doesn't all those nice things that you did, and she did very little is going to end up with you feeling used. And you probably were.

There's already a hint of bitterness given his disappointment that she didn't show sufficient gratitude according to his standard (which in this case means she didn't spend more time with him) for his cooking.

Edit: Wait how is she using him lol.... Let's not feed into that narrative


One question to everyone here who is or has been involved with the dating scene of today (not 20 years ago but past 5 years or so): is money really that big of a factor to women anymore? I mean, the women I interact with are all "I don't want a man paying for my share of the date" types. The thing that they seem to care about is a man being able to support himself and thus demonstrating that they're not lazy or that they don't have ambitions. They want an equal. For some time now I haven't noticed that classic "I wanna get a rich man so he can support a lavish lifestyle for me" vibes from women in general where I live.

So is it really that big of a thing anymore?
There's already a hint of bitterness given his disappointment that she didn't show sufficient gratitude according to his standard (which in this case means she didn't spend more time with him) for his cooking.

Edit: Wait how is she using him lol.... Let's not feed into that narrative

I don't know, but often times it is the case.

One question to everyone here who is or has been involved with the dating scene of today (not 20 years ago but past 5 years or so): is money really that big of a factor to women anymore? I mean, the women I interact with are all "I don't want a man paying for my share of the date" types. The thing that they seem to care about is a man being able to support himself and thus demonstrating that they're not lazy or that they don't have ambitions. They want an equal. For some time now I haven't noticed that classic "I wanna get a rich man so he can support a lavish lifestyle for me" vibes from men in general where I live.

So is it really that big of a thing anymore?

I think it's about the same.
I think I am for the most part. I'm not as clingy or obsessed with her as I was a couple of years ago. I'm just a person she speaks to when she's bored out of her mind. It honestly just depends on how depressed I am. I already know I have no chance with her. I'm just in one of my moods where I don't think anybody is going to be with me so I'm most likely just a tad bitter when it comes to dating conversations.

You absolutely don't come across as someone who is over her.
There's already a hint of bitterness given his disappointment that she didn't show sufficient gratitude according to his standard (which in this case means she didn't spend more time with him) for his cooking.

Edit: Wait how is she using him lol.... Let's not feed into that narrative
She doesn't pay enough attention to me to use me. At that point in time she was in her lesbian phase anyway. I'm just venting old salt and not new salt. New salt is with my ex.
You absolutely don't come across as someone who is over her.
I'm about 95% over her. I'm not actively pursuing her but if she texted me expressing interest in something short term I wouldn't say no.


Saint Titanfall
But what if you do have an ulterior motive, as in, you're interested in them? What do you do? That's what I never figured out how to do, Get a girl to be interested in me. Like you said, that isn't something that happens by choosing the correct conversation path in a Bioware RPG. But obviously people become interested in other people somehow. I mean, I'm living proof of it. My parents, like other normal people, got together somehow.

I guess the obvious thing is to be upfront, since otherwise like you said I'd have an ulterior motive, but it's harder with people you already know and are friends with. I did ask some out back in high school, but got rejected. I guess in college I hoped I would meet someone and something would evolve naturally, but it never did. Probably because I had a tendency to act awkward and stupid when I have a crush on someone, and was slow to move on. And I think I became equally nervous of them saying yes as them saying no, because then I'd have to figure out what to do next.
You can only really know from experience, but what you should be working on is putting yourself out there getting those yes and no's. Rejection is part of relationship it should be something to be scorned get angry at or feared. Nothing ventured nothing gained. After you've fumbled a few of those yes's you'll learn what not to do, but you can get some general common sense advice to ease the process (None of the pick up guide bullshit though).
One question to everyone here who is or has been involved with the dating scene of today (not 20 years ago but past 5 years or so): is money really that big of a factor to women anymore? I mean, the women I interact with are all "I don't want a man paying for my share of the date" types. The thing that they seem to care about is a man being able to support himself and thus demonstrating that they're not lazy or that they don't have ambitions. They want an equal. For some time now I haven't noticed that classic "I wanna get a rich man so he can support a lavish lifestyle for me" vibes from men in general where I live.

So is it really that big of a thing anymore?

Yes, money's a big factor. Even if the woman chips in -- the girl I'm currently dating does, and we basically alternate, since she's a lawyer too -- it expands the things you can do. I've also dated women who expected me to pay, at least initially. I've also dated women who insisted on splitting things 50/50.

To engage in public math: 98% of the time, I offer to pay, they make overtures at paying (which may or may not be serious, but I don't really care), I tell them that I've got the check, that I asked them out and so it's on me. 75% of the time, they'll pick up drinks at the next place we go.

Ahh yes "nice guys" are just victims of selfish women who take advantage of them...

That's what we're going with?

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