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Tinder is destroying men’s self-esteem (New York Post)

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I went up to dance with a girl on the dance floor once. It was great. Came dancing up towards her, got close, then she used her open palm in my face to slowly guide me away from her and I flawlessly kept on dancing in the opposite direction of her. Smooth as fuck.

:) You nasty little tiger, you rrroooaaarrr!!!!
I don't really care if I'm a prude for thinking randomly going up to some woman you don't know and rubbing your junk all over her is horrifying, especially since it would probably give me a major anxiety/panic attack.

Guess I'm a horrible judgmental person. Oh well. :/

Man I used to love my club days. Dancing, numbers, dates, one night stands, etc. To each his own.


It's all good. I don't take myself seriously and can take a good ribbing or roasting.

The question is do you look it? Pics of me from last month.



Wat? So you're a twin and Snoop's twin is one of your buddies. The possibilities....


What the hell is going on in here? Are there hunks? Has anybody posted a dickpic yet, or at least made an oblique reference to their dimensions?

Inquiring minds want to know.


What the hell is going on in here? Are there hunks? Has anybody posted a dickpic yet, or at least made an oblique reference to their dimensions?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Don't be lazy, pal. You can find failed stealth cock bragging somewhere in the middle of this thread.


My mind, legs, and wallet are open.

Let's start with a Snausage and work our way up.

One sec let me read about 59 pages for my daily shot of disappointment.

but it's worth it...does "need Magnum"..."need lube to get that thing on" stir up your excitment?
Back on the subject of Tinder. Do you really have to be witty with your first response? Is just saying hi or how are you considered lazy or something?

What would be the equivalent to grinding up on someone right away in opening text chat form?

You don't have to be witty. no. The most important thing is to ask questions. You want to give them a reason to respond to you, at the same time it shows you're interested in getting to know them better.

If you just make basic statements like "hi" or "good morning" they may not know how to respond to that.


Let's start with a Snausage and work our way up.

Sounds good to me. There's this great Pizza Hut joint where I know a guy who can hook us up with free access to the salad bar and extra toppings for our pizzas. We can get to know each other better there. See you at 7:30, love!
You don't have to be witty. no. The most important thing is to ask questions. You want to give them a reason to respond to you, at the same time it shows you're interested in getting to know them better.

If you just make basic statements like "hi" or "good morning" they may not know how to respond to that.
What kinds of questions should I ask these online females? I've asked about their jobs and such and can't get a response.
What kinds of questions should I ask these online females? I've asked about their jobs and such and can't get a response.

You could start by referring to them as 'women' instead of 'females' for one. They're not a science project.

Just be thoughtful and ask something open-ended about their pic or bio. Like, if they have an outdoors/hiking-ish picture maybe say it's something you're looking to get into or are and ask if they hike local or travel for it, have trails recommendations, etc. This approach works best if you actually share the interest or are interested in trying it rather than just pretending to have an interest to get them to reply, though.


For starters, don't make it sound like a job interview. Questions based off their pictures/profile is best. For example, if there's a pic of a cat, you could ask "who would win in a fight? Cats or midichlorians?". If she wrote something like "6' or gtfo", you could ask her to what extent she thinks tinder is destroying men's self-esteen, etc. These are just basic examples.

You could start by referring to them as 'women' instead of 'females' for one. They're not a science project.
Thank you. At the very least, if you're going to use the adjective, attach a noun to it. Like, female women or something.


Offering to show a prospective mate how far video games have come is also always an option.

Start with The Last Of Us Remastered. If my friends and family had to sit through the 15 minute intro, a piece of cinematic art, then so should she.


"Youd be shocked how far video games have come, but I can come even farther."


"Youd be shocked how far video games have come, but I can be your father. Just call me Daddy.
Do you want to see my collection of antique baby dolls from Germany? They all go by the name Rosaline...that's my mother's name btw. May I call you Rosaline,too?."
Yeah, I'm 29 and have never had a girlfriend. Tinder has been no help there. No women in a 50-mile radius want anything to do with me. But I'm me. Recommend not engaging this post.
You could start by referring to them as 'women' instead of 'females' for one. They're not a science project.

Just be thoughtful and ask something open-ended about their pic or bio. Like, if they have an outdoors/hiking-ish picture maybe say it's something you're looking to get into or are and ask if they hike local or travel for it, have trails recommendations, etc. This approach works best if you actually share the interest or are interested in trying it rather than just pretending to have an interest to get them to reply, though.
But I have nothing really in common with a lot of them any way. Whenever I do happen to find one of these "women" that are into anime or video games and ask them what they like I get no response any way.


Why put women in quotes?

Do you think no one else asks them what anime or game they like? If that is the only thing of note that you are able to ask them, it does not make you stand out. Women are just people. If you think you have nothing in common with 'women', what about other guys? Do you have anything in common to discuss aside from anime/games? If not, are you interested in broadening your horizons and getting out of your comfort zone? Are there any other hobbies or activities or sports that you might be interested in? Some of these could social and be opportunities to also meet people (with a baked-in common interest already).
Why put women in quotes?

Do you think no one else asks them what anime or game they like? If that is the only thing of note that you are able to ask them, it does not make you stand out. Women are just people. If you think you have nothing in common with 'women', what about other guys? Do you have anything in common to discuss aside from anime/games? If not, are you interested in broadening your horizons and getting out of your comfort zone? Are there any other hobbies or activities or sports that you might be interested in? Some of these could social and be opportunities to also meet people (with a baked-in common interest already).
I've tried asking them about photography and got the same amount of nothing.


For those out there in despair, I come here as a ray of hope.

Of all the superficial apps out there, I met my GF on Tinder after months of using it just like that...passing my likes the moments I had those. It's almost been 9 month now I never was so happy to be with a women in my whole life.

So yeah, most of the time it's heavily superficial, but you can find someone out there that won't just want a one night stand, even if that's Tinder. I had my downs as well, but in the end, in the position I am now, it was fucking worth it.

Just keep searching and one day a miracle can happen. :)


Been out of this thread for a while, is it still about short black guys like me or has it changed topic again? Can't be too sure with this thread.


Been out of this thread for a while, is it still about short black guys like me or has it changed topic again? Can't be too sure with this thread.
Playing catch up as well... something about ugly people being fat, hidden facial features behind all the bacon, like aragorn from lotr. Danes. Guys don't put in as much effort because makeup. That's all I got.


But I have nothing really in common with a lot of them any way. Whenever I do happen to find one of these "women" that are into anime or video games and ask them what they like I get no response any way.

At the very least, at least you are matching up with them in the first place! Also, that question is too broad. Get specific. I can't stress this enough. Look at their photos or bio and comment on something in particular.
At the very least, at least you are matching up with them in the first place! Also, that question is too broad. Get specific. I can't stress this enough. Look at their photos or bio and comment on something in particular.
Mind you this isn't Tinder, I don't match with women on Tinder these days. I'm asking mainly in the broad spectrum of online dating sites in general where I have to ask them a question first. Sometimes women either have the broadest of profiles being 2 sentences if it's Plenty of Fish or sometimes multiple paragraphs where I eventually just start zoning out if it's OKCupid.


i've hooked up with 3 different women on tinder and i'm 5'4" which is really short for a guy. my advice: if tinder is seriously ruining your self esteem, either stop using it or develop an abundance mentality.
i've hooked up with 3 different women on tinder and i'm 5'4" which is really short for a guy. my advice: if tinder is seriously ruining your self esteem, either stop using it or develop an abundance mentality.

Seems like people don't want to put in the effort either. Thinking it should be easier.


all good things
Persistence is key tho. Innit?

Sometimes, man! Sometimes.

There's someone I still talk to on snapchat that I met on tinder. After some back and fourth on tinder I was like "Hey, we should go out sometime!" and she said, "Yeah we should!" so I was like, "Great! Can I get your number so I can set it all up?" and like a day later she replied with "Sure! I'm sending it over!" which just cracked me up.

So I sent back "Are you mailing it to me? You're so mean to me lol" and I saw her snapchat on her tinder page so I started talking to her on there and we've been going back and fourth for a few weeks. One of these days, she's gonna let me take her out lol. I can feel it!

It's getting closer and closer! and then one day when she wakes up next to me I'm going to say "Ha! Bet you didn't see this coming when you said your numbers on the way!" and strut around like a king.

But usually, no, don't do it. No, just don't.


Mind you this isn't Tinder, I don't match with women on Tinder these days. I'm asking mainly in the broad spectrum of online dating sites in general where I have to ask them a question first. Sometimes women either have the broadest of profiles being 2 sentences if it's Plenty of Fish or sometimes multiple paragraphs where I eventually just start zoning out if it's OKCupid.

The advice still applies really with any app. I've used other dating apps before and this was the best way to get them to reply. It was either that or some really cheesy pickup line haha. If the profile is too broad, notice a location and ask "Hey is that the Grand Canyon? I've always wanted to go there!" Or if they mentioned they like Stephen King books, ask them if they've read a related book, and sound excited to recommend it. Stuff like that.
Yeah. Like I said:

Don't say hi or sup or whatever. It doesn't have to be witty but try to read her bio and make your first message related to that. It'll make you 1. Not look boring and 2. Show you're capable of having and starting a conversation, and 3. Actually show you bothered to read her profile which will in turn make it more likely to read yours and give you a shot. Same rule applies to things like OKC honestly.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Relevant repost:


I dated this girl who after two months did something similar to me. She acted real nervous, like I was about to find out about some kind of really creepy sick thing she does or enjoys. Finally she spits out this dark secret of hers that she's embarassed of, "I'm really into Yugi Oh."


Bitches love smiley faces
I dated this girl who after two months did something similar to me. She acted real nervous, like I was about to find out about some kind of really creepy sick thing she does or enjoys. Finally she spits out this dark secret of hers that she's embarassed of, "I'm really into Yugi Oh."

Please tell me you then pulled out a trap card and now you're both a happy couple with a dog named Yami Yugi.


Can't believe this thread is still up.

Also I dunno if Harson is still in this thread but dude, I decided to spent 15 bucks to get one month of that premium Tinder service with unlimited swipes. Damn son.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Please tell me you then pulled out a trap card and now you're both a happy couple with a dog named Yami Yugi.

I did play it off like "oh yeah, I was into that for like a second, haven't played in almost a decade, probably threw out my cards." Waited until she went to the bathroom an hour later, immediately grabbed my deck from a drawer, pulled out a trap card and wrote on it in yellow sharpie "Sex?"

That worked that night; the relationship did not for the long term. So no dog. But the lesson here is to never throw out your trading cards.


Can't believe this thread is still up.

Also I dunno if Harson is still in this thread but dude, I decided to spent 15 bucks to get one month of that premium Tinder service with unlimited swipes. Damn son.

Shit's 100% worth it. I'm a huge fan of first dates, and am generally trying to expand my social circle among other things... and Premium is worth it big time for unlimited swipes alone.
Shit's 100% worth it. I'm a huge fan of first dates, and am generally trying to expand my social circle among other things... and Premium is worth it big time for unlimited swipes alone.

Its worth it as fuck here in MC, I've reach the point where I can't keep up with the matches


Junior Member
Good post imo.
Mothers (and fathers) can start with treating their sons like normal people instead of kings.
In a lot of cultures (more than in others) sons are raised to be fucking assholes.
Equality should start there.

I completely agree that it should start at home when people are young.
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