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TITANFALL 2 |G2.1| "Whatever The Fuck That Means"


That's really on the low end. I was talking about people with a minimum of 1000 hours played.

If 400 hours is "low end" to you, then I guess you misunderstand how often the average player (who makes up the vast majority of playcount) actually play these games.

I mean shit, Titanfall 1 only had about 15 months worth of updates... (up until ranked chip)


got dced, because that's cool (even though the rest of my internet stayed working)



Every time... Seriously, Rodeo is just not a good idea in this game without maybe Cloak + Low Profile or Phase...

It's super predictable when they jump off.


I've had plenty of rodeo success. Low Profile is a must. Cloak isn't needed.

Rodeo killing a player controlled titan is one of the most satisfying things in the game.



Amped Archers killing Doomed Titans errrday

I've had plenty of rodeo success. Low Profile is a must. Cloak isn't needed.

Rodeo killing a player controlled titan is one of the most satisfying things in the game.

I have to ask, what's even the point? An Amped Archer shot will deal comparable damage and is much safer in the process.

Since the Rodeo pilot will almost always fall backwards, it's easy to just turn around and dash once. It's free kills. I dunno, maybe there's a way for a better player to avoid that, but... it's far easier to punish it. Risk/reward doesn't seem worth it.



$1695 banked, personal record. I don't think it's possible to get too much higher.


I have no qualms about dropping a couple of ticks after I've banked on BH :D

EDIT: However, I do have a problem with people that don't play the mode. I was stuck on a game of BH on Angel City with a guy who picked up 35 pilot kills, but banked less than 700 credits. 0_o

Yeah, it gets ridiculous. I'm usually a high 80s to low 100s attrition player, but will dominate most bounty hunter matches because I actually play the objective.

Playing it for K/D is just dumb. I will play kamikaze if I just banked out, because deaths don't matter.


This is intentional. They wanted to remove the possibility of trading in this game (it was kinda rampant in R1, but I liked it tbh).

Now, whoever has the better connection will win.

so 100% of people have better connection than 50ms?
If I cant go in Phase shift EVER if someone is shooting at me?
Sounds like some kind of low tickrate issue to me.

This kind of stuff happens all the time many times per match, its not something with players connections.


so 100% of people have better connection than 50ms?
If I cant go in Phase shift EVER if someone is shooting at me?
Sounds like some kind of low tickrate issue to me.

This kind of stuff happens all the time many times per match, its not something with players connections.

You say 100%, but you don't know how many times this did you a favor.

It's CoD-like netcode.


If 400 hours is "low end" to you, then I guess you misunderstand how often the average player (who makes up the vast majority of playcount) actually play these games.

I mean shit, Titanfall 1 only had about 15 months worth of updates... (up until ranked chip)
That's not what we were talking about. I was talking about the people I consider the die hards that are on my friends list.

Y'know you've been alright lately but then come out with stuff like that. Constant goalpost shifting and holier than thou, condescending BS.
How is answering someones question on what i consider "die hards" condescending? Condescending is what the poster below did by throwing in a negative in there.

397 hours is on the low end? What on earth are you smoking man? Must be lonely up on pro mountain.

Reading comprehension is lacking in this OT.



We understand that it's what you consider to be die hard...

It's also the basis of your critique. What the die hard players might think, as if it doesn't apply to the vast majority of us in the thread.

people still using Cloak over Phase Shift...


I think the custom sensitivity etc. is the best update ever.

Rayme, I officially love you.

(also I have a video confirming the Electric Smoke UI bug, I'll PM this)


Im diehard with 170h and almost gen10!
Also I will hit 1000 wins before 10000 kills, that's some kind of record right?
Oh and 444 advocate gifts atm.


We understand that it's what you consider to be die hard...

It's also the basis of your critique. What the die hard players might think, as if it doesn't apply to the vast majority of us in the thread.

Yes? And? I made a statement based on my observation. Another poster decided to chime in about casuals, i replied to make sure that poster knew exactly what i meant because he clearly did not know. You wanted to gauge what my idea of a "die hard" player is and i replied. Some other poster decided to call me condescending for it.

Not sure what the confusion is about here


Yes? And? I made a statement based on my observation. Another poster decided to chime in about casuals, i replied to make sure that poster knew exactly what i meant because he clearly did not know. You wanted to gauge what my idea of a "die hard" player is and i replied. Some other poster decided to call me condescending for it.

Not sure what the confusion is about here

Running off the assumption that you didn't know how much R1 I played, I suppose it made you sound elitest.

tbf visible context withers as the conversation continues, so the reaction is understandable.

I think understand what is keeping the more casual Titanfall fan away is more important for Respawn to consider in their updates.


Yes? And? I made a statement based on my observation. Another poster decided to chime in about casuals, i replied to make sure that poster knew exactly what i meant because he clearly did not know. You wanted to gauge what my idea of a "die hard" player is and i replied. Some other poster decided to call me condescending for it.

Not sure what the confusion is about here

Didnt you say you dont play on weekends because you have a social life? Where do you find the time to put into 1000 hours into one game?


Didnt you say you dont play on weekends because you have a social life? Where do you find the time to put into 1000 hours into one game?



XBL reports 191 hours for R2 for me, but I'm certain that the vaaaaaast majority of that is in menus because... The game itself reports under 72 hours...

I wonder if suspending a game still makes it count :/
So I was playing Northstar and had a pure 57 seconds of clenched buttcheeks - it was just one thing after another.


Also, checked my stats the other day:


Finishing approx %55 of all my matches as MVP, though it seems to be trending down the more I play Northstar :'(

Any ideas on how they could improve Northstar moving forward? I feel like the hover should be able to be cancelled. Her Core definitely needs to be adjusted, maybe shorten the duration and increase projectile speed and/or damage. Make it a bit more like salvo core without the super aim rockets.

Outside of that, I'm not sure what could be done. I'd also be open to increasing the railgun projectile speed. Realistically Ion shits out more damage rapidly with shoulder lasers than Northstar can do, and that takes far less effort + hitscan.

Looking forward to Northstar Prime though.
Bounty Hunt is now dead on PC on West coast.
Honestly, if weapons could be leveled up in that mode in a reasonable manner, maybe it would get more players. The whole game would be dead if not for Attrition. It's a nice mode, but the star of the show is still direct PVP with Titans.


3 nights in a row basically only blow out matches, 1 good match all night tonight. Love the game to death, but will be probably be stopping, the lopsided nature of this game is too frustrating. I played 8 games the other day came Top 3 or MVP in 6 of the 8 matches and we got blown out every single game by insane amounts.
Bounty Hunt is now dead on PC on West coast.

East coast tonight no one in bounty or hardpoint could only get a match in attrition and mix tape.

No Love

so 100% of people have better connection than 50ms?
If I cant go in Phase shift EVER if someone is shooting at me?
Sounds like some kind of low tickrate issue to me.

This kind of stuff happens all the time many times per match, its not something with players connections.

You say 100%, but you don't know how many times this did you a favor.

It's CoD-like netcode.

I get killed while phase shifting all the time and it sucks. I have an insane connection too. I can already be in the phase shift too. :/


I get killed while phase shifting all the time and it sucks. I have an insane connection too. I can already be in the phase shift too. :/

If Phase Shift worked *as intended* my deaths would be almost halved.

I especially hate when Pilot Sentries seem to almost instant kill because of the connection sometimes.


Can someone explain Titan executions to me?

I swear, the last few matches, I am executed AS SOON as I get doomed before I can even phase dash in my Ronin. Every god damn time tonight. But when I attempt to execute other Titans, we just bounce off of each other like a regular melee. WTF?! This is so frustrating. Those executions cost me bounties on ten separate targets!
So today's flavor returns to Swolbro being elitist and pilot sentries.

Can someone explain Titan executions to me?

I swear, the last few matches, I am executed AS SOON as I get doomed before I can even phase dash in my Ronin. Every god damn time tonight. But when I attempt to execute other Titans, we just bounce off of each other like a regular melee. WTF?! This is so frustrating. Those executions cost me bounties on ten separate targets!

Hold the melee button.
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