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TITANFALL 2 |G2.1| "Whatever The Fuck That Means"


Dont forget smart pistol, thats 1 BS weapon too.

I never understood the hate towards the Smart Pistol in R1... at the very least, it's a really bad choice and almost useless in R2 (since it replaces your Anti-Titan weapon and a monkey with Amped Weapons could kill faster).

Zeta Oni

I can't hit shit with it, even when tapping.
Alternator I can semi-snipe people but the CAR recoil is just all over the place.

If your aiming down the sights for any reason besides using the Hover ability while having the CAR equipped, your doing something wrong.

The guns main strength is its great hip-fire accuracy combined with having the mobility of a sub-machinegun. Gunrunner is a recommended attachment.



The player skill is getting worse and worse when it should be getting better, it's frustrating as fuck playing with a team that has no idea how to kill a Titan. Seriously the least skilled playerbase I've ever seen in an FPS, just utterly shit.


The player skill is getting worse and worse when it should be getting better, it's frustrating as fuck playing with a team that has no idea how to kill a Titan. Seriously the least skilled playerbase I've ever seen in an FPS, just utterly shit.

It's not as bad as the end of the original haha. At least, the lowest score is around 20.

In R1, you'd get people who died 17 times and got 3 Attrition Points... (minions)

I might have a picture of this somewhere.


The player skill is getting worse and worse when it should be getting better, it's frustrating as fuck playing with a team that has no idea how to kill a Titan. Seriously the least skilled playerbase I've ever seen in an FPS, just utterly shit.

Have you played BF1? Holy shit is the playerbase awful.

Zeta Oni

The player skill is getting worse and worse when it should be getting better, it's frustrating as fuck playing with a team that has no idea how to kill a Titan. Seriously the least skilled playerbase I've ever seen in an FPS, just utterly shit.

It will probably stay that way, because the vast majority of people continue to look at this game as just a FPS.

If there's anything the campaign should have taught people, its that Titanfall is just as much of a platformer as it is a shooter, and until people use the mechanics at hand to augment their playstyle instead of using it as a way to simply get from point A to point B faster, it wont change.


The player skill is getting worse and worse when it should be getting better, it's frustrating as fuck playing with a team that has no idea how to kill a Titan. Seriously the least skilled playerbase I've ever seen in an FPS, just utterly shit.

The more I know the worse I play


I'm definitely not a "Skilled player." I can use the movement, but not to the full. I can aim, but not 100% and definitely not with SMGs while flying past people.

The thing is, I'm always top 3, and I'm often the top player by a significant margin, at least on my team.
Sort of like Me: 100+ everyone else: 30-50.

There's the occasional game where everyone will be 80-90 but they are VERY rare.

I often see people just camping. They kill me once then they die. Constantly. It's just free kill, especially when Tone comes down and I can just snipe them from across the map with the 40mm.

I wish I could play like some of the people here, I'd absolutely dominate...even more than usual.


I'm glad others are seeing it as well. It makes no sense to me, people should be getting better at the game as time goes on :/ Of course it's hard starting out but I'm seeing constant G2's and above just completely ignoring, well, just about everything. I swear most people don't even try to kill a Titan when they're a pilot. I see it when I'm in a titan too with people just running at me in a straight line and it's like "what are you doing?". On average I'd say there's 2-3 people out of 12 that know what they're doing in a match.


If your aiming down the sights for any reason besides using the Hover ability while having the CAR equipped, your doing something wrong.

The guns main strength is its great hip-fire accuracy combined with having the mobility of a sub-machinegun. Gunrunner is a recommended attachment.

I'm hip-fireing with smgs 90% of the time.
Can't say the CAR is good except close range, maybe it's different with autoaim on consoles ?


I'm glad others are seeing it as well. It makes no sense to me, people should be getting better at the game as time goes on :/ Of course it's hard starting out but I'm seeing constant G2's and above just completely ignoring, well, just about everything. I swear most people don't even try to kill a Titan when they're a pilot. I see it when I'm in a titan too with people just running at me in a straight line and it's like "what are you doing?". On average I'd say there's 2-3 people out of 12 that know what they're doing in a match.

I think R1 made the default Anti-Titan weapon the Archer, no? It's strange how it's the Charge Rifle, considering it's the hardest one to use.

I think people try it out once then not bother.

Zeta Oni

I'm hip-fireing with smgs 90% of the time.
Can't say the CAR is good except close range, maybe it's different with autoaim on consoles ?

I can only speak for myself, but imo the CAR has flat out the best accuracy while in motion. This in turn, allows you kill and keep moving with relative ease. Its a submachine gun, its effective out to mid-range and that's about it. You can kill people from a greater distance with it, but that's based around how they react to the first shots you land, so any player worth their stuff is gonna be long gone before you can kill them.

I feel every other SMG is mediocre in comparison. The Volt seems like a pseudo AR at times, the Alternator runs out of ammo too fast, and the R-97 SMG spits out bullets in a very satisfying manner, but has terrible recoil and damage. CAR is the all-around SMG, and if I didn't know better id say the" C" stands for Consistency.


I've wanted to use the CAR in this game since it was my main in R1, but I don't know if I can make it work here. Hemlok is sufficient for basically every situation and with the CAR I find certain map starts (Crash Site) really difficult.

I should give it another go. Perhaps with Amped Weapons, it becomes good at long-range and phenomenal at close range. (Though tbf, Amped Hemlok can hipfire really well as it is).


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Gets me every time.

I find myself agreeing with the Pilot (because Titan is Doomed) but then he goes and...

*shakes head*


Interesting thing I have found out today. Giving a battery gives them Core% (I think, like, 90% sure). That means sharing batteries with other Titans is net better for your team.

I always share batteries unless I have a titan ready. You get a big boost on your titan meter and plus it's just the right thing to do even if they are doomed.

I've been seeing more battery sharing lately in non-LTS modes so there is hope yet.

Edit : The other side of that video is friendly titans that are oblivious to you trying to rodeo them with a battery.
I never understood the hate towards the Smart Pistol in R1... at the very least, it's a really bad choice and almost useless in R2 (since it replaces your Anti-Titan weapon and a monkey with Amped Weapons could kill faster).

Because it lets a bad player to out gun a similarly bad player without paying much of effort.
It's really the most agreed upon BS in this game, so you're alright. They said in a steam that they'll sort it out though.
Good to know.
Looks like I'll have to find something else to moan about to sound scrubtacular like To-
There's a counter to Tone

Well really my main gripe with Tone is if you end up doing Last Titan Standing in that one map that's like 75% straight corridors for Titan roaming.

Guess the only other thing that gets my goat so far is nuclear eject, mainly for if I've successfully melted someone with scorch shield, all that effort to get in and no chance of getting out.
People keep talking about battery sharing. What is it and how do I do it? Only played a handful of matches and still getting to grips with movement and weapons.


People keep talking about battery sharing. What is it and how do I do it? Only played a handful of matches and still getting to grips with movement and weapons.

steal a titans battery and give it to a teammates titan. boost there core + boosts your titan drop


For the stealing? Jump on an enemy Titan, steal its battery and pray that you survive.

For the giving? Just jump on an friendly Titan when you have a battery.

I find that if a Titanr he fires his electric smoke your dead if you jump back into a wall or anything hindering your movement. You just don't seem to get high enough and I've killed enough pilots even if they've jumped off without my battery.


Hey Guys - I've got 12x 15 minute double XP codes that I have no use for - quote this post to reveal and just make a note when you grab some. (these are for dewanddoritos.com)



Tbf, sometimes I get people hop out their titans m, pick up a battery that was stolen from me, and put it in MY titan. I think they see me high on the score board and are like, yo imma help that dude.

Sometimes it's bad because I'm trying to self damage for the bounty titan lol.

I also put a wall between myself and my team so they can't hit the bounty titan if I have a nuclear ready. Otherwise, the titan can go strange and run away into the other team :(

It doesn't annoy me because I appreciate the help but... Haha. I get on the mic and try to mention it, even though no one replies. I think they hear me out those.

"I got laser, everyone, go to the other one!"


Because it lets a bad player to out gun a similarly bad player without paying much of effort.

So does amped weapons, or possibly even cloak at times. Smart pistol is fine in R2. It's a fun boost thsts really good for killing minions but not so good against people.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Hemlok might be really strong on consoles but I'm not really seeing its uses on PC compared to an SMG

if i'm ADSing I might as well use Devo
I find that if a Titanr he fires his electric smoke your dead if you jump back into a wall or anything hindering your movement. You just don't seem to get high enough and I've killed enough pilots even if they've jumped off without my battery.

In Tf1 there is a trick called wallblocking where you put your Titan's back to a wall and pop smoke, the pilot will not be able to jump away from your Titan and be killed by the smoke. It doesn't work as consistently in Tf2 tho.

So does amped weapons, or possibly even cloak at times. Smart pistol is fine in R2. It's a fun boost thsts really good for killing minions but not so good against people.

Yeah I know, was talking about why SP is annoying in Tf1.


I love the smart pistol in Titanfall 2. It's better than the one in R1, but it's not a standard weapon. I tried a bunch of other boosts and I don't like any of them as much as the smart pistol.
Finally got back into MP after checking out other online shooters (Siege, BF 1, Overwatch). I've found Pilot v Pilot has been the best way for me to get used to and better at the game. I think I've nailed down my favorite combo (Alternator + Cloak)

Got 8 kills and only 4 deaths last game.

I've never played online shooters before, so this game is pretty good at helping me hone my reflexes and aim

So how do you deal with titans while on foot? I've mainly been running like hell and using the magnetic grenade launcher


I never understood the hate towards the Smart Pistol in R1... at the very least, it's a really bad choice and almost useless in R2 (since it replaces your Anti-Titan weapon and a monkey with Amped Weapons could kill faster).

Killing typical noobs who use it sure is not that bad but if decent player comes wallrunning at you there is no way you shoot him before he locks and kills you.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
So how do you deal with titans while on foot? I've mainly been running like hell and using the magnetic grenade launcher

Quoting myself from the other day :

MGL + extra ammo + fast loader

Put tactikill on your main weapon whichever you choose

Phase shift for tactical

Power cell or ordinance expert ( I use this in LTS if I die early) for kit 1

Low profile for kit 2

Arc grenades

Amped weapons for your boost

In LTS I swap phase shift with stim because it makes hopping out of your titan and grabbing batteries a lot easier.


Hemlok might be really strong on consoles but I'm not really seeing its uses on PC compared to an SMG

if i'm ADSing I might as well use Devo

It's the level of aim assit on consoles that's the trouble. AR's can get a perfect lock of you no matter how fast you're moving.


Finally got back into MP after checking out other online shooters (Siege, BF 1, Overwatch). I've found Pilot v Pilot has been the best way for me to get used to and better at the game. I think I've nailed down my favorite combo (Alternator + Cloak)

Got 8 kills and only 4 deaths last game.

I've never played online shooters before, so this game is pretty good at helping me hone my reflexes and aim

So how do you deal with titans while on foot? I've mainly been running like hell and using the magnetic grenade launcher

Either Mag Launcher or Archer. They work really well with Amped Weapons.

Personally, I use Archer because 3 or so shots gets you a Titan, and an Amped shot will kill a Doomed Titan (and many people don't realise this so it's easy kills). You get like 70% if you pull that off.

Personally, I don't think Rodeo is worthwhile. Damage Titans to get your Build% and that's it.

Be afraid of Ronin, only fight one if you have an escape route like a building. Phase Shift works very well with Archer since you can shoot and run away.

If it's an Ion or Northstar, assume that a Titan will Goose you if you are ejecting and Phase/Stim-strafe away, otherwise throw a Firestar from above and use your Anti-Titan weapon on your way down. Most of my Pilot to Titan kills are from ejections..

Firestar is the best Anti-Titan Grande because it blinds AND does a bunch of Damage. Be careful not to try and rodeo a Titan after attaching a Firestar to it, lol. Darwin award right there.


What can Scorch do to kill a pilot rodeoing him(asides from electric smoke)? Like in TF1 you could fire a cluster missile at a wall and the splash damage would kill a pilot.
What can Scorch do to kill a pilot rodeoing him(asides from electric smoke)? Like in TF1 you could fire a cluster missile at a wall and the splash damage would kill a pilot.

Scorch can do the same thing with his primary weapon. It doesn't have the same range as Northstar's cluster, but it definitely has splash damage.
What can Scorch do to kill a pilot rodeoing him(asides from electric smoke)? Like in TF1 you could fire a cluster missile at a wall and the splash damage would kill a pilot.

Fire your main weapon at a wall, turn your back to it and the dripping thermite will do the job.
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