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Titanfall |OT2| Press X To Respawn


Gentlemen please.

Everyone knows the R-97 is the best weapon in the game anyway ;D

There's something satisfying with that weapon, especially with the suppressor on. *prrrrrrttttt*
I don't know if it's more efficient, but I love that sound. ^^


You know what, I know what you're saying now. You're going off my hypothetical situation of if I'm standing still and shooting while someone is moving, strafing, and jumping at close range then I don't have a chance. Period.

I still think you're wrong.

1) The gun stats still favor my situation. Keep in mind this is using counterweight vs Carbine w/ extended mag.

C.A.R. SMG does 32% more damage at close range
C.A.R. SMG fires rounds 4% faster
C.A.R. SMG has 13% higher max ammo capacity
C.A.R. SMG has 29% lower ADS base spread (Not moving)
C.A.R. SMG has 36% lower HIP base spread (Standing, Not moving)
C.A.R. SMG has 29% lower ADS base spread (Crouching)
C.A.R. SMG has 22% lower HIP base spread (Crouching)

2) Not sure how you came to the conclusion that if I'm standing still it's impossible to follow a moving player and kill him.

3) In a close fight, you don't need to ADS with the SMG. 9/10, even if a player is moving and I'm not (or hell, even when we're both moving), he's going to spending time to use that ADS. All I have to do is put my reticle on the target and fire. Chances are, I'm hitting him multiple times before he gets his first shot off. That is the trade off with using the SMG close range vice Carbine.

4) This is all hypothetical and using the numbers as fact. In game, everyone is (or should) be moving. The advantage is usually going to go to the player that spots and shoots first.


Gentlemen please.

Everyone knows the R-97 is the best weapon in the game anyway ;D

LOL. I tried using the R-97 Jito but I always find myself trying to hip fire it like a CAR w/ counterweight. It usually doesn't go well for me when that happens.
I haven't played since I moved out, but damn. My old roommate still plays it a fair amount and he says he doesn't have trouble finding matches.

The next match one person left from each team so it was 2 VS 2. I quit after a few minutes and found a new game that was full after that and played a bunch of great (super close) matches with that group. I also managed to find full groups during the day yesterday.

But, there are times when it's hard to. I'm wondering if the match making fucks up some how sometimes? It's just hard to believe we played an entire 3v3 match and not a single person joined and I've seen similar things the last few days. It's as if it just stops putting new people into the games. That or there are seriously just way less people playing.

Even after the updates, I feel like the R-101c Carbine is still the best gun.

I decided to switch to the R-101C last night after having used the C.A.R. since launch. I was fucking wrecking people my very first game with it (was top player on both teams). Even with a silencer on I was practically sniping with it.


I decided to switch to the R-101C last night after having used the C.A.R. since launch. I was fucking wrecking people my very first game with it (was top player on both teams). Even with a silencer on I was practically sniping with it.

Maybe it's just in my mind but the silencer seems to give it extra stability. I was always for using silenced weapons in CoD, so I enjoyed more of the same in Titanfall. It's a great all around weapon and every FPS seems to have one right down to the days of the MP5 on MW and the UMP45 on MW2.


Since the update I prefer the Hemlock, it's perfect for my aggressive playstyle, especially with the Starburst mod. Carbine user's never see me coming since they're too busy trying to kill players from across the map.


Man. There's something about this game. I just bought the season pass. I barely have any time to play but I've enjoyed it immensely. $20 for the 3 xpacks is pretty good. And the black market sounds pretty cool.
Just started a game where it was 2v5. The game actually started that way and didn't scramble teams. Both of us just quit. Should have taken a screenshot first. I assume it just ends the game if the entire other team quits?


I've just got really used to closing down the range on people when I'm running with the R-97 using stims and parkour. If people want to take me on at range I just spam my Arc grenades and try to get closer. If it's super range then I resort to the Charge Rifle, love exploding people from across the map.

Interesting stats between the CAR and R-97. Wasn't aware that the R-97 had a higher rate of fire.

Yeh the R-97 takes down Titans stupid fast now with such a high rate of fire, it's nearly as good as the Spitfire.


I've just got really used to closing down the range on people when I'm running with the R-97 using stims and parkour. If people want to take me on at range I just spam my Arc grenades and try to get closer. If it's super range then I resort to the Charge Rifle, love exploding people from across the map.

Yeh the R-97 takes down Titans stupid fast now with such a high rate of fire, it's nearly as good as the Spitfire.

Our play styles are very similar, Jito. Stim + SMG is a godsend. Arc grenades are a must to even the play field when at distance and the guys I was playing with last night can tell you I was vaporizing dudes with the Charge Rifle. I would not mind using the R-97. Just have to ween myself off of the hip fire.

patch notes.

hopefully they made it so i can get my Tree Runner achievement. sucks not being able to 100% this game..

Lots of yummy bandwidth optimizations as well as various delicious framerate optimizations have been lovingly hand-crafted and squeezed into the game.

I lol'd. Hope it's as good as they say it is. Pretty sure Jito will be the first to make it clear on how satisfactory these optimizations are :p

We have moved Campaign game mode in with the other existing game modes. It will rotate through all maps over and over and you can join at any point.

Sort of pointless IMO. Rather just play the maps on Attrition and Hardpoint without the time consuming 'story' content.

Also glad to see we'll be getting achievements when the maps drop.


We played about ten more matches then we got matched with some kids from like the U.K and it was laggy as hell. So after we stomped them in hard point we all got off... Then ji66a man got on... Late as usual.

The lag actually ended up making that a tense match where we had to stage a comeback though. I will say, a laggy match with you guys is more fun than a solo one without. It is such a refreshing thing for someone on your team to tell you they are going to go capture a hardpoint and then they actually go do that thing or let you know where opponents are.

I apologize though, my performance was terrible for those two games (although that marked for death match, I could have just sat in the corner reading a book and we still would have won. The biggest challenge is trying to at least get a shot on a mark before one of you guys kill him. I think their average lifespan was 5-7 seconds). I'll have to step it up to get to your level. (but I won't be messing with railgun anymore by that point, that should help.)

I stayed on a bit after and all the games felt a bit laggy which I haven't had much of a problem with. Even that second hardpoint match it took me a while to get in the party because my screen froze for about 30 seconds at the start, couldn't even get to the home xbox screen.

Gentlemen please.

Everyone knows the R-97 is the best weapon in the game anyway ;D

I was kind of feeling like carbine was easy mode for this game, but I'm starting to warm up to some of the other weapons. Right now I'm getting everything unlocked, but I think once I am done with that I will switch between the car(mid-range, closed-in maps) and the hemlock(open maps). Surprisingly, to me, the R-97 went really fast because it was better than I recalled. I was expecting to finish out the grunt and spectre challenges to get the unlocks and then spend forever trying to sneak up behind pilots, but mobility + SMGs work out really well. Getting the spectres took longer(because it took me forever to find ones to kill)

Interesting stats between the CAR and R-97. Wasn't aware that the R-97 had a higher rate of fire.


That is an interesting site. In halo I liked knowing weapon damage. For that comparison did they accidentally switch some of those stats. Where it looks the R-97 should have an advantage and it shows it has a percent increase the actual numbers look backwards, but maybe I am reading it wrong.

One last thing, speaking of 1v1, last night I heard my first real trashtalk in the pregame lobby that I've encountered on Titanfall. Happily in this game there hasn't been much at all which is partly due to the fact hardly anybody even uses their mics. One guy on my team had KSI in his gamertag and on the other there were two with TBR (or something like that) and instantly they start going back in forth in the typical cliche patterns that I'm sure everyone is familiar with. The KSI guy actually was pretty chill about it, with the other two really hammering on. They tried to call me out for being multi-gen and still playing campaign (I jump into Campaign on Colony when I need to spectre kills), but mostly latched onto the KSI guy.

I have no problem people trashtalking with their friends, but amongst strangers it just seems so stupid (and I don't buy the mindgame aspect of it) and it is just so boring. We beat them of course.


Hmm. Looks like black market is added to the base game. Oops. That was a big factor in deciding to purchase the season pass. Oh well. Worth supporting the game on PC.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Hmm. Looks like black market is added to the base game. Oops. That was a big factor in deciding to purchase the season pass. Oh well. Worth supporting the game on PC.

Season pass is worth it. The maps so far have been great, no reason to think future maps won't be as good if not better. I double dipped on PC/X1 and have no regrets :D


i dont think season pass is worth it. i own it, but Destiny comes out in like 40 days, most people are gonna move onto that.

i don't see many people still playing this game for the third map pack. i didn't even want Destiny, but since the rest of the titanbrehs are getting it, i might as well get it too so im not stuck playing with people who try their hardest to lose.


Hmm. Looks like black market is added to the base game. Oops. That was a big factor in deciding to purchase the season pass. Oh well. Worth supporting the game on PC.
We promised awhile ago that all new not-new-maps stuff would be free for everyone, part of the core game forever. But they're good maps, so you've still got a nice deal! ;)



Season pass is worth it. The maps so far have been great, no reason to think future maps won't be as good if not better. I double dipped on PC/X1 and have no regrets :D

i dont think season pass is worth it. i own it, but Destiny comes out in like 40 days, most people are gonna move onto that.

i don't see many people still playing this game for the third map pack. i didn't even want Destiny, but since the rest of the titanbrehs are getting it, i might as well get it too so im not stuck playing with people who try their hardest to lose.

Contrary opinions..

We promised awhile ago that all new not-new-maps stuff would be free for everyone, part of the core game forever. But they're good maps, so you've still got a nice deal! ;)


Unbiased tiebreaker!

Purchase validated.

Seriously, it's great that the core gameplay changes aren't tied into the DLC. I didn't know that but that's my own fault. Either way, if my small purchase keeps the good FPS games coming out on PC, I've done my part.

I wouldn't even bat an eyelash over it except I've had little time to play lately with a new baby. Worried that by the time I do play more, the community will have shrunk.


Contrary opinions..

my problem isn't that the maps aren't good, just that you're probably better off just buying the first and second map pack separately.

I think all the maps in the game are good
except Smugglers Cove, Nexus and Lagoon
so quality with the maps isn't really an issue to me, more of a "are people even gonna be around to play the third map pack"


my problem isn't that the maps aren't good, just that you're probably better off just buying the first and second map pack separately.

I think all the maps in the game are good
except Smugglers Cove, Nexus and Lagoon
so quality with the maps isn't really an issue to me, more of a "are people even gonna be around to play the third map pack"

Well on the bright side, the season pass was $20 on origin. So I'm basically getting the third pack for free. I have no idea what Origin's discounting patterns are like so felt compelled to jump on the discount before it disappears. EA is not very transparent about sale lengths imo.


oh ok then yeah, season pass is worth it.

im not even sure what the price is on the season pass/dlc is, i just assumed you would be saving money if you just bought two separately.
i dont think season pass is worth it. i own it, but Destiny comes out in like 40 days, most people are gonna move onto that.

i don't see many people still playing this game for the third map pack. i didn't even want Destiny, but since the rest of the titanbrehs are getting it, i might as well get it too so im not stuck playing with people who try their hardest to lose.

I don't see how you think Destiny PVP is going to keep people interested. It's a watered down version of Halo and Halo has had a slow death for some time.

The only hype i see with Destiny is here on these boards, everywhere else the game is getting constant "meh"
I'm starting to get the urge to head back in. Bought the Season Pass for &#8364;4 with my Playfire Rewards a while back, when's the second pack coming out?

How's the PC scene? Is it still active, or has it died by now?


I'm starting to get the urge to head back in. Bought the Season Pass for €4 with my Playfire Rewards a while back, when's the second pack coming out?

How's the PC scene? Is it still active, or has it died by now?

Second pack drops 7/31 I believe. PC seemed good in standard MP when I played last. Campaign was a little slow and had to replay the first few maps over and over though. I still haven't completed it.

Special C

I don't see how you think Destiny PVP is going to keep people interested. It's a watered down version of Halo and Halo has had a slow death for some time.

The only hype i see with Destiny is here on these boards, everywhere else the game is getting constant "meh"

Agreed. Destiny will be fun, but it's PvP doesn't even tough Titanfall from a pure gameplay standpoint.


I don't see how you think Destiny PVP is going to keep people interested. It's a watered down version of Halo and Halo has had a slow death for some time.

The only hype i see with Destiny is here on these boards, everywhere else the game is getting constant "meh"

there's the PvE, while that may not be for everyone i think it'll keep people occupied until other games come out. People just want new stuff to play. There's been nothing on either console except Titanfall
which means PS4 is a $400 dust collector
and some downloadable games that are better on PC.

I don't see Titanfall surviving the fall/holiday season which sucks because I haven't enjoyed a game this much since Gears 1.
there's the PvE, while that may not be for everyone i think it'll keep people occupied until other games come out. People just want new stuff to play. There's been nothing on either console except Titanfall
which means PS4 is a $400 dust collector
and some downloadable games that are better on PC.

I don't see Titanfall surviving the fall/holiday season which sucks because I haven't enjoyed a game this much since Gears 1.

I agree with everything you say here.

Last gen for me was all Gears 1 and ShadowRun. Mainly ShadowRun after Gears 2 dropped the biggest ball in the history of video game franchises.


there's the PvE, while that may not be for everyone i think it'll keep people occupied until other games come out. People just want new stuff to play. There's been nothing on either console except Titanfall
which means PS4 is a $400 dust collector
and some downloadable games that are better on PC.

I don't see Titanfall surviving the fall/holiday season which sucks because I haven't enjoyed a game this much since Gears 1.

I'm looking forward to Destiny, but I hope it doesn't kill the Titanfall population. One because I like this game and it scratches a different itch for me. The second if the population falls off hard it furthers the idea that shooters have no legs and there isn't a reason for devs to plan long term support and I don't like that future (though you could certainly argue that already happens)


I'm glad they didn't nerf the r97 it's so good now especially with scatter fire. A little disappointing they don't say anything about matchmaking fixs. Matchmaking is awful playing solo after the last update.

(I'm going to quote from the last time I replied to this. I should have PMd, it was in some other Titanfall thread a week or two ago and I forgot to follow up.)

We're still working on matchmaking improvements. Do you mind describing (here or PM) what you think has been ruined for you as a solo player with the last update? Feedback is welcome.
(I'm going to quote from the last time I replied to this. I should have PMd, it was in some other Titanfall thread a week or two ago and I forgot to follow up.)

We're still working on matchmaking improvements. Do you mind describing (here or PM) what you think has been ruined for you as a solo player with the last update? Feedback is welcome.

My biggest gripe is the game starts with an uneven player count atleast 50% of the time probably more often. Like 6v4 or 5v3 ect. I would rather wait longer for a full lobby or atleast even teams before the game starts.

Also I feel punished sometimes if I have a good game it will litterly stack all the low scoring players remaining in the lobby onto my team forcing a loss no matter how well I do.

I love the game though and you guys have supported the game really well so no matter how frustrated I get I keep coming back :)


unfortunately modern shooters can't have long legs. Unlike back in the day where we played games because we loved them and they were fun, gamers have been conditioned to play for unlocks and customization just in time for the sequel.

Mr Croft

I don't see how you think Destiny PVP is going to keep people interested. It's a watered down version of Halo and Halo has had a slow death for some time.

The only hype i see with Destiny is here on these boards, everywhere else the game is getting constant "meh"

destinys pvp was never supposed to be the key part of the game. I'm getting so upset at people attacking destiny because of its pvp. That game is based majority on PvE and grinding that loot. Destiny is hyped here on GAF because it is good and it will be good. It gets "meh" from those people who are focused on pvp.

this isnt toward you man.... Its just the hate toward destiny is so unnecessary. Haters gonna hate man


Destiny is getting hyped because it's getting money hatted by Sony. If there was a white Xbox One bundle and exclusive content for Xbox One I'm sure GAF would be focusing on some garbage game like DriveClub or that movie The Order 1886
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