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TMNT: Out of the Shadows |OT| What's wrong with your face?

My son and I shall be waiting for this one...


I played the XBox 360 version of this and took a lot of issue with it. The camera is beyond awful, I fell through the level at one point, and later was presenting with a "Loading" screen that only went away once I started pressing buttons. I also found a spot where an invisible wall blocked my progress.


With so many immediately glaring issues, it feels like this game was released before it was done. Maybe it's better on other platforms but the 360 version is a joke.
I'm okay with the game being beta tested if it means they fix some of these issues before it lands on the PS3,

My son and I shall be waiting for this one...



Holy crap! Didn't see this before. Definitely just going to wait for this.

Oh wow, now THAT looks like the Nick show (which is outstanding in every way). THIS got my interest.

watches vid..

To each its own, looks great for kids though.
Played the first chapter with my 5 year old son. Damn. We have a 46 inch TV and neither of us could see shit in the little split screen windows. Also its soooo hard, the ninja chick absolutely wiped the floor with us. Can't seem to find any difficulty settings either. I really wanted this game to be good for him but seems like a load of my arse so far. Waste of a tenner.
I'm not a fan of the post Eastman and Laird characters, so the ninja chick (shredders daughter?) being in this dulls some of my hype..that and the possible lack of boss characters.

Played the first chapter with my 5 year old son. Damn. We have a 46 inch TV and neither of us could see shit in the little split screen windows. Also its soooo hard, the ninja chick absolutely wiped the floor with us. Can't seem to find any difficulty settings either. I really wanted this game to be good for him but seems like a load of my arse so far. Waste of a tenner.

Sounds like the split screen is a universal concern. glad i only play single player but that's harsh for those wanting to enjoy it with their young'ns.


Does this game allow inverted controls? The demo didn't.

you can invert the camera y-axis in the options.

Weird PC quirk, I have to set the game to full screen everytime i start the game again.

Has anyone tried arcade mode yet? I'm going to try that out, I think you might only be able to do the stages you've gotten up to in the campaign mode but I'm not sure.


Whats the chances the developers will post a patch or a fix for the issues mentioned here and in the reviews?


Wow, the boss in Chapter 2 was bad. He could easily corner you with no way out and the camera would Get stuck. Not only that but he had cheap attacks that were impossible to avoid. Ugh.

The game has a lot of good ideas and a ton of unlockable moves, counters, and team attacks. Either this needed a few more months of dev time, or Red Fly simply wasnt up to the task of making their great ideas a reality.

Fun can still be had with it, but you'll have to make some concessions to enjoy it.
You can see hints of where they wanted to go with the game but it is clunky, the level design is poor and really shows a lack of polish. Needed more development time, like taking a shit and not wiping your ass.

Apart from Brothers this has been a pretty poor Summer of Arcade on XBLA imo


Yeah. Seems like a quick cash grab for the new show, which is weird, it looks nothing like the new show. I'm not going to buy this.

Gametrailers gave this a 2.4

Is it really that broken?

Wow, really?

I don't know if it was the horrible reviews on here but I went into the demo not expecting much and I'm actually having a lot of fun with it. I'm playing co-op though. I could see how it wouldn't even be half as fun if I were playing this alone but I don't think it's worthy of anything less than a 5/10. Personally I think it's more in the 6-6.5/10 range.

The combat feels like Arkham lite. It's not nearly as crisp or precise but the overall mechanics of it where you're able to string together combos pinballing around hitting enemies is there. It takes a little getting used to but once you do get it the game is pretty enjoyable. I'm not a huge fan of the camera but they seem to be giving you open enough spaces for it to not be a huge issue for me. The unlockable moves are great and all of the little ways you can interact with the environment (grinding rails, swinging around lamp posts, backflipping off walls) and each other (rolling off each other's backs, high-fives, team attacks) definitely give it that TMNT feel.

It's definitely not a polished game but I think the reviews are shitting on it pretty hard compared to my experience with it so far.
dang. I really had hopes for this game.
Painful, because their heart and mind was in the right place, they had a vision but lacked the skills to pull it off, the cult of tmnt nick will never let them live this down..they better improve it before it hits PC and PS3 -__-


Wow. Those are some harsh reviews. Based off the demo, I can't imagine the game being less than a five out of ten. I keep reading that it's uninspired, but I was actually surprised with all of the content it seems to have. They're saying it's short and extremely glitchy, though, so I guess that's the main reason for the low scores? Quite depressing. My son and I would love a great new Turtles game. Oh well. We've always got Turtles in Time.


They probably won't. But if they released a patch that fixes the camera and glitches, and sell some skins for the turtles that makes them look like the new cartoon I'd probably buy it. I can look past shit VA and bland comic art.

Do they even offer DLC for a downloadable title?
Gametrailers Review

My goodness, that review was harsh as shit. They made the game seem like complete crap. Wow.

The art style is vomit inducing tho.

Oh wow, the end of the review (post-score) just nails it home.
It's supposed to be amusing Ellis-style rambling, but it keeps going and going for far too long, as the player runs through huge empty subway... and then finally just reaches an unmarked invisible wall.


This is the worst game ever using the TMNT property. I've given it multiple more chances...can't even get past the first level without nonsense happening.


Man this game is getting eviscerated. I was holding up at hope it might be surprisingly good, but nope. Seems it was released incomplete on top of its game design issues.

NoirVisage on sudoku watch.
I haven't been encountering the bugs these reviews have. I am enjoying it for what it is. The voice acting is fine with me and the controls do have a bit of a sluggish feel but it's nothing awful. It was $15 so I wasn't expecting Arkham Ninja here.


I haven't been encountering the bugs these reviews have. I am enjoying it for what it is. The voice acting is fine with me and the controls do have a bit of a sluggish feel but it's nothing awful. It was $15 so I wasn't expecting Arkham Ninja here.

$15 is overpriced for a game that should have been at most a couple dollars for this quality.


A part of me still wants to play it because it's Ninja Turtles, but seems to offer so little redemption from reviews and impressions from friends! :(


This game is really, really bad. the controls are slow and choppy, the camera and physics are so wonky that it affects most of the combat, voice acting is really annoying, and it's really easy considering the AI is so laughably brain dead. Not worth what it sells for. Hell TiT Reshelled is better than this trash.

I'll wait for the other TMNT game.


As a TMNT fan, this game is shaming me greatly... there are things in it I love, simply out of being a fan, but overall... ugh :(

And on top of it all, while the next game coming out uses the REAL voice cast and actually looks like the Nickelodeon show, the developer behind it (Magic Pockets) isn't much better.

I'm not going to bash them (tempting) but see for yourself.

It looks to be one of their biggest, most ambitious projects to-date though, for what it's worth. Can they pull it together and release something halfway-good?


My biggest problem is the camera which they could patch and hopefully they do.

Other than that i actually really enjoy it. Granted, i have been a fanboy for over 20 years so i am a tad bit biased and will overlook things.
I had a dream Rocksteady made a next gen Turtles game with the mood/atmosphere of the original Turtles movie, the voice actors and the original score.

Never going to happen :(


I can see the camera has issues, and the bugs. What I don't get is the major disdain for the game. I love the combat, the ability to switch on the fly to each turtle and the details to taunts. I may be in the minority, but this game is pretty damn fun and I like what they have done with the combat. The game is a budget title and is required to follow Nickelodeon's show. I think they did a great job. However it does need to be patched and have an option to pull the camera back.


I can see the camera has issues, and the bugs. What I don't get is the major disdain for the game. I love the combat, the ability to switch on the fly to each turtle and the details to taunts. I may be in the minority, but this game is pretty damn fun and I like what they have done with the combat. The game is a budget title and is required to follow Nickelodeon's show. I think they did a great job. However it does need to be patched and have an option to pull the camera back.

Besides maybe the boss designs , those details border the "Mighty N 9" of "follow nick's show" =P
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