yup still is. I start off my play through going rogue just to lose a couple of XP (if i die)
Unotplay server is down anyway. Guess I won't do Survival then..
yup still is. I start off my play through going rogue just to lose a couple of XP (if i die)
Oh wow lol, I thought the soft cap for mitigation on armor was like 50% so once I hit that threshold I was rolling armor into health since I thought my armor was gonna start hitting massive diminishing returns.
Yes. I believe you're talking about balanced.Got a quick little question for y'all. Just sort of muscling my way through the end game now, got some guns with a perk that refers to "shouldering" a weapon. Does that just mean when I aim down the sights?
I managed to get Barret's Chestpiece from a proficiency cache last night - very happy with the roll too!
My current setup is 3x Firecrest, Barret's Chest, Specialized Backpack and Nimble Holster.
I might switch the holster for a Firecrest one to get the 4 piece benefit of Firecrest - but will see how it goes. The Nimble holster has saved me a few times!
Firecrest is a fun build - the 3 piece benefit is +30% flame turret damage & +50% flame turret range. Providing you place the turret in a place where it can't be kicked by the NPC, then it can last a long time and dish out a lot of damage as well as providing crowd-control.
Dark times...
Dark times...
Yesterday my ISP was down, today Uplay is down. I just want to shotgun something in the face.
Speaking of end-game, we need a never-ending, ever-increasing difficulty mode for both solo and co-op with leaderboards. A skyscraper as the setting, going floor-to-floor with randomly generated encounters with a scoring/reward system.
Give me a reason to play, besides shotguns to the face.
yup same reason i dont shoot anymore unless its really really necessary. there's not incentive to try and get the most kills within a group activityYesterday my ISP was down, today Uplay is down. I just want to shotgun something in the face.
Speaking of end-game, we need a never-ending, ever-increasing difficulty mode for both solo and co-op with leaderboards. A skyscraper as the setting, going floor-to-floor with randomly generated encounters with a scoring/reward system.
Give me a reason to play, besides shotguns to the face.
Alphabridge is actually "find one good weapon to use, roll good talents on both." I have a FAMAS but it's basically a stat stick or emergency weapon (after my pistol). Because of that Uncomplicated talent.
On an unrelated note I do wish the game was a bit better about spellpower. Like I know there are a few sets worth trying out but I feel like a lot of it boils down to get in cover, shoot. I wish there were more abilities or they were more flexible.
Like honestly I still think the pinnacle of TPS/RPG combat is Mass Effect 3. If only a game like The Division could support their version of a spellcaster. Yeah I mean you can stickybomb people but that's like a big nuke. They need like filler spells in the meantime. Or just flat out let players have more abilities in general to use. Even the Soldier in ME3 had way more abilities you could use.
Are you in Manhattan yet?Bought this game last week bc i like 3rd person multiplayer shooters....went through the tutorial and I have no idea how to get into the multiplayer....
Are you in Manhattan yet?
No, Dallas.
No, Dallas.
While AlphaBridge builds can seemingly provide the best DPS and a little bit of creativeness with the Commanding/Skilled talents in particular, the gameplay just becomes monotonous due to the nature of the gear set and the use of one weapon. Yes, you can switch up from two ARs to two LMGs, etc but the moment-to-moment gameplay suffers without a true "different" secondary weapon.
Still having fun playing around with combining different gear set pieces with other sets and high-ends (3 Nomad, 2 D3-FNC, Vigorous chest or even a Reckless chest w/Protection from Elites is proving interesting, for example) but without anything new (content wise) to use a geared up character on that fun is going to dissipate.
You sure you're not in Brooklyn?
Another SOTG of ignoring PS4 Pro support questions.
I don't get why it's such a hard question to answer, other devs didn't have an issue, 'no we won't be supporting ps4 pro' or 'yes we are supporting ps4 pro, an update is in the works' simple.
Yes. I believe you're talking about balanced.
While AlphaBridge builds can seemingly provide the best DPS and a little bit of creativeness with the Commanding/Skilled talents in particular, the gameplay just becomes monotonous due to the nature of the gear set and the use of one weapon. Yes, you can switch up from two ARs to two LMGs, etc but the moment-to-moment gameplay suffers without a true "different" secondary weapon.
Still having fun playing around with combining different gear set pieces with other sets and high-ends (3 Nomad, 2 D3-FNC, Vigorous chest or even a Reckless chest w/Protection from Elites is proving interesting, for example) but without anything new (content wise) to use a geared up character on that fun is going to dissipate.
You sure you're not in Brooklyn?
Does it snow in Dallas?
Watched state of the game earlier and for a second when Hamish held that PS4 Pro up I was thinking a Pro update was going to be announced! But it's just to celebrate the survival launch on PS4 and they'll be running some streams on PS4 during the celebration.
Another elite task force is being set up for mid Jan (11th - 13th) prilimary based on PVP but not at massive in Sweden, it'll be at Red storm North Carolina. This next bit is what I found interesting, the reason it's there and not in Sweden is because that is where the devs are based who work on the dark zone.
Fun stat: Larae Barrett has been killed 2.85 million times since 1.5 released.
Also a pc patch will be deployed next week to address performance issues, 100% cpu usage and direct x 12 will be activated.
Thanks for the update. I can't wait for the DX12 implementation, I seen an increase in my minimum Fps using it during the recent PTS. Also, lmao at the Barrett kill stats.
Take a vacation like the rest of the country to beautiful south Florida and enjoy summer all year round... for the most parthaha i was kidding. still in brooklyn i guess.
It may snow in Dallas today, high of like 39 or something....
Well solo queue for PVP works rather quick for me.Is there something I'm doing wrong in regards to queuing for survival? I've been waiting for half n hour to get into a game and it isn't matchmaking me or game finding me. On PC.
Looking forward to seeing what the ETF2 will be cooking up at Red Storm. I hope they have a PVP arena in the works. With the proper TTK, it should be a lot of fun. Running around in circles spraying is still pretty goofy, but it's a lot better than it was in 1.3
No one better could say it but...
Double BOOM
And talk about take the piss!! Once I eventually got the first I decided to test is out on Lex (1 more time wasn't going to hurt) and it gave me another! Easily 100+ runs over the course of 3-4 days and 2 drop back to back.
Both with armour so just improved the stamina rating on one and firearms on the other depending on which build I'm running.
And also ended up getting this beaut from a cache, will go perfectly for my DZ Banshee build as I was missing a banshee backpack with FA/Stam & armour.
Glad I decided to have afew hours on it now after the nightshift
Awesome, glad you can see the improvements with the update.
That's essentially how I got my first two Barret's chest pieces. I got them in the same run, one from the boss kill and one in a Field Proficiency cache. I've gotten another since then for three in total. I've also gotten the Skull gloves and Ninja backpack to drop.
For my build of the day, well, yesterday I'm using a Vigorous chest (grants Overheals), 3 - piece Alpha (100% health Regen + Bonus DMG), and 2 - piece Striker (20% Stability bonus) for 250K DPS and 530K Toughness while using an M4 and a Pakhan.
Armor Mitigation at 56.1%.
That sounds a decent build. It's a shame the specialised backpack couldn't be squeezed in for abit more skill power. Or maybe use the talent that grants stability when on cover and use another HE instead of striker, although I've mainly been using striker too for the stability. I finally got the lightweight M4 today with decent talents, famas was relegated to secondary straight away while I tried out the 4 piece Alpha with specialised pack and barret chest, liking that combo at the minute but going to have a mess around with afew other sets/combos.
I think it dies in hard as well but don't quote me on thatDoes the Bulletproof Chestpiece only drop on Challenging?
That sounds a decent build. It's a shame the specialised backpack couldn't be squeezed in for abit more skill power. Or maybe use the talent that grants stability when on cover and use another HE instead of striker, although I've mainly been using striker too for the stability. I finally got the lightweight M4 today with decent talents, famas was relegated to secondary straight away while I tried out the 4 piece Alpha with specialised pack and barret chest, liking that combo at the minute but going to have a mess around with afew other sets/combos.
Guys, I'm finally getting a PS4 next week and I've been looking into this game to play with a friend. Reviews seem mostly good but I wanted to get opinions from people that are still playing a few months after release. Is it worth the time/money? I'm thinking of perhaps getting the gold edition which is on PSN at U$45 instead of $90, but my friend is also leaning towards Destiny so perhaps it's too much to get two lite-MMORPG-ish shooters? I'm also not sold on what I've read regarding gunplay (being competent but not excellent), bullet sponge enemies (a given for RPG shooters anyway) and side content being repetitive (also expected in these types of games). Should I buy it or wait until next year when it's cheaper? I really don't care for competitive multi and just want to do PVE with a friend.
Guys, I'm finally getting a PS4 next week and I've been looking into this game to play with a friend. Reviews seem mostly good but I wanted to get opinions from people that are still playing a few months after release. Is it worth the time/money? I'm thinking of perhaps getting the gold edition which is on PSN at U$45 instead of $90, but my friend is also leaning towards Destiny so perhaps it's too much to get two lite-MMORPG-ish shooters? I'm also not sold on what I've read regarding gunplay (being competent but not excellent), bullet sponge enemies (a given for RPG shooters anyway) and side content being repetitive (also expected in these types of games). Should I buy it or wait until next year when it's cheaper? I really don't care for competitive multi and just want to do PVE with a friend.