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Tom Clancy's The Division |OT2| The Wolves of Wall Street

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Just had a HE Navy MP5 drop with +45% stability, +13% elite damage and +12.5% CC at full health. Higher deeps than my Vector and better than my crafted one.


6 Hours in the DZ with no good loot and then the Midas drops off a named boss.


Any thoughts on the new pistol from the specialized gear vendor?



Still looking for better loot. I crafted most of the items because the loot drop rate always gives me the middle finger..


Yup, silly isn't it?
Seems to be 4 brackets found so far, each has different stock on the appearance vendor.
Level 5.
Levels 6-7.
Levels 8-20 (unconfirmed exact range).
Levels 21-30 (unconfirmed exact range).

Well that's annoying as fuck, probably why I kept getting the same ones again as I was in two completely different brackets. Stupid system.


MASSIVE really need to make the Tech stat relevant. I can't see much use for a Tech heavy build right now.

It's always firepower > stamina > tech
MASSIVE really need to make the Tech stat relevant. I can't see much use for a Tech heavy build right now.

It's always firepower > stamina > tech

Changes to gear to add talents that act as modifiers for the current tech powers would be a good start. Like a talent on a weapon or otherwise requiring a decent amount of skill power to "activate" but gives more armor shredding capabilities to your damage dealing tech powers in exchange does no damage to enemy health. Creative things like this would be a refreshing bit of depth. It would require some enemies to be reworked to not have an armor bar and instead have much more health. But things like that alone would help to make combat and tech powers slightly more interesting and valuable.

You know what the more I talk about this the more I realize how much I'd like to see more elements drawn from games like Mass Effect on which enemies have different weaknesses to biotics, tech and soldier abilties and how some can combo with each other. Rock, paper scissor design.

This game feels very similar to ME3's multiplayer in many ways and could stand to learn alot from it.

As it stands now CC and damage buffing abilties are simply better and don't really need a whole lot of skill power to use.


after all these drops, only found one piece of gear that's better than what I have. Got a yellow but it was weaker


Anyone else have this problem? I created another to transfer weapons too, but now, it won't let me send them back to the Stash. Error message "Unable to move item. You must free up space." Currently, my Stash is 37/40.

Edit: I think i figure it out. My main char shows 37/40, while the new char is overload at 37/30. Makes no sense why Ubi went with the different Stash size.


So finally got to DZ rank 50...but I am completely underwhelmed by whats available. Blueprints! Which cost DZ Craft materials that are so ridiculously rare I've apparently only found 30 on the way to rank 50.
yeah sadly it feels like this turns into a craft simulator, instead of killing things to get loot. Like I didn't want to just craft a vector and instant get one of the best guns in the game, but getting a yellow drop every 15 hours is zero fun.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Killed so many players, some of them had blue and green loot. Broke my heart.

I love filling my bag with blues and greens right before going rogue. Hearing the disappointment if I die is hilarious.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Some players fail to realize that group chat is broadcasted through proxy unless they are in a private chat. Last night a group of three players started following me, and I could listen in on their plan to jump me. Just waited for it to happen, then turned around and mowed all three down. smh


Flowchart for SMG's


Deku Tree

Thing I hate about these RNG based systems for loot is that the player who has all the luck or the player who grinds for hundreds and hundreds of hours is way more OP than the rest of us in PvP.

I rerolled my 535 firearm stat for 49PC hoping to get it closer to 575. Lol nope. Best roll was 535. Rip.

Deku Tree

Anyone write a guide on how to increase your DPS?

I have over 3000 firearms and yellow mods. All my gear is ilvl 31. But my Vector DPS is stuck at 161K.
The above chart about 'Division Tech'. . .Can someone please explain what it means? I'm under level 30 in DarkZone so can't buy any decent gear. . .and the dark zone never gives me any armour or weapons above 55,000 health or 52,000 DPS so I'd look to make stuff but am not sure how to check I have division tech or not :S


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Tactical AUG A3P from DZ vendor? I have the blueprint but it's only level 30, which is why I never crafted one.

After watching the video explanation it looks like the flowchart is just based off firearms scaling. Weapons scale differently, so at 2650 the AUG surpasses the MP5 in base damage. That's all.

For practicality reasons the Vector > all is still true until they modify how division tech is acquired.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Had an interesting dz experience yesterday. I was doing a solo run when I see a player invite me to his group. I ignored it because I wasn't sure how long I would be able to play.

He didn't take that lightly and killed me within 3 seconds. I went back and chased him down and he would not die. He would let me shoot him but I couldn't do any damage, he's a geared out out rank 68 dude.

I gave up, but I met him again and joined his group lol. We ended up clearing lots of bosses and survived two manhunts. High level players in the dark zone are scary...
Anyone write a guide on how to increase your DPS?

I have over 3000 firearms and yellow mods. All my gear is ilvl 31. But my Vector DPS is stuck at 161K.

Yeah I'm at 2800 firearms and my primary is stuck at 164k. Nothing wants to drop or craft that will let it go up.

I feel like I've hit a wall and the only way up is looting Division Tech to craft the Level 50 DZ stuff and I don't want to.

I'm just about done with the game until the Incursion. I'm at almost 6 days played in game so I've gotten more than my money's worth for now.
Play Dailies?

It's 80 a day if you do both hard missions and the daily challenge mission. Plus you'll get 1-3 from each named boss in those missions and some have more than 1. So it's not too bad. 2-3 days will net you one HE piece of gear from the vendor. Either crafted or one of the stock gear items.

My current setup. I've hit the DPS wall and need to get to Rank 50 DZ and start looting Division Tech. I do want to try and get my Skill higher to activate the weapon skills on some weapons.

If anyone has any recommendations based on my setup let me know. I know I need more gear with mod slots.


can someone explain how to re-roll a holster into having a modslot?

I checked the recab desk and didn't see anything about mod slot re-rolling...


nevermind, i see it.


It's 80 a day if you do both hard missions and the daily challenge mission. Plus you'll get 1-3 from each named boss in those missions and some have more than 1. So it's not too bad. 2-3 days will net you one HE piece of gear from the vendor. Either crafted or one of the stock gear items.

You can keep farming CMs and get 30 each time.


Don't bother with dps number, I dropped my dps from 210k on vector to 170k on MP5 but i'm killing shit faster with lower dps.
Cause MP5 is God.

Good MP5 roll is too good and the DPS stat is nice to have but 200k DPS at 50k HP is not what you should aim for anyways.

Accuracy > DPS


Don't bother with dps number, I dropped my dps from 210k on vector to 170k on MP5 but i'm killing shit faster with lower dps.

Yeah. The dps number is not very accurate. Take a mag mod with increase rate of fire vs increase crit chance / damage. The rate of fire will show much higher dps, but increase crit / dam kills faster.


First time in the 30 DZ last night and ran into a group of 3 that had a level 13 running with them in the DZ05/06!

We ganked them at the Extraction zone.

Stole the level 13's purple too.
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