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Tom Clancy's The Division |OT2| The Wolves of Wall Street

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Pretty happy with where I'm at right now. Still need a mod slot of my chest piece, and want a better glove, but this'll do for now.


Next order of business is rank50 DZ and an mp5.

Here we go!
I'm throwing this out to everybody: Any advice on a specific HE light heavy weapon to craft/buy?

I went with the Pakhan. With a high end mag size mod, its really good for sustaining a steady stream of fire on a target, even from long range. If you can compensate for the recoil, you land a whole 85 round mag on a target with pinpoint accuracy the entire time. And if you got the stats to use the armor damage talent, its even better. a Really good weapon that one is. You can by it from the security wing weapons vender.

MASSIVE really need to make the Tech stat relevant. I can't see much use for a Tech heavy build right now.

It's always firepower > stamina > tech

When playing solo, its not great, but in a group, its actually pretty good when your using team buffing or healing skills. That stat increases every attribute for your skills. Like shorter cooldown, more powerful heals, longer longer pulses, higher damage buffs.

With a tech stat high enough, and certain perks, My supply station cools down as fast as its duration. Same with my pulse scan, for 100% pulse and station upkeep. Meaning that when the duration is done, the cooldown is already done so I can activate it again immidiately. But it requires quite a bit of tech skill to do this, like in the 3000+.

That shit can REALLY change the tides in challenge mode when your whole team is benefiting from that.

Phoenix credits are so hard to get. . .you only get like 10 for killing the named bosses and once they're killed they're gone forever.

I just been going around in the DZ going from landmark to landmark killing named NPCs trying to increase my darkzone rating and gettings darkzone funds and phoenix credits all at the same time.


GG guys, was fun. DZ is so much better in a group. I'll never do it solo again.

Also thanks for the quick CM run.

leng jai

How the hell have they still not fixed the bug where you can't start missions? I've wasted so much time because of this nonsense.
I rolled five HE mags. All have rate of fire and increased mag size. What RNG!

Yeah I'm done with crafting. It's gotten me nothing but shittier rolls than what drops from gameplay.

Probably the worst aspect of the endgame is how bad the crafting rolls are. Crafting the same item 6 times shouldn't yield a crappier HE weapon mod than the purple one I have equipped.

So tired of it.


It really depends on the talents and how much dps you have to lose.

Dunno the talents off the top of my head (I think two of my guns have the one where status effects are removed with a kill) but I could get my dps from like113k to 123k

Maybe I should re roll my vector. What are the must have talents?
Hey I just noticed, we dont have a neogaf community for the division on PS4 yet. Or do we??? I've searched for it and didnt see it.

I'd rather ask people or join people when they ask for help in the PS4 in-game community as its a couple button presses from joining each other.


Dunno the talents off the top of my head (I think two of my guns have the one where status effects are removed with a kill) but I could get my dps from like113k to 123k

Maybe I should re roll my vector. What are the must have talents?

You wanna look for talents that increases crit change, crit damage, damage to armor and damage to elites. Basically anything that increases your damage in some way.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
PS4 community info is in the OP.

Dunno the talents off the top of my head (I think two of my guns have the one where status effects are removed with a kill) but I could get my dps from like113k to 123k

Maybe I should re roll my vector. What are the must have talents?

Anything that increases critical chance, critical damage, or headshot damage. I can't remember the names off the top of my head.


How the hell have they still not fixed the bug where you can't start missions? I've wasted so much time because of this nonsense.

Its pisses me off a lot especially if you're randomly matchmaking. Loading takes time and when you get there the mission doesn't start!


Changes to gear to add talents that act as modifiers for the current tech powers would be a good start. Like a talent on a weapon or otherwise requiring a decent amount of skill power to "activate" but gives more armor shredding capabilities to your damage dealing tech powers in exchange does no damage to enemy health. Creative things like this would be a refreshing bit of depth. It would require some enemies to be reworked to not have an armor bar and instead have much more health. But things like that alone would help to make combat and tech powers slightly more interesting and valuable.

You know what the more I talk about this the more I realize how much I'd like to see more elements drawn from games like Mass Effect on which enemies have different weaknesses to biotics, tech and soldier abilties and how some can combo with each other. Rock, paper scissor design.

This game feels very similar to ME3's multiplayer in many ways and could stand to learn alot from it.

As it stands now CC and damage buffing abilties are simply better and don't really need a whole lot of skill power to use.

Exactly my thoughts, there are obvious similarities with Mass Effect. Having enemies with differing armour types would be a work if they are smart with the implementation.

I just want them to have the Tech stat be meaningful in some way, as it stands it's always going to be a secondary stat. Even with a low score healing is always a reasonable amount for groups even in challenge mode.

Its pisses me off a lot especially if you're randomly matchmaking. Loading takes time and when you get there the mission doesn't start!

You mean where the damn front gates to the mission are closed? Yup .. soo annoying.


Hey I just noticed, we dont have a neogaf community for the division on PS4 yet. Or do we??? I've searched for it and didnt see it.

I'd rather ask people or join people when they ask for help in the PS4 in-game community as its a couple button presses from joining each other.


You wanna look for talents that increases crit change, crit damage, damage to armor and damage to elites. Basically anything that increases your damage in some way.

The community is called DivisionGAF


Well that's annoying as fuck, probably why I kept getting the same ones again as I was in two completely different brackets. Stupid system.

I've not seen the same skin on my level 6 as my level 30 yet.

I have seen the same skin for my level 10 as my level 30 though, it's happened twice so far I think.
Pretty happy with where I'm at right now. Still need a mod slot of my chest piece, and want a better glove, but this'll do for now.

Next order of business is rank50 DZ and an mp5.

Here we go!
But everyone says a vector is the best SMG in the game. Zzzzzzzzz.

I do like the mp5 but I've wasted over 40 div tech trying to get good talents. The good ones always require 1890ish electronics, and I'd have to drop about 800 firearms to get it...


It feel so fucking good wreaking a team, when they jump on you as a solo player, because hey feel themselves up with their strength in numbers mentality and all that, and serves them right, people need to understand this is a gear dependant game. I'd wager 90%gear - 10% skill if that.

Today it just happened underneath Bryant Park tunnels I was looking for named enemies, didn't even had picked up items and they jump on me, and yesterday by the Safe house in DZ03, granted yesterday it was even stupid because I helped a team fighting those yellow mobs by the church, all of a sudden they attack me. I didn't even picked up any of the shitty purples the mobs dropped.

I just go to the DZ to farm gold DIV tech. and I start my farm route at DZ1, I don't even bother picking up the items but I'm a bit of a bastard and open up all the chests I find ;)


thats what i thought, but............the fast travel button is always greyed out when i try to. Ive tried to fast travel from inside the base, outside in the streets, in a safe house, inside the dark zone itself, its always greyed out.

I think you have to first "find" the entrance/checkpoint on foot, after the update. I had the same problem, but I travelled on foot to a checkpoint and then could fast travel to it.


About to have enough pcreds for my first blueprint. How does the ak74 compare to the para and the liberator? I'm a machine gun kind of guy but don't really care for the look of the ak. Any idea on which is "best"?
I agree that tech can be useful in a team, especially with the Caduceus, but it needs to be a fairly well-oiled machine.

I had it to where I could basically stun lock a single target with the blind bomb but without decent backup DPS, you just end up getting swarmed by the other enemies. I ended up speccing back to all firearms. The single burst DPS from Smart Cover feels just as safe and it actually dispenses mobs.

The one thing that slayed was the First Aid heal. With the master mod, I'd go from one segment of life to a full overheal with one use, as long as I stayed in it or stepped back into it, at 60k HP. With the Cad's talent, it would be right back off of cooldown. And you can even use it while shooting without interrupting.
I went with the Pakhan. With a high end mag size mod, its really good for sustaining a steady stream of fire on a target, even from long range. If you can compensate for the recoil, you land a whole 85 round mag on a target with pinpoint accuracy the entire time. And if you got the stats to use the armor damage talent, its even better. a Really good weapon that one is. You can by it from the security wing weapons vender.

Thank you! I remember seeing it at the weapons vender...going back now.


More than a member.
Dailies as so easy but damn cm sometimes ....

Around 165k dps 50k Hp I'd i don't have my 2nd perk activated on my v45 (46% more stability ) otherwise 150k dps 60k hp both perks activated

Spent 2h in dark zone (only level 28) in area 5-6 got 3 yellow lost one to rogue , one useless and one nice chest piece With 600 firearms and 2 mod slots


Formerly Gizmowned
Had a hilrious moment last night that I forgot to post about.

So we went rogue on a guy who was rogue but timer just ran out (lucky fuck). We killed him anyway then we saw some other agents nearby on a Pulse and this was the funny bit. We as rogues were chasing another group when it should've been them chasing us for the bounty lol.

It went on for about a minute until we go to Bryant Park and spotted a shit load of agents who'd probably just extracted and by that point we were spotted so then we ran.

Real funny moment. Like a Benny Hill scene.


The above chart about 'Division Tech'. . .Can someone please explain what it means? I'm under level 30 in DarkZone so can't buy any decent gear. . .and the dark zone never gives me any armour or weapons above 55,000 health or 52,000 DPS so I'd look to make stuff but am not sure how to check I have division tech or not :S

In order to craft high end items from blueprints purchased in the dark zone you require an additional resource called division tech. This is found in crates in the dark zone and drops randomly off bosses. You'll learn about the DTECH grind once you hit 30. People create routes and just run laps killing named bonus and looting dtech over and over.
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