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Tom Clancy's The Division |OT2| The Wolves of Wall Street

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Deku Tree

I got a First Wave Vector HE drop. It's not perfect, but it's better than about thirty attempted rolls. Deadly, stable, and swift. That'll do, I guess. Sick of wasting mats trying to roll one.

Sigh. I'll probably keep trying too.

You have no chance to get a god roll


More precisely you have a 0.000005% chance of getting a flawless roll.


Subete no aware
Their endgame isn't asking anyone to use exploits.
People use them on their own volition, not because they are forced to by the game.

I have not used a single exploit or boss farm, I have 80+ hours played and I am fully high end equipped. My friends and I go into the DZ every day or we do some dailies or sometimes just run whatever CM we feel like.
I also do that when I am playing solo.
If I matchmake into a group that exploits, I leave, cause it's boring.

I've been playing a little less lately because I don't really care that much about loot at this point and I want to jump in harder again when the update with new content is out.
Right, I don't want to exploit farm either since doing several hours of BK made me hate my life. But there's literally nothing else to do, and I genuinely tried to make Dark Zone work for me, but I realized that other people are jerks and I don't need or want to deal with those types of people when I'm trying to "have fun" (which is what I generally want to do when I'm playing video games, funny enough).
Right, I don't want to exploit farm either since doing several hours of BK made me hate my life. But there's literally nothing else to do, and I genuinely tried to make Dark Zone work for me, but I realized that other people are jerks and I don't need or want to deal with those types of people when I'm trying to "have fun" (which is what I generally want to do when I'm playing video games, funny enough).
Why are they jerks, exactly? They are playing the game as intended, and having fun as well.


Right, I don't want to exploit farm either since doing several hours of BK made me hate my life. But there's literally nothing else to do, and I genuinely tried to make Dark Zone work for me, but I realized that other people are jerks and I don't need or want to deal with those types of people when I'm trying to "have fun" (which is what I generally want to do when I'm playing video games, funny enough).

If there is nothing in a game left to do that you want to do, then that's ok and you can stop playing the game.
Don't try and do stuff you don't even want to do.
Maybe come back when the free updates added some new stuff.

Just relax and do something else :)


new avatar hype!

Thanks lnkn!

Which 2 mag bonuses do you guys prefer from magazine size, rate of fire, and damage?

Depends on the weapon, but normally weapon damage is a good one. Sometimes rate of fire gives a greater DPS boost too though.

For me weapon damage mostly.


Which 2 mag bonuses do you guys prefer from magazine size, rate of fire, and damage?

Either mag size + rate of fire or mag size + weapon damage.
The first option probably does more damage if you hit with every shot. The downside is, that even more bullets will miss if you don't aim correctly.
Depends on weapon type as well. With SMGs you'll be near the enemy most of the time, so less bullets will be wasted.


Recalibrated HE backpack

Selected the new mod I wanted

It rolled a different one.

This has happened multiple times between a few people I know, is it a known bug?

I've had this. I now double check exactly what it says it's going to replace in the left-hand text after selecting (not 100% trusting the list of re-rolls on the right). As that is accurate info.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Couple quick questions.

I am a level 30, have only been for a few hours or so. I have not touched the DZ at all, my current Primary DPS is 88k and Secondary is 84k. Are those high or low numbers for not having steppe din the DZ yet?

Yesterday, was trying to do daily missions with people. Matchmaking would work, we would teleport to the mission and not be able to enter. Is this common? User error or a bug?


Anyone else's stats for weapons and blueprints jumping all over the place? My dps kept jumping from 90,000 to over 100,000 at random. My blueprint stats also keep changing.


My issues with the game are that it's currently heavily relying on "getting that perfect loot" which is almost impossible, there's a large gap in time vs skill vs reward, someone can get something with little to no effort in a single run that someone may possibly never achieve. PVP isn't the PVP I'm used to in the last two decades, it's devolved to me seeing people I absolutely know are about to attack me but will get punished in the following ways;

If I attack first, I've got more to lose although now not as much - I haven't followed the last week with updates as much as I was. But I see them coming, I'm in the subway and it's CQB, there's more of them. I have a chance if I engage first. But these people hurt, to the point when I first encountered them I went from full to dead before the game could even realise, I'm not Barry Allen; nobody can react that fast. I can also do the same to them but personally in the now little time I have to play don't find going rogue enticing or fun, that's just me of course and that's not speaking for everyone.

But for them to go rogue, for them to initiate the fight they have to engage first and I have to defend, but there is no defence in instant death, I though I was well equipped with 140k dps, 89k hp and 27k skill power with maxed out armour mitigation but lately I've seen even crazier stats, no doubt this takes time and luck.

Ultimately I go back and then kill and/or try to but I feel like I'm wasting my time for no reason other than either getting spanked by someone better geared or skill, or doing that to someone else - there's no fun in beating lesser geared people who do not stand a chance. It's what I thought when I saw Diablo 3 pre-release trying to do PVP, it was obvious it would get scratched because if you're going to have that much random power in players, it's a mess.

I went from playing non stop (even took a break off work) to dropping it completely, burned out way too quick with nothing left to do but hope that I can get better stuff. Once all this loot farming/exploit shit is fixed I'd be more inclined but I've learned that unless I can dedicate too much time to these types of games I lose interest - spending a few hours after work and not improving my character is boring.

Incursions sound cool - we'll see how that pans out but having set items in a random loot environment sound like it'll kill a reason to play once you have them, or the items wont be that good :p


you are real super sand

This guy knows!

I only wish he would come out with more Leo & Satan episodes, those were the best.

Anyone else's stats for weapons and blueprints jumping all over the place? My dps kept jumping from 90,000 to over 100,000 at random. My blueprint stats also keep changing.

It's a known glitch, you need to log out and back in. Shit sucks :|
Right, I don't want to exploit farm either since doing several hours of BK made me hate my life. But there's literally nothing else to do, and I genuinely tried to make Dark Zone work for me, but I realized that other people are jerks and I don't need or want to deal with those types of people when I'm trying to "have fun" (which is what I generally want to do when I'm playing video games, funny enough).

FUN?!?! How dare you play for "fun"! Its all about dat grind for loots!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone else's stats for weapons and blueprints jumping all over the place? My dps kept jumping from 90,000 to over 100,000 at random. My blueprint stats also keep changing.
It's a known bug they are working on fixing. Two temp solutions:

1. Swap your primary and secondary weapons with each other then swap back and it should fix it immediately.

2. If that doesn't work log out and log back in. Also fixes it.


Subete no aware
Incursions sound cool - we'll see how that pans out but having set items in a random loot environment sound like it'll kill a reason to play once you have them, or the items wont be that good :p
The reason I'm hoping that Incursions aren't weekly "raids" but more like Diablo 3 Greater Rifts is because in Diablo, even if you drop an Ancient set item, there's a chance the roll on the item isn't what you're looking for. So you are incentivized to keep going. And even if you manage to find every single item you ever want, there's a way to make them even better with stat affixes. So you're never bored because the game encourages you to constantly run more and more rifts.

I hope they give people reasons to play this game more, not less.

If there is nothing in a game left to do that you want to do, then that's ok and you can stop playing the game.
Don't try and do stuff you don't even want to do.
Maybe come back when the free updates added some new stuff.

Just relax and do something else :)
Yeah, pretty much. It's sad because I want to be finished with a game on my own terms, where I feel satisfied with the amount of time I spent with the game and I feel like I can move on. Right now I still really want to play a cover-based third person shooter with friends, but there's nothing like that until Uncharted 4.

Why are they jerks, exactly? They are playing the game as intended, and having fun as well.
I'm happy the DZ exists, because it's something different for PvP players to do other than capture the flag or control the zones or whatever the standard PvP thing is these days.

I just find it odd that they are alienating players who don't want to engage with that stuff at all. I don't want to be bullied in my real world interactions, so why would I want that in a video game? I just want to chill with my friends and shoot some mobs. I thought this game would replace Diablo 3 for me, but clearly I was wrong.

FUN?!?! How dare you play for "fun"! Its all about dat grind for loots!!!!!!!!!!!!
Video games are supposed to be work and suffering!
Hey, let's go grind for some Rainbow Six Siege bucks later. :p
After going full Rogue last night, out of the 9 or so agents I killed, only 1 battle was actually satistsiying.

Most of the time people just get so caught off guard they don't even know what's going on and don't even fire a shot.

One team have a good fight as they timed their signature skill use and such, but even then it was like a 1 minute battle. I really hope they can add a gear score based matchmaking in the DZ so it's not just easy mode with players that are likely undergeared compared to me.

I totally understand the issues with the DZ however. Checkpoint spawn camping completely breaks a DZ run forcing you to quit and come back which isn't how a game should solve these issues.

Watching those landmarks go up and down and ambushing players likely going there is the best method to a good trap =]


Couple quick questions.

I am a level 30, have only been for a few hours or so. I have not touched the DZ at all, my current Primary DPS is 88k and Secondary is 84k. Are those high or low numbers for not having steppe din the DZ yet?

Yesterday, was trying to do daily missions with people. Matchmaking would work, we would teleport to the mission and not be able to enter. Is this common? User error or a bug?

Stats are fine for DZ (unless you plan on solo'ing it).

Bug, I think. Seems to happen when someone in the group has triggered it but then gone back. Gets stuck in a loop. Never had it myself as I always play with friends.

Anyone else's stats for weapons and blueprints jumping all over the place? My dps kept jumping from 90,000 to over 100,000 at random. My blueprint stats also keep changing.

As above, but hovering over your primary weapon in your inventory screen should show your true stats. Logging in/out does not fix this for me. It's permanent and especially bad in the BoO.


Why do randoms always stay behind after killing Joe Ferro? The game tells you to escape. Forget about the ads and just run. Just watched all three of my teammates died due to ads and the ever growing fire while I waited for them at the elevator. As soon as all three were down, I took the elevator.


Jumped back in last night and played some of the early missions I skipped over with randoms... game feels fun again. Good to know I'm not already done with it. (currrently lvl 14)


I'm gonna do some DZ stuff tonight. Hoping to play with the same Gaffers from last night. I really want the Extraction trophy. Tried going solo before but the extraction spots with enemy spawns simply destroy me when I'm alone.

I'll get my mic charged so I can finally chat.
So last night's DZing was wonky.

Solo'ed for a little while without a ton of progress. Then I hooked up with another Gaffer and we duo'ed for a bit, going rogue. But it increasingly became 10 vs 2, which isn't entirely bad. It's fun to move the herd and wolf the stray lambs when you can. It's exhilarating.

But there was this one guy who just seemed unkillable. We downed him and he popped right back up. After that, I'd open a clip into his face and not see his health drop by a single full segment. I didn't see the Survivor Link pop at any of those times. I've got 180k DPS on Vector, 160k on AK, with 61k HP. I don't have super elite shit but I also don't have super shit shit, you know?

We split the duo up, since we were both having off nights beyond that one dude. He logged; I stayed around to solo, when I see rogues in DZ01 picking on the easy targets. Sure enough, it was that unkillable guy and 3 little hangers-on.

So, I take the subway to catch them from behind and just spray down the 3 dingleberries. I run up, melee them all to death, see the rogue trophy pop, then GTFO'ed while that guy tried to pick me off in the subways. Ended up dropping combat and leaving the DZ to tend to my stash, destroying their loot in the process.

Sometimes you eat the b'ar, sometimes the b'ar eats you.


Excuse my terminology, I'm at work & away from my console, but I'd like some opinions.

Every gear piece has (I think) 3 different "boost categories".. I'm talking about the last one -- I think it's called skill boost? (It boosts: pulse radius damage, + sticky bomb blast radius/damage, smart cover duration.. ect, ect.)

What should I focus on when gearing my character out? My instincts tell me pulse damage/crit hit chance, but I find myself changing which skills I use based on what I'm doing (DZ or CM) -- so I'm a bit confused about what to focus on & I'm worried about rerolling my gear into complete garbage.

In other news I got my DPS to +150k last night, while maintaining 75k health & I raised my damage mitigation to a little over 56%. This happened pretty late so I didn't get to run a CM with my new changes, but I'm stoked to get home tonight and see if I can notice a difference in my squishyness.


Excuse my terminology, I'm at work & away from my console, but I'd like some opinions.

Every gear piece has (I think) 3 different "boost categories".. I'm talking about the last one -- I think it's called skill boost? (It boosts: pulse radius damage, + sticky bomb blast radius/damage, smart cover duration.. ect, ect.)

What should I focus on when gearing my character out? My instincts tell me pulse damage/crit hit chance, but I find myself changing which skills I use based on what I'm doing (DZ or CM) -- so I'm a bit confused about what to focus on & I'm worried about rerolling my gear into complete garbage.

In other news I got my DPS to +150k last night, while maintaining 75k health & I raised my damage mitigation to a little over 56%. This happened pretty late so I didn't get to run a CM with my new changes, but I'm stoked to get home tonight and see if I can notice a difference in my squishyness.

Where is your Skill level at?
I'm gonna do some DZ stuff tonight. Hoping to play with the same Gaffers from last night. I really want the Extraction trophy. Tried going solo before but the extraction spots with enemy spawns simply destroy me when I'm alone.

I'll get my mic charged so I can finally chat.
I should be on tonight and looking to do some DZ again. We can make it a point to run around to all the extractions. I'm missing that trophy too and am not sure which one I haven't done yet.
i have to ask this .. why can't i just recalibrate at will ?

I have a gear i've changed some stats , now i can only change that stat category.

Why not let me pay to reset the gear so i can change another stat in order to try new builds ?

This is silly
I have high end everything except for a freaking vest. I've been hitting up the daily hard and challenging missions (every day) but I keep getting a mask or gloves. NOTICE ME, SENPAI (RNGesus). NOTICE ME.

Deku Tree

Why do I have so much fabric??? I am much lower on like every other crafting material.

i have to ask this .. why can't i just recalibrate at will ?

I have a gear i've changed some stats , now i can only change that stat category.

Why not let me pay to reset the gear so i can change another stat in order to try new builds ?

This is silly

Then there would be no reason to buy blueprints. Basically what you are asking for is why you craft a new one from a BP.


i have to ask this .. why can't i just recalibrate at will ?

I have a gear i've changed some stats , now i can only change that stat category.

Why not let me pay to reset the gear so i can change another stat in order to try new builds ?

This is silly

Because then all anyone would want in terms of gear is one base level 31 item, and then they'd just endlessly farm PC to reconfigure it to be perfect.

Why do I have so much fabric??? I am much lower on like every other crafting material.

Completing a CM always gives you a worthless ilvl 30 item that breaks down to fabric...
i have to ask this .. why can't i just recalibrate at will ?

I have a gear i've changed some stats , now i can only change that stat category.

Why not let me pay to reset the gear so i can change another stat in order to try new builds ?

This is silly
It's a trade-off for being able to focus on one specific stat/perk. I can't remember if the game explicitly tells you that once you re-roll a slot it's locked, but I did read that somewhere beforehand.

I think it works well. Sometimes I wish I could change multiple perks but it's waaaay better than the reforging system that was in Destiny.
I'm gonna do some DZ stuff tonight. Hoping to play with the same Gaffers from last night. I really want the Extraction trophy. Tried going solo before but the extraction spots with enemy spawns simply destroy me when I'm alone.

I'll get my mic charged so I can finally chat.

I should be on tonight and looking to do some DZ again. We can make it a point to run around to all the extractions. I'm missing that trophy too and am not sure which one I haven't done yet.

I can join you guys.


Formerly Gizmowned
As I mentioned last night me, Flash and Ben ran into a guy who we tried to kill and he got the best of us. After Flash left we saw the guy again but he was a rogue so we hunted him down but he kept destroying us with that MP5. After dying like 6 times each we gave up and it was time for dailies since it just reset.

Fast forward on 4 hours we teamed up with Iceman, DomsPlaying and we ventured into the DZ06 vendor since I wanted that M44 blueprint. We were discussing this rogue to the others and how he kept getting us. By no coincidence when we left the safehouse the guy just went manhunt like a block away so we chased.

This time there was 4 of us but the other guy had 2 buddies. They'd called in an extaction in DZ06 up on the roof. We ran up got into position and fired away. Iceman managed to take down the 2 buddies super quick just leaving the manhunted rogue to get. He managed to down me but I was revived, he took the elevator shaft down to the ground floor and flew out the building towards a contaminated area. We was hitting him with everything and his health was like 5% so many times but then 100% within an instance.

Eventually we got the guy but man was he a tank. I imagine he killed plenty of people that night including other rogues whilst he was rogue.

I recorded the chase and funny enough so did the rogue. Iceman picked up a yellow from the body so we played around with the extraction by calling one in but leaving right away then going to another.

Heres a longer version of the chase. Didn't help the guy was weaving all over the place lol. http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/VE3TRO/video/16138503





Where is your Skill level at?

Pretty much nonexistent.
around 10-11k

I went with a DPS/health build early on & im just now seeing the "big picture" of how skills can be/are (very) important. So now, I'm trying to find a happy medium of being able to put out a fuck ton of damage, yet remain efficient for my team.

Easiest thing I can think of to do to raise my skill right away is to craft some performance mods & put them in my gear. Doing this would reduce my crit hit chance, but would the pay off be worth it?

EXAMPLE - If I drop my crit hit chance & raise my skill power, I would (theoretically) be able to spam my pulse more often - thus maybe equaling out the reduction in crit hit chance I just made?

Ugh, my head hurts thinking about all this. I absolutely love/hate that this game has so many numbers/stats to tweak.


I can join you guys.

I'm down, I want to go Rogue Hunting with Ruthless

Pretty much nonexistent.
around 10-11k

I went with a DPS/health build early on & im just now seeing the "big picture" of how skills can be/are (very) important. So now, I'm trying to find a happy medium of being able to put out a fuck ton of damage, yet remain efficient for my team.

Easiest thing I can think of to do to raise my skill right away is to craft some performance mods & put them in my gear. Doing this would reduce my crit hit chance, but would the pay off be worth it?

EXAMPLE - If I drop my crit hit chance & raise my skill power, I would (theoretically) be able to spam my pulse more often - thus maybe equaling out the reduction in crit hit chance I just made?

Ugh, my head hurts thinking about all this. I absolutely love/hate that this game has so many numbers/stats to tweak.

I did the same thing, I was up to 176k DPS, My Vector has Ferocious on it though which Requires electronics so I too have switched to Running Pulse now. Rocking 143k DPS, 64K Health and 22K Skill. I have no problem running challenge and seem to die less now. Armor is also up to 55% so that helps.
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