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Tom Clancy's The Division |OT2| The Wolves of Wall Street

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So spent an hour in the dark zone and got bored.

What is the point of it? I was just running around and killing guys than extracting the drops.

Is that it?

Since I don't team up much, I find the game very average since the gameplay isn't on par with similar games like Destiny.

If it wouldn't be loot based, it would already be dead.

Will be trying to team up this weekend for DZ and CM so send me an invite if interested... could use some guidance in DZ.

I'm only DZ level 7 atm but have decent stats (110k/70k/20k).

PSN : MikeGaum1984


I feel like I'm in a weird point in my build where I'm having trouble progressing. All missions on hard are very easy, but challenge mode is very difficult unless I have a really good matchup with others. My damage is 110k, health is sitting at about 80k, damage mitigation is at about 45%. I run Dark Zone by myself most of the time so zones 3-6 are pretty difficult on my own. Any tips on quick ways to get good yellows? Or is doing the daily missions and hoping for good matchmaking on challenging missions my best bet? I'm also only level 35 in the Dark Zone so 50 is a long way away.

I don't understand how with that build, challenge mode is are hard as you are saying.

I'm running 120-130 for my primary and secondary, have 60k health and 10k skill power.

I would put your build down to maybe not having a good balance of talents on your guns, attributes and the skills you use in combat. My skill power is low however I use support skills such as the support station and the Pulse with the damage mod (The last one) to give me increased damage/crit hit chance/crit hit damage.


We were playing around with baiting people with a shitty weapon HE mod that we dropped on the ground. That gold shining light is just too much to stay away from. Easily baited 4 people to get close and then BOOM. I didn't even feel bad...had what seemed like the entire server after us within minutes. Didn't survive but damn was it fun.


I wish I could loan out pcreds. I'm still not lvl 50 in the DZ and I keep maxing out. I'm running out of blueprints to buy at the BoO. I'm down to 6 left now.

I came across 1 random guy in the DZ just sitting afk at the DZ06 extraction building waiting on the dtech chests to respawn. I went up and extracted with the team. Roped back down and shot him in the head with my sniper :)

We had another gaffer join us on his first lvl 30 DZ excursion. I think he was afraid we were going to gank him for his loot though. He would extract and then ask questions like "Oh hey is the Midas any good?". Trust me we won't gank you if you were invited to the group. I wish I had Ve3tro, Grenadiar or wesley with me when we found 3 guys getting downed and dying near The Pit. One guy died and drops a yellow. The other guy was low health and the 3rd guy tried to look tough with his laser light sniper. I dropped a med pack on them walked over to the loot and took his keys and money and turned around and picked up the dtech chest. The only thing that saved their lives was I saw what dropped and it wasn't worth fighting over. Thanks for the cash/keys though.

My scavenging is up to 109% and I have to say my drops were much better. I got around 6-7 HE drops. An MP7 and an Aug dropped. Both had perks that needed either high stamina or electronics to unlock. Tossed them in the safe for another day


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
We played for about an hour yesterday and after we died a few times I had to call it a night because I was getting so frustrated.

After I finally get to level 50 and acquire some new gear, I'll be taking a little break at least until the new Incursion content arrives.

I don't see myself pouring 1000's of hours into this like Destiny, but I'll certainly continue to play the game through-out year 1 :)

Yeah, I'll be back for the incursions for sure - I love the game. Just can't love it like I loved Destiny, i.e., play the game, and only this game, for a long time. I need something to aim for, and simply increasing my DPS from 190k to 200k isn't really a carrot. With Destiny, I honestly played for months simply trying to get some of the more unique weapons, e.g., the ballerhorn, Hawkmoon, etc. I dunno why they made all the weapons in this game so generic and boring when it's such an easy way to keep players engaged.


First real disappointment with the game happened yesterday; Grinded my way to DZ 50 and i'm thinking yes I can finally buy those blueprints to make myself extra strong etcetc. Bought blueprints run back to The BoO and come to find out I only have 14 HE DT. I bought like 6 blueprints not even enough to craft 1 of everything also getting crap rolls on the stuff I did try.

I go back to the dz to look for HE DT and found 1 out of 6 or 7 boxes. If I only had 14 by the time I reached 50 how am I to have more to roll for better items. Every named boss should drop 1 HE DT or make it so you need 3 to purchase the blueprint and then make them with just regular materials.

I have to grind just so that I can craft so that I can grind easier. Circle of Loot

Special C

Day 5:

Still grinding for a high end plate armor/chest piece. I've done the daily challenging and hard missions every day (often times more than once) and RNGesus, aka SENPAI, refuses to acknowledge me. This one purple gear item sticks out like a sore thumb when all my other items are yellow and its giving me anxiety. BLESS ME WITH A HIGH END CHEST PIECE, RNGESUS.

I needed a HE chest peice forever, then I got 3 in a row for my next 3 HE drops.


Those shotgunners in Russian Consulate. Such cunts lol.

Shotgunners don't bother me anymore now I know how to deal with them.

Things you might want to use:

Survivor Link - (Incase you're nearly fucked)
Pulse w/ Tactical Scanner Mod - Increases Damage/Crit Hit Chance+Damage
Shock/Flame Turret - Shock immobilizes them, fire the same but for longer
Incendiary Ammo - Probably one of the most useful
Water - 20% damage against Elites.

Now if you have 2 shotgunners running towards you, use Incendiary Ammo and the Pulse, it will be fine! You just need to find a way to get them to stop rushing towards you and fire/electricity does that perfectly.


Spent all my Phoenix credits to buy HE electronics and stamina mod blueprints. Rolled 6 of them and not a single one with armor or critical chance :/

We use a lot of seeker mines and sticky bombs with stun capabilities to slow down shotgunners. They are also great for getting enemies to stand up out of cover and then we can team fire them down. Two underrated skills in CM imo.
My problem with the FAL is that it should have better DMG. Wasn't it really, really good in the beta or am I misremembering that?

Either way, it's outclassed right now by the AK completely, because the AK has similar or better DMG, has the option of accurate short bursts, but still retains the option for full auto when you get charged. I'm guessing the AUG is a similar story, based on talk here.

In the meantime, I'll hold on to the Level 31 FAL I pulled off of a rogue's body the other day in the hope that they buff it. The weapon stagnation in this game could use a little shake up.


...One of you're friends stole it and sold you on the lie.

Look into your heart. You know this to be true. DZ brings out the darkness in people.

One of your friends stole it, what else :p

It was visibly bugged. These are friends I've played with for years, they wouldn't do that and we have done stuff like this often.

Just annoying to have an HE drop like that and you can keep it.
Yeah, I'll be back for the incursions for sure - I love the game. Just can't love it like I loved Destiny, i.e., play the game, and only this game, for a long time. I need something to aim for, and simply increasing my DPS from 190k to 200k isn't really a carrot. With Destiny, I honestly played for months simply trying to get some of the more unique weapons, e.g., the ballerhorn, Hawkmoon, etc. I dunno why they made all the weapons in this game so generic and boring when it's such an easy way to keep players engaged.

Unfortunately I think they are beholden to the Clancy "style" where they want to represent realistic military-type weapons. Destiny had the benefit of being a sci-fi shooter where Bungie could go outside the box with weapon and gear design.

With that said, I still find myself hunting around for high-end gear in this game and enjoy playing DZ with a group like with GAFers like Iceman and VE3TRO.

I have a personal approach where I play one multi-player game with buddies and then rotate single-player games during free time. So I'll probably stick around through Incursions and upcoming content updates, unless I somehow get into another new MP game which is unlikely.
I'm really enjoying my tank build, it also seem like I'm the only one that's doing it.
My DPS is shit but i can get around that by shooting enemies point blank in the face or their crit spots.
Is it viable in Challenge Mode?

In a team yeah totally. As long as the entire mod doesn't focus fire on me i'm fine.
The 30% damage reduction for 10 seconds when killing out of cover works so well.

I really enjoy lincoln tunnel CM, just running around the mob shooting guys in the back when everyone else is up on the high ground.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Unfortunately I think they are beholden to the Clancy "style" where they want to represent realistic military-type weapons. Destiny had the benefit of being a sci-fi shooter where Bungie could go outside the box with weapon and gear design.

With that said, I still find myself hunting around for high-end gear in this game and enjoy playing DZ with a group like with GAFers like Iceman and VE3TRO.

I have a personal approach where I play one multi-player game with buddies and then rotate single-player games during free time. So I'll probably stick around through Incursions and upcoming content updates, unless I somehow get into another new MP game which is unlikely.

I don't blame Clancy's license, tbh. They just have to be creative. Imagine an HE M4 where every third bullet was an incendiary bullet, or an HE that can shoot through light cover (and only that gun), etc. Or maybe you can use a pair of Uzis at the same time, but takes up both weapon slots. Or even weapons that there are only one of - say, there's only one Aug in the game, and it's a special drop from a particular boss. Instead, I'm basically using the same gun I used at level 5. It just has better stats rather than being unique in some other way. To make it even worse, they created one marksman rifle to rule them all (Hello M1a) and one automatic weapon type to rule them all (hello SMGs).

And of course, they could get creative with the gear with more unique perks. Maybe a chest that would regenerate 5 ammo every 5 seconds when equipped. I dunno. I just want SOMETHING to aim for. Maybe incursions, with the equipment sets, will give us something.


Unfortunately I think they are beholden to the Clancy "style" where they want to represent realistic military-type weapons. Destiny had the benefit of being a sci-fi shooter where Bungie could go outside the box with weapon and gear design.

With that said, I still find myself hunting around for high-end gear in this game and enjoy playing DZ with a group like with GAFers like Iceman and VE3TRO.

I have a personal approach where I play one multi-player game with buddies and then rotate single-player games during free time. So I'll probably stick around through Incursions and upcoming content updates, unless I somehow get into another new MP game which is unlikely.

They should have made it 50 - 100 years into the future if they wanted to keep the Tom Clancy name. I mean I enjoy the game but I think the creativity of the weapons and tech would have benefited with less rigidity, enemy design would have been more creative too.
Continuing my summary of this great explanation of Damage/DPS that a gaffer linked last week. Not done yet but so far:

  • Armor reduction percentages build off of each other. Lets say for the purposes of this demonstration you have 65% armor mitigation, 25% elite mitigation, and 10% all damage mitigation, even though you can't really get ADR for example purposes. Lets now say you get shot for 67,500 damage:
    • 67500 * 65% (armor reduction) = Damage reduced to 23625
    • 23625 * 25% (elite damage reduction) = Damage reduced to 17718.75
    • 17718.75 * 10% (all damage reduction) = 15946.125
    • End result = You took 15,946.125 damage instead of the initial 67,500 damage hit
  • The more damage reduction multipliers you add simply increases your survival in harder content.
  • Armor gives most armor, so you should try to have that be your max armor stat--since it can have the most, it gives more flexibility with smaller gear items and their armor ratings, when it is max/near max
  • Even a single percent of damage reduction is more than worth it because of how EDR Effective Damage Reduction works. Let's say you take 100,000 damage and I'll show just how big of a deal this is:
    • 100000 * 90% = 10,000 Damage
    • Gain 1%: 100000 * 91% = 9,000 Damage
    • Gain 4% more: 100000 * 95% = 5,000 Damage
  • Always make sure you have multipliers to stack for mitigation.
  • When hit with damage, damage model hierarchy is:
    • Bullet based?
      • If Yes, uses armor value first, then elite reduction
      • If No (like fire or a bleed), uses exotic dmg resistance first, then elite reduction
    • ALL other resistances (like burn and shock) are added after initial dmg reduction is applied
  • Maxing out something like bleed resistance can save you in difficult encounters
  • If running with less than 59% damage reduction, you are insanely squishy and will have trouble with harder content (i.e, purp/gold shotgunners)
  • It is currently impossible to get above 65% damage reduction through armor. 4650 armor should be your maximum that you have. If this changes I will update to reflect that change.
  • Sample ideal roll for kneepads:
    • 1st slot - High Mainstat
    • 2nd slot - Armor
    • 3rd slot - Enemy Armor Damage
    • 4th slot - Elite Protection
    • 5th slot - Elite Damage
    • 6th slot - Skill Bonus
    • 7th slot - Gear mod slot <-super valuable, mandatory at high level
  • Re: recalibration, it's fantastic but only ONE stat can be rerolled. If you have a shitty roll on gear and isn't a big upgrade otherwise, forget about it. If talent is worthwhile, reroll main stat to try and at least improve build
  • Focus on one stat--balanced hurts you in the end. End game missions rewards diverse teams in specific roles, don't be jack of all trades.
    • Tank = Stamina
      • Need decent damage, too, or your threat will be too low. Threat is based on damage, with threat % stacked on top of that. If you aren't the biggest threat in the room, you aren't the tank.
      • MY INTERPRETATION: Sounds like it artificially boosts your DPS, but not in a way that's damaging to enemies? For example, if you do 75k DPS and a friend does 85k DPS, they are the bigger threat. However, if you have a 19% increased threat stat, the enemy would perceive you as doing ~89k DPS, and you would be the biggest threat.
      • Stamina gives raw health; second best survivability stat behind armor.
    • Tech/Healer = Electronics
      • Goal is to keep buffs up and keep people alive. Whether healing, doing damage, or providing buffs, you want short cooldowns.
      • Liberator (skill weapon) significantly reduces cooldowns.
      • Skill power is capped at 45k; after that, no longer increases damage/buffs in skills.
        CAN use performance mods to get beyond this cap.
      • Skill build should consider skill-based HE like Cadeceus or Liberator
    • Soldier (Straight Weapon DPS) = Firearms
      • Commit! Run Pulse and Booster Shot for maximum firepower at all times.
      • CMs should have at least one high DPS build
      • Firearms points simply increases damage by 1% each point.
  • Weapon DPS in The Division is skewed and doesn't accurately display your actual damage. What the Weapon DPS calculates is the crit of your weapon, the damage per shot, the rate of fire, magazine size, accuracy, and stability and then puts all those stats into a mythical scenario in which every bullet hits the target. Because of this, the displayed weapon DPS you get is never going to be truly accurate. The things you need to care about most are:
    • Damage per shot
    • Crit Chance
    • Crit Damage
    • Weapon Damage % increase
    • Stability: When using a weapon, you can look at the recoil pattern and see if you want to focus on horizontal stability, vertical stability, or overall stability and this is particularly noticeable on weapons with a high rate of fire. 
    • Optimal Range: Range is extremely important because it dictates from how far away you are still dealing the full amount of damage. If you take a base AK, it's optimal range is about 25-30 meters.
  • Accuracy is NEARLY useless.
    • For most assault rifles, sniper rifles, SMGs, and some LMGs, the accuracy that is with the weapon is perfectly fine.
    • Shotguns don't need it, so if you stack accuracy on a shotgun you are just wasting stats.
    • In some cases accuracy CAN be beneficial. What accuracy does is provide a tighter grouping of shots, which is ideal for longer range engagements. It's also good for burst fire, ensuring more shots land on the target
    • Most weapons can even have increased accuracy as a talent, which can completely negate the need to ever put more accuracy on a weapon especially with the range limitations.
    • If your weapon has at least a third of the bar filled with accuracy and you aren't shooting from super long range, then you don't really need it that much.
  • Weapon types have built in perks
    • SMG - Comes with lots of crit, short range only. Stack Crit Damage, headshot damage, crit chance, and reload speed/magazine size.
    • Marksman Rifle - High Headshot damage. Increase optimal range, headshot damage, reload speed, and fire rate.
    • Assault Rife - Medium to Long range weapon. Increase Stability, Weapon Damage %, headshot damage, and magazine size
    • LMG - Great for suppressing enemies and laying down a large amount of fire without frequent reloading. Increase Stability, Mag Size, Fire Rate, and Weapon Damage %
    • Shotgun - Up close and personal kings. Semiautos are vastly superior to pump and double barrel shotguns. Increase Headshot damage, weapon damage %, mag size, reload speed
    • Pistol - Excellent to finish off an enemy that is below 30% health. Health is the colored bar, not the white pips on the enemy health bar, that is the armor they have. increase range, accuracy, mag size, reload speed.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Massive please hire commish, he knows what I want.

I'm not even being creative - it's literally how almost all other loot-based games work! The good news is that it's been less than a month so far, so there's plenty of time to fix things.
Thanks for that overview you're working on. It's really helpful for fellow players I've been sharing it with.

So pumped for the stream! It's show time Massive!!!


Posted this about a week with no answer so trying again-

My ps4 died and is being sent for repair.

I am grinding through at level 19/22.

Can't find a Division save file on my HD. Is it in the Ubi cloud and after I re-download the game (digital purchase)- will I be able to pick up my character/ levels again?

Thx in advance.


Posted this about a week with no answer so trying again-

My ps4 died and is being sent for repair.

I am grinding through at level 19/22.

Can't find a Division save file on my HD. Is it in the Ubi cloud and after I re-download the game (digital purchase)- will I be able to pick up my character/ levels again?

Thx in advance.
Your character is saved in Ubi servers, so yes.


There's plenty they could do within the license to still make things unique. I mean they already put in things like "heal twice as fast" or "heal 2% for every meter moved from cover to cover."

Said it last night, but give me a chest armor that detonates when I'm downed. Give me gloves that have super fast reloading. A backpack that regenerates consumables when I go rogue. Gloves that can hack turrets or seeker mines, like enemies can. There's so much room for creativity in gear and they decided to do nothing with it as of now. Hopefully that changes in a couple hours.


Posted this about a week with no answer so trying again-

My ps4 died and is being sent for repair.

I am grinding through at level 19/22.

Can't find a Division save file on my HD. Is it in the Ubi cloud and after I re-download the game (digital purchase)- will I be able to pick up my character/ levels again?

Thx in advance.

No save file. Your account info is stored on Ubisofts servers.


Posted this about a week with no answer so trying again-

My ps4 died and is being sent for repair.

I am grinding through at level 19/22.

Can't find a Division save file on my HD. Is it in the Ubi cloud and after I re-download the game (digital purchase)- will I be able to pick up my character/ levels again?

Thx in advance.

All character progress is saved on ubi servers, as long as you login with the same uplay account as before you will be right were you left off :)


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
All the characters are stored on Ubi's servers just like Destiny. No need to worry.
I swear the support station revive mod is glitched. Had many instances of people not getting revived despite having the green bar filled last night.
Thanks for that overview you're working on. It's really helpful for fellow players I've been sharing it with.

So pumped for the stream! It's show time Massive!!!

Thanks for the summary Anton. I also can't access the ubi forums from work so your post helps me as well

NP, y'all. I was getting really frustrated the other week when modding my weapons and noticing that accuracy mods were somehow insanely boosting my DPS, then saw it mentioned here on GAF. Wonder if they'll change the logic behind that in the future.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Thanks Anton. Appreciate. I think I have too much accuracy and not enough armor. Running with Reckless perk on my chest probably isn't helping.


Last night, I turned on the game, spawned into the world, went to the minimap... and just closed the game down, too bored with doing the same exact thing yet again with nothing to actually aim for. I think that's it for me and The Division. Great ride though!

Yeah, this is pretty much where I am at as well. Will probably uninstall it soon, but will see what today's livestream has to say first.


Thanks Anton. Appreciate. I think I have too much accuracy and not enough armor. Running with Reckless perk on my chest probably isn't helping.

Armor is massive. I'm at 58% damage reduction and currently trying to roll mods with more Armor so I can get to 65%. Throw down some Mobile Cover with Smart Cover and you can soak up a lot of bullets in CM.
Finally hit 30. Feels like it took forever and still have a ton of side quests and the last mission todo lol. Is there higher levels then 30 or is purely for xp / finishing off the last few base unlocks ?


Formerly Gizmowned
2 man'd challenge mode. Jesus what a run lol.

Edit: Whats rewards from accolades actually do? I have mine tripled but dunno if its worth having lol.


I recall playing with you and your stuff didn't seem like garbage. Of course, if my stuff was garbage, too, I wouldn't know the difference.

I'm just over thinking things, TBH -- I'm worried about trying to be efficient in everything only to end up being efficient in nothing.

I think I'm going to focus on my pulse skill, crit hit/chance, and armor mitigation (the last of which I have at 56% & I STILL feel squishy) for now. The only other thing I'm worried about is my skill cool downs, but if I start focusing on that as well -- I feel like I'm worrying about too many stats & becoming less efficient in the process.

Decisions have never been my strong point.
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