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Tom Henderson - Ubisoft has Cancelled Press Previews of Assassin's Creed Shadows Until Further Notice


Gold Member

Earlier today, Ubisoft canceled its online appearance at the Tokyo Game Show due to “various circumstances”; however, Isndier Gaming has learned that Ubisoft has also canceled its press previews of Assassin’s Creed Shadows.

According to various sources, the Assassin’s Creed Shadows press previews were scheduled to take place next week, and the embargo date for the previews would be announced then.

At the time of writing, Assassin’s Creed Shadows is still scheduled to release on November 12, 2024, however, the recent announcements may suggest that the game might be delayed.

Insider Gaming reached out to Ubisoft for comment but, as of yet, has yet to reply on the cancellation of the previews, but did not offer comment on the cancellation of the Tokyo Game Show. Earlier today, Ubisoft announced in a statement about Tokyo Game Show:

“We regret to inform you that due to various circumstances, we have decided to cancel our online participation in Tokyo Game Show 2024 which was scheduled to start at 3:00 PM on September 26th,” the statement reads.

“We apologize for the short notice. We sincerely apologize to everyone who was looking forward to the broadcast.”

The company said that the “currently ongoing giveaway campaign” would continue despite the fact that the broadcast was no longer happening.

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Gold Member
Fried Rice Cooking GIF by Nigel Ng (Uncle Roger)


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Looks like a delay is on the cards. Disappointing but I’m willing to wait till next year to get a more polished game.

Shit happens. Don’t think they will go and change the race of the character though. This is likely an issue with polish and bugs.
This whole game's turned into a disaster.

Sorry Yasuke bro, you deserve better. Also sorry Japan; you deserve better too.

They just don’t want any discussion around it.

Shadow dropping it will result in better sales at this point.

Well, certain streamers shadow-dropping bad shows didn't lead to increased views and ratings. In fact, those shows suffered from it.

Doubt that strategy suddenly works for a video game already marred with controversy.
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:messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Where are you all suckas who said that this game will be mega-hit?!?

All indications show this will be a colossal flop. Concord may actually have a rival for the floppest game of the year
There's plenty still out there who crave UbiSlop so I doubt it will be anywhere near Concord levels of flop.
There is no way they could delay this a year, replace that character with a native Japanese, and rework the story. If they did that, they would be drug though the mud and destroyed in the press for caving to racists.
They could argue seeing Yasuke beat the heck out of japanese people would fuel racism too. And history fans probably would also like to play as somebody more representative of that period of japanese history.

Also, they have much more to change than Yasuke. I heard they had some Chinese music, the armors are not from that period of time, they included a sword from an anime... there is a lot they could improve and have a much more positive reception in the future.

Miyamoto said "a delayed game is eventually good. A bad game is bad forever." It didn´t apply to Skull and bones, but I think in some instances it´s still somewhat true today. And this could be one of them.


Are they so scared of controversies ruining launch?

It seems that the gaming industry has finally reached the point where publishers are realizing that certain forced choices not only do not bring good rep points anymore but they can actually be poison for the reception of their products.
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