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Tomb Raider Definitive Edition - PlayStation 4 = ~60fps, Xbox One = ~30fps

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this glorious thread has been entertaining me at work all day.

I was fine with 30fps but now 60fps and I'm even more excited. wooo


this glorious thread has been entertaining me at work all day.

I was fine with 30fps but now 60fps and I'm even more excited. wooo

Exactly, 30fps was just fine, for last gen. But with next gen systems, 8gb ram and whatnot with console optimization, 60fps really should be the standard for these consoles.


If 1080p/30 becomes the target on XBO and XBO becomes the lead platform for graphical minimums this gen since it's the lowest spec out of XBO/PS4/PC, won't that mean more games at close to 60fps on PS4?

I can live with XBO graphics at nearly 2x the framerate this gen. In a way, XBO's weaker specs that so many people are making fun of are going to benefit PS4 gaming this gen since it will be able to outpace the target image graphically so that leaves a lot of headroom for greater framerates. Less slowdown, overall faster framerates, more responsive controls.

Microsoft did PS4 fans a favor.

Yeah, almost nobody will create multiplatform game that will always target 720p30 with PS4 being lead platform. Or if they do, they will make it so that certain aspects of the game can be downsized for 720p30 on Xbone [draw distance, LOD, etc].

Competition between developers to deliver awesomeness toward the end of this gen will most surely force some teams to focus on 720p30 all the way, cramming as much processing power into those 921k pixels. I shudder to think how nice looking those games would look. At that rez, PS4 has 10x more processing power per pixel than PS3. Naughty Dog/Santa Monica... Plase. Do it. I want it. No excuses.
Wouldn't the world be a better place if we all treated each other equally no matter whether or not their name was red or or not? FUCK GREY THOUGH! FUCK THEM!

Ha! I didn't mean for that to come out as "Yell at anyone who isn't a mod." Just trying to help our Junior friend out. ^_^


III. Moderation Policy

A. Moderation of NeoGAF is not by democracy. All decisions with regards to thread closure and movement, permanent and temporary bans, membership, and any other relevant issues are made by the NeoGAF administration alone and are final. That being said, constructive criticisms and suggestions are welcome, provided they are directed to NeoGAF Administration via e-mail, here. Do not dispute administrative policy or action within the forum itself.

Dat Bishtatorship! :p


That's true. I think I don't know the right translation of "is gravy". Does that mean "It's nonsense" or "It's bonus"?

Someone at the oldest German gaming board claims that the PS4-version runs with 60 FPS with minor falls when it saves. He played the first two hours.

Could you provide a link please.



Idiot Forbes Contributor said:
“Anything running above that is just gravy.”

That’s just the wrong way of looking at your in game visuals. Even though this is the world of tech and we always like numbers to be bigger, frame rate should be a choice, not a constant upward movement. Lower frame rates can help a game achieve a deeper, more cinematic effect, and for games that rely on visual more than twitch controls, this is sometimes the right choice.

Don't know if this "article" has been posted yet, but I'm surprised this reached my Yahoo front page.

Not only is the bolded completely wrong, it has nothing to do with this situation as the avg 30fps on Xbox One isn't a design choice, but a hardware limitation.



i dont even know what is going on anymore

So how's the body count looking, anyway?

Don't know if this "article" has been posted yet, but I'm surprised this reached my Yahoo front page.

Not only is the bolded completely wrong, it has nothing to do with this situation as the avg 30fps on Xbox One isn't a design choice.

Adam Sessler's newest video-

"60 frames per second, and why it's not important."
That guy has been going crazy recently. I seriously think he's losing his marbles. The guy went on a recent tirade against MGS and Kojima. I wouldn't be surprised if he did talk smack about 60fps.


Exactly, 30fps was just fine, for last gen. But with next gen systems, 8gb ram and whatnot with console optimization, 60fps really should be the standard for these consoles.

I wouldn't go as far to say that 60 fps should be a standard. just my opinion though

I think stable 30fps is totally fine. the issue here is not TR being 30fps on Xbone as much as being 30fps COMPARED to PS4 60fps performance.

This thread 60 pages is a direct result of continuous diminishing/doubting of the power gulf between the two consoles. The moment MS published their X1 specs sheet, I realized that PS4 is going to run circles around X1. 1080p vs 720p was a start. now we have 60 vs 30 fps, and to be honest I know that the gap WILL definitely widen as the generation progresses and games get more complex, Specs are there for everybody and the difference is seriously huge.
60fps is over-rated anyway, 30fps is more than enough and is even better as it gives a much more cinematic experience. The Xbox One version is going to be awesome.

XB1M13 (send cash only)


As I said earlier in the thread, i was one of these people, and I am now buying it. It's even given me reason to push forward on buying my next gen console in fact. Was gonna wait until early March... thinking about getting it around the day of my tax refund which is Feb 5'th.

60 FPS gaming is huge to me. I'm not a PC guy so when shit like this happens on consoles my eyes light up.

Me too, I was very pleasantly surprised they were able to squeeze 60 out of it with TressFX. Sort of lays down the guatlet for other devs too, I really hope that when the Witcher 3 hits it doesn't look and run the same between the two consoles. At this point the evidence is pretty clear that if there is parity on the two consoles it's because the PS4 version was intentionally gimped (looks at my copy of NFS MW).


So my PS4 is going to run this at the same level as a $1K PC, I don't have to deal with windows and can game on my couch on my 60" TV with a nice controller.

What are people arguing about again?

Back On topic, I was going to try this game because I missed it last year. Hopefully its good.


I wonder how many more of these incidents it will take before the vitriol expressed by so many disappears.

As much as I love the drama (GAF does it so well, and the first E3 of this gen will be crazy) I also can not wait until the "war" is over.

To the moderation staff, I do not envy your job but I am thankful you do it .......thank you.

On the other hand if threads like these help expose shills and other nefarious types then maybe we can consider these types of threads as cleansers and maybe they are a necessary evil.


There is a lot of stuff missing in the ToS. You have to go here to get all the info you need to stay alive.

I wish I had known this before my first few bans.

Thanks for posting this. I see lots of users being banned and wonder what happened, so it's nice to see what is acceptable and not on GAF.



“Anything running above that is just gravy.”

That’s just the wrong way of looking at your in game visuals. Even though this is the world of tech and we always like numbers to be bigger, frame rate should be a choice, not a constant upward movement. Lower frame rates can help a game achieve a deeper, more cinematic effect, and for games that rely on visual more than twitch controls, this is sometimes the right choice.

Don't know if this "article" has been posted yet, but I'm surprised this reached my Yahoo front page.

Not only is the bolded completely wrong, it has nothing to do with this situation as the avg 30fps on Xbox One isn't a design choice.

Ho Lee Fuck - what mental gymnastics some people perform in order to earn 3$...


This thread has it all. And ElTorro is on fire.

You don't even need an XB1 or PS4 to enjoy this gen. The drama, tears, gifs, laughs, 180s etc. since february 2013 are really great.

Watchdogs is going to be interesting too. Thief was already confirmed to be identical for both systems didn't it? What is the next big multiplat coming this year?


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