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Toonami |JanFeb17| Super Saiyan Please?

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This singer chick is kind of stalkerish. Is this going to turn into Macross Frontier with Akitsuki being the Ranka to Tama-chan's Sheryll? Oh god does Yuu turn into a less cool version of Alto?


Gives all the fucks
As a first time viewer, it didn't seem as huge of a deal, & something I probably wouldn't have noticed unless it was pointed out.

....compared to, say, that awful audio of the 2nd OP for Jojo which sounded completely off.


Apparently, Toei didn't bother to fix any of the old animation in Buu Kai, and they left a lot of filler in.
not the good filler though


Unconfirmed Member

10 seconds of color correcting makes green filter Kai look like it was in DBZ.

Fucking Toei.

Uhh...the Toei version looks significantly more accurate, though, at least in terms of white balance.

I mean, Gohan is wearing a pure white shirt in this scene:


There's a reason color correction doesn't actually take 10 seconds.


JoJo- I'm still not sure what the hell I watched. Felt like a fever dream. No other comments

Oh yeah, I almost forgot

Now that Phantom Blood is over, here's a playlist of all the musical references.
Some of these songs random choices or were also referenced in part 1?

Now that the first episode of Buu Kai has aired, I can post this.

Ok, I seem to be the only one that lowered my expectations for Unicorn. At this point, I don't really care that there is info babble but after the dumpster fire of promises IBO turned out to be, all I care out of this one is that it looks cool, shows it's cool, knows it's cool and sticks with that then try to be anything way above that.


Some of these songs random choices or were also referenced in part 1?
Yeah, the songs for the artist references are kind of random. I usually tried to pick something that seemed vaguely appropriate, though.

Indiscipline is the biggest stretch, it's known for the drumming Bruford does on it.


Unconfirmed Member
Ok, I seem to be the only one that lowered my expectations for Unicorn. At this point, I don't really care that there is info babble but after the dumpster fire of promises IBO turned out to be, all I care out of this one is that it looks cool, shows it's cool, knows it's cool and stick with that then try to be anything way above that.

Well, I've never seen Unicorn before, but Gundam series in general are not cool for the sake of being cool. It's absolutely going to try to be something way above that. It's going to be a political space opera.
Well, I've never seen Unicorn before, but Gundam series in general are not cool for the sake of being cool. It's absolutely going to try to be something way above that. It's going to be a political space opera.
This didn't stop Seed Destiny from being a bastardized version of Zeta though.


For what it's worth, as a Gundam fan who's gotten to ignoring the politics, I was quite pleased by IBO.

Sure, Dort happened, but I'll take a boring snoozefest any day over bullshit like Innovators.


It kind of saddens me seeing people write off Gundam so quickly both IBO and Unicorn. There is a lot of good in the series. Far above gutter trash some people claim it to be.


It kind of saddens me seeing people write off Gundam so quickly both IBO and Unicorn. There is a lot of good in the series. Far above gutter trash some people claim it to be.
What happened between human debris and dort was gutter trash.


It kind of saddens me seeing people write off Gundam so quickly both IBO and Unicorn. There is a lot of good in the series. Far above gutter trash some people claim it to be.

I've already seem Gundam Build Fighters so there's nowhere else to go but down.


They looked good in motion, Valvrave 1 especially. It's the only reason I watched the show in the first place.

plus that activation scene in Episode 1 was pretty sweet (edit: though uh, I just went and rewatched it, it wasn't as good as I remembered it being)


Sketchbook Picasso
I never really find Gundam's politics negative. In the case of normal shonen, it's the fact they try to have all these complex underground relationships on top of the straight, expected ones that makes the show interesting and different, really.

If any "politics" of a Toonami show get annoying to me, it's probably Naruto's. Instead of making the relationships seem more nuanced and meaningful, it seems like they are just there to try and do more with the same characters. Like they're there to keep them from developing the other teams, and allow them to tell YET ANOTHER SASUKE STORY.

It's a shame too, as I think I'd enjoy Naruto a lot more if it spent half the Sasuke time developing the rest of the cast. Wouldn't be so fatigued with him, and it'd make it easier to love the rest of the characters too.

That's one thing I loved about Gundam stories that I've seen, and even haven't; such a mix of characters seem developed enough to have their own fandoms. The shows LOVE their main characters, sure, but they don't over-focus on them so much that they forget that we want to see their friends and enemies also get some limelight.
UC Gundam does a great job of balancing character drama and politics imho.

Char vs Amuro is the best.

Because I REALLY love talking about Gundam, ehre is a primer for you guys. Don't worry, I haven't included spoilers for Unicorn. I'll write it in timeline form. There will be spoilers for 0079, 0083, Zeta, ZZ Gundam and Char's Counterattack though.

Universal Century begins once the Earth Federation begins making plans to colonize space. No concrete date has ever been given as to when UC0001 matches up to AD, but I've heard some people suggest 2040. Doesn't really matter.

UC0050s. A man by named Zeon Deikun becomes a popular philosopher and politician. He teaches that the Earth is sacred and needs to be protected. More importantly, he teaches that by moving to Outer Space, humanity will continue its evolution, becoming a New Type of man. Newtypes are said to better adapted to the vast emptiness of Space. They have enhanced enhanced spatial awareness and can communicate telepathically, amongst other things. Eventually Zeon Deikun becomes the leader of the cluster of colonies on the Far Side of the Moon called Side 3. Also, he is a staunch advocate for independence for Spacenoids (the franchises' term for space colonies). He's very popular. He has two kids, Artesia and Casval.

UC0068. Zeon Deikun dies of a heart attack. The circumstances of his death are mysterious. Some believe that Zeon Deikun's trusted friend, Degwin Zabi, had him poisoned. It's certainly possible that that is the case, but the franchise never says for sure. What is known for sure is that Degwin Zabi takes advantage of the power vacuum and becomes the leader of Side 3. Artesia and Casval are spirited out of Side 3 for their protection and assume aliases. Artesia becomes Sayla Mass, Casval eventually assumes the name Char Aznable. Believing the rumors of his father's assassination, he launches a plan to get revenge on the Zabi family.

UC0070s. Tensions sore between the Earth Federation and Side 3. Both sides build up their militaries. Side 3 begins developing weaponized versions of their "mobile workers" construction robots. They eventually become Mobile Suits.

January UC 0079. Side 3 declares itself the Principality of Zeon and launches an attack on the Earth Federation in the name of independence. This War is called the One Year War Initial fighting lasts for two weeks and half of the human population is killed due to the tactics that are employed. Nuclear weapons and chemical weapons are used indiscriminately at this time. Most horrifically, the Principality of Zeon drops a space colony on earth. They were aiming for the Earth Federation's military headquarters in Brazil, but miss. Instead it hits (and destroys) Sydney Australia. Afterwards, both sides come together to agree to terms of warfare. Weapons of mass destruction are prohibited (including colony drops). This treaty is called the Antarctic treaty. During this time, mobile suits make their debut in war. Casval Deikun, under the alias of Char Aznable by this time has infilitrated the Zeon military and has gained renown from his performance a battle called the Battle of Loum (in which the Earth Federation Space Force (EFSF) is thoroughly crushed). He likes to pilot customized version of the Zeon main mobile suit, the Zaku II.

Following the Antarctic Treaty, the war settles into a 7 month long stalemate. Zeon manages to take vast stretches of land on Earth (in order to make up for their own lack of natural resources), but they can't drive home the win. Meanwhile, the Earth Federation continues to play catch up to Zeon's mobile suits. They develop the Gundam.

July 0079. Just as the Gundam is completed, Char discovers the colony it is being constructed. While his unit is attacking the colony, a civillian named Amuro Ray finds his way into the cockpit. Even though he's a novice, due to the machine's capabilities he is able to stand toe to toe.. The survivors of the colony climb on board a EFSF battleship called White Base and evacuate the colony. From that point on, they are roped into fighting for the Federation as they protect their prototype mobile suit.

Through the rest of the war, the Federation is able to push back Zeon into space. Char begins executing his plan to get revenge. The youngest son, Garma, is betrayed by Char and led to his death. the second youngest son, Dozzle, is killed by Amuro. Degwin Zabi is betrayed by his oldest son Gihren, and Gihren is killed by his sister Kycillia. Kycillia is killed by Char. Only one member of the family survives. Dozzle's infant daughter Mineva.

Towards the end of the war Amuro encounters Char's protege, Lalah Sune. She is a gifted Newtype. Amuro and her quickly bond, though she is a Zeon pilot. During a battle with Char, she is killed by Amuro. Both men blame each other for her death.

After the war, most of the remnants of Zeon flee to an asteroid called Axis in the Asteroid Belt, including Char and the baby Mineva Zabi. Side 3 is made into a puppet colony called The Republic of Zeon.

UC0083: A nuclear armed Gundam is stolen from an Earth Federation Base near Torington, Australia. The Gundam is stolen by Gihren Zabi loyalists, who use the nuke to attack the Earth Federation Space Fleet. Afterwards a colony is dropped on North America. In response, the Earth Federation creates a elite task force to crack down on Zeon remnants. This force is called the Titans.

The Titans are harsh in performing their duties. They brutalize and bully spacenoids. They are an elitest faction

UC0087: In response to a colony being gassed by the Titans, a...terrorist?... group called the AEUG (Anti Earth Union Group) is formed. Char assumes the identity of Quattro Bajeena and quickly earns a high rank in the force. Eventually Amuro, who had been under house arrest after the One Year War, also fights against the Titans, but for an Earth-based anti-Titans faction called Karaba. a young Newtype named Kamille Bidan also joins, as does the captain of White Base from the One Year War, Bright Noa. Towards the end of the conflict, Char reveals himself to the world as the heir to Zeon Deikun During this time, it is revealed that the Federation had been doing experiments on people to invoke Newtype-like abilities. These people are called Cyber-Newtypes

The war is brutal. Eventually Zeon Remnants from Axis arrive and the war (later called the Gryps conflict) becomes a 3 way war. The final battle takes place near a colony that had been retrofitted into a laser. The AEUG manages to take control of the laser and uses it to destroy most of the Titans fleet. However, in the course of the battle the AEUG loses many of its members. Kamille ends up in a coma. Char goes missing

UC0088: Axis Zeon begins an invasion of Earth. They want possession of Side 3. It's leader, Haman Karn, is the retainer of Mineva Zabi and uses the young girl as a puppet. Eventually the AEUG manages to find a replacement crew and fight back. A rift develops between Haman Karn and supporters of a boy named Glemy Toto, who may be the illegitimate son of Gihren Zabi. Glemy had a secret Newtype clone army of little girls called "Ples" (pronounced Pulls.) Both Haman and Glemy die.

0093: Char comes back! He has decided fulfill his father's legacy. Quickly gaining support, he manages to develope a military and begins dropping asteroids on Earth. HIs goal is to cause a Nuclear winter on Earth so that it will be uninhabitable. But really he wants to draw Amuro into one final duel, because he never got over Lalah. His army tries to drop Axis on Earth, but a Anti-Zeon task force called Londo Bell, which was created by former AEUG members after the Titans were disbanded, resist. Due to space magic, the meteor is repelled. But both Amuro and Char vanish during the conflict..

Also worth knowing is:

Minovsky Particles. Oftentimes you'll hear captaisn shout stuff like "Disperse minovsky particles at combat density!". This means they are dispersing a particle that jams radio communications, amongst other things. This prevents smart weapons like lock on missiles from working. Hyper charges MP are used to create beam weaponry.

Funnels: Psychic controlled weapons that take advantage of a Newtype's powers.


Wasn't able to watch with everyone, but did see everything of interest during the West Coast broadcast.

-Personally, I would say that Dragon Ball seems more enjoyable when it's not about power levels and drawn out battles, so the premiere for Super was okay and the start of the Buu arc was also more tolerable than I recalled.

-That grenade trap that Joseph set for Straitzo was beautiful.

-There's something almost nostalgic about the character designs for Unicorn. The style reminds me more of something one would see in a '70s or '80s-era show than anything else, only with modern day production values. Either way, looking forward to more of the series.

-Found Hunter x Hunter boring outside of the ending, which was great. I know it's said by those familiar with the series that all of the explanations are necessary, but there's already been plenty of creative use of ki with minimal explanation regarding the subject through Hamon in JoJo.

-Quite tired of them dragging out the end of Thriller Bark. Would've found Moriah bursting like an overinflated balloon more satisfying.

-Watching Saitama land a punch that says screw that sea monkey AND the rain will never not be satisfying.


-Found Hunter x Hunter boring outside of the ending, which was great. I know it's said by those familiar with the series that all of the explanations are necessary, but there's already been plenty of creative use of ki with minimal explanation regarding the subject through Hamon in JoJo.

Most of the shit Hamon does is bullshit though, and that's fine. That's the kind of series JoJo is. It doesn't take itself seriously and it wants you to roll with it. Not really fair to compare it to Nen, which is going in the complete opposite direction.
They looked good in motion, Valvrave 1 especially. It's the only reason I watched the show in the first place.

plus that activation scene in Episode 1 was pretty sweet (edit: though uh, I just went and rewatched it, it wasn't as good as I remembered it being)
Valvrave was never good to begin with and I'm honestly surprised you were able to finish it.
I wasn't.
I think I at least made it to ep 13 before I bailed the first time I tried to watch it, it's dog shit.
Most of the shit Hamon does is bullshit though, and that's fine. That's the kind of series JoJo is. It doesn't take itself seriously and it wants you to roll with it. Not really fair to compare it to Nen, which is going in the complete opposite direction.
In a way Nen starts to mirror the mechanics Jojo starts to use in later parts, at least that's how I see it. There's a Jojo x Hunter x Hunter fan art I saw awhile back...can't even post it here cause it's way too spoiler filled.


Yeah, nen basically ends up being
the rigorous version of Stands.
I think I at least made it to ep 13 before I bailed the first time I tried to watch it, it's dog shit.
I will say though that the whole
memory loss thing
is the biggest waste of a plot point ever. Rewrite the series to be something like
and be character based rather than
alien bullshit
, and you've got a fantastic series.

Then again, that'd probably be far above the ability of the Valvrave writers
Yeah, nen basically ends up being
the rigorous version of Stands.
I will say though that the whole
memory loss thing
is the biggest waste of a plot point ever. Rewrite the series to be something like
and be character based rather than
alien bullshit
, and you've got a fantastic series.

Then again, that'd probably be far above the ability of the Valvrave writers
Valvrave plot was cobbled together bullshit. Way worse than Code Geass R2 was. I at least enjoyed...most of that fuckery. Valvrave was just on a whole nother level of bad. I think my dying wish is for Togashi and Araki to collaborate on a manga. imagining
with like 2 chapters worth of explanation with Araki's artwork is like the apex of manga.


Uhh...the Toei version looks significantly more accurate, though, at least in terms of white balance.

I mean, Gohan is wearing a pure white shirt in this scene:


There's a reason color correction doesn't actually take 10 seconds.

I also say that the Toei colors lean into the old school feeling more.

Surprisingly I think kai was easily one of the best episodes of the night.
I still think Gundam IBO is a bad show, though I think it at least sidesteps the general Gundam problem of being anti-war while heavily fetishizing the tools of that war and the battles they participate in. (At least that's the way Gundam looks to an outsider who's really only watched Seed as far as "serious" Gundam goes).

Gundam Unicorn was super dense but so far I think the conflict at least lets you pick out who's bad and I can give it a few episodes to sort things out. Tbh I think some people were jumping the gun on confusion with like...an opening that's just in media res? That's a common narrative technique y'all


Most of the good Gundam shows are the old ones, before SEED.

In fact arguably, SEED is the reason Gundam shows got so bad, because all the new shows tried too hard to imitate shit characters like Kira, lol
Most of the good Gundam shows are the old ones, before SEED.

In fact arguably, SEED is the reason Gundam shows got so bad, because all the new shows tried too hard to imitate shit characters like Kira, lol
Jesus Yamato is more meme than character at this point. Now Athrun Zala is an actual character. Shinn Asuka is a fucking asshole, Setsuna is a Gundam obsessed motherfucking lizard man. First season of 00 is actually good, second season is a damned shit show. Unicorn is actually good as well, so is Build Fighters.


No Scrubs
Most of the good Gundam shows are the old ones, before SEED.

In fact arguably, SEED is the reason Gundam shows got so bad, because all the new shows tried too hard to imitate shit characters like Kira, lol

Ugh, the only good thing Kira ever did was smash that red haired chick.


No Scrubs
And then he beats up his best friend afterwards. Flay's a fucking nutjob. Not even a cool nutjob like Katejina.

I never said she ain't crazy, just that he did good smashing that shit. Most protags couldn't smash it if you put it in front of them and explained how the whole thing worked, dude got in there and did the job.
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