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Toonami |JanFeb17| Super Saiyan Please?

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Gives all the fucks
Well screw you, UPS. Was waiting for a special package for over 2 weeks & I contacted the person who sent it, was told that it was being returned because UPS said that "The receiver does not want the product and refused the delivery."

.........how can I refuse delivery when I NEVER KNEW WHEN THEY TRIED TO DELIVER IT. I didn't even get a slip this time around saying "we were here but you weren't home so you gotta pick it up." I didn't think it was possible for my opinion for a package delivery service could be soured so much in just the span of a month, but freakin' hell, as soon as I moved into my apartment, their service has gone down hill.

Ugh, again, sorry for the off-topic rant, but this happened in addition to the crap they did last time where they decided to not leave a package at the apartment office (which Fedex did, thank goodness), resulting in waiting another FIVE DAYS just to pick it up.

How? DBZ stopped being my favorite anime years ago. Don't get me wrong I like it, just can't watch Z that much anymore. I'm even in the Super thread so I don't hate the franchise.
Because the average Toonami viewer has higher tolerance for that kind of stuff.

Why do you think we got the 2nd season of SAO.
Smh. JadedWriter revealing that he wants Gon and Killua to do filthy acts at a reasonable price.
That's more of a DTL thing. I actually legitimately respect Gon and Killua's friendship. My fetish is actually Les Yay. For example I have seen Noir and legitimately think Kirika banged both Chloe and Mirielle.


I am a filthy Gon x Killua shipper, but in a mostly non-sexual sense? Like they clearly love each other, but Gon doesn't understand/know what sex is (year or 2 from now spoilers
This is pretty clear when he goes on a Date with Palm, especially when he freaks Killua out by saying he has "experience"
), and Killua has clear emotional scarring and wouldn't be comfortable with it anyway.

My headcanon is Killua getting flustered by Gon telling someone "I love Killua" because he doesn't think Gon understands what that phrase even means, but it means a lot to Killua

And this was my "overanalyzing cartoon children" post for the day. Please look forward to more!
So Dangan Ronpa 3 was a huge disappointment. If I had actually finished it in 2016, I'd have called it the biggest disappointment of the year.


So Dangan Ronpa 3 was a huge disappointment. If I had actually finished it in 2016, I'd have called it the biggest disappointment of the year.

Yeah, I didn't touch it, i'm just waiting for Danganronpa V3 this year, and now that it's out in Japan, i'm just avoiding spoilers


So Dangan Ronpa 3 was a huge disappointment. If I had actually finished it in 2016, I'd have called it the biggest disappointment of the year.
What the hell is Danganronpa 3? I only know about New Danganronpa V3.

Danganronpa 3 sucked and actively makes the first two games, especially 2, worse, so I've jettisoned it from my memory.
Yeah, I didn't touch it, i'm just waiting for Danganronpa V3 this year, and now that it's out in Japan, i'm just avoiding spoilers

You and me both, I'm going on a DR blackout to avoid any potential spoilers.

What the hell is Danganronpa 3? I only know about New Danganronpa V3.

Danganronpa 3 sucked and actively makes the first two games, especially 2, worse, so I've jettisoned it from my memory.

Not to mention AE has been made pointless in the grand scheme of things.


You and me both, I'm going on a DR blackout to avoid any potential spoilers.

Not to mention AE has been made pointless in the grand scheme of things.

I played the PSN demo, but not knowing a lick of japanese I think i'm still unspoiled!
Kinda want to try the VR thing they made


Gives all the fucks
I think I'm gonna try to beat Gravity Rush one again.

Maybe I'll feel better about it this time around.
Despite enjoying the game to the point I replayed the PS4 remaster to get the platinum again, I fully understand why some people thing it's a better "proof of concept" than a game. Combat gets rather repetitive when there's only so many enemy types (& some annoying ones like those flat flying ones where it feels like you just barely miss & zip past them) & it doesn't really offer anything truly new. Thankfully, it seems the sequel will fix most of them (I'm already pleased that there's more enemy type & the new "styles" will be interesting to experiment with, plus the new UI/menus looks great).

Also count me in for "avoiding DR V3 spoilers", I was able to avoid DR1 & 2 spoilers, and 95% of UDG spoilers (aside from a screencap of THAT Ch. 3 moment), would be fantastic if I kept the streak going.....now if NISA could get around to announce a release date....


Gravity Rush is a game I really wanted to like but just couldn't get into.

Tried the demo for 2 and it didn't seem to improve things (mainly combat). Although it's possible there are unlocks later in the game that make it more interesting.

Glad it's getting a sequel (that's looks like it will be great for fans of the first) though. I still think falling/flying mechanic is a great concept for a game,even if it didn't really connect with me here.


I like Gravity Rush. It has a lot of problems but the game has personality. The world is interesting and while the story has a lot of cliffhangers (that will hopefully get resolved in GR2), there's a lot of neat ideas in there. Kat is a very fun character.

I'm really looking forward to Gravity Rush 2.

Gravity Rush is a game I really wanted to like but just couldn't get into.

Tried the demo for 2 and it didn't seem to improve things (mainly combat). Although it's possible there are unlocks later in the game that make it more interesting.

Glad it's getting a sequel (that's looks like it will be great for fans of the first) though. I still think falling/flying mechanic is a great concept for a game,even if it didn't really connect with me here.

The combat from the demo already looks much improved just because of the different gravity styles and more enemy variety.


Gives all the fucks
Adding the fact you can become lighter/faster & heavier/slow is a nice addiction, & the Lunar Style is a godsend for those annoying flying enemies. Plus there was a satisfaction being able to charge up the Jupiter style & just crash into the ground to defeat all the enemies nearby.

Based on the demo, it seemed to fix the few problems I had with the original, so I'm hopeful it'll carry to the full game, but again, this is the type of game where I understand why it doesn't click for people. Having the ability to fly anywhere you want & having to design the world, enemies, combat, camera, etc. around it can be kind of difficult.


I liked the world and the enviorment of Gravity Rush, and nothing else. Not buying 2 unless it's like 10 bucks or something


Gives all the fucks
AA6 case 1 was much longer than I remember the past first cases being. Pretty solid case though.

On to 2
I'm halfway through the final case in the game. I kind of have high expectations considering the OT subtitle for the spoiler thread was "yeah, episode 5 actually happened". While the first half seemed to have a few moments where I went "okay, I see why Neogaf was hyping this up", I want to see if the 2nd half also lives up to it.

I have to say, this might be one of my favorite entries in the series, but I'd also have to go back & refresh my memory on 1 & 3. I don't remember 2 being all that great except for the final case. At the very least, AA6 has perhaps my favorite first case & I'm glad with how they handled the 2nd one compared to AA5 which just felt like it dragged.


don't know if anyone is following AGDQ, but we just had a Mighty Number 9 run, and it was, uh, something. Great Steve Blum story/cringe involved!


I'm halfway through the final case in the game. I kind of have high expectations considering the OT subtitle for the spoiler thread was "yeah, episode 5 actually happened". While the first half seemed to have a few moments where I went "okay, I see why Neogaf was hyping this up", I want to see if the 2nd half also lives up to it.

I have to say, this might be one of my favorite entries in the series, but I'd also have to go back & refresh my memory on 1 & 3. I don't remember 2 being all that great except for the final case. At the very least, AA6 has perhaps my favorite first case & I'm glad with how they handled the 2nd one compared to AA5 which just felt like it dragged.
Oh I forgot that the OT was titled that. Now I'm really looking forward to seeing what that is all about.
As far as first cases though 3-1 is by far my favorite (as the perspective was really surprising, and it did a great job of setting the theme of the entire game and improving on a vital relationship). 6-1 may be 2 for me, did a really well in setting up the new land and had an excellent culprit testimony/breakdown.


don't know if anyone is following AGDQ, but we just had a Mighty Number 9 run, and it was, uh, something. Great Steve Blum story/cringe involved!

I've been watching all week. Really enjoy these speedruns. I missed that one (was kinda curious to see it) but I'll just catch it once it's on YouTube.


Gives all the fucks
Oh I forgot that the OT was titled that. Now I'm really looking forward to seeing what that is all about.
As far as first cases though 3-1 is by far my favorite (as the perspective was really surprising, and it did a great job of setting the theme of the entire game and improving on a vital relationship). 6-1 may be 2 for me, did a really well in setting up the new land and had an excellent culprit testimony/breakdown.
Agreed, plus the overall stakes felt higher/more personal.

.....plus they turned the chirping sfx when someone talks into "singing", which was hilarious. But that's all I'll say since you're only on case 2.
Ace Attorney 6 is pretty great. It has a few writing quirks that kinda irk me, but it also
this amazing twist that had me just staring at my 3DS for a couple minutes.


Gives all the fucks
5 was a great surprise in being able to upgrade its look while keeping the spirit of the original while balancing all of the mechanics from previous games without feeling too loaded with one particular thing like the bracelet or mood matrix, all while (for the most part), having some great cases. I'd only argue the 2nd case dragged because you saw the murderer & you were just waiting for him to appear during the investigation.

I loved the animation for the "break down" in case 3. Seeing the new ways for the murderers to just explode is great considering they can be more elaborate now.

I'd say the only nit-pick I have for AA6 is in the final case, they borrowed an "element" from a previous game, but considering how it was presented, I'm okay with it since it's a different enough from when it was used in a previous game. I could see some complaining about how case 4 (vague spoilers)
is rather short compared to cases 2 & 3
, but I welcomed it since it was still written well.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
My big issue with the mood matrix is the same one I have with the bracelet.

Apollo/Athena goes hey, something is wrong with you so you must be lying without bringing out a contradiction most of the time.


Gives all the fucks
There was one or two times with the mood matrix where they did have you point out a contradiction with evidence after looking for the stand-out mood, making it feel like you were doing a bit more than "why u so happy when you said that?"

....though yeah, I can understand with the bracelet. "YOUR PINKY TWITCHED WHEN YOU SAID THAT PART OF YOUR SENTENCE, YOU'RE OBVIOUSLY LYING!!!"

Man God

Non-Canon Member
There was one or two times with the mood matrix where they did have you point out a contradiction with evidence after looking for the stand-out mood, making it feel like you were doing a bit more than "why u so happy when you said that?"

....though yeah, I can understand with the bracelet. "YOUR PINKY TWITCHED WHEN YOU SAID THAT PART OF YOUR SENTENCE, YOU'RE OBVIOUSLY LYING!!!"

It's extra bad in AA4 because that's how all of them work. Part of the reason it rarely comes up in 5 and 6, they realized that most of the time it straight doesn't work in this adversarial situation.

The Seance however worked REALLY well.


Gives all the fucks
Oh yeah, in AA4, I fully understand & partly glad they were toned town in 5 & 6.

Seance was a great addition but didn't feel like they relied on it too heavily as "LOOK, A NEW MECHANIC! THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD PLAY AA6!"

Also noticed they almost never use the psyche-locks anymore (I think it happened...what, ONCE in AA6?). Hell, they didn't even update the music or graphics.

I look forward to getting AA6's DLC case, though it'll be interesting to see if they can top the one in AA5.


The bracelet in AA4 started all right then got silly. Can't remember the exact instance but it took me forever to find the "tell" on one of the later people.

I was trying to find the aa6 dlc case pricing and it looks like this game has a couple of them


Gives all the fucks
There's only one "true" case, the others are these weird short adventures where you really only "investigate" a few things to solve a small problem, from what I understand.


Ah ok. That makes much more sense.

Given how big a case usually is I would have been surprised if there were more than one.
YO DIS THREE TIMING PIECE OF FUCKING MONKEY SHIT! HOW MANY GIRLFRIENDS DOES HE FUCKING NEED! WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT. THE. FUCK. And of course Katsura's too fucking stupid to consciously bail out of her fucking doomed ship. She's got to ride that shit down like this.
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