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Toonami |Jul14| One pissed off Luffy

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Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I managed to get Radiant Dawn from a used bookstore.
I'm not sure if it has the Easy Mode glitch.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I managed to get Radiant Dawn from a used bookstore.
I'm not sure if it has the Easy Mode glitch.

I don't have any easy mode files and only figured out my second copy had it when my cousin started an easy mode file in PoR one day and my game refused to start. It's no big deal. PoR is easy as fuck even on Hard. RD on the other hand is the first difficult game to come over to the states with the difficulty basically intact.
Hector's mode has two unique party members but other than that you are right.

You need to beat the game twice to get HHM. Lyn's mode is optional on either Hard mode campaign but you'd be a fool to not do it as levels for those characters carry over.

I forgot about Karla, she also falls into the "not worth the effort" category, both of Hector's unique recruits have stupid requirements needed to get and neither is worth it

I don't have any easy mode files and only figured out my second copy had it when my cousin started an easy mode file in PoR one day and my game refused to start. It's no big deal. PoR is easy as fuck even on Hard. RD on the other hand is the first difficult game to come over to the states with the difficulty basically intact.

Well to be fair we never got PoR's true hardest difficulty (maniac mode) having it cut and replaced with an even easier easy mode :X

Also RD is only really hard because the Dawn Brigade is so full of terrible units, outside of their chapters the game isn't that difficult.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It's the first time Hard Mode/Maniac mode stats were kept intact.

And I see you forgot Karla...which means you were dissing the third, amazing Pegasus Knight who is literally one of the best units in the game....I guess we disagree. That amount of money is chump change in that game too.

Karla's recruitment is the one that's definitely not worth it. Her stats are awful and she comes waay too late to be useful and you need to level up a very specific (and awful) unit to recruit her. I love her sprite though so I usually recruit her.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Farina is a good unit. Karla is not.

Farina is one of the best units in the game. Fantastic base stats and growth rates, plenty of time to get her up in a game that's already friendly to them with not that many bow units at all.
Farina joins with very few battles left, unpromoted, and murders your ranking if you get her (if you care about that). She's like Nino, they may have some great growths but the amount of babying you have to do to get either to that point isn't worth it. At least Nino is free to recruit and the next chapter after her recruit is a fairly easy level to baby her if you so choose. Florina and Erk by the time Farina and Nino join should both be promoted with A rank supports where you don't need another mage or peg knight. I'll give that Farina at least has the triangle attack but that's really more of a novelty then something I'd get excited about. Heck Nino also has Pent to compete with a pre promote who's good enough when he joins to basically fit right into the party without any real effort.

The only late to join character worth discussing is Knoll and Ewan, and while Knoll himself isn't that great and Ewan would be more powerful in another class, because of the way the enemy AI works summons are worth it just because they break the enemies ability to do anything until they're dead. Two summoners breaks SS even more then grinding on the map or using the enemy control glitch does.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Well, how late someone joins is immaterial in SS (and FE:A) because you can endlessly level.

Farina shows up with more than enough time to promote her and high enough base stats to use her right away, unpremoted. She can kill practically anything on the map you get her and because of how high speed and skill are for her and her sisters they will double hit everything and crit all the damn time. I've used her in every single one of my HHM runs...which I've probably done a dozen of. Even leveled her no problem in the Japanese version!

Your only semi decent point is that it'll probably hurt your ranking.

Nino is a different matter because while her growths are phenomenal she's in an even weaker class and with worse base stats. I still end up using her more often than not though because again, I love her sprtie.
By the time Farina joins every member of my team is already better then her by a lot, and any character can be good in Fire Emblem if you baby them that isn't exclusive to Farina at all. I've also done several runs of HHM and every time I've put in the effort to make Farina good yes she turns out great, but I feel like that time and money spent on making her just as good as the rest of the team would have been better spent on other characters. She also requires me to forgo giving another character an A support for a long while so that she can be supported. The Est characters in FE aren't worth it unless a game has easy grinding like SS/Awakening

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Summons are the bane of SS's already lousy AI.

Oh hey, a unit that I can kill super easy, I'll go after that! Munch munch, turn over.

Summon two more.

Oh hey, two of them! Munch much...


How I approach Fire Emblem games is a little different I guess. When I start I playthrough I kinda already have an idea who I want to use and who I want to support. Maybe not down to the exact specific detail, but a general idea. In playthroughs that I plan to use Farina, she is very viable, and hardly a hassle to bring up to speed. Yes, of course, obviously since she's the last pegasus knight you get, you /can/ have that role/spot/whatever already filled with no need for her.

Basically I don't think she really needs babying to the same extent that Nino does.
We probably should move this convo either to twitter, pm, or the fire emblem community because FE is one of those games you can discuss for dozens of pages lol

Edit: FWIW I do see the value in what you're talking about Seda and I have done those and other goofy runs like all girls, no lances, etc but when talking about how good or bad a character is in a general sense I try to avoid cheesing or favoritism.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
That's almost exactly how I look at it.

Hell because of how the final maps are set up I'm likely to use as many Pegasus Knights as possible anyways, getting a third at the end and having the triangle attack is just a delicious bonus.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
No. ToonamiGAF is secretly FE GAF.

Looks at avatars and remembers past conversations...

It's a secret?

Bass is right though that we could easily talk about FE for 1000 posts and not settle anything. He's also right in that since anyone can be good in FE 7 (except Renault) you could easily look at Farina and go, meh, not worth it. The same can be said of every FE game released over here by the way. Even really hard cases like Fiora and Meg in Radiant Dawn can be made whole by bonus exp.
Looks at avatars and remembers past conversations...

It's a secret?

Bass is right though that we could easily talk about FE for 1000 posts and not settle anything. He's also right in that since anyone can be good in FE 7 (except Renault) you could easily look at Farina and go, meh, not worth it. The same can be said of every FE game released over here by the way. Even really hard cases like Fiora and Meg in Radiant Dawn can be made whole by bonus exp.

Everyone is good in RD because of how that games bonus exp system and support system works. Well Cavaliers still largely suck because lol indoor penalties not that it really matters when they have max stats and an A rank support with an earth type. Let alone two earth types supporting each other lol

Really anyone can be good in any Fire Emblem game with enough favoritism and babying

Except Jeigan


Man God

Non-Canon Member
Everyone is good in RD because of how that games bonus exp system and support system works. Well Cavaliers still largely suck because lol indoor penalties not that it really matters when they have max stats and an A rank support with an earth type. Let alone two earth types supporting each other lol

Really anyone can be good in any Fire Emblem game with enough favoritism and babying

Except Jeigan


I wouldn't play 4 and 5 with that attitude. You could but...I wouldn't. Nor 1. 6 also has some major duds.
I wouldn't play 4 and 5 with that attitude. You could but...I wouldn't. Nor 1. 6 also has some major duds.

Everyone is pretty much good in 4 minus the armor knights who really are only there to sit on your castle and protect it for a turn or two in case of an ambush while you rush your fliers down. Considering you can deploy everyone in 4 and the arena is pretty risk free it's not hard at all.

5 is just an evil, evil game that hurts my soul, everyone equally sucks in that game. Though to be fair anyone can be good to a certain extent if you stack them with scrolls to force level ups... and then you lose them from stamina fatigue...


Emo Bigkrev wants to die

Only sometimes!
Like when it's really hot outside and i'm either not sitting on a beach or in full air conditioning.

My opinion on Fire Emblem: SRPGs are probably my least favorite genera of videogame. I liked FE:A though!

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Yeah, I think I played 4 wrong to be honest. It's the second game in the series I played. I could probably go back tomorrow and whoop it.

5 though, fuck I love 5. That's what I want when I play an SRPG. Brutal, unrelenting challenge. No quarter given.
Yeah, I think I played 4 wrong to be honest. It's the second game in the series I played. I could probably go back tomorrow and whoop it.

5 though, fuck I love 5. That's what I want when I play an SRPG. Brutal, unrelenting challenge. No quarter given.

4 is the best in the series, fantastic game you really should replay it if you haven't in awhile, I wouldn't mind 5's challenge if it wasn't for how stupid the fatigue system was and how unfairly brutal the fow stages are. They basically require you to either look up a map online just to see what the stupid level looks like, or effectively do 5+ suicide runs where you just try to learn the level layout and where everything strong is or will spawn that will OHKO 90% of your army.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
4 is the best in the series, fantastic game you really should replay it if you haven't in awhile, I wouldn't mind 5's challenge if it wasn't for how stupid the fatigue system was and how unfairly brutal the fow stages are. They basically require you to either look up a map online just to see what the stupid level looks like, or effectively do 5+ suicide runs where you just try to learn the level layout and where everything strong is or will spawn that will OHKO 90% of your army.

I don't mind losing 5-10 times to figure out what I did wrong, that's just how all games were when I started gaming.

5 is just so beautiful. 4 also has that awful translation which always keeps me from going back. I was better off just mashing buttons then actually trying to read what was going on.





CCG PROTIP: You aren't actually supposed to buy sealed products (like decks, booster packs/boxes, ect) unless you enjoy lighting money on fire. You are supposed to just buy the actual cards you want. That 80 dollars I spent was just about everything I will ever need from the new Magic 2015 expansion.


So I just finished watching the Black Lagoon OVA Roberta's Blood Trail and wow is all I can say. It's like Roberta's episode ramped up to 20. It's interesting to see how each character plays a role in this. Overall a very good OVA. I wasn't sure if Toonami would air this so I watched ahead, but If they do, I wonder if it would be shown weekly, or would they have a mini-marathon?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
CCG PROTIP: You aren't actually supposed to buy sealed products (like decks, booster packs/boxes, ect) unless you enjoy lighting money on fire. You are supposed to just buy the actual cards you want. That 80 dollars I spent was just about everything I will ever need from the new Magic 2015 expansion.

Well, I normally follow this advice except for the one time my brother and I had gift certificates for a mall book store that just happened to confuse the price of Fallen empire packs (.75 at the time) with the price of 3rd edition (out of print, going for around 3 dollars back then) and bought six boxes. Got all the cards we'd ever need and made back our money 3 fold selling things we didn't at a huge markup. Dual Lands in particular were going for a nice chunk of change.


CCG PROTIP: You aren't actually supposed to buy sealed products (like decks, booster packs/boxes, ect) unless you enjoy lighting money on fire. You are supposed to just buy the actual cards you want. That 80 dollars I spent was just about everything I will ever need from the new Magic 2015 expansion.

But buying boosters is all a part of the fun! Plus, if you are starting out then it's probably a good idea to buy either a core set or some prebuilts to get going to get a feel for the game, your play style, and to see a variety of deck types. Then you buy your single from there to fill out the decks you want to build.

I'm so glad I haven't purchased Magic cards in a few years...
CCG PROTIP: You aren't actually supposed to buy sealed products (like decks, booster packs/boxes, ect) unless you enjoy lighting money on fire. You are supposed to just buy the actual cards you want. That 80 dollars I spent was just about everything I will ever need from the new Magic 2015 expansion.

Damn, man. Single Magic cards must be hella cheap.


Pokemon cards were too hard to catch on at first but rhe game boy color game made it easier to pick up on. I loved it alot actually
So I just finished watching the Black Lagoon OVA Roberta's Blood Trail and wow is all I can say. It's like Roberta's episode ramped up to 20. It's interesting to see how each character plays a role in this. Overall a very good OVA. I wasn't sure if Toonami would air this so I watched ahead, but If they do, I wonder if it would be shown weekly, or would they have a mini-marathon?
The things that happen outside the action are actually more interesting then the action itself, which is a first in the series. The swerves/"heelturns" were fun to see

They didn't add much music but the Opening touch up was pretty cool along with the new ending theme that went along with the theme of the story. Also the pics of them as kids was a nice touch since it kind of showed the innocence of them then compared to how 'corrupted' they are now


Gives all the fucks
So I just finished watching the Black Lagoon OVA Roberta's Blood Trail and wow is all I can say. It's like Roberta's episode ramped up to 20. It's interesting to see how each character plays a role in this. Overall a very good OVA. I wasn't sure if Toonami would air this so I watched ahead, but If they do, I wonder if it would be shown weekly, or would they have a mini-marathon?
Oh right, did they ever confirm if the OVA episodes would air? Just a shame it's slightly less expensive for....what, 5 episodes than the entire 24-episode series.
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