I kept telling everyone not to fall for Adult Swim's trolling....so wait, Aqua Teen ISN'T ending? I thought it ended a month or so ago.
told u about the cave dawg
If Asuna saw them together, that would have been the most hilarious moment all night.
Ah yes, I think we got the other reason Kirito is girl-esque in this season, for the yuri-baiting.
Still can't get over how dumb this is
If Asuna saw them together, that would have been the most hilarious moment all night.
Whoever said that SAO II would make a bad hate-watch because it was "boring" was dead wrong. This is hilarious! Way funnier than the first SAO.
Time for the Finale Act!
She knows about dragon girl and Blacksmith, probably Suguha as well. Maybe not Klein though, the real threat.Nah...I think she's fine with everyone trying to get on his blade cause he's such a good guy helping all those defenseless women who totally don't like him.
The last Inuyasha is next. You know who I'll miss? Yura, of the Demon Hair.
Still can't get over how dumb this is
Like does KLK even do this? Like show you the bits AND then zoom in on said bits? I mean obviously KLK is more fanservice heavy with pans and shots but just the ZOOM in on this SAO moment is making me laugh my ass off LOL