haha chess guys do you get it chess haha
I don't even have to pay attention to see how terrible Naruto is. "I can heal him" Thanks for being useful Sakura. That's how you know it's filler.
I didn't really follow the whole thing because I would only catch it at odd times and never sat down and watching the first portion from start to finish. I also missed a large chunk of Final Act. Even then I'd say how it wrapped up was okay, just that based on what I did see prior, I always thought Naraku would be the end all be all of the series and not the jewel being the true final opponent.
Sakura going to fulfill her only purpose
Please tell me One Piece isn't Boss Luffy nonsense
I wouldnt have thought the ending was so bad if everyone got time skip designs. Like Im a sucker for character designs changing different over time.
This kind of thing pisses me off.
Dont worry, im with you bro.
Kisame is absolutely legendary for his reserve. Not normal by ANY stretch.Also remember that Kisame's clone from the first arc of Shippuden, which had about 1/10 the power of the real Kisame, had about the same power as Naruto accessing the fox chakra according to Neji. That means there are normal people, not just Naruto, that are stronger than Sora right now.
Why is filler (hell often canon) villain logic in shonen so dumb? LOL![]()
No more Boss Luffy for a while.
i hope we get the michiko promo again during the break
To be fair if I had to write filler for Shippuden I'd probably give my villain the dumbest logic possible to make it feel authentic to the series
Kisame is absolutely legendary for his reserve. Not normal by ANY stretch.
"true final opponent" is being very generous considering how that all played out
Factually Correct.The rest of y'all jobbers shut the fuck up! Naruto knows what he's doing. It's fucking stupid, but he knows what he's doing
A dollar bet on naruto refusing to go nine tails for stupid reasons
Ah, I thought you were aruing the oppositeThe point I was making is that the Kisame clone was beaten. Hence it makes sense to believe that this knockoff can be beaten too.
Black Lagoon didn't rate well, so probablyThe average Toonami audience is going to hate this series because it looks just too awesome for them.
The average Toonami audience is going to hate this series because it looks just too awesome for them.
It was a good ending, and once again, I don't hold final act's pacing against how much I enjoyed the ending. That's like hating your friends graduation because they messed up over their senior year. You're still happy they made it, and not much can really take away from that.
I would have loved to have seen some modified designs. Sota's growth and Miroku and Sango's kids were the only sign of progression. Well, Rin might have gotten a little taller.
It was a nice, sweet ending, and I'm glad to have seen it. I feel similarly affected as I did when I saw DBZ end for the first time. We've seen these guys through a lot, and it's nice to see them get some resolutions to years-long plotpoints and struggles.
Thanks Miroku, for actually getting Sango to bare your children. Cute brood!
The anti-pedo boneeater's well. Ha. "Funny, you don't LOOK any different. I don't know what I even..."
Black Lagoon didn't rate well, so probably