Dominican Power
All this time spent on Naruto and Bleach and One Piece was just there waiting for me.
All this time spent on Naruto and Bleach and One Piece was just there waiting for me.
One of the best things One Piece did was establish a wide range of at-on-point mythical characters so that when they finally showed up later on, it didn't seem as though One Piece was pulling new, stronger characters out of its ass at every moment the plot called for it.
There are some characters who wind up coming out of nowhere, but it's not as blatant as other anime.
All this time spent on Naruto and Bleach and One Piece was just there waiting for me.
Exactly. I mean, we're halfway through the series at this point (manga and Japanese anime), and there are still major characters who have been known for years, yet whom we haven't really seen yet. It's really impressive.Yeah One Piece has always been good at setting things up for the long, long run instead of the DBZ style of "I am here now, I am stronger then the last guy for reasons"
Yeah, Aokiji is really the only character who just shows up and is incredibly powerful without being established beforehand sort of.Yeah One Piece has always been good at setting things up for the long, long run instead of the DBZ style of "I am here now, I am stronger then the last guy for reasons"
Even still, the general thought of an Aokiji-tier character existed because the anime had already established that Admirals were ridiculously strong.Yeah, Aokiji is really the only character who just shows up and is incredibly powerful without being established beforehand sort of.
Exactly. I mean, we're halfway through the series at this point (manga and Japanese anime), and there are still major characters who have been known for years, yet whom we haven't really seen yet. It's really impressive.
The biggest are obviously (minor manga spoilers)
Doflamingo - setup was like, 13 years for him and the Yonkou being introduced after Enies Lobby, only becoming important at Marineford years later, involved with Luffy at Fishman Island about a year later and now we are finally pushing to take down Kaidou, who we have not even seen.
Oh, absolutely. He is a wonder character, one of the best villains around.Doflamingo is just absolutely fucking spectacular. His introduction shows him to be a spectacular asshole, and he continues to be a massive asshole throughout the series until literally 13 years later when he finally becomes the main villain of an arc. Even funnier is that the first episode of One Piece shown on nu-Toonami has the scene where he forces Sarquiss to (not) kill Bellamy.
And after all that, he's a disc-one final boss for Kaido.
Another one who is just picking up steam for importance, yet whom we don't really know too much about isThe biggest are obviously (minor manga spoilers)
Doflamingo - setup was like, 13 years for him and the Yonkou being introduced after Enies Lobby, only becoming important at Marineford years later, involved with Luffy at Fishman Island about a year later and now we are finally pushing to take down Kaidou, who we have not even seen.
100 chapters in!!!!
Did I just see Gol. D Roger? That must of been a ghost. Smoker's powers are awesome.
Maybe it was a SPACE GHOST....IN THE SHELL.Ghost?
And we still don't know who saved Luffy in Loguetown, at the current Toonami airing
Never mind. Smoker called him Dragon.Maybe it was a SPACE GHOST....IN THE SHELL.
Never mind. Smoker called him Dragon.
oh godNow that it's summer I have more free time, so I figured I'd actually watch Sword Art Online so that I can actually maybe watch Sword Art Online II with Toonamigaf. I'm watching the dub through Netflix, so it's essentially identical to the version shown on Toonami. In blatant imitation of Htown, I'm going to post my impressions here.
Yep,.it's a big reveal that happens accidentally during another big reveal
Yes, but there's a pretty long time gap between learning the name and learning exactly who he is.
Will this be a good weekend of Toonami shows? I've only seen one of the episodes (not counting AoT).
Very, haven't seen SAO II or Shippuden or KlK.
Kinda spoiled it for me googling loguetown
They could just, you know, not set the plot over a multi-year period.Those of you who don't like the time skip, you do realize that without it Aincrad would be a 50+ episode show, right?
I like episode 1 and 3 of the original SAO and most of the second arc.
Those of you who don't like the time skip, you do realize that without it Aincrad would be a 50+ episode show, right? Plus its a linear time skip and nothing crazy like playing episodes out of order, with minimal flashbacks.
Thanks, though I have posted here a few times. I figure this will be fun to do, though it might take a while.Welcome Tam and let me be the first to say you are putting way too much effort into a series that goes off the deep end fast. Still glad to see you enthusiastic!
I'll do my best, haha.Don't listen to Raxus. Go all in, Tam. Immerse yourself fully in the world of SAO.
Let's not get crazy; I'm only one episode in (this time).I can't even... I'm glad you enjoyed it.
It was a pretty decent first episode. The whole let's fight a boar thing was to introduce basic world concepts (which can vary greatly depending on the game, so fair enough), and to let us get to know Klein and Kirito a bit. In-universe it was a newbie trying to pick up tips from an experienced player rather than fumbling around, which feels completely genuine.That was like the first five minutes of the episode. If it hadn't been for that damn 10-15 minute stretch where we got the MMO controls explained to us for no goddamned reason it could have been a really really good opening episode.
I'm sure it'll be fine. Gotta catch up so I can watch SAO II live.oh god
what have I done
Rakkety Tam
don't do this
I'm sure it'll be fine. Gotta catch up so I can watch SAO II live.
It was a pretty decent first episode. The whole let's fight a boar thing was to introduce basic world concepts (which can vary greatly depending on the game, so fair enough), and to let us get to know Klein and Kirito a bit. In-universe it was a newbie trying to pick up tips from an experienced player rather than fumbling around, which feels completely genuine.
Famous last words hereI'm sure it'll be fine.
You should totally play/watch Deadly PremonitionSwery is following me on Twitter despite never playing any of his games (unless you count pre-ordering DMC4SE) so that's something.
You should totally play/watch Deadly Premonition
I watched the beginning portions of it two years ago. Actually was thinking of finding the Xbox version but never came around.You should totally play/watch Deadly Premonition
Honestly, I get that but it still felt wasted. What you're describing should be like a 3 minute interaction and not half an episode. Had they met up and gone off questing together and had a small adventure it would have been better.
The whole boar sequence was about two-and-a-half minutes. Then we have about five minutes for Kirito and Klein to talk about NerveGear and to find about being able to log-out. I think the first episode was pretty well spaced-out, honestly.
I think you mean now begins the wait for the dub on Toonami
All your hopes are muda.