Thanks for the Sketch Dump Comments guys, always appreciated! Gonna have so much fun drawing Dorothy...
I like the way Attack on Titan explains some of its world concepts.
It's quick Eye-catch segments? They blaze by so fast, almost like "buy the DVD to be able to pause!" Bait, ha.
SAO's explanation phase didn't bother me much, because it reminded me so much of trying to explain things to game noobs in Ragnarok Online / Final Fantasy XI... It takes forever to get the simpliest things across.
If the show's way of providing budget-saving filler is not to spend it on entire episodes of filler, but to spread it to 5 or 10 min segments of MMO-Dryness every few episodes, I think I can live with that. As long as the rest is of decent quality... because that's what MMO's always felt like to me anywho!
For any who played Ragnarok... I was sure someone was going to pop a "Dead Branch" in the middle of the first "OMG, We can die in the game?!?" scene, lol.
The overall setup excites me, for the simple fact that it's a novel way to force a swords-and-sorcery (minus the sorcery?

) world, while still keeping modern personalities and ideals in mind, rather than shoe-horning modern slang and tech into an otherwise authentic medieval time. That alone was enough to make me want to come back for Episode 2... lets see how it goes from there!