Crash Station
SAO feels like a show that was written by a 12 year old.
Close. The guy was 14 when he wrote it.
SAO feels like a show that was written by a 12 year old.
Close. The guy was 14 when he wrote it.
r u srs
I think we have to take into consideration that there are probably is a million legit authors out there that use the stories they wrote in highschool in their science notebook, difference is they expanded on them to a degree that its no longer fanfiction
Close. The guy was 14 when he wrote it.
Yep this
Next week on Bleach:
Remind me again why a good dubbing company never picked up Gintama?
Next Q&A is on Wednesday with a select few being answered on Toonami by TOM and SARA.
1 episode in and we have people that have only seen the toonami premier shitting all over SAO and saying the writing is bad. That's like reading one chapter of a book and judging the whole product off that extremely small sample size.
If you've seen the whole series and have a negative opinion, that's fine. However, some viewers on here need to experience SAO for themselves and then form their on opinions. I have a feeling some of the hate being generated after one week is fueled by those of us who have seen the series and aren't fond of it because that faction of toonami-gaf has been vocal about it.
That's a little presumptuous on your part. I genuinely went into that episode normally and came out thinking that the writing was atrocious. Because it was. I understand exactly what they were trying, and failed to do, with the first half of the episode. I understand what they wanted to do with the reveal and why they failed at it. It was not set up well, at all. There are a half dozen different ways they could have done the episode that would have been better. It was straight up bad. Maybe it was good compared to what's coming, that's an entirely other thing.
My comments had nothing to do with sample size, an entirely well written book doesn't mean that sections of it can't be written badly. Look at Huck Finn, the book is amazing except for the last part where they try and free Jim. That part was bad, everything that came before was great. Bad writing is bad writing. Maybe SAO manages to redeem that episode (what it focused on) at some point down the line, but that won't go back and make the writing of this episode genius.
Oh good, the fun is truly starting to begin, the SAO wars will now wrought and tear Toonami GAF asunder.
Only 24 more weeks and we are free of SAO!
It would be different if people were saying "that episode was poorly written" but instead I've been seeing statements claiming that the writing is horrible in general off of one episode, now that's presumptuous.
And your Huck & Finn comparison proved the point I was trying to make.
Only 24 more weeks and we are free of SAO!
Ah well, all my criticism so far has just been on that one episode. I have a vague idea of what's coming (that combined with what I saw Saturday doesn't make me hopeful) but I haven't actually seen it.
We may seem this show claim more victims along the way.
Can't wait till the reactions to theWhy japan?incest.
Can't wait till the reactions to theWhy japan?incest.
if it's done well and doesn't come off as freaky otaku wish fulfillment i don't think it should be too much of an issue. for me, anyway. i imagine everyone else is gonna freak the hell out.
*waits for avatar quote*
I'm kinda curious what you mean by "done well" ...
Not really. It's reminded me why I stopped posting in anime threads 5 years ago.All the discourse this has generated has been very amusing.
If i remember correctly and this is basically because everyone kept talking about it, spoiling it for me butisnt asuna his cousin? if so it wouldnt technically be incest as its legal in japan to marry someone like your cousin, and it wasent that long ago that you were able to marry your cousin in western countries
SAO spoilers below:
No, Kirito is not related to Asuna at all. The "incest" people keep talking about is the "relationship" Kirito has with his little sister who in reality is his cousin. Basically she develops a crush on him but ultimately the feelings are not reciprocated because Kirito is in love with Asuna.
Yeah, even Hunter x Hunter pulls that. .hack does coma instead of death, but it's similar enough.
Honestly, I can't think of any series set in a game that doesn't try to create fake drama with "die for real".
Yeah, even Hunter x Hunter pulls that. .hack does coma instead of death, but it's similar enough.
Honestly, I can't think of any series set in a game that doesn't try to create fake drama with "die for real".
Accel World which was written by the same guy as SAO has that. Though it also has its own set of problems. Its better than SAO but not by much.
I'm about to watch Green Island for a second time. That arc was just so good.
Better than SOA for sure.
I'm probably one of the few people who feels like Greed Island is my favorite HxH arc. It's just so much fun.It definitely works better on the written page than on screen, though. On the page has way more ways of helping the viewer keep the rules and cards straight. It gets a bit convoluted in the show.
Now that Chimera Ant is free from hiatus and Togashi scribble arc, the animated version of that arc may end up changing my favorite.
This is what I've been sayingSo, been playing through the original .hack after all this SAO talk inspired me to bust it out.
Man, that game is way shorter than I remembered. You could lose hours to it if you wanted, but there really isn't much to do side quest wise. I'm 8 hours in and almost done at this point. Definitely in the last 25%. That game is still really boring from a gameplay perspective. Combat is pretty simple and slow.
From a story perspective, it's as strange and cool as I remember. It has problems for sure. It loves to obfuscate important details for the sake of creating mystery. Still, the way it drops in small moments about the characters and their outside lives is really neat. It really brings SAO's lack of subtlety into stark contrast. The way they convey world details is far more interesting than SAOs giant text wall of "a ton of people are dead". If SAO gets one point, though, it's that it actually makes the world feel populated. It feels like an MMO. The .hack games are clearly hardware and budget limited. The worlds feel small and empty. That's really the most disappointing aspect. Base story is still pretty interesting, even if it's convoluted. Really glad I picked this up again. I have some really fond memories and, for the most part, they've held up.