It's pretty crazy that a 2am show had +900k people watching. Hopefully this translates into more money to work with.
12:00AM Bleach 1.0 HH, 1.255 million
12:30AM Naruto 0.9 HH, 1.176 million
1:00AM One Piece 0.9 HH, 1.051 million
1:30AM Soul Eater 0.8 HH, 973,000
2:00AM Sword Art Online 0.7 HH, 930,000
2:30AM IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix 0.6 HH, 705,000
3:00AM Eureka 7 0.6 HH, 731,000
3:30AM Big O/An 0.5 HH, 612,000
4:00AM Fullmetal: Brotherhood 0.5 HH, 565,000
4:30AM Cowboy Bebop 0.4 HH, 543,000
5:00AM Inuyasha 0.4 HH, 524,000
5:30AM Inuyasha 0.5 HH, 566,000
Five shows above 900k is nothing to sneeze at. Sword Art definitely maintained the ratings better than IGPX could.
I don't know why you expected better, it was a UFC night. Considering that, these ratings are better than expected.
Which is the only thing saving the ratings from a bomb like the Silva fight caused. I imagine the first thing a lot of people do when UFC is over is drink all night.It was over well before Bleach started.
I don't know why you expected better, it was a UFC night. Considering that, these ratings are better than expected.
Doesn't matter, it can still change viewing patterns. People go to bars or hang out with friends to watch, which changes where they are, what they're doing, and what they're interested in for the rest of the night.GMN said:It was over well before Bleach started.
SAO off to a strong start I see. =D
Then I'm expecting better on a non-UFC night because they hit about average numbers with this one.
Then I'm expecting better on a non-UFC night because they hit about average numbers with this one.
900,000 at 2 in the fucking morning are not Toonami's average numbers.
The only thing really dragging it down is that Inuyasha is capable of doing better in that 5 am slot than it did this weekend and all of the final two hour shows could be nudged up by a few tens of thousands on a good night.
The opening three hours of Toonami this weekend AVERAGED 1.015 million viewers, and that includes a 225k loss in viewership for IGPX.
I'm not basing anything off of this week because, as I said, UFC night. I expect pentamil next week.That would be why I said "about average." While SAO's numbers are fine, I would hope it's doing more than just dragging the usual viewers later into the night. The numbers for the shows preceding it don't really show anyone new being brought in.
I'm not basing anything off of this week because, as I said, UFC night. I expect pentamil next week.
That would be why I said "about average." While SAO's numbers are fine, I would hope it's doing more than just dragging the usual viewers later into the night. The numbers for the shows preceding it don't really show anyone new being brought in.
I'm still skeptical. Can SAO break 1m once or twice? Sure, but I highly doubt it'll consistently get those ratings. I'm guessing it'll average 850-900K. I would love to be wrong though.
Saturday’s new episodes of Bleach (12 a.m.), Naruto (12:30 a.m.), and One Piece (1 a.m.) each ranked #1 in their respective time periods among men 18-24 & 18-34. All new episodes within the TOONAMI block increased targeted delivery by mostly double-digit gains across adults & men vs. the same time period last year.
Cried like a baby. It was so well done in the game
12:00AM Bleach 1.0 HH, 1.255 million
12:30AM Naruto 0.9 HH, 1.176 million
1:00AM One Piece 0.9 HH, 1.051 million
1:30AM Soul Eater 0.8 HH, 973,000
2:00AM Sword Art Online 0.7 HH, 930,000
2:30AM IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix 0.6 HH, 705,000
3:00AM Eureka 7 0.6 HH, 731,000
3:30AM Big O/An 0.5 HH, 612,000
4:00AM Fullmetal: Brotherhood 0.5 HH, 565,000
4:30AM Cowboy Bebop 0.4 HH, 543,000
5:00AM Inuyasha 0.4 HH, 524,000
5:30AM Inuyasha 0.5 HH, 566,000
Five shows above 900k is nothing to sneeze at. Sword Art definitely maintained the ratings better than IGPX could.
I don't know why you expected better, it was a UFC night. Considering that, these ratings are better than expected.
I think the storm games are done pretty well overall even when considering the way they left the Madara and Tobi battle in Storm 3. I remember loving the way they handled Pain Vs Jiraiya in Storm 2, which somehow felt better executed than the original source to me. But yeah, I was surprised by how well done that was.
Hmm, this reminds me that I'm going to get inevitably emotional when I play through the Uchiha dlc.
Yum. Those numbers. We'll be breaking a new mil record in no time assuming SAO keeps up its momentum. And I notice people coming back for E7. They came back for one of the best eps in the series so they made the right choice.
Not to pick on SAO, but IGPX's numbers should be a concern. To me, it shows the SAO premiere may not have held on to a lot of people. On the flip slide, it could just mean a bunch of people decided to call it a night then.
Catching up on my lost two weeks.
SAO isn't gonna be available on Adult Swim Gold?
Everybody likes to go all "ZOMG a UFC fight! That might hurt Toonami ratings!" Is there any actual evidence to suggest that there is significant overlap specifically between Toonami's audience and those who watch UFC fights? If these people aren't watching UFC fights, why do we assume they would watch Toonami? Are we just assuming that because males 18-49 might be interested in both?
But last week, which was unanimously declared to be a night of GREAT ratings well well above average (woo quad million! and all that), only saw the opening three hours average 981,833...
(And the week before that, which also had some very high numbers for the big 3, the opening three hours averaged 989,166.)
In fact, going back over the last several months, which has generally been the highest rated time period overall since Toonami came back, the ONLY night that I can find with an average as high as or higher than this weekend was the other quad million week at the start of June with its batshit crazy numbers.
It's an IGPX problem. IGPX lost nearly 200k from its lead-in last week too, despite being a half hour earlier and behind Soul Eater. The week before that it lost 231k from its lead-in.
There is no way I believe that.i'm 99.99% sure this is fake and it'd sure be easy to just make up, but here's something somebody posted on the Toonami boards
i'm 99.99% sure this is fake and it'd sure be easy to just make up, but here's something somebody posted on the Toonami boards
i'm 99.99% sure this is fake and it'd sure be easy to just make up, but here's something somebody posted on the Toonami boards
More fake then fake
I do expect to see something like that someday, but not until next year after AoT is finished in Japan.
Fake as hell. Has anyone even started to dub Titan yet?
HxH is really good, why didn't I start watching this earlier?
i'm thinking it'll replace Soul Eater, or Soul Eater's replacement.
No idea. Keep in mind it only gets better. Easily the best in the genre. Each of the three arcs after the first has a claim for best in the series and for best in the genre. It doesn't get any better than thearc for me. So good, we would be so lucky if someone would pick it up and put it on Toonami.chimera ant
I played through all of .hack for a second time with a buddy late 2011/early 2012 and even went as far as completing the Item Completion Event. Even if you drag out INFECTION to the end (getting everyone their best armor and weapons and completing all the side bits you're talking about at most a 15 hour game.
Same with 2 and 3. 4 is closer to 20 for all the sidequests and 30 for the item completion event.
But yes, the best part about the game are the email conversations, random fake crap on the newsboards and the few sidequests where you learn stuff about the other characters real lives.
So, been playing through the original .hack after all this SAO talk inspired me to bust it out.
Man, that game is way shorter than I remembered. You could lose hours to it if you wanted, but there really isn't much to do side quest wise. I'm 8 hours in and almost done at this point. Definitely in the last 25%. That game is still really boring from a gameplay perspective. Combat is pretty simple and slow.
From a story perspective, it's as strange and cool as I remember. It has problems for sure. It loves to obfuscate important details for the sake of creating mystery. Still, the way it drops in small moments about the characters and their outside lives is really neat. It really brings SAO's lack of subtlety into stark contrast. The way they convey world details is far more interesting than SAOs giant text wall of "a ton of people are dead". If SAO gets one point, though, it's that it actually makes the world feel populated. It feels like an MMO. The .hack games are clearly hardware and budget limited. The worlds feel small and empty. That's really the most disappointing aspect. Base story is still pretty interesting, even if it's convoluted. Really glad I picked this up again. I have some really fond memories and, for the most part, they've held up.
I would love to see HXH put into the mix. Haven't watched it yet. And it's just too much fun watching news shows with you guys. Compared to watching it by myself.