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Toonami |Sep14| This is our Final Dandy, baby

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I've been reading the Berserk manga lately and it's fucking incredible. Anyone here see the anime and know if it's any good? Thinking about checking it out.

Totally off-topic I know, but such is the norm for this thread on a weekday.

The anime is good, but it's more of a stepping stone for the manag

They completely skip some parts, including the part where Guts gets raped as a kid, which is very important to the plot
I've been reading the Berserk manga lately and it's fucking incredible. Anyone here see the anime and know if it's any good? Thinking about checking it out.

Totally off-topic I know, but such is the norm for this thread on a weekday.

First anime is really, REALLY dated, it also stops right at the end of the Golden Age arc without giving the series any real conclusion.

The new movies are really, REALLY ugly with some god awful cgi, they also only go up until the end of the Golden Age arc.

Sadly who knows if we'll ever get a truly great Berserk adaptation, both of the ones we've gotten so far have been incredibly flawed.

They announced next week is the last chapter.
Really out of nowhere.

Was it not doing well? Was the story just meandering? Or is it like Claymore where tons of plot ideas were just dropped for a rushed ending?


The anime is good, but it's more of a stepping stone for the manag

They completely skip some parts, including the part where Guts gets raped as a kid, which is very important to the plot

Wow really? Yes, that and Gambino are both essential parts of Gut's character. That's pretty disappointing to hear.

First anime is really, REALLY dated, it also stops right at the end of the Golden Age arc without giving the series any real conclusion.

The new movies are really, REALLY ugly with some god awful cgi, they also only go up until the end of the Golden Age arc.

Sadly who knows if we'll ever get a truly great Berserk adaptation, both of the ones we've gotten so far have been incredibly flawed.

That bums me out. I've blazed through 10 volumes of this manga in the past few days and I've been completely enamored with it. It deserves the highest quality adaption. Maybe it will get one someday.. We did get JoJo and Hunter x Hunter recently after all.

I'll probably watch the series and the movies but hearing that stuff really bums me out.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Wow really? Yes, that and Gambino are both essential parts of Gut's character. That's pretty disappointing to hear.

That bums me out. I've blazed through 10 volumes of this manga in the past few days and I've been completely enamored with it. It deserves the highest quality adaption. Maybe it will get one someday.. We did get JoJo and Hunter x Hunter recently after all.

I'll probably watch the series and the movies but hearing that stuff really bums me out.

If it does, it probably won't be on TV. Post-Golden Age arcs get really fucking dark.


If it does, it probably won't be on TV. Post-Golden Age arcs get really fucking dark.

That's surprising to hear considering how dark it's already been. I'm still in the Golden Age arc(it's fucking LONG but it's so good) and it's already had some pretty intense shit.


Berserk does have an awesome Susumu Hirasawa soundtrack, though!

Yeah, the music is fantastic in Berserk

but like I said, Berserk anime is just a gateway drug to the manga, there's no reason to watch the anime unless you really want to watch a mediocre retelling of it.

Berserk Dub is pretty decent too, it would be a good fit for toonami in the 2:30 time slot after Hellsing.

Hajime No Ippo needs to come to Toonami though


I get out of classes on monday at 10

I have to wake up at 630 though ;-;

Lucky. Highschool senior, so my day is pathetically easy, but i have to get here 7:30 and leave 3:10, so its a very boring day. Running my laptop through google's proxy to access sites with no blocks :p


Lucky. Highschool senior, so my day is pathetically easy, but i have to get here 7:30 and leave 3:10, so its a very boring day. Running my laptop through google's proxy to access sites with no blocks :p

Jesus Christ. Our school day was 8:00 to 2:30, and felt like tourture. An extra hour, and needing to wake up a half hour earlier? Madness!

By the time I got my own car senior year, I was rolling out of bed at like 7:40 and still making it on time because of how close I lived, lol
Jesus Christ. Our school day was 8:00 to 2:30, and felt like tourture. An extra hour, and needing to wake up a half hour earlier? Madness!

By the time I got my own car senior year, I was rolling out of bed at like 7:40 and still making it on time because of how close I lived, lol
Back when I was in high school class started at I think 8 something and didnt end till 4
Lucky. Highschool senior, so my day is pathetically easy, but i have to get here 7:30 and leave 3:10, so its a very boring day. Running my laptop through google's proxy to access sites with no blocks :p


High School started at 7:20AM or something stupid like that for me but my senior year I didn't go in until around 8 and was done for the day by noon. You should be sitting on a ton of credits.
Lucky. Highschool senior, so my day is pathetically easy, but i have to get here 7:30 and leave 3:10, so its a very boring day. Running my laptop through google's proxy to access sites with no blocks :p
Mine was from 8 to 3. I never realized how hard it is to wake up early until my college classes started at noon.
Best part of high school was downloading the Halo: Combat evolved PC demo freshman year (2004) in every computer lab and having lan parties. Blood Gulch 4 life.


Unconfirmed Member
Senior year of high school was awesome. I had huge chunks of the day with no class. Like 2 hours of free periods every day.


It was different when my brother was in High school (he started the year after I graduated), but no one left early when I was a senior. Everyone showed up in the morning, and stayed the whole day.

I technically only needed to take 2 classes my senior year (English and a Math class), but my parents forced me to take a full slate of classes.
This is what happens when your mom is a college professor, and you dad is a lawyer, I guess.
but I swear I'm not Asian
We had to stay the whole day, but half of my classes were a joke or for fun, health 2, portfolio, band, and choir on an every other day system basically meant every other day was a free day to do homework or play music


Gives all the fucks
Senior year (09-10) was neat because I took so many classes/had credits taken that I was allowed to take one at the community college, so I had a free hour, which meant I had about a 90-minute lunch break, meaning I could walk from the school to one end of town to another. Sometimes, I'd go to GameStop & pick up a game during my free time.

That, or I'd sit in the library and watch anime on my PSP or play games on it or my DS. The librarian was VERY strict on what you could do on the computers (not to mention those damn filters), so I almost never bothered.


it also has the most Engrishy opening that isn't Black Lagoon's
I dunno, the Gatchaman Crowds OP probably has a shot at that, even though it's only about 2/3 English.


Here's a sampling:
fly amaze it crore vavry rough
spin up and know feel in brender lonely
estrad and me under graven me on the starnet

write the mean destroy baby rat stay up and no fear
into end aloud these sir prize on me
unders heavenly on the clone it
the world your word is


Unconfirmed Member
Consumption Junction was a real hit in the computer lab in senior year. It was still new at the time, and my friends would find the grossest things they could and set them as computer backgrounds.

In earlier years we played Grand Theft Auto (the original) and downloaded the Jesus vs. Santa South Park short (they could actually curse in it because it wasn't on TV!), among other things.

Good times.


I had 3 study periods and a hot chemistry teacher my senior year. It was pretty good, though our vice principle crushed senior skip day plans and we didn't have any kind of senior trip.

We also did the horrible musical The Sound of Music. I hate that musical and our chorus teacher didn't make it any better.


Junior Member
Cedar Point is awesome. I haven't been back in a few years, though.

We took two trips: one winter (skiing for a week, which is a little cliché) and one spring (beach for a week).


whats up with people getting free periods and shit in high school

I really only had to show up for a final English and Language course to graduate. I hit my credit requirement at the end of my junior year. It's what happens when you go from a school with a block system to a standard quarter system.

My high school sucked for academics too, so I coasted for 2 years and easily ended with a 4+ GPA. Literally coasted.

Edit: My highschool day started at 740 and lasted till about 3.
My high school district was poor so we only tool one trip during my entire time being there.
My middle school which was for High Achievers took way more trips. To like science museums and shit.

We also took every year a trip to the islands in GA so that was amazingly fun.

My HS day started at 8 and lasted until 3.


my high school was rich as shit, but was still a piece of shit

I hate rich kids so much, I was hated in high school, then I get to the real world and everybody fucking loves me, but I have severe social anxiety issues from my time in high school which has screwed me up a shit ton.

I fucking hated everything about my high school other then the fact that I met some cool people. But my teachers were shit most of the time, my school refused to help me with my adhd issues, and fuck my high school just in general.

I got to go to disney world for my senior trip, but I was miserable during the trip because of how poorly scheduled it was.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Can someone tell me what was Balalaika's operation in Japan about?

Get the Russian mob more territory by fucking over the local Yakuza. She was sent in when the first guy completely fucked up the job. They teamed up with the Washimine who "invited" them in as emergency muscle and ended up playing both clans against each other, dismantling them both.


No Scrubs
Can someone tell me what was Balalaika's operation in Japan about?

The Russians wanted a foothold in Japan, so when they got an offer from a group of Yakuza to come in and help them tip the balance of the internal power struggle in their favor the Russians took the invitation. Of course they went in with every intention to betray the yakuza, which they did and that's why everything went to shit. Had Balalaika not betrayed them, had the Russians not sent her of all people, shit wouldn't have gone down the way it did. The whole point of the arc was displaying the differences between Rock's old home and his new one, explaining why he couldn't go home.
My high school district was poor so we only tool one trip during my entire time being there.
My middle school which was for High Achievers took way more trips. To like science museums and shit.

We also took every year a trip to the islands in GA so that was amazingly fun.

My HS day started at 8 and lasted until 3.

I was part of the group that did super well and got to go on trips. The only thing we went to was a couple of colleges near San Diego and got to stay in one of those sketchy motels that they use to film slasher flicks.
final-ish thoughts on Black Lagoon (the "ish" is because i haven't really bothered to organize this or make much of an effort to write it very well):

Black Lagoon is about juxtaposition. You have all these depressing philosophies and dark concepts, but it’s all wrapped up in extravagant Hong Kong-style action to create contrast and heighten the impact. The best example of this is the Japan arc, where Revy and Ginji assault the bowling alley complete with the requisite bullet-cutting and leaping-through-the-air-while-firing-two-guns. But then the show, again, takes a U-turn. Yukio isn’t the damsel in distress, she chose to be where she is, and she thinks Rock is full of shit. It’s a surprising combination that works almost every time; the Vampire Twins arc falters a bit, but it’s still effective. The show is like a Trojan horse, using its popcorn action to communicate these ideas, and even if things get a little talky at times those ideas never feel like they’re bring drilled into your face, as can be common in anime. The moments of introspection all feel completely warranted and don’t talk down to the audience.

While the handling of that sort of thing is what makes Black Lagoon truly special, the rest of the show is no slouch. Action scenes are well-choreographed and occasionally quite creative, tense confrontations abound, and the direction is certainly high-quality. The characters, however, are the highlight. Their interactions lead to a variety of hilarious situations and arguments, complemented by the strong dub.

However, the characters are one source of the problem as Dutch and Benny are marginalized to the point where they don’t even play a part in the final arc of this series. It’s forgivable when you realize that this is an adaptation of ongoing material and even Rock hasn’t quite finished his character development (and he’s gone through a decent amount already). That being said, anime should be able to stand alone, and it’s not really incorrect to call it a missed opportunity. The trajectory of Rock’s character development also feels a little bit off; he takes a more active role early on before becoming a more passive participant who has moral ideas and bloody lessons handed to him, and it feels like it should be the other way around.

The show peaks a little bit early because of this. The character interactions never quite top Calm Down, Two Men, where Rock stands up to Revy after a bizarre day of running errands. And I don’t think the action or suspense manages to surpass the moment when Rock puts a plan into motion to kill that one guy in the helicopter in the second episode.

It’s a unique show to say the least, exceedingly well-made and indisputably one of the best to air on the block. While I’m not a huge fan of the ending episode, it’s nice to see a show that remained more or less consistently great. We haven’t had many of those.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Sitting here minding my own business when suddenly the treehouse thread got an awful lot shorter.

Waifu/Husbandoing is a tricky rabbit hole to go down. It's meant to be a joke but can get really real all too quick when you bring in real people. Some people just don't get it and it's creepy as fuck to name some real person your "waifu"


Sitting here minding my own business when suddenly the treehouse thread got an awful lot shorter.

Waifu/Husbandoing is a tricky rabbit hole to go down. It's meant to be a joke but can get really real all too quick when you bring in real people. Some people just don't get it and it's creepy as fuck to name some real person your "waifu"

Additionally, it derails things quickly.


Some people seemed confused about this so mentioning:

Hellsing Ultimate is replacing both Black Lagoon and original Naruto. With commercials, it takes an hour slot from 3AM to 4AM for the next ten weeks.

OP is current.


Junior Member
Hellsing Ultimate is replacing both Black Lagoon and original Naruto. With commercials, it takes an hour slot from 3AM to 4AM for the next ten weeks.

OP is current.
Damn, Naruto was getting to some good stuff in the Chūnin Exam arc.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
So to refresh my memory I watched Roberta's Blood Trail instead of Inuyasha this week.

Each episode is a very tricky 33 minutes long. Way too long for a half hour block as even cutting off the preview, opening, ending gets it down to 30 minutes. Way too short to juice up to an hour without adding in Kickheart.

It has two bits of brief nudity that could easily be steamed up as the only objectionable content.
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