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Toonami |Sep15| You got the edge! You got the power!

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Sketchbook Picasso




Edge is coming up next


Oh god, what crypt did they dig Europe out of?
I've seen a commericial with Billy Idol. Like, both are listenable in MGS5. What other '84 and before hit will be in a commercial this month?

I suppose that's technically true. Even so, he's pretty unusually nonplussed by some of this shit.

And yet completely thrown for a loop by the gay guy.
Good point.

Hatchin with the dropkick and throwing that tranq gun out of hurr.

The boss.
More like Little Boss.

Hatchin really is the best. It's rare for a show to make such a likable kid protagonist.

Yuki....she lived a hard life
Outer Heaven Network's stream made me remind me of that reference.

super mario maker is done downloading, should I ditch SAO
Well, did you? Because if you did you missed this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIfhklhZ7OI

Super AIDS is the only thing we can be afraid of.

A picture of Kirito came up when I googled Super AIDS gif. Wow.
South Park for me.

MGSV commercial!!!

Such an amazing game.
Phantom pain commercial, interesting

Blah, I really need a new computer...

Ooh, Phantom Pain commercial.
A friend mentioned that earlier last week.

No, they will be an army without a nation. DIAMOND DOGS!

Is the Akatsuki actually Outer Heaven?
Makeshift Wisemen Committee.

We are

Diamond Ninjas.
The heartless wind in this universe's case.


its always nukes
Just needs to have it's own bipedal death mobile to complete the night.

Seriously, this really has been a Metal Gear night.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Gooood morning. Got a good night's sleep and I feel all right.

Dragon Ball Z Kai:
Piccolo joins the battle against Freeza, and proves that "power levels are bullshit". Freeza continues to prove that by transforming into his third form, Xenomorph Mode. So glad it doesn't last as it's really silly.

Akame ga Kill:
The more I hear of this dub, the more I fear the other shows... Parasyte is going to hurt. I feel the only good Sentai Filmworks dub is Persona 4, and that's only due to getting most of the original cast.
It doesn't help that AgK is total schlock with dumb writing already. The manga suffers horrid mood whiplash (from what I've read so far).

Michiko & Hatchin:
Great episode. The two finally reunite and sort of make-up, at least Michiko shows a bit of character development.
That is one fucked up circus, selling kids into slavery. Good thing they were caught, and Dandy got his scoop!

Sword AIDS Online II:
Oh SAO... you are not equipped to handle subject matter like this.
You know Kawahara, if you wanted Yuuki to be "secretly dying", you could have used cancer or something made-up since this is technically a fantasy series in the year 2026. Not Super AIDS.
Only two episodes left of this garbage.

Naruto Shippuden:
TRAINING! ECONOMIC DISCUSSIONS! Isn't Shippuden exciting?!

One Piece:
PARTY! Oh yeah and some big world building tidbits, like Dr. Vegapunk and the second half of the Grand Line having a name, the New World!
Next week though, ooooh man.


Not a great week I take it?

-DBZ is DBZ, you were probably awake for it
-AGK had a trash dub, with "yesss, great plan" being jokingly read?
-SAO was hell on earth, inventing super aids and pain all around with convenient plot occurences
-OP wasn't that notable of an episode to me. Party episodes are always fine to me, but this one kind of felt like it was filler in terms of actual plot development for a 25m slot.

-And Michiko and Hatchin was on the good side considering Michiko didn't botch everything. However, Hatchin's gullibility when she was being misused made little sense to me. And a tranq gun being used on Michiko suddenly was the writers way of saying "she would have died had she not been a protagonist" since why wouldn't they just shoot her?It felt like as if Revy had never been shot, and the one time someone sniped her it was a tranq, I wouldn't buy it.


This week's theme was: Quotas. All of the shows were meeting their regular quotas. DBZ debuted a new form, Akame ga Kill had panty shots, Hatchin got slapped around and SAOII gave us the melodrama. Naruto endlessly trained and One Piece dropped more bombs. With all their checkboxes now checked, it's on to the reviews!

Dragon Ball Z: Kai - Gohan and Krillin REALLY need to learn to stop celebrating every five minutes. It's gotten very annoying. At least Vegeta knows how to stay serious and realistic. I noticed they reused a lot of the same shots in this episode, especially the one looking up at Piccolo's stern face. Freeza's third form is hard to take seriously as it's basically just a rip-off of H.R. Giger's alien. Still, a pretty good episode full of the usual DBZ action and hype. Rating: A swarm of angry bees

Akame ga Kill - The clumsy glasses assassin, her childhood friend and the chipper guard girl were all very cute. I enjoyed them but that's about it. The rest was terrible. Why am I not surprised that the MC's new power is panty vision? At this point, if you told me this show was written by a group of American high-school otaku and is voiced by the same people who used to voice crapy PS1 games, I would totally believe you. Overall, there was just a hint of charm masked by copious amounts of terrible dialog and cookie-cutter boredom. Rating: Imperial Boobs

Michiko & Hatchin - Hatchin continues to be the sole reason I watch this show and Michiko is simply there to be tolerated. The episode started out rough, especially with Michiko being a bitch to everyone and Hatchin being treated like a slave. They might as well call this show "Human Trafficking: The Anime" at this point. I thought things were going to get really, REALLY dark for the kids but the ending actually turned out to be rather tame and even a little uplifting (no pun intended). The animation and music continues to deliver in spades and while the tone still isn't my style, I can appreciate the quality of the production. Getting to see Hatchin literally kick ass was really great. Rating: Wonderland

Sword Art Online II - I expected Yuuki to have some kind of terminal illness but I certainly didn't expect it to be AIDS! o_O This show's author just loves to be overly melodramatic. AIDS?! Cancer would have worked just as well. Anyway, as bad as that reveal was, the overall the episode was okay if boring. Asuna ended up being the big crybaby throughout while Yuuki (who was crying last episode) now seems to suddenly be taking the whole thing in stride which is not really consistent. I did like how the name "Sleeping Knights" actually makes sense. Melodramatic as all get-out but still not as terrible as earlier seasons. At least they didn't turn Yuuki into another Kirito lusting harem member... yet. Rating: Anime Intelligence Death Syndrome

Naruto: Shippuden - Dull. Basically we see Naruto fail at training for the 500th time only to have him figure it out for the 500th time. We're also given a ridiculously long overview of ninja geo-political economics that made me want to commit seppuku. Sai and Saruka's banter was equally pointless and added nothing. That too had already been done before. At least Kakashi was kinda funny. A totally forgettable episode that exists only to give the bad guys some exposition and to let the main characters know that ninja's sometimes die (gasp!). Rating: Mud balls

One Piece - These past two episodes, while mostly exposition, are great for their character moments and overall world building. Even as just a casual One Piece viewer, I've already absorbed enough of the lore online to have heard about "The New World" and "Seastone". I expect we won't see a lot of this stuff for years to come but I do admire how One Piece does foreshadowing and continuity. I also really liked the scene of Aokiji's talk with Robin and Nami's eves dropping... and her bikini. Rating: Fun-shadowing


-DBZ is DBZ, you were probably awake for it
-AGK had a trash dub, with "yesss, great plan" being jokingly read?
-SAO was hell on earth, inventing super aids and pain all around with convenient plot occurences
-OP wasn't that notable of an episode to me. Party episodes are always fine to me, but this one kind of felt like it was filler in terms of actual plot development for a 25m slot.

-And Michiko and Hatchin was on the good side considering Michiko didn't botch everything. However, Hatchin's gullibility when she was being misused made little sense to me. And a tranq gun being used on Michiko suddenly was the writers way of saying "she would have died had she not been a protagonist" since why wouldn't they just shoot her?It felt like as if Revy had never been shot, and the one time someone sniped her it was a tranq, I wouldn't buy it.

Hatchin was a bit annoying in the start of the episode but we the audience had more info to work with than she did and we are genre savy in a way most fictional characters can't be. So we are able to know shit was up before she did. As for the tranquilizer gun, they are working at a circus with animals. It seems way more likely they have something like that then standard guns which would be more expensive and harder to acquire. Plus it doesn't leave a trail of corpses which can be problematic if you don't have the infrastructure to cover something like that up.


Unconfirmed Member
One Piece - These past two episodes, while mostly exposition, are great for their character moments and overall world building. Even as just a casual One Piece viewer, I've already absorbed enough of the lore online to have heard about "The New World" and "Seastone". I expect we won't see a lot of this stuff for years to come but I do admire how One Piece does foreshadowing and continuity. I also really liked the scene of Aokiji's talk with Robin and Nami's eves dropping... and her bikini. Rating: Fun-shadowing

Seastone has actually been in the series for quite a long time at this point. It was introduced at Loguetown (the same arc we got a little mini recap of in the last episode). This was just the latest creative use of it that we've heard about now. Up until this point, it has mainly been used as an anti-Devil Fruit material. Because it contains the properties of the sea, contact with seastone debilitates DF users in just the same way that being thrown into the sea does.

So far we've seen it used in:

- Weapons, most notably as a cap at the end of Smoker's jutte
- Prisons. Seastone bars and lining inside the cells can effectively negate a DF user's power and sap their strength, preventing their escape.
- Handcuffs. Seen this past arc as seastone cuffs are what kept Robin's powers at bay.

Using it as a ship liner to ward off Sea Kings is an interesting departure from the Marines' other uses of the stone and kind of speaks to what kind of scientist this Vegapunk supposedly is.
Before anyone asks - no you can't use Seastone bullets. Marines have tried a few times and there are reasons it doesn't work -

1. Seastone can't be molded very well. Turning it into a bullet shape is hard. Seastone is also very, very durable, making it not suited for bullets and better suited for pretty much anything else.
2. Seastone is very expensive. You can't just give a lot of shots to every marine just in case they run into a DF user.
3. Seastone nets are more effective. Anyone worth their salt (that is nearly everyone with a Devil Fruit) won't get hit by a bullet anyway. Nets can also be retrieved easier, unlike bullets.
4. Seastone anything is more effective, like Smoker's jutte.


So far Seastone has been the only hard counter for all devil fruit easiers. This arc stealth introduced another element to combat Devil Fruit users but I will get into that in 100-200ish episodes.


I seem to remember Seastone bullets in Film Z. Zephyr had some I think.

Still, they would be very hard to make and extremely expensive. Not viable to mass produce.
What about Seastone armor? Or Seastone prisons?

Seastone is really heavy and you would have to not be a DF user but armor could work. I think there was someone who guarded parts of his body with it and used them to block.

Prisons are a really common and effective use of Seastone. If you throw a logia user into a prison made of seastone then even they cannot get out. Seastone cuffs have the same effect.

I seem to remember Seastone bullets in Film Z. Zephyr had some I think.

Still, they would be very hard to make and extremely expensive. Not viable to mass produce.

Yeah he did have some. I believe his arm was also Seastone? Far more effective use


Unconfirmed Member
So far Seastone has been the only hard counter for all devil fruit easiers. This arc stealth introduced another element to combat Devil Fruit users but I will get into that in 100-200ish episodes.

It actually introduces it by name next week. Though technically it's been in the series right from the beginning and also played a huge role in Skypiea.


Gives all the fucks
Or hell, make Seastone shields. That'd probably be easier to make compared to full armor.

Totally forgot about Alabasta considering how so long ago that was when I watched it.


No Scrubs
Or hell, make Seastone shields. That'd probably be easier to make compared to full armor.

Totally forgot about Alabasta considering how so long ago that was when I watched it.

Seastone only works if it's touching the opponent. A shield would be a waste of materials. Something like gauntlets would be better, it'd let you deal damage to logia types and cancel out devil fruit powers if you could get them in a grapple.


Gives all the fucks
I was thinking of gauntlets or gloves, but wasn't sure considering the "it's not easy to mold" part.

I'd suggest other types of seastone weapons, but Smoker has one (& he wears gloves, so that's why it doesn't affect him, right?) so the idea is already out there.

Most of my pre-Skypiea knowledge is a bit shaky because of how long ago it was when I watched them, so I can't remember some of the smaller stuff.


No Scrubs
I was thinking of gauntlets or gloves, but wasn't sure considering the "it's not easy to mold" part.

I'd suggest other types of seastone weapons, but Smoker has one (& he wears gloves, so that's why it doesn't affect him, right?) so the idea is already out there.

Most of my pre-Skypiea knowledge is a bit shaky because of how long ago it was when I watched them, so I can't remember some of the smaller stuff.

Most of Smoker's weapon is standard, only the tip is seastone.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The real question I've always wanted an answer to is if sea water canons would work on Devil Fruit users. It's a technology well within plausibility for their tech level. Hell you could do it with dials.
The real question I've always wanted an answer to is if sea water canons would work on Devil Fruit users. It's a technology well within plausibility for their tech level. Hell you could do it with dials.

It's unclear. I am fairly certain you have to be submerged. I believe Robin showers on the boat and is fine? When they bathe in wooden tubs in Film Z they get super drowsy and the water is up to their heads.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Also seastone's "rarity" and "strict control by the marines" is shown to be a ridiculous over exaggeration as the series goes on.


Unconfirmed Member
LICH KING DEMARCO ‏@Clarknova1 7m7 minutes ago
Hey #toonami fans, miss this week's broadcast? You can see a rerun of it right now at http://adultswim.com/preflight !
Goes until Monday at 5p et.

LICH KING DEMARCO ‏@Clarknova1 6m6 minutes ago
From there, Pre-Flight starts at 5, and then a new marathon begins for the rest of the week until Sunday am, where we'll rerun Toonami...

LICH KING DEMARCO ‏@Clarknova1 6m6 minutes ago
And so on, every week, with pre-flight being at 5p every day. No login etc needed! Enjoy!


Unconfirmed Member
It's unclear. I am fairly certain you have to be submerged. I believe Robin showers on the boat and is fine? When they bathe in wooden tubs in Film Z they get super drowsy and the water is up to their heads.

Running water like rain, a shower, or ocean spray from a wave is ok. The general rule of thumb is that a DF user needs to be at least knee deep in a body of water for it to have a serious effect. There is some fudging on that, though, both in terms of how much contact is too much and what exactly counts as "running water."
LICH KING DEMARCO ‏@Clarknova1 7m7 minutes ago
Hey #toonami fans, miss this week's broadcast? You can see a rerun of it right now at http://adultswim.com/preflight !
Goes until Monday at 5p et.

LICH KING DEMARCO ‏@Clarknova1 6m6 minutes ago
From there, Pre-Flight starts at 5, and then a new marathon begins for the rest of the week until Sunday am, where we'll rerun Toonami...

LICH KING DEMARCO ‏@Clarknova1 6m6 minutes ago
And so on, every week, with pre-flight being at 5p every day. No login etc needed! Enjoy!

That's really cool for people who want to watch Toonami and don't have cable to watch it live
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