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ToQGAF 2014 | Hanamichi! The Next Stop Is Imagination's Stage!

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Enjoyed the first ep of Drive. He has a dumb cg rider kick but I liked the idea of it.

Didn't like the weird stutter editting they use on some of the characters for comedy, it was the worst part of Gaim and I was hoping they'd get away from that.

I hope the first episode budget wasn't blown on putting wires on people and throwing them around. The action in this episode was pretty good and I'd like it to continue.

Also that lady straight up shot people.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
That stuttering thing has been in some older Sentai too. They want to emulate anime humor I guess.


Garo anime episode 1 really put the entire S4 into shame.

Don't know where to discuss it, though! The anime thread? This one?
Also that lady straight up shot people.

Kiriko's a beast. She's going to be the balance the show needs early on because she'll be the eyes we'll be seeing Drive through this season.

Speaking of Kiriko and also thinking about Minato as well is that will Kamen Rider ever get to a point where the lead rider can be a female?

I know about marketing and how it could never work in that aspect but if you rip all of that away could a strong female lead rider carry a series?

Giving her everything a great lead male rider has had with a great story, awesome powers and a great supporting cast could it work?

And I can't stop listening to Surprise-Drive! Why does this happen every time a new show premieres? If Sentai & Rider do something constantly well is a song to get you in the mood for action!


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Kamen Rider Drive 1


That opening was dark. I wonder how many people died from that besides his partner.
I see this year's toy gimmick is Hot Wheels and giant ass tires. The tires really do look silly.
At least the action was decent.

I know I'm still on OOO and need to watch Fourze and Gaim, but I might as well keep up to date with this.



I can't be the only one who thought this is Maya Uchida making a cameo in Drive?(Hakase from Akibaranger, Aoi Z-cune)


Kamen Rider Drive 1


That opening was dark. I wonder how many people died from that besides his partner.
I see this year's toy gimmick is Hot Wheels and giant ass tires. The tires really do look silly.
At least the action was decent.

I know I'm still on OOO and need to watch Fourze and Gaim, but I might as well keep up to date with this.
OOO has the best characters/actors, keep at it.


Garo anime is pretty great. Love the medieval setting, and the garo suit fights look way better than they do in the live action shows.


Drive, fun.

Kamen Rider Drive (Masked Rider Drive)


From Riko Sanjo, the writer behind classics as Kamen Rider W, Fourze, and Kyoryuger; a show about a young detective who finds himself using the powers of an incredible car to stop monsters that can seemingly control time.

Visit the NeoGAF Kamen Rider Drive Official Thread

Where to watch:

Japan: 8 AM Sundays on TV Asahi.

Elsewhere: Fan subs provided by Over-Time​

hahaha oh wow, found this at /m/


any idea where this is from?

Googling the text didn't find the source, but either way, this kid will have his mind blown if he ever finds out the truth.


This latest episode of Super Megaforce is quite certainly the worst Power Rangers episode since Saban bought back the franchise. It's a doozy.


Axel Hertz
Finally watched Drive 1 and ToQger 30 today.

Drive constant car noises make me really want to play The Getaway - High Speed II. That and the Formula One (prior to this season) engine sounds are enough to keep me watching the series.

The detective stuff and Faiz stance are just icing on the cake - I could swear he even did some sort of crazy hand movement at some time. It's worth nothing that during the henshin, you can see how the actor that plays the detective is much taller than the suit actor.

Regarding ToQger 30, all I have to say is that "the female members of the team have a special attack together" trope from early Sentai came back full force in this one.

I'm excited for Drive's more somber overall tone. ToQger is still something I'm watching because I already watched 30 episodes of it, so might as well.


The detective stuff and Faiz stance are just icing on the cake - I could swear he even did some sort of crazy hand movement at some time. It's worth nothing that during the henshin, you can see how the actor that plays the detective is much taller than the suit actor.

You mean the wrist motion Faiz used to do? Drive did it twice after transforming.
New Drive retail scans out. Big spoilers. Seriously don't click this shit, there's only been one episode.

- Secondary Rider...
Is Kamen Rider Mach. Rides a bike, has toy bikes that slot into his belt Faiz phone style. Silhouette looks like Cyclone. Colour scheme looks like IXA.
It's Machine Chaser's Rider upgrade.

- Movie toys.
Gaim Car gives Drive a new form with a tire on his head samurai straw hat style, and the Daidaimaru and Musou Saber. Drive Lockseed gives Gaim that steering wheel sword and the door gun.


New Drive retail scans out. Big spoilers. Seriously don't click this shit, there's only been one episode.

- Secondary Rider...
Is Kamen Rider Mach. Rides a bike, has toy bikes that slot into his belt Faiz phone style. Silhouette looks like Cyclone. Colour scheme looks like IXA.
It's Machine Chaser's Rider upgrade.

- Movie toys.
Gaim Car gives Drive a new form with a tire on his head samurai straw hat style, and the Daidaimaru and Musou Saber. Drive Lockseed gives Gaim that steering wheel sword and the door gun.
Nothing that shocking.


Axel Hertz
You mean the wrist motion Faiz used to do? Drive did it twice after transforming.

Yeah, the Faiz "wrist flair". I just sucked at putting my thoughts into words on that message, including typos and all.

Faiz Stance, Faiz Wrist Flair... this might be alright


"Even if I'm the devil... you will play your part in my plan"
How the hell does TV-Nihon still have fans? Much less fans that believe Over-Time is "inaccurate". I mean... wow

Well, there are a couple of reasons that I know of:


TV-N adds a lot of flair to their releases, from some fan artwork at the start of each video to fancy Karaoke effects any time a belt or announcer says something, including special attacks. It feels premium, especially when they see other subs which use simple text.


People want to watch things via streaming. There's nothing wrong with that, it's the ultimate way to watch something with the most convenience and least work required. Why would anyone want to do otherwise and go through the trouble? So they go to streaming sites like Youtube, Facebook, Dailymotion, etc.

Because TV-N uses formats like MP4's and subtitles that are hardcoded into the video file itself, it makes those the easiest ones to upload to those sites, so those are the ones that get distributed the most. Unless you can find an uploader who took the time to convert the Over-Time or Aesir MKV's into a hardcoded MP4 and upload it to Youtube, the vast, vast, vast majority of people will be watching the TV-N version. It's all they know.

Perceived Video Quality

For some reason, Over-Time does not do HD hardsubs; their MP4 releases are in SD. Meanwhile, TV-N releases their videos in both SD and HD versions. It's true that TV-Ns video releases have atrocious video quality (O-T's SD videos show more detail than even the HD versions of TV-N), but the regular viewer is not going to know that. If an uploader tries to upload an O-T release, the video player for the streaming website is always going to say 480p or SD; but if the uploader puts up an HD TV-N release, the video player will say that this is an HD video. No amount of convincing will convince someone to watch an SD video over an HD one, even if the SD one is in better quality.

That's why in a lot of Facebook and Youtube channels, streamers upload the O-T version as soon as it's available, but then replace it with the TV-N version once it comes out, because it is perceived as a higher quality release, both because of the format and the fancy additions shown above.

Misconceptions about translation

Let's get this out of the way first, anyone who is bilingual and knows the translation practices of TV-N knows that what they are doing can't possibly be right. Translating not only by ear, but direct translations of sentences, means that they are completely ravishing the original line, because languages don't work like that. A direct analogue of a word or phrase in another language is for the vast majority of the time not going to have the exact same meaning as it did in it's original language, because due to syntax and cultural differences, it means something slightly (and sometimes, wildly) different. When you apply this to written dialogue, the divergence over original intent and translated word will become even more severe.

I myself don't know Japanese, but I constantly see Japanese speakers and readers constantly baffled by the crazy stuff TV-N writes (including writing a whole blog around it). I know we have a fellow TokuGaffer here that is very knowledgable about translations, I'd like his input here as well, maybe he can add to or disagree with what I am writing.

But all of this is ignoring another problem...which is that TV-N a lot of times simply doesn't translate things. I recently saw Millionfold's and O-T's Goseiger vs. Shinkenger release, and was absolutely astonished when I saw the names for the villains and attacks translated. As it turns out, Shinkenger was a season that was all about Japanese historical and theatrical culture; and you wouldn't have realized how much of it was until you learned what all the enemies were names after. TV-N didn't bother to translate any of it, so you missed out. Same thing happened for Gekiranger, Dekaranger, and countless other series where random things were left untranslated and the viewing audience understood less than the 6 year olds watching the show in Japan.

This is even more problematic due to....


Because Over-Time and other sub groups actually bother to make sure the English speaking audience understands the show as much as 6 year olds in Japan do, they translate words to their best English analogue (which may or may not be it's direct one for obvious reasons as described before). But to those who don't understand this, it's as if they are changing the content of the show, "making things up". This makes it seem as if O-T and others are unreliable and incorrect translations, when the opposite is true. If there is something inaccurate about a translation, they tend to fix it quickly with a V2, unlike TV-N which does not fix it all (and even tries to defend their mistakes by saying it's what the show really meant instead of what the show actually said). That actually literally is changing the show and making things up, but because they don't translate names and phrases and syntax, it appears as if they are the ones that are keeping it "pure".


Also, some people are just fanboys, they have been watching their stuff since Dekaranger aired and aren't going to change their minds.

It's just a lot of little problems that add up to create a big problem.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Well, there are a couple of reasons that I know of:

It's just a lot of little problems that add up to create a big problem.

Oh wow.
And since Toku isn't getting official simulcasts, they're the biggest game in town.
I just don't know how people can watch it.

I tried watching their Goseiger subs, and it was all "TRANSLATION NOTE: BLAH MEANS BLORG". Shinkenger was way worse.


Neo Member
.. Honestly, Willy, there's not much to say. You broke down every frustrating point in marvelous detail. Good on you.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
I don't know if the TVN people know Japanese or not, but based on what I've seen of their sub's they definitely don't know English.


Neo Member
I don't know if the TVN people know Japanese or not, but based on what I've seen of their sub's they definitely don't know English.

Going off a lot of their subs, they seem to know, like... high school, first year college Japanese. Their refusal to use the scripts and going by ear hurts them badly.


Kamen Rider SummonRide for PS3/Wii U got itself a trailer. Looks pretty decent. Seems like you can get Rider figures to place on a Skylander's style summoning gate and then you play that Rider. You can additionally place a Rider Chip next to that figure to change their forms to the one on the chip. I'm not certain on the next part, but it looks like if you place a Rider chip next to the wrong Rider (ie a Hyper Kabuto next to say Kamen Rider Gaim) then they appear as an assist character beside you...may be wrong on that one. May be a seperate thing.

Looks fun


Full story and trailer here

Anyone gonna do a thread for this? Looks like it should sell a lot of stuff.
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