Super Megaforce EXTENDED Finale
So, here's what I could tell was different.
During the Megazord battle with Levira, they use Changeman (or was it Maskman's) Greater Power
They do a Mystic Force legendary morph (the one from Gokai 49)
They fucking extended the New Powers footage. Basically, the entire Gokaiger fight minus VulEagle.
They extended Tommy's "rescuing the kid" scene because "herp nostalgia herp"
"You could be a superhero someday" Argh!
A new scene taking out Bruisers
HOLY CRAP THEY DID THE MMPR SHIELD SWAP! Why was that not in the original?!
The fight with Mavro on the ship seems longer
Mavro survived! Meaning they get to do the Legendary Morph beatdown!
EDIT: Forgot to mention, they do a helmetless roll call exactly like Gokaiger. Orion even does Gai's pose (I know there's a video of Cameron Jebo doing it on a livestream, but that's different).
They edit out all the Pre-Zyu teams (Dairanger is kept though...). Orion turns into Robo Knight. There's finally a Lightspeed Rescue morph! Was that so hard?
The Super Mode morph is called "Legendary Battlizer", even though those aren't Battlizers.
They show each guest star Ranger putting their helmet on one at a time, ending on Karone who looks at her helmet and says "I love being a Power Ranger", with a brief flash of Astronama's face before she puts the helmet on.
The war is... unchanged. Again, I question why they brought in Sakamoto when his footage was barely used. There's still no explanation for Robo Knight reappearing.
Does this change anything? Not really... season is still garbage. At least they added some of the better Gokaiger scenes.
Here's the extended version