Does White look small to anyone? Could we do a fully pre-teen Sentai hero?
Does White look small to anyone? Could we do a fully pre-teen Sentai hero?
Well the suit budget is definitely higher! I like. Gonna be funny when they try and bring this to the states. May have to finally break down and make the yellow ranger a man, cause this yellow looks pretty buff.
Hard to make out what the morpher is going to be, surely it's not the ninjato they are holding as it is so big (oh shit did I get ninninto right?)
Ninja Storm's yellow was male.
Is this the first 4 man lineup?
Is this the first 4 man lineup?
It's late I totally blanked on YellowFour man? There's five people.
What do you mean four man? Is it not clearly evident to you that white is female?
Ninningerscanpicture is out there. Suits look fucking awesome. Also we have female pink/female white for the first time since Changeman. And also the rare male yellow.
So was Mystic Force's.Ninja Storm's yellow was male.
Magiranger! Why is everyone forgetting Magi/Mystic Force.Funny how the last yellow male ranger in sentai was Hurricanger,another ninja theme.
So was Mystic Force's.
Magiranger! Why is everyone forgetting Magi/Mystic Force.It was a great sentai, one of the best of the 00's.
I love another male yellow but I'm not fond white and pink on the same team, at least this white, why does the suit have pink accents? They don't give another ranger random accents that no one else has.
I didn't like it in Changeman either, I didn't mind Gaoranger though, there was nompink so the pink accents on white didn't bother me.Callback to Changeman, I suppose. And Gaoranger.
I generally dislike accent colors that are also a core team member's color, Carranger's yellow chest square etc. for example. The trim probably could and should have been black or silver for everyone, not white for all except white and pink for her.And furthermore, making white's trim/accents pink instead of white like the others makes sense. The trim is there to separate parts of the suit. If you make white's trim white, it might as well not even be there, and it ends up making the whole suit look weird.
Magiranger! Why is everyone forgetting Magi/Mystic Force.It was a great sentai, one of the best of the 00's..
I liked Mystic Force but you're right that it's not nearly as good as Magiranger, that's why I said great sentai, I could have been more clear on what I meant.Magiranger? Certainly. But Mystic Force? It can be ignored.
And furthermore, making white's trim/accents pink instead of white like the others makes sense. The trim is there to separate parts of the suit. If you make white's trim white, it might as well not even be there, and it ends up making the whole suit look weird.
I know you guys heard about the Baron/Zangetsu V-cinema, but some more info has come out of it.
Daisuke Ishibashi, the guy who wrote the first Net Movies for Kiva's movie and the most recent Net Movies for Wizard's movie confirmed that there will be no more Net Movies and we will be getting MORE V-cinemas and stuff instead.
Carter's like "what the hell are you doing?"
Requoting from /krg/.
I'd like V-cinemas, but I would miss the net movies. Wizard's net movies were the best thing about that show.
Just give me more "WA-CHA Corner" style shorts with the stunt actors talking with each other and I am ok with no netmovies.
Hmm... Daisuke Ishibashi... That name sounds familiar...
*Sees that he wrote the Bogy and Myna Bird episodes of Wizard*
Good riddance.
Honest question, what's the difference between Superhero movies and Sentai/Rider/PR? Like I know rubber people in suits VS CGI or people in costume but what else? I'm probably being ignorant, but I don't see why people dismiss Toku but then readily accept superhero movies.
Honest question, what's the difference between Superhero movies and Sentai/Rider/PR? Like I know rubber people in suits VS CGI or people in costume but what else? I'm probably being ignorant, but I don't see why people dismiss Toku but then readily accept superhero movies.
Nothing technically. Realistically, tone. TV Toku has a different tone. Japanese toku done like American superhero films turns out like Kamen Rider The First.
Rider/Sentai is closer to things like Arrow, Flash, and Agents of SHIELD, albiet aiming for a young age group. Drive would be built in a completely different way if it was aiming for the 18-24 demo.
You know, with the Hoenn Rangers in Pokemon ORAS, I've been wondering...
What original Toku characters/teams are there in games?
I know of:
Featherman R in Persona 4 (I know it's based on Jetman, but I'm still including it)
The Axem Rangers in Super Mario RPG
The Prism Rangers in Disgaea
Viewtiful Joe
The Wonderful 101
Honest question, what's the difference between Superhero movies and Sentai/Rider/PR? Like I know rubber people in suits VS CGI or people in costume but what else? I'm probably being ignorant, but I don't see why people dismiss Toku but then readily accept superhero movies.
I think sentai goes a little too far beyond the threshold most American's suspension of disbelief is willing to go.
Typically American superheroes powers are given some sort of logical reason (gamma rays, super genius made a suit, mutant) as to why they have powers\how their powers work. Japanese sentai heroes basically have powers because reasons. Kamen Rider is better at this, but super sentai is basically just like hey I got this thing and shit just kinda appears out of no where. It's like the diff between spiderman and tokkyuger is that spidermans powers came from a spider bite, he just happens to wear a suit. Tokkyuger and other sentai is basically, the suit is the power and the power is basically "i dunno they got 'powers' i guess".
I think sentai goes a little too far beyond the threshold most American's suspension of disbelief is willing to go.
They weren't lying when they said they used the toys...Hearing the dude in the putty suit breathing was kinda funny.
What episode is that?
Production values primarily. Also the fact that Sentai and Kamen Rider are made for five year olds, the adult audience is an afterthought.Honest question, what's the difference between Superhero movies and Sentai/Rider/PR?
Production values primarily. Also the fact that Sentai and Kamen Rider are made for five year olds, the adult audience is an afterthought.
If I remember correctly, Rider and Sentai's main demographics are young boys first, older women second, male and female adult collectors third. The adult fans usually are the ones who will buy the Premium Bandai toys, photo books, the stupidly expensive Blu-rays, etc.