A Pretty Panda
fuckin' called it, man
Phoenix cause he could keep on coming back.
Phoenix cause he could keep on coming back.
His real challenge was keeping Koyomi safe. The idea was in the right place; what can an invincible man do to stop death? If the show hadn't paid more attention to weekly guest stars over the show's own protagonists, it could have been an interesting story.
Why are you guys talking about the potentials Wizard never managed to achieve? I'm sad now.
Sad that him liking donuts turned from a joke to being the extent of his personality.
The frustrations of Wizard are so annoying because, unlike a bunch of the other Kamen Rider series, the changes needed to make it a good/great show are RIGHT THERE in your face. For a show like OOO, making the end plot cohesive would probably require a fundamental rethink of the final third of the series (the out-of-nowhere purple medals shifted focus way too much). For Wizard, you could keep the same basic plot/themes/arc and make it work. That it ends up being a wet fart of a show is unforgivable.
I think Wizard made them drop the two parter. Gaim is so much better for it.
I think Wizard made them drop the two parter. Gaim is so much better for it.
Zack did a complete 180 from his initial asshole self from the 1st episode.
I think I read interviews somewhere that Urobuchi was on board before summer 2012, a few months before Wizard. This aligns with local interview with the Bima guy that Kamen Riders are planned in 1-1.5 years before it aired. I don't know when Urobuchi started writing but it's possible that Gaim's decision to ditch two parter was even before Wizard was aired.
I really wish I can read more stuff about Tokusatsu production.
Zack did a complete 180 from his initial asshole self from the 1st episode.
I think I read interviews somewhere that Urobuchi was on board before summer 2012, a few months before Wizard. This aligns with local interview with the Bima guy that Kamen Riders are planned in 1-1.5 years before it aired. I don't know when Urobuchi started writing but it's possible that Gaim's decision to ditch two parter was even before Wizard was aired.
I really wish I can read more stuff about Tokusatsu production.
rewatching some shinkenger, its weirdly kinda sexist with how little origami the girls have versus the dudes when they do their clusterfuck mecha finisher.
Oh yeah, the ladies didn't get any of the extra Origami. That was the first thing I noticed when Green got the Kabuto Origami.
The one where one of the girls actually is given a toy so the dude spends the episode acting like a petulant child until she just gives it to him in the end?
rewatching some shinkenger, its weirdly kinda sexist with how little origami the girls have versus the dudes when they do their clusterfuck mecha finisher.
Even worse is that their origami are just attached randomly to the feet of Samurai Ha-Oh.
They're not even unfolded.
Yes, it must be because everyone on the Sentai production team hates women.
Zack did a complete 180 from his initial asshole self from the 1st episode.
I think I read interviews somewhere that Urobuchi was on board before summer 2012, a few months before Wizard. This aligns with local interview with the Bima guy that Kamen Riders are planned in 1-1.5 years before it aired. I don't know when Urobuchi started writing but it's possible that Gaim's decision to ditch two parter was even before Wizard was aired.
I really wish I can read more stuff about Tokusatsu production.
Also the true heir, a woman, couldn't really do shit.
You know have there ever been any feminine megazord ala Nobel gundam?
But that was... I guess it counts because the rangers were the mechs.
Tokusatsu production does seem kinda weird.
I have looked at some Urobuchi interviews on Gaim and he talks about how the writers have to plan episodes around the various toy release dates which are set in place before hand.
That explains the lone appearance of the Zecter Miser.
It's amazing what kind of difference the theme song makes in fight scenes.
It also helps when the Rangers don't talk every damn second!
Gaim is great until they transform ESPECIALLY the really dumb close range arrow battles they've been having.
Everyone remember the Buroon Booster?The mizer was so embarrassing. It didn't even make sense
Kaito will be the final boss when he merges with the forest and tries to take over earth.
Not sure if Micchy will die sooner or later.
That explains the lone appearance of the Zecter Miser.
It was used thrice... but, really, I thought the way it was used itself explained why it was a one shot item. Kabuto activates it, the mini-Zecters come out, then the base is thrown away. The mini-zecters don't return to it or anything. It's a one shot weapon that couldn't be used twice. The other time Kabuto used it afterwards was when he was working for Zect, so he could presumably get more from them off screen.