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ToQGAF 2014 | Hanamichi! The Next Stop Is Imagination's Stage!


it really is. they need to move past it already

It doesn't help that the people that only watched that one as kids declare it the best, when it's been outclassed by several seasons, and frankly, is kind of hard to watch knowing some of the behind-the-scenes stuff.


They know what will make the most amount of money. Using anything else is just them leaving money on the table.

Which is weird, because won't having an MMPR movie within the next few years compete with Dino Charge? What's the logic behind this for Bandai?

I'd understand this for properties like Transformers, where they basically die every few years and have to be rebooted from scratch; a big budget reboot makes perfect sense. But Power Rangers and Super Sentai are both alive (and in Kyoryuger's case, the most successful line in the series in 12 years), introducing another tangent going for the same audience is nonsensical. If the show did end with RPM, then yeah, a movie reboot makes perfect sense; because it doesn't contradict with a show that doesn't even air anymore in the states. But since this is a major picture, not only is it going to share space with Dino Charge; it's also going to play in Japan, competing with the 2015/16 Sentai.

This is the same reason they changed the schedule for Kamen Rider and Sentai, so that they didn't premiere at the same time; Bandai didn't want the two shows to compete because kids and parents can only buy so much and one is going to suffer (like how Geki was trampled by Den-O's sales, and how Go-Onger stomped over Kiva). What's up with that, Bandai?!


So wait, there are people thinking Emperor of Darkness is ToQ6?

-Obsses with shiny/brightness/sparkliness.
-Is getting tired of the Dark.
-Is human.
-Revealed too early in the show. Usually the final boss always make an appearance around halfway through te series.
-There is already ToQ 6 reveal very early and he's the only character that is new.


Neo Member
Minnasamaaaaa~~ Imagination Station's Abaranger 17 is out~! ^^ 18-20 are a three-parter so expect those next week.


Which is weird, because won't having an MMPR movie within the next few years compete with Dino Charge? What's the logic behind this for Bandai?
They will obviously target different audiences, the tv series is still made for kids, the movie will most likely be made for adults who remember the show from the early 90s, I wouldn't be surprised if the movie is PG-13, this will resemble Pacific Rim and Bayfomers more than the MMPR series.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Apparently two of the OT staff are in this scene

No, those are the GUIS guys who have been living in Japan. Tom's the guy who did the interview with Robert Baldwin. He was in the background of Kyoryuger a bunch too.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
ToQger 11

And so the big bad has revealed himself... kind of early.
I can see why people are thinking he's ToQ 6, he's obsessed with the light and he's not "mwahaha" evil. I think it's a bit too soon to have another sixth ranger that was a villain. Granted, Uchi wasn't really evil, just possessed by Dogold.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
You have to do extra stuff on a mac to make one and I never felt the urge to learn what that was.

Raw for Wizard x Gaim out there. Someone please webm the part where
haruto says "I'm a weezawd" in beautiful beautiful english


Gobusters 01
I recently watched the first episode of Go-Busters, partly in due to the fact that from what I've seen, it looks promising. Awesome fight scenes, cool gadgetry, and an awesome theme. Being a first episode, it's just establishing the setting, plot, and part of Hiromu's character. Also, some past event that's brought these characters to where they are today, and it seems that it will sprinkle throughout the show.

I've been hearing very mixed thoughts, mostly negative because of fanboys that are still riding off the high of Gokaiger. What are it's highs & lows?

god. the webms
Oh my sweet, sweet Armored Melon, it's so nice to see your suit again.


Gobusters 01
I recently watched the first episode of Go-Busters, partly in due to the fact that from what I've seen, it looks promising. Awesome fight scenes, cool gadgetry, and an awesome theme. Being a first episode, it's just establishing the setting, plot, and part of Hiromu's character. Also, some past event that's brought these characters to where they are today, and it seems that it will sprinkle throughout the show.

I've been hearing very mixed thoughts, mostly negative because of fanboys that are still riding off the high of Gokaiger. What are it's highs & lows?

Yeah, the 1st episode of Go-Busters was very promising. I can talk a lot more about it's highs and lows, but it would spoil a lot for you.


ToQger 11

And so the big bad has revealed himself... kind of early.
I can see why people are thinking he's ToQ 6, he's obsessed with the light and he's not "mwahaha" evil. I think it's a bit too soon to have another sixth ranger that was a villain. Granted, Uchi wasn't really evil, just possessed by Dogold.
So Burai then?


So the Emperor is probably their long lost friend and he'll be able to piece together what happened to them to forget their hometown or whatever. Or at least that's what I got out of this episode. That and he'll be ToQ 6. Kinda hope I'm wrong in that department though. How long has it been since we had a human villain in a sentai season?

silly toqgaf. We use webms now remenber?


Someone needs to make a webm of the fight between Nero and Tokattia & Mio. That choreography was really good.
So the Emperor is probably their long lost friend and he'll be able to piece together what happened to them to forget their hometown or whatever. Or at least that's what I got out of this episode. That and he'll be ToQ 6. Kinda hope I'm wrong in that department though. How long has it been since we had a human villain in a sentai season?

Someone needs to make a webm of the fight between Nero and Tokattia & Mio. That choreography was really good.


Basco wasn't the final boss tho.

Is GoBusters the only Sentai with a Sentai warrior as a final boss

Probably, yeah -
taking a team's powers is one thing, but letting the final boss actually get the gear and stuff to match hasn't been done in any other shows, to my knowledge.
Although technically,
Malshina's gear was as close to that as you can get, and she beat 30-something teams in her delusion stunt, so that kinda counts, I guess?


Axel Hertz
webms in gaf would've been good if they load like gifs like how 4chan does it

WebMs are not good enough for auto loading. They're CPU intensive and Audio containing WebMs would automatically start playing as they load and it would be madness.

WebPs, on the other hand, do load as GIFs and don't have any of the mentioned problems, but nobody makes them.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Well this isn't a good sign.


Like a lot of people on 2ch, I'm waiting for the next PV (which should be a week from now, two at the most). If by then we don't have confirmation of the NPC-only secondary Riders from the first game being playable, I'm canceling my preorder. There's no excuse for them to not be playable, and without that I can't justify paying full price for the game.
I hadn't even considered that Battride War 2 would skip the secondary Riders. I'll be flabbergasted if they skimp out on that. I'll wait alongside everyone else and see how they handle it, but I'm definitely paying more attention to the game now, before it's released.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
I hadn't even considered that Battride War 2 would skip the secondary Riders. I'll be flabbergasted if they skimp out on that. I'll wait alongside everyone else and see how they handle it, but I'm definitely paying more attention to the game now, before it's released.

Eighting/Namco Bandai don't exactly have the best record when it comes to Rider games. Take for example the Climax Heroes games. It took them three years to finally get the roster up to a respectable size, and two years to finally give characters who had been playable since the first or second game complete movesets (Gatack, Kaixa, the Hoppers, etc). The first three CH games were just dire. It wasn't until Fourze that it became a decent game, and Super that it became a legitimately good fighting game.

As far as Battride II goes, it wouldn't surprise me at all if they leave the secondary Riders as NPCs. Some of them don't fit in with the game's storyline (Kaixa doesn't appear in the part of Paradise Lost that Faiz's movie stage is based on), some of them don't have bikes, most of them don't have secondary forms (though they could just give them a generic "powered-up" mode like they did with Beast in the first game), etc. Of course these are all problems that could be worked out one way or the other. The biggest thing, I think, is that these games are just low-budget as shit. Look at some of the promotional material we've seen thus far. While there are several new stages, they're also clearly re-using several of the stages from the first game. We've already seen the city, forest, and mountains stages from the first game in trailers/screenshots for II. And if they really do skimp out on the secondary Riders, it's going to feel more like a half-hearted expansion pack rather than a true sequel. Y'know, kinda like Climax Heroes. And it certainly won't be worth paying full price for.

EDIT: You know, I just noticed something about that picture I posted. While there appear to be four open slots next to Baron, if you look closely you can see that the two furthest to the right are darker than the other two, seemingly implying that they won't be filled in by an unlockable character. That's...troublesome.
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