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ToQGAF 2014 | Hanamichi! The Next Stop Is Imagination's Stage!


What are the odds on Takatora
getting blown up by a gigantic space ship? I mean, Urobuchi hasn't actually butchered anyone yet, and we're long overdue.


Axel Hertz
Gaim 35: shits going down on every episode. Damn this series is great.

ToQger 17 and 18: ToQ #6 is quite nice, but as said in here before: His character has both a serious tone and a comedic presentation. Really seems like there's some upper management demanding this to be a comedic, light hearted, kid-friendly Sentai. Bummer.

His Old West Harmonica ways remind me of Zubat.

I though that his transformation dissipating the Rain and creating a Rainbow was nice, but as I watched it 3 times to make a .GIF, if just seems.... boring. There's not much flair involved. Good idea, bad execution.

Also, I just had to update this:


Funny tidbit: ToQ #1 has 9 frames, #2 #3 and #4 have 7 frames, #5 only has 6 frames (that's bullshit) and #6 has 12 Frames. I only used 9 (or 10, can't remember) on this animation because it was lingering too much there at the end.


So Kouta is going tend turning into an Overlord/Joker? Him finding food bland is interesting. Thought they forgot about those belts being for food too.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
This is the only Sentai so far that plays suicide for jokes

There was an episode of Abaranger that like revolved around that.

So Kouta is going tend turning into an Overlord/Joker? Him finding food bland is interesting. Thought they forgot about those belts being for food too.

I forgot about that too until that episode where Kouta finds Oren in the forrest and he explains it to him.

Or maybe it wasn't established until that episode and I extra haven't been paying attention
So Kouta is going tend turning into an Overlord/Joker? Him finding food bland is interesting. Thought they forgot about those belts being for food too.

I forgot about that too until that episode where Kouta finds Oren in the forrest and he explains it to him.

Or maybe it wasn't established until that episode and I extra haven't been paying attention

I think it was explained when Kouta met Ryouma or Takatora. It was definitely established before then because I was surprised they referenced it in the Oren scene.


Yeah, either Takatora or Ryoma explained it during one of the plot exposition episodes with Micchy seeing the ruins and Kaito and Kouta talking with Ryoma.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
ToQger 18

Hikari had a good point, they didn't know if Zaram/Akira could be trusted. I sense this optimism and naivety will get Right in a lot of trouble in the endgame. Also, his name apparently is Right as I read there was a quiz for kids to send in answers and one question was "Is my name Right or Left?"

Akira's gimmick is still weird. Though his battle theme is kind of cool. Next week we see his Mech/Megazord so... there's something.

At least Z is still awesome. Once again, a bad sign when you're rooting for the bad guys (looking at you Super Megaforce).

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
I liked how they worked the motw's dumb gimmick into the story of Akira forsaking his former name. As much as I enjoyed that the rest of the episode seemed to drag on for some reason. I honestly thought that episode was an hour long. Maybe I just like Akira for back story because he's the only Toqger with one that's defined, I sure as hell don't like his actual character. The funny bits were all miss this episode, maybe that's why I felt it dragged on.

Right is the worse Red ranger ever.

I can't get over how much I dislike his face.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Just one month though, the vast majority of the show was in 2013.

But then again, The Great Dinosaur War was in 2014, so you may have a point. That movie alone might save the year.

I'm sure the Legend War in Super Megaforce will be awesome.
Minato keeps getting sexier, how is this possible?

She's evolving as a character and by this I mean the whole sub/dom at will switch, the whole Kingmaker thing and the fact that short skirts are her friend to show off those legs! HNNGGHHHH!

Right is the worse Red ranger ever.

A couple of threads ago the lot of y'all shitted on Hiromu early on and that was due to the Based Marvelous residue from Gokaiger and I think the same is happening after Daigo was just a beast from start to finish. Right is a Red that needs to grow into his role and he'll have his chance to be the leader & difference maker he needs to be by time this is done and by this I mean he'll imagine so fucking hard he'll DeM the shit out of DeM. Just watch.

Wagon is so useless though.

They all can't be Naomi. She plays her part as the contrast to the Conductor & Ticket very well and that's all she really needs to do.


I still don't really find Hiromu all that great a Ranger, or even an interesting character. The notable moment from him from the show for me was when he tried to commit suicide to get rid of Enter's backup. Otherwise, he barely registered, even despite having the contractually obligated most screen-time of them all.


I remember the days when people said Kyoryuger was too focused on Daigo. But looking back on that show, the cast was very likable and well-balanced despite having 10 rangers.

...ToQger fails to even have one ranger to care for. (That said, this week and last week were decent episodes of ToQger. I just wish the writing didn't feel like it operated on autopilot to get to the good stuff.)


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
To me, the recent blue rangers have been the unsung awesome characters of their shows. Ryuuji, nossan, and tokkachi need a spin off movie. Add utchi if necessary
still trying to figure out what makes a good red. You don't want him to dominate the show, but you don't want him to be a complete pansy/goodie2shoes...

i guess it depends on the person.

maybe thats why i dug buster red. Was a team player, had flaws, a bit goofy. Didn't really stand out in any way, but was 'solid', in a show where no one really outshadowed anyone else (although i do feel that yellow could have had a bit more going on).
Right is the worse Red ranger ever.

Hate Alata more.

still trying to figure out what makes a good red. You don't want him to dominate the show, but you don't want him to be a complete pansy/goodie2shoes...

i guess it depends on the person.
maybe thats why i dug buster red. Was a team player, had flaws, a bit goofy. Didn't really stand out in any way, but was 'solid', in a show where no one really outshadowed anyone else (although i do feel that yellow could have had a bit more going on).

Judging by Marvelous and Daigo, the answer is Luffy from One Piece.
Finding out that there is a tie-in football episode for the movie coming up for Gaim grinds my gears. It will most likely contribute nothing to the ongoing plot, and though it could be fun, just ultimately serves as another week off. Why does this keep happening to this show?

I haven't been able to stomach TOQger for the last...I can't even remember when I last watched the show. Despite Z/Zet. Despite the new sixth with the 70s porno "moustache" on the helmet.
Kenta (MegaRed) & Ryoga (AbaRed) are probably my favorite Reds out of the shows I've watched. Kenta has a nice mixture of funny and heroic moments and plays off the rest of his cast well. Ryoga is light-hearted and positive in a way that feels charming rather than corny and get aggressive when necessary. I also like the dynamic he has with his niece, Mai. Although I wish Toei had the balls to write Mai as his daughter, I don't see what's wrong with having an actual father as a Red.


Funny how consistently poor Mitchy's combat performance is, even with a Genesis Driver. Hell, Kaito has had a Sengoku Driver for awhile and even managed to match up against an overlord until receiving a Genesis Driver via divine intervention. It makes the characters slightly more believable seeing that Kaito is the one who believes in his own strength and Mitchy views the drivers as tools to meet his goals from the shadows.

Gaim 36 speculation

That said,
Takatora is probably going to win the duel but Mitchy is going to somehow get out of it, whether it be with Kouta preventing him or HawkTiger dying.
That's still a thing people say? Did it spread out retroactively to the rest of the series, too, or are people still holding that last stretch of episodes against the show?
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