I've been praying for this day. T_T
I've been praying for this day. T_T
Anybody remember the indie game Chroma Squad?
Apparently Saban contacted the team creating the game and gave them the option of either: shutting them down, or a royalty cut. Either way, it really sucks to see a passion project like this be put under fire by Saban acting like they own the concept of a sentai team.
Anybody remember the indie game Chroma Squad?
Apparently Saban contacted the team creating the game and gave them the option of either: shutting them down, or a royalty cut. Either way, it really sucks to see a passion project like this be put under fire by Saban acting like they own the concept of a sentai team.
Anybody remember the indie game Chroma Squad?
Apparently Saban contacted the team creating the game and gave them the option of either: shutting them down, or a royalty cut. Either way, it really sucks to see a passion project like this be put under fire by Saban acting like they own the concept of a sentai team.
Are you kidding me? Is there a link detailing this?
Saban needs to fuck off into space. They have no legal ground to stand on here. They don't own the concept of a Sentai team, and anyway, the Chroma Squad devs are in Brazil, and I'm pretty sure Saban has no legal power there.
Plus if they had any legal ground here, they'd need to sue Capcom for the Mad Midget Five in God Hand and Atlus for the Frost Five in SMT and Nintendo for the Axem Rangers in Super Mario RPG and countless other US-released games that contain Sentai parodies and are still being actively sold.
They're just trying to scare a small indie dev team into giving them money. Go to hell, Saban.
This is an indie SRPG releasing on steam, if they take even a "small" cut this team will be making like no money at all from their endeavor.
Does Saban's company have an email? This definitely deserves a backlash.
Anybody remember the indie game Chroma Squad?
Apparently Saban contacted the team creating the game and gave them the option of either: shutting them down, or a royalty cut. Either way, it really sucks to see a passion project like this be put under fire by Saban acting like they own the concept of a sentai team.
I've contacted Behold and Saban to ask about the situation. If I find anything out from either source, I'll write something up and keep you folks posted.
I've contacted Behold and Saban to ask about the situation. If I find anything out from either source, I'll write something up and keep you folks posted.
I've contacted Behold and Saban to ask about the situation. If I find anything out from either source, I'll write something up and keep you folks posted.
Can this indie dev come to a compromise and make a good Power Rangers game with Saban instead? Quick! Someone contact the Power Force to negotiate with them!
Wtf's a Power Force? Is that like the lamest of Power Rangers nerds who have given drops of their blood to Saban Brands in loyalty to television mediocracy?
Linkara's in it.
That's all you really need to know.
So, watching some TNMT (the new Nick one that's CG), and look at while Michaelangelo pulls out of nowhere.
Dat V3 henshin.
So, watching some TNMT (the new Nick one that's CG), and look at while Michaelangelo pulls out of nowhere.
Dat V3 henshin.
I reached out to Behold Studios' Saulo Camarotti to see if the situation is as bad as fans think. Camarotti was clear that Behold considers Chroma Squad a complete parody and it's not intended to infringe on any copyrights. He admits that he was "sort of" surprised by Saban paying Chroma Squad any attention.
"Sentai is a genre, and it was not created by them," Camarotti told me. "And considering that we're a studio in Brazil with six people, why bother?"
With the fact that Chroma Squad is a parody work, I asked Camarotti why he's negotiating with Saban at all? He reiterated that Behold believes there can be a "win-win negotiation" with Saban Brands and he doesn't want to start a lengthy legal battle. Remember, six developers versus a billionaire.
According to Camarotti, the negotiations are going well and he believes that Saban and Behold can come to amicable terms. On the bright side, a full partnership with Saban means that Power Rangers/Super Sentai content could legally find its way into Chroma Squad.
"That's what we're trying to arrange," Camarotti admitted when I asked him about the possibility.
I talked to Behold Studios about the stuff with Saban:
Essentially, it doesn't sound that bad and it may actually work out for Behold with official PR/sentai in Chroma Squad.
I talked to Behold Studios about the stuff with Saban:
Essentially, it doesn't sound that bad and it may actually work out for Behold with official PR/sentai in Chroma Squad.
Seems to me that rather than fighting an unwinnable legal battle, Behold tried to find a silver lining and explore what could actually be done with Saban instead.
Sounds good, but still calling it a dick move from Saban. Hopefully Saban's branding doesn't clash with Behold's vision of the game.
By the way, it's possible that Super Megaforce will return on August 30th. Earlier than usual.
Things to expect from the remaining (and likely very disappointing) episodes.
Silver Ranger Gold Mode, an original plot involving Not-Alpha, a retelling of the Carranger tribute episode, Emma fanservice (if the episode in question is a retelling of the Abaranger tribute), body swap episode, the Rangers traveling the Corinth and obtaining a new Zord (that's somehow alive despite the RPM Zords not being alive), the death of Vekar (maaaan...), the return of Vrak and Evil Robo Knight (basically, the Brajil arc in Goseiger), the arrival of the Emperor, an episode that will probably kill off the remaining villains, then the finale with the defeat of the Emperor and the Legend War (which will most likely be a huge letdown.
I'd still argue that Super Megaforce has better villains than Gokaiger.
I honestly can't think any point in Super Megaforce I'd call better than Gokaiger.
There's more Tommy in Super Megaforce
There's more Tommy in Super Megaforce
Vekar is very similar to Warz, except his tone of voice; which makes him sound serious. It works sometimes to give it a funnier moment than the original Warz would have, but at the same time it makes his failures seem more incompetent incompetent, rather than funny incompetent.
As for everyone else, it's not even close, Gokaiger has the better ones. Damaras and Insarn were translated into Megaforce with no personality whatsoever; and Barizorg had a proper story in Gokai that is absolutely absent in Megaforce, making him just a pointless walking robot in Power Rangers.
Basco is Gokaiger's serious villain (and an excellent one at that, with a good backstory and relationship with the main characters and mythology of the show); but he's absent in Megaforce; and it seems that, so I'll be looking forward to how they resolve that, but like BatDan, I have absolutely no expectation of it being any good.Vrak would be his 'replacement' (which is a fine idea)
I honestly can't think any point in Super Megaforce I'd call better than Gokaiger.
First trailers for Sakamoto's two Space Sheriff movies are out!
Space Sheriff Sharivan: Next Generation
Space Sheriff Shaider: Next Generation
Reminds me a lot of Sakamoto's awesome Kamen Rider Accel and Eternal movies.
Holy shit. Date rockin' them abs.
Seems to me that rather than fighting an unwinnable legal battle, Behold tried to find a silver lining and explore what could actually be done with Saban instead.
Sounds good, but still calling it a dick move from Saban. Hopefully Saban's branding doesn't clash with Behold's vision of the game.
Not even 5 minutes and they already shit on Nu Gavan,First trailers for Sakamoto's two Space Sheriff movies are out!
Space Sheriff Sharivan: Next Generation
Space Sheriff Shaider: Next Generation
Reminds me a lot of Sakamoto's awesome Kamen Rider Accel and Eternal movies.
Holy shit. Date rockin' them abs.
Don't forget the light up eyesBest part of being a space sheriff is the hot partner, and the sword.