I'm not an adamant hater of TVN myself (I mean I watched their Kamen Rider subs), but, like, wow, I really want to hear more about what it was like to work with them. To be fair, they seem like generally enthusiastic dudes, and I don't really consider mistranslating a Japanese kids show to be the biggest crime, but I've also heard the takenoko dude is like completely oblivious to criticism.
It was interesting. I subbed Ryuki, Faiz, Blade, Hibiki, Kabuto, and my sole sentai was Dekaranger. Early KRs were full typesetting, last few were karaoke. Dekaranger was editing only. YourSurrogateGod, FallenIcon, and AutomaticZen are all the same person... that being me. I was experimenting with names. AutomaticZen stuck.
I believe my Ryuki, Faiz, and Dekaranger stuff was mostly replaced (the YourSurrogateGod era) when they did the DVD subs. Particularly proud of the
Hibiki Ending and most of the title cards, because I tried to make them match the real text exactly.
Still have my typesetting folder actually.
All of the stuff below was coded by hand in SSA/ASS subs format, which was mad tedious. Seriously, look at this goddamn gibberish.
Dekaranger - Editing (At 3:52)
Blade Op 1 - Karaoke Typesetting
Blade Op 2 - Karaoke Typesetting
Hibiki - All Typesetting
Kabuto OP - Karaoke Typesetting
My real nightmares were timing and typesetting those damn signs in Hibiki, because they took forever to get just right and 95 percent of people never noticed.
Stuff like this? An hour of work for little payoff.
I was fine with Takenoko. Kingranger was a problem occasionally, but that's just because people would rub him the wrong way at times and he'd lash out.