Why TVN subs
Yay Powerful Rangers remain strong!
Sadly, most people use TV-N by default because of the format they release their videos (logical MP4s instead of alien MKVs). If somebody needs to upload somewhere or do a quick mockup commercial for the toy fair, TV-N has it in the most convenient manner.
Oh damn, Micchy's last voiceover line in the latest Gaim.
I also wonder how tragic things will go as the series goes on. Some of the things that can be inferred from the opening scene, for example: I wonder if almost everyone's dead and only Invess are left?
magidragon+dekapatrolcar thing
gaolion + magidragon+ deka patrol car thing
gokaioh with dino megazord arms and legs
Speaking of which, I am drinking mango juice.
Duke is Ryouma right?
Speaking of which, I am drinking mango juice.
Duke is Ryouma right?
These came out bigger than I expected. I don't really care. Sadly, they're only 1/2 framerate.
weird Wizard got ANOTHER form in the latest movie?
infinity was already the most OP rider suit that pretty much only the show boss could damage...
still kinda ridiculous how infinity form can tank like blade king form, yet can move as fast as probably clock up (hyper clock up maybe faster, but whens the last time they had kabuto not be a scrub post show?).
I think Infinity's speed is more like Diend's speed ability, which got easily trumped by AU Kabuto's Clock Up. Wizard was never invisible by moving in that form.
And Infinity only could tank attacks from the standard phantoms (which never received any kind of upgrade or boost through the show, nor there was any superior class or anything), when it faced the White Wizard and evolved Gremlin the shields were nowhere.
I think the lack of evolution of the phantoms is pretty relevant in making Wizard seem overpowered. Just look at how Kouta can easily beat the standard Invess already in Gaim. We have the Energy Riders now though, which is where the tense battles are right now. Wizard had nothing like that and just continued with more throw away phantoms until the final few episodes.
I prefer the other guys' subs.ChooChooGer 01's up at Over-Time.
so zyu 2 stuff was done in japan right... well some of it was, i do feel like all the white ranger + zyuranger stuff gotta be CA.
This stuff is pretty cool.
I really like the Dairanger mecha, and I understand why they wanted to rush them into the show to have new toys out, but I'm still really disappointed that they couldn't have put it off a couple of months to use this stuff as-is. The period with the newly commissioned footage is probably the strongest, most cohesive Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers ever got and then it has the rug pulled out from under it with the Zord change.
so zyu 2 stuff was done in japan right... well some of it was, i do feel like all the white ranger + zyuranger stuff gotta be CA.
ChooChooGer 01's up at Over-Time.
anyone miss the early sentai/pr days where mecha fights at a decent clip? Way more fun/goofy to watch then the snorefest 'slow epic swings' of modern shows, where the only fast movements happen during bad cg moves (aka dekarobo matrix dive)
anyone miss the early sentai/pr days where mecha fights at a decent clip? Way more fun/goofy to watch then the snorefest 'slow epic swings' of modern shows, where the only fast movements happen during bad cg moves (aka dekarobo matrix dive)
The "Bulk and Skull (I nearly typed "and Spike", damn you Samurai!) are chimps" thing is pretty stupid, but most stuff involving Bulk and Skull after the first season or so was pretty stupid anyway so whatever.
I miss when Sentai fights actually felt like they were robots. My personal favorite fights were from PRIS (can't really say Megaranger since I didn't watch that). I also miss the actual sparks and "real" effects. I despise all of this CG stuff we're getting in both KR and Sentai.
Still remember the one fight where the space megazord is kicking the nuts of some lobster monster lol.
So has there ever been a breakdown why go-busters bombed so bad? Is it purely due to way less gimmicks and merchandise potential and what not vs other recent series?
It's not just collectibles. As far as roleplaying toys and such goes, aside from collectibles, Go-Busters had as many as other shows. However, the individual pieces just didn't sell well.
The Go-Buster Ace itself, for example, sold significantly worse than the main robots of other shows, and that was actually one of the best selling parts of the Go-Busters toyline. It's clear that the transformation gimmick for the robots just didn't sell as well as the usual "multiple components with combination" package for the main robot. (The Go-Buster Ace was sold by itself, with the two other robots in a separate package, rather than the usual "all components in one set").
The gadgets and such likely were killed by the existence of cheap smartphones, even in the hands of children, making the toys seem bulky and outdated.
Ratings-wise, it did slightly worse with children than Kyoryuger, but the difference wasn't big. So, the culprit is mainly the toys designs themselves.