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ToQGAF 2014 | Hanamichi! The Next Stop Is Imagination's Stage!


After my look at Kuuga, I'm now watching Chojin Sentai Jetman and am up to episode 7.

So far, I really love the cast and how distinct all of the characters come off. Come to think of it, when was the last time we had a stocky Sentai hero like Yellow Owl? Also, really loving commander Odagiri.

Vyram are pretty intimidating villains straight from the outset where they
completely demolish the Earth Ship and the other 4 selected Jetman (Jetmans? Jetmen? Jetrangers? Jet-Ongers? Whatever...)
It's clear that they could easily take care of Jetman if they wanted to.

Overall, I'm enjoying my time with this show so far. But how can really anyone watch this show nowadays unaware of the fact that
Gai dies at the end
when it already pops up so much in discussions of it (and not to mention the Gokaiger tribute episode).

Toku needs more characters like Cake Man and DJ. Grey dudes that make other character think
Confirmed: Drive's mentor is going to be a talking Rolls Royce.


That could work, a Rolls Royce Phantom can roll up to characters, and rolls a window down. You can't see inside because it is total darkness and you just hear a voice.


This dude was the boss. A huge asshole but still made you say, hey, he has a point.

He failed at pretty much everything he did.

The G3 side of Agito feels kind of odd when you're coming off of Kuuga. First you have an incredibly competent and passionate police department and then in the next series you have a bunch of difficult assholes who constantly threaten to shut down the G3 unit like a broken record, I have to wonder if this was some sort of jab at law enforcement culture on the writer's part.


Zangetsu pretty much was willing to make the only decision they had in spite of its consequences so no one else had to admit what needed done and become a monster.

Once he saw another path he fought for it. He was not a monster or a villain...he
couldn't kill his brother to stop him.
In the end he just wasn't as strong as he thought he was and found what his limits were in what he was willing to do for the good of the many. He couldn't sacrifice his soul to save the world in the end. I found
his death
his redemption.

Great character.


You mean Redue? Clearly Micchy.

It's not hard. I mean, they ARE kinda color coded.

Demushu = red = Kaito (Cares only about strength/fighting)
Roshuo = white = Takatora (Doing what they think is right even if it costs countless lives,
died at the hands of someone that was supposed to be their comrade
Redue = green = Micchy (Manipulative and duplicitous)

Kouta has an equivalent blue Overlord, but he's only in the movie.

Yeah, Redue. Redue confirmed not female then. No idea why people thought that.


I was thinking what if the fruit causes this, in a never ending cycle, world after world? And Kouta breaks the cycle by forsaking the fruit?


Wait, Houjou, a boss? How, exactly? He was too busy being a obsessive self centered cop to do anything right, even when he had a point it was for all the wrong reasons.


Axel Hertz
Redue is female. She's referred to as such in the show and Toei has said as much officially. She just has a male voice for whatever reason.

She's not the only one either:


although there is a reason and it's explained at the end of the series.

This dude was the boss. A huge asshole but still made you say, hey, he has a point.

boy, did he get slapped around during that
whole experimental suit failing on him (or was it G3-X going haywire and just kicking him around, can't quite remember)...that and getting that barricade wrapped around him.


Ok so what if, Toku dating sim game, with all original characters of course, and its really just kind of tongue and cheek fun, but like Persona it has another facet to it instead of just straight up dating sim, character action game.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
ToQger 24

Actual tension? A real objective? More uses for the color-changing? What is this show now? It's actually decent!

Kind of weird how the show meandered for like 20 episodes and now it's finally getting into gear.

Next week looks like a return to silly though... hopefully it's not that bad.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
ToQger 24

Actual tension? A real objective? More uses for the color-changing? What is this show now? It's actually decent!

Kind of weird how the show meandered for like 20 episodes and now it's finally getting into gear.

Next week looks like a return to silly though... hopefully it's not that bad.

Kobayashi's writing is always like that.

The only time this was avoided was in GoBusters.


ToGger 24

Whaaaaaaaaat? Another good episode of ToQger? And a real point to the line-change gimmick?

Am I watching the same show that had that stupid Mio-focus episode?

While not as consistently amazing as Kyoryuger, ToQger is finally making up for its sluggish start ever since Akira joined the crew.
So, with the recent revelations in Gaim 41, I am also jumping on the
alternate earth theory
as there are just too many things that match up.

That said,
how likely is it that the first part of episode 1 (with their armies lining up) is actually a glimpse at what happened on their Earth? I always thought it was weird that in that video Micchy seems to be Takatora's right hand man, but it would make sense with the Roshua/Redue relationship

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Seems Gaim is 47 Episodes long. Last episode September 28th.

September 21st is the "final" episode written by Butcher, while Episode 47 seems to be "Another Story", so like the Wizard x Gaim Crossover.


Oh my god I want to know everything about the man in silver.
People are saying
it's Kouta as an Overlord
, and I agree.

I just thought that new photo leak was
a new evil form for Baron, but it's a new Rider since it has Gaim's undersuit design. Exclusive for that episode or movie?

But it seems the rumor about Another Story for Gaim was true, so here's praying that the one for Blade and Faiz is true.


Well, technically the rumor just said that Gaim's final episode would be "Another Story" (spelled like that in English even in the Japanese original) and that Drive will make an appearance there. They didn't say anything about the Movie Wars itself and the "another story" part is really ambiguous, especially with it being English used in Japanese text.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Well, technically the rumor just said that Gaim's final episode would be "Another Story" (spelled like that in English even in the Japanese original) and that Drive will make an appearance there. They didn't say anything about the Movie Wars itself and the "another story" part is really ambiguous, especially with it being English used in Japanese text.

so then the wizard 2 parter that takes place in an alt world


I don't think it's lame, they should go the alternate universe route every year, it means they don't have to pull a "Every rider lives because we need them for the movies" ending.

That would make the movies themselves rather pointless though. Why bother watching the Movie Wars (as a Gaim fan), if not even the solo Gaim story is going to follow up the show? They also hardly can do anything decent with 30 minutes or so if they have to introduce a whole new world and characters. Even OOO, which had every single one of its movies that ran during the show being AU movies with some big differences from canon (like everything in Movie Wars Core or all Greeeds working together in Wonderful), still had a canon post series movie with Megamax. I really don't see them throwing that away. Since part of Movie Wars' appeal is the last story centered on the last Rider.

They also really don't need "every Rider lives", that's only true for the main Rider. And they never killed a main Rider even before the crossovers returned anyway (or at least, the death never sticked). Most Movie Wars and other post-series crossovers seem to really hate secondary Riders too. See Diend getting beaten off screen in 2010's crossover part, Birth destroyed in the beginning of Megamax, the Mages quickly written off in Wizard x Gaim, Meteor and Nadeshiko reduced to fighting alongside the past Riders in Ultimatum...

If they really wanted anyway, they could just kill them, even the main Rider, and still bring them back in the Movie Wars itself just for later crossovers. Skyrider ends with
every Rider seemingly dying, and that obviously didn't stop later crossovers, nor everything after it needed to be an AU.
Been pretty busy this summer so haven't had a chance to post but I've been keeping up with both Gaim and ToQger and reading everyone's impressions! As my first Kamen Rider that I've been watching as it airs, it's been a fun ride. It feels weird that it's going to be all over in about a month from now. Hoping Drive is able to give me that same feeling of looking forward to Kamen Rider each week that Gaim has. That's all I really want from it, to be honest. I've fallen behind on ToQger once or twice while things were slow. These past few episodes have rekindled my interest so I hope that the show can keep it up, at least for a little while.

Seems Gaim is 47 Episodes long. Last episode September 28th.

September 21st is the "final" episode written by Butcher, while Episode 47 seems to be "Another Story", so like the Wizard x Gaim Crossover.

How was the Wizard x Gaim crossover? I'm assuming that we shouldn't expect much from a crossover episode. For the most part, the crossovers this season have felt pretty forced and out of place.
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