Mr. Pointy
Gaku Sano (Kouta) does the ALS challenge. Also, Kouta in a wet t-shirt.
Gaku Sano (Kouta) does the ALS challenge. Also, Kouta in a wet t-shirt.
So, with the recent revelations in Gaim 41, I am also jumping on theas there are just too many things that match up.alternate earth theory
That said,how likely is it that the first part of episode 1 (with their armies lining up) is actually a glimpse at what happened on their Earth? I always thought it was weird that in that video Micchy seems to be Takatora's right hand man, but it would make sense with the Roshua/Redue relationship
Gaku Sano (Kouta) does the ALS challenge. Also, Kouta in a wet t-shirt.
The turbo movie(?) stated that the Zeo powers is getting too powerful which would kill them if they continued using them which is why they switch to turbo powers IIRC.
Gaku Sano (Kouta) does the ALS challenge. Also, Kouta in a wet t-shirt.
Episode 44 - N/A (9/7)
Kaito and Yoko, having exchanged words with Sagara, choose a future.
Episode 45 - N/A (9/14)
Zack sets a trap for Kaito, but...
Episode 46 - N/A (9/21)
Betting their lives and beliefs, Kouta and Kaito finally face off.
Episode 47 (Final Episode) - N/A (9/28)
After so many tragedies, Zawame is slowly rebuilding, however...
There's a scan and summaries out that confirm Gaim's last episode isn't AU stuff.
Here are the brief summaries from 44 to 47:
It also seems to confirm that we aren't getting a reset ending thankfully.
There's a scan and summaries out that confirm Gaim's last episode isn't AU stuff.
Here are the brief summaries from 44 to 47:
It also seems to confirm that we aren't getting a reset ending thankfully.
Do you want to watch the new episode of Super Megaforce?
Well too bad
I noticed this about his Mystic Force video; but with History of Operation Overdrive I realized a truthful fact, Linkara has become insufferable. His little fanfiction of making the universe tie together was cute at first, but trying to add it in shows that obviously have no intention of adding it is just annoying. His long rants are still here, where he spends a long amount of time talking and (poorly) trying to explain about his lame opinions ("I don't like Mercury Ranger's outfit because he's chrome like the shoulder pads of the other Rangers and his shoulder pads are purple even though they're kinda metallic blue but I see them as purple, also he has red emergency lights in his shoulder pads"....reminds me of the crybabies complaining that Fourze looked like a rocket.). Heck, I think his section on Once A Ranger was half as long as the two-parter itself. It's just not fun to watch; and you'd think a video mocking the worst season of Power Rangers would be.
Well, did you like the last two Super Hero Taisen movies?
Gaku Sano (Kouta) does the ALS challenge. Also, Kouta in a wet t-shirt.
Do you want to watch the new episode of Super Megaforce?
Well too bad
More like "smelltox"
Gaku Sano (Kouta) does the ALS challenge. Also, Kouta in a wet t-shirt.
His most stupidest point was when he was complaining about Power Ranger being a children show.
Oh wow, you guys weren't kidding about the Neo Saban writing being stuck in the 90's.
Do you want to watch the new episode of Super Megaforce?
Well too bad
Not bad. Need Yuki Kubota (Hawktiger) to do it, though.
Lol what? Really?
Drive carries his... magic rings in the waist like Wizard and has a nice looking helmet. Let's hope it's not a good suit/bad series combo again.
Not bad. Need Yuki Kubota (Hawktiger) to do it, though.
You...couldn't tell the difference between Mai and an actress who is 21 years older?
No =/
Wait, how old is Mai's actress?
Takatora already took it up a notch.Falling in a river and dying counts, right?
It was actually a good episode though, but Titanium Ranger's absence shows that Saban's efforts for fan service stop at anything that requires budget. Can't wait when Linkara criticizes the show for not having Titanium due to some made-up reasoning about "maybe Titanium Ranger was erased from existence due to Time Force time traveling" or some nonsense like that instead of simply knowing it's not there because he's not in the footage.
Hey! It's Austin St. John...
...and his friend!
Hey! It's Austin St. John...
...and his friend!
Gaku Sano (Kouta) does the ALS challenge. Also, Kouta in a wet t-shirt.
Quit reminding me.Takatora already took it up a notch.Falling in a river and dying counts, right?
Earlier, @ASJAustin left his booth to tend to someone who collapsed. I wanted to take a pic but patients privacy... #PowerMorphicon
Earlier, @ASJAustin left his booth to tend to someone who collapsed. I wanted to take a pic but patients privacy... #PowerMorphicon
Drive appears!
No bug eyes. Non-belt henshin item. Drive is Hibiki 2.0 confirmed?
I was surprised at how cut he was during that flashback episode.
Takatora already took it up a notch.Falling in a river and dying counts, right?
The 170 million year old man aged better.
Drive appears!
No bug eyes. Non-belt henshin item. Drive is Hibiki 2.0 confirmed?
Drive carries his... magic rings in the waist like Wizard and has a nice looking helmet. Let's hope it's not a good suit/bad series combo again.
I don't get people's problem with him complaining. HOPR is about Power Rangers only. Not Sentai. That's why he doesn't refer to Sentai to explain some of the stuff. Saban probably could have brought Titanium in but he didn't.I don't understand why Nick does this.
*watches episode*
I don't understand why Saban does this.
It was actually a good episode though, but Titanium Ranger's absence shows that Saban's efforts for fan service stop at anything that requires budget. Can't wait when Linkara criticizes the show for not having Titanium due to some made-up reasoning about "maybe Titanium Ranger was erased from existence due to Time Force time traveling" or some nonsense like that instead of simply knowing it's not there because he's not in the footage.
Wow, I didn't know that. Wasn't Kotoha's actress 16 or something during Shinkenger?Mai's actress is 17.
I don't get people's problem with him complaining. HOPR is about Power Rangers only. Not Sentai. That's why he doesn't refer to Sentai to explain some of the stuff. Saban probably could have brought Titanium in but he didn't.
Well damn. My bad.I actually remember him referring to the Sentai on occasion. Like in Mighty Morphin to explain the absence of Tommy in certain episodes, with In Space in that Megaranger didn't take place in space (same with Lost Galaxy), with Wild Force to explain the want of the production team to mirror Sentai (therefore having awkward-sounding scripts), and Mystic Force (to explain that the source of magic in Magiranger wasn't simply believing, but rather courage).
He rarely brings up Sentai, but if he does it's usually to explain some oddities in the production.
Drive does have bug eyes, it's just that his mouth plate is white just like his eyes, so it's hard to see with low quality images.
Wizard had a police woman in it too.